blogs." SET last_updated = NOW() WHERE blog_id = '".$wpdb->blogid."'"; $wpdb->query( $query ); } add_action('comment_post', 'wpmu_update_blogs_date'); add_action('delete_post', 'wpmu_update_blogs_date'); add_action('delete_comment', 'wpmu_update_blogs_date'); add_action('private_to_published', 'wpmu_update_blogs_date'); add_action('publish_phone', 'wpmu_update_blogs_date'); add_action('publish_post', 'wpmu_update_blogs_date'); add_action('trackback_post', 'wpmu_update_blogs_date'); add_action('wp_set_comment_status', 'wpmu_update_blogs_date'); /** * Cleans the passed path. * Removes the wpmu & the blog name from the path * This should only be used for display filters * * @param unknown $path * @return unknown */ function wpmu_tidypath($path) { global $wpblog; $path = str_replace('/wpmu/','/',$path); $path = str_replace("/{$wpblog}/",'/',$path); return $path; } add_filter('wpmu_display_get_page_string','wpmu_tidypath',10); add_filter('wpmu_display_get_permalink','wpmu_tidypath',10); /** * Wrapper for querying the databse * * @param string $query * @return object */ function wpmu_adminDatabaseQuery($query) { /* @var $wpdb wpdb */ global $wpdb; $result = $wpdb->get_row($query); return $result; } /** * Set an option in the Master Blog 'main' options table * * @param string $optionName * @param mixed $optionValue */ function wpmu_adminOptionSet($optionName, $optionValue) { wpmu_blogOption_set('main',$optionName, $optionValue); } /** * Retrieve a setting from the Master Blog Tables * * @param string $optionName * @param mixed $default * @return mixed */ function wpmu_adminOption_get($optionName, $default=null) { return wpmu_blogOption_get('main',$optionName, $default); } /** * Retrives a setting from a specific client blog * * @param string $blogName * @param string $optionName * @param mixed $default * @return mixed */ function wpmu_blogOption_get($blogName, $optionName, $default=null) { global $wpdb; // check if options table exists if( defined('WP_INSTALLING') ) return null; $query = wpmu_adminDatabaseQuery("SELECT * FROM ".$wpdb->options." WHERE option_name = '{$optionName}'"); if (!isset($query) || is_null($query)) { $result = $default; } else { $result = $query->option_value; if (!(unserialize($result)===false)) { $result = unserialize($result); } } return $result; } /** * Sets an option for a specific client blog * * @param string $blogName * @param string $optionName * @param mixed $optionValue */ function wpmu_blogOption_set($blogName, $optionName, $optionValue) { global $wpdb; $isExisting = wpmu_blogOption_get($blogName,$optionName,null); if (is_array($optionValue) || is_object($optionValue)) { $optionValue = serialize($optionValue); } if (is_null($isExisting)) { wpmu_adminDatabaseQuery("INSERT INTO ".$wpdb->options." (option_name, option_value) values ('{$optionName}', '{$optionValue}')"); } else { wpmu_adminDatabaseQuery("UPDATE ".$wpdb->options." set option_value = '{$optionValue}' where option_name = '{$optionName}'"); } } /* Determines if the available space defined by the admin has been exceeded by the user */ /** * Returns how much space is available (also shows a picture) for the current client blog, retrieving the value from the master blog 'main' option table * * @param string $action * @return string */ function wpmu_checkAvailableSpace($action) { // Using the action. // Set the action to 'not-writable' to block the upload global $wpblog, $blog_id; // Default space allowed is 10 MB $spaceAllowed = wpmu_adminOption_get("wpmu_space_allocated", 10485760 ); $dirName = ABSPATH."wp-content/blogs.dir/".$blog_id."/files/"; $dir = dir($dirName); $size = 0; while($file = $dir->read()) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { if (is_dir($file)) { $size += dirsize($dirName . '/' . $file); } else { $size += filesize($dirName . '/' . $file); } } } $dir->close(); ?>
Space Available (bytes)
