class django::server { package { ["httpd", "Django", "mod_python"]: ensure => installed, } service { "httpd": ensure => running, require => Package["httpd"], } # If 'service httpd start' and 'service httpd restart' are run to closely # together the restart will fail. This is a workaround. exec { "graceful-apache": command => "/sbin/service httpd graceful", refreshonly => true, require => Package["httpd"], } file { "/etc/httpd/conf.d/django.conf": ensure => present, owner => "root", group => "root", mode => 0644, source => "puppet:///django/django.conf", require => [Package["httpd"],Package["mod_python"], Exec["Checkout django example"]], notify => Exec["graceful-apache"], } exec { "Checkout django example": command => "/usr/bin/git clone git://${repoappliance}/pub/git/code/genome_django /usr/local/genome_django", } }