0) { return $action; } else { // No space left return 'not-writable'; } } add_filter('fileupload_init','wpmu_checkAvailableSpace'); /** * Retrieves a list of all plugins - and flags those that have been enabled * * @param array $args ByRef Array of plugins */ function wpmu_allBlogPlugins_get($args) { $allPlugins = get_plugins(); $enabledPlugins = wpmu_adminOption_get('wpmu_global_blog_plugins',array()); $enabledPlugins = unserialize($enabledPlugins); if (!is_array($enabledPlugins)) { $enabledPlugins = array(); } foreach ($enabledPlugins as $thisPlugin) { if (isset($allPlugins[$thisPlugin])) { $allPlugins[$thisPlugin]['enabled']='1'; } } $args[] = array( 'caption'=>'Plugins Enabled', 'name'=>'wpmu_global_blog_plugins', 'value'=>$allPlugins, 'type'=>'checkbox' ); } add_action('wpmu_options_admin_get','wpmu_allBlogPlugins_get'); /** * Sets global plugins for all blogs * * @param array $args The plugins to configure */ function wpmu_allBlogPlugins_set($args) { // obtain the list of Admin Plugins to work with $activePlugins = $args['wpmu_global_blog_plugins']; // Process the array - turn it into something that is similar to the active_plugins array // and work out if the plugin has an installation phase $adminPlugins = array(); $pluginsThatNeedInstalling = array(); foreach ($activePlugins as $filename => $value) { $adminPlugins[] = $filename; // Check if the plugin has an install stage - by looking for AutoInstall in the plugin header if (wpmu_checkPluginForInstallStages($filename)) { $pluginsThatNeedInstalling[$filename]=true; } else { // } } // Store the setting first in the main blog settings for wpmu wpmu_adminOptionSet('wpmu_global_blog_plugins',serialize($adminPlugins)); // Now rotate through the client blogs and apply the setting $allBlogs = wpmu_getBlogs(); foreach ($allBlogs as $thisBlog) { // Exclude the 'main' blog if ($allBlogs!='main') { $currentClientPlugings = wpmu_blogOption_get($thisBlog,'active_plugins',array()); if (!(unserialize($currentClientPlugings)===false)) { $currentClientPlugings = unserialize($currentClientPlugings); } // Deal with the case when we don't get back a serialized array if (!is_array($currentClientPlugings)) { $currentClientPlugings = array(); } // Work through the currently setup plugins for this blog foreach ($adminPlugins as $thisAdminPlugin) { // If the client blog doesn't already has the plugin if (!in_array($thisAdminPlugin, $currentClientPlugings)) { $currentClientPlugings[] = $thisAdminPlugin; if (isset($pluginsThatNeedInstalling[$thisAdminPlugin])) { $clientPluginsThatNeedInstalling[] = $thisAdminPlugin; } else { // } } else { // } } // Store the new plugins for this blog wpmu_blogOption_set($thisBlog,'active_plugins',serialize($currentClientPlugings)); if (count($clientPluginsThatNeedInstalling)>0) { wpmu_blogOption_set($thisBlog,'wpmu_plugins_pending',serialize($clientPluginsThatNeedInstalling)); } } } } add_action('wpmu_options_admin_set','wpmu_allBlogPlugins_set'); /** * Determines if a plugin contains auto-install instructions * * @param string $plugin_file * @return string|false Returns the install instructions or false */ function wpmu_checkPluginForInstallStages($plugin_file) { if (file_exists(ABSPATH.'wp-content/plugins/'.$plugin_file)) { $plugin_file = ABSPATH.'wp-content/plugins/'.$plugin_file; } else { die("{$plugin_file}"); } $plugin_data = implode('', file($plugin_file)); preg_match("|AutoInstall:(.*)|i", $plugin_data, $pluginAutoInstall); if (is_array($pluginAutoInstall)) { $pluginAutoInstall = $pluginAutoInstall[0]; } else { $pluginAutoInstall = ""; } if (isset($pluginAutoInstall) && !is_null($pluginAutoInstall)) { $pluginAutoInstall = str_replace('AutoInstall:','',$pluginAutoInstall); $pluginAutoInstall = str_replace('','',$pluginAutoInstall); $pluginAutoInstall = str_replace('','',$pluginAutoInstall); return $pluginAutoInstall; } return false; } /** * Evaluates an expression * * @param unknown $string * @return unknown */ function wpmu_eval($string) { $result = eval($string); if ($result===false || is_null($result)) { return false; } return true; } /** * Auto installs plugins * */ function wpmu_autoInstallPlugins($pendingPlugins) { global $wpblog; foreach ($pendingPlugins as $key => $filename) { $installOptions = wpmu_checkPluginForInstallStages($filename); if ($installOptions) { // Include the file require_once(ABSPATH.'wp-content/plugins/'.$filename); $result = wpmu_eval($installOptions); } else { $result = true; } if ($result==true) { // Everything worked ok unset($pendingPlugins[$key]); } else { // There was a problem - should be logged } } wpmu_blogOption_set($wpblog,'wpmu_plugins_pending',serialize($pendingPlugins)); } /* Determine if there are any plugins that need installing or configuring This will enable not just the auto install/configure of plugins - but updates (to plugins or plugin data) as well */ $pendingPlugins = wpmu_blogOption_get($wpblog,'wpmu_plugins_pending', null); if (is_null($pendingPlugins)) { // If null is returned - then this is a brand new blog $adminPlugins = wpmu_adminOption_get('wpmu_global_blog_plugins',null); if (!is_null($adminPlugins)) { // We've something to do wpmu_autoInstallPlugins($adminPlugins); } } else { if (count($pendingPlugins)>0) { wpmu_autoInstallPlugins($pendingPlugins); } } function createBlog( $hostname, $domain, $path, $blogname, $weblog_title, $admin_email, $username='' ) { global $wpdb, $table_prefix, $wp_queries, $wpmuBaseTablePrefix; $blogname = addslashes( $blogname ); $weblog_title = addslashes( $weblog_title ); $admin_email = addslashes( $admin_email ); $username = addslashes( $username ); // Check if the username has been used already. We should return an error message. if( $username == '' ) { $query = "SELECT ID FROM ".$wpdb->users." WHERE user_login = '".$blogname."'"; $ID = $wpdb->get_var( $query ); if( $ID != false ) { return "error: blogname used by user"; } } else { $query = "SELECT ID FROM ".$wpdb->users." WHERE user_login = '".$username."'"; $ID = $wpdb->get_var( $query ); if( $ID != false ) { return "error: username used"; } } // Need to backup wpdb table names, and create a new wp_blogs entry for new blog. // Need to get blog_id from wp_blogs, and create new table names. // Must restore table names at the end of function. $wpdb->hide_errors(); $query = "SELECT id FROM ".$wpdb->site." WHERE domain = '".$domain."' AND path = '".$path."'"; $site_id = $wpdb->get_var( $query ); if( $site_id == false ) { $query = "INSERT INTO `wp_site` ( `id` , `domain` , `path` ) VALUES ( NULL, '".$domain."', '".$path."')"; $wpdb->query( $query ); $site_id = $wpdb->insert_id; } $query = "SELECT blog_id FROM ".$wpdb->blogs." WHERE site_id = '".$site_id."' AND blogname = '".$blogname."'"; $blog_id = $wpdb->get_var( $query ); if( $blog_id != false ) { return "error: blogname used"; } $query = "INSERT INTO ".$wpdb->blogs." ( blog_id, site_id, blogname, registered ) VALUES ( NULL, '".$site_id."', '".$blogname."', NOW( ))"; if( $wpdb->query( $query ) == false ) { return "error: problem creating blog entry"; } $blog_id = $wpdb->insert_id; // backup $tmp[ 'siteid' ] = $wpdb->siteid; $tmp[ 'blogid' ] = $wpdb->blogid; $tmp[ 'posts' ] = $wpdb->posts; $tmp[ 'categories' ] = $wpdb->categories; $tmp[ 'post2cat' ] = $wpdb->post2cat; $tmp[ 'comments' ] = $wpdb->comments; $tmp[ 'links' ] = $wpdb->links; $tmp[ 'linkcategories' ] = $wpdb->linkcategories; $tmp[ 'option' ] = $wpdb->option; $tmp[ 'postmeta' ] = $wpdb->postmeta; $tmptable_prefix = $table_prefix; // fix the new prefix. $table_prefix = $wpmuBaseTablePrefix . $blog_id . "_"; $wpdb->siteid = $site_id; $wpdb->blogid = $blog_id; $wpdb->posts = $table_prefix . 'posts'; $wpdb->categories = $table_prefix . 'categories'; $wpdb->post2cat = $table_prefix . 'post2cat'; $wpdb->comments = $table_prefix . 'comments'; $wpdb->links = $table_prefix . 'links'; $wpdb->linkcategories = $table_prefix . 'linkcategories'; $wpdb->options = $table_prefix . 'options'; $wpdb->postmeta = $table_prefix . 'postmeta'; @mkdir( ABSPATH . "wp-content/blogs.dir/".$blog_id, 0777 ); @mkdir( ABSPATH . "wp-content/blogs.dir/".$blog_id."/files", 0777 ); require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/upgrade-functions.php'); $wpdb->hide_errors(); $installed = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->posts"); if ($installed) die(__('

Already Installed

You appear to have already installed WordPress. To reinstall please clear your old database tables first.

') . ''); flush(); if( $path == '/' ) { $slash = ''; } else { $slash = $path; } if( defined( "VHOST" ) && constant( "VHOST" ) == 'yes' ) { if( $blogname == 'main' ) { $url = "http://".$hostname.$path.$slash; } else { $url = "http://".$blogname.".".$domain.$path.$slash; } } else { if( $blogname == 'main' ) { $url = "http://".$hostname.$path.$slash; } else { $url = "http://".$hostname.$path.$blogname.$slash; } } // Set everything up make_db_current_silent(); populate_options(); // fix url. update_option('siteurl', $url); $wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->options SET option_value = '".$weblog_title."' WHERE option_name = 'blogname'"); $wpdb->query("UPDATE $wpdb->options SET option_value = '".$admin_email."' WHERE option_name = 'admin_email'"); // Now drop in some default links $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->linkcategories (cat_id, cat_name) VALUES (1, '".addslashes(__('Blogroll'))."')"); $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->links (link_url, link_name, link_category, link_rss) VALUES ('', 'Carthik', 1, '');"); $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->links (link_url, link_name, link_category, link_rss) VALUES ('', 'Donncha', 1, '');"); $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->links (link_url, link_name, link_category, link_rss) VALUES ('', 'Michel', 1, '');"); $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->links (link_url, link_name, link_category, link_rss) VALUES ('', 'Ryan', 1, '');"); $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->links (link_url, link_name, link_category, link_rss) VALUES ('', 'Matt', 1, '');"); $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->links (link_url, link_name, link_category, link_rss) VALUES ('', 'Mike', 1, '');"); $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->links (link_url, link_name, link_category, link_rss) VALUES ('', 'Alex', 1, '');"); $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->links (link_url, link_name, link_category, link_rss) VALUES ('', 'Dougal', 1, '');"); // Default category $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->categories (cat_ID, cat_name, category_nicename) VALUES ('0', '".addslashes(__('Uncategorized'))."', '".sanitize_title(__('Uncategorized'))."')"); // Set up admin user $random_password = substr(md5(uniqid(microtime())), 0, 6); if( $username != '' ) { $adminname = $username; } else { $adminname = $blogname; } $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->users (ID, user_login, user_pass, user_email, user_registered, user_level, display_name) VALUES ( NULL, '".$adminname."', MD5('$random_password'), '".$admin_email."', NOW(), '10', 'Administrator' )"); $userID = $wpdb->insert_id; $metavalues = array( "user_nickname" => addslashes(__('Administrator')), $table_prefix . "user_level" => 10, "source_domain" => $domain ); reset( $metavalues ); while( list( $key, $val ) = each ( $metavalues ) ) { $query = "INSERT INTO ".$wpdb->usermeta." ( `umeta_id` , `user_id` , `meta_key` , `meta_value` ) VALUES ( NULL, '".$userID."', '".$key."' , '".$val."')"; $wpdb->query( $query ); } // First post $now = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $now_gmt = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->posts (post_author, post_date, post_date_gmt, post_content, post_title, post_category, post_name, post_modified, post_modified_gmt) VALUES ('".$userID."', '$now', '$now_gmt', '".addslashes(__('Welcome to WordPress MU. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!'))."', '".addslashes(__('Hello world!'))."', '0', '".addslashes(__('hello-world'))."', '$now', '$now_gmt')"); $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->posts (post_author, post_date, post_date_gmt, post_content, post_title, post_category, post_name, post_modified, post_modified_gmt, post_status) VALUES ('".$userID."', '$now', '$now_gmt', '".addslashes(__('This is an example of a WordPress page, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are coming from. You can create as many pages like this one or sub-pages as you like and manage all of your content inside of WordPress.'))."', '".addslashes(__('About'))."', '0', '".addslashes(__('about'))."', '$now', '$now_gmt', 'static')"); $wpdb->query( "INSERT INTO $wpdb->post2cat (`rel_id`, `post_id`, `category_id`) VALUES (1, 1, 1)" ); $wpdb->query( "INSERT INTO $wpdb->post2cat (`rel_id`, `post_id`, `category_id`) VALUES (2, 2, 1)" ); // Default comment $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wpdb->comments (comment_post_ID, comment_author, comment_author_email, comment_author_url, comment_author_IP, comment_date, comment_date_gmt, comment_content) VALUES ('1', '".addslashes(__('Mr WordPress'))."', '', '', '', '$now', '$now_gmt', '".addslashes(__('Hi, this is a comment.
To delete a comment, just log in, and view the posts\' comments, there you will have the option to edit or delete them.'))."')"); $message_headers = 'From: ' . stripslashes($weblog_title) . ' '; $message = __("Dear User,\n\nYour new WordPressMU blog has been successfully set up at:\n".$url."\n\nYou can log in to the administrator account with the following information:\n Username: ".$adminname."\n Password: ".$random_password."\nLogin Here: ".$url."wp-login.php\n\nWe hope you enjoy your new weblog.\n Thanks!\n\n--The WordPressMU Team\n\n"); @mail($admin_email, __('New WordPress MU Blog').": ".stripslashes( $weblog_title ), $message, $message_headers); upgrade_all(); // remove all perms except for the login user. $query = "DELETE FROM ".$wpdb->usermeta." WHERE user_id != '".$userID."' AND meta_key = '".$table_prefix."user_level'"; $wpdb->query( $query ); // insert admin user into user table. $adminusers = get_admin_users_for_domain(); if( is_array( $adminusers ) ) { reset( $adminusers ); while( list( $key, $val ) = each( $adminusers ) ) { $query = "INSERT INTO ".$wpdb->usermeta." ( `umeta_id` , `user_id` , `meta_key` , `meta_value` ) VALUES ( NULL, '".$val[ 'ID' ]."', '".$table_prefix."user_level' , '10')"; $wpdb->query( $query ); } } else { die( "Problem getting admin users!" ); } // restore wpdb variables reset( $tmp ); while( list( $key, $val ) = each( $tmp ) ) { $wpdb->$key = $val; } $table_prefix = $tmptable_prefix; $wpdb->show_errors(); return "ok"; } function get_blogaddress_by_id( $blog_id ) { global $hostname, $domain, $base, $wpdb; // not current blog $query = "SELECT * FROM ".$wpdb->blogs." WHERE blog_id = '".$blog_id."'"; $bloginfo = $wpdb->get_results( $query, ARRAY_A ); if( defined( "VHOST" ) && constant( "VHOST" ) == 'yes' ) { return "http://".$bloginfo[ 'blogname' ].".".$domain.$base; } else { return "http://".$hostname.$base.$bloginfo[ 'blogname' ]; } } function get_blogaddress_by_name( $blogname ) { global $domain, $base, $wpdb; if( defined( "VHOST" ) && constant( "VHOST" ) == 'yes' ) { if( $blogname == 'main' ) $blogname = 'www'; return "http://".$blogname.".".$domain.$base; } else { return "http://".$hostname.$base.$blogname; } } function get_sitestats() { global $wpdb, $basedomain, $base; $query = "SELECT count(*) as c FROM ".$wpdb->blogs." WHERE site_id = '".$wpdb->siteid."'"; $blogs = $wpdb->get_var( $query ); $stats[ 'blogs' ] = $blogs; $query = "SELECT count(*) as c FROM ".$wpdb->users; $users = $wpdb->get_var( $query ); $stats[ 'users' ] = $users; return $stats; } function get_admin_users_for_domain( $sitedomain = '', $path = '' ) { global $domain, $base, $basedomain, $wpdb, $wpmuBaseTablePrefix; if( $sitedomain == '' ) { $sitedomain = $basedomain; $site_id = $wpdb->siteid; } else { $query = "SELECT id FROM ".$wpdb->site." WHERE domain = '".$domain."' AND path = '".$base."'"; $site_id = $wpdb->get_var( $query ); } if( $site_id != false ) { $query = "SELECT ID, user_login, user_pass FROM ".$wpdb->users.", ".$wpdb->sitemeta." WHERE meta_key = 'admin_user_id' AND ".$wpdb->users.".ID = ".$wpdb->sitemeta.".meta_value AND site_id = '".$site_id."'"; $details = $wpdb->get_results( $query, ARRAY_A ); } else { $details = false; } return $details; } function get_site_settings( $option ) { global $wpdb; $query = "SELECT meta_value FROM $wpdb->sitemeta WHERE meta_key = '$option' AND site_id = '".$wpdb->siteid."'"; $option = $wpdb->get_var( $query ); @ $kellogs = unserialize($option); if ($kellogs !== FALSE) $option = $kellogs; return $option; } function add_site_settings( $key, $value ) { global $wpdb; if( $value != get_site_settings( $key ) ) { if ( is_array($value) || is_object($value) ) $value = serialize($value); $query = "SELECT meta_value FROM ".$wpdb->sitemeta." WHERE meta_key = '$key' AND site_id = '".$wpdb->siteid."'"; if( $wpdb->get_var( $query ) == false ) { $query = "INSERT INTO wp_sitemeta ( meta_id , site_id , meta_key , meta_value ) VALUES ( NULL, '".$wpdb->siteid."', '".$key."', '".$wpdb->escape( $value )."')"; $wpdb->query( $query ); } } } function update_site_settings( $key, $value ) { global $wpdb; if( $value != get_site_settings( $key ) ) { if ( is_array($value) || is_object($value) ) $value = serialize($value); $value = trim($value); // I can't think of any situation we wouldn't want to trim $query = "SELECT meta_value FROM ".$wpdb->sitemeta." WHERE meta_key = '$key' AND site_id = '".$wpdb->siteid."'"; if( $wpdb->get_var( $query ) == false ) { add_site_settings( $key, $value ); } else { $query = "UPDATE ".$wpdb->sitemeta." SET meta_value = '".$wpdb->escape( $value )."' WHERE meta_key = '".$key."'"; $wpdb->query( $query ); } } } function switch_to_blogid( $blog_id ) { global $tmpoldblogdetails, $wpdb, $wpmuBaseTablePrefix, $cache_settings; // FIXME // backup $tmpoldblogdetails[ 'blogid' ] = $wpdb->blogid; $tmpoldblogdetails[ 'posts' ] = $wpdb->posts; $tmpoldblogdetails[ 'categories' ] = $wpdb->categories; $tmpoldblogdetails[ 'post2cat' ] = $wpdb->post2cat; $tmpoldblogdetails[ 'comments' ] = $wpdb->comments; $tmpoldblogdetails[ 'links' ] = $wpdb->links; $tmpoldblogdetails[ 'linkcategories' ] = $wpdb->linkcategories; $tmpoldblogdetails[ 'option' ] = $wpdb->option; $tmpoldblogdetails[ 'postmeta' ] = $wpdb->postmeta; $tmpoldblogdetails[ 'prefix' ] = $wpdb->prefix; // fix the new prefix. $table_prefix = $wpmuBaseTablePrefix . $blog_id . "_"; $wpdb->blogid = $blog_id; $wpdb->posts = $table_prefix . 'posts'; $wpdb->categories = $table_prefix . 'categories'; $wpdb->post2cat = $table_prefix . 'post2cat'; $wpdb->comments = $table_prefix . 'comments'; $wpdb->links = $table_prefix . 'links'; $wpdb->linkcategories = $table_prefix . 'linkcategories'; $wpdb->options = $table_prefix . 'options'; $wpdb->postmeta = $table_prefix . 'postmeta'; unset( $cache_settings ); } function restore_current_blogid() { global $tmpoldblogdetails, $wpdb; // backup $wpdb->blogid = $tmpoldblogdetails[ 'blogid' ]; $wpdb->posts = $tmpoldblogdetails[ 'posts' ]; $wpdb->categories = $tmpoldblogdetails[ 'categories' ]; $wpdb->post2cat = $tmpoldblogdetails[ 'post2cat' ]; $wpdb->comments = $tmpoldblogdetails[ 'comments' ]; $wpdb->links = $tmpoldblogdetails[ 'links' ]; $wpdb->linkcategories = $tmpoldblogdetails[ 'linkcategories' ]; $wpdb->option = $tmpoldblogdetails[ 'option' ]; $wpdb->postmeta = $tmpoldblogdetails[ 'postmeta' ]; $wpdb->prefix = $tmpoldblogdetails[ 'prefix' ]; } ?>