quick readme & manual) Version: 1.0 Author: Ozh Author URI: http://planetOzh.com */ // script called directly (or something global badly misconfigured :) if (!function_exists("get_settings")) {wp_ozh_click_readme();die;} /************************************* * OPTIONAL EDIT BELOW * * ~~ * *************************************/ // when specified "default value" it means it can be overridden on a per-link basis in each post // Core variables $wp_ozh_click['table'] = 'wp_linkclicks'; /* name of the table where stats will be stored. Look at the bottom or at plugin page to learn how to create this table */ $wp_ozh_click['file'] = get_settings('siteurl') . "/go.php" ; /* name of the click counter php file (provided with the plugin archive). A good place for it is your blog root. */ // Basic features $wp_ozh_click['do_posts'] = 1; /* 0 or 1, or true / false * Add or not a link counter to links in your posts */ $wp_ozh_click['do_comments'] = 1; /* 0 or 1, or true / false * Add or not a link counter to links in comments */ /* There is a quick editing needed if you also want to add a counter * to commenters' website when specified, see plugin page. */ $wp_ozh_click['track_all_links'] = 1 ; /* 0 : adds a counter only when you add count="value" in your links html tag * 1 : adds a counter to all external links in your posts (no need to add counter="1" if you plan to track them all) * To keep track of internal links if set to 1, put absolute path (http://yourblog/link) instead of relative (/link) */ $wp_ozh_click['in_title'] = 0 ; /* 1 or 0 (or true / false) * add number of hits in link title tag : site */ $wp_ozh_click['in_plain'] = 0 ; /* 1 or 0 (or true / false) * add number of hits in plain text : site (XX hits) */ $wp_ozh_click['0click'] = 'No Click'; /* default text for zero clicks. */ $wp_ozh_click['1click'] = 'One hit'; /* default text for one click */ $wp_ozh_click['clicks'] = '%% hits'; /* default text for several clicks, where %% will be replaced by a number */ $wp_ozh_click['method'] = 2 ; /* 1, 2 or 3 * There are 3 link 'href' modification modes available * Each has advantages and drawbacks * All validate any Doctype up to xhtml 1.1 * * From input , each methods gives the following html : * * Method 1 : * ^^^^^^^^^^ * * Cool : status bar shows real link without further trick. * Less cool : doesnt work with "open link in new window" * * Method 2 : * ^^^^^^^^^^ * * Cool : works with "open in new window" and doesn't require Javascript enabled * Less cool : shows ugly link "/blog/go.php?http://site.com" in status bar * * Method 3 : * ^^^^^^^^^^ * like method 2 but also modify status bar to hide the "yoursite.com/blog/go.php?" part * with an onmouseover="javascript:window.status='http://site.com'; return false" * Cool : status bar shows real link. * Less cool : adds a few bytes of html. But who cares :) * * I'd suggest you use preferably method 3, or at least method 2. Method 1 is really less * accurate since it doesn't keep track of links opened in a new window */ // Link title features // The plugin is able to retrieve a remote file title (from it's html tag) $wp_ozh_click['get_title'] = 0; /* 1 or 0 (or true / false) * Get remote page title the first time a user clicks a link to store it along with hits in the table * Will slow down a bit the first clicker (1 or 2 seconds, time for your website to retrieve the distant page) * Titles stored are used for example when printing top clicked links * !! Note : uses fopen(), check your host has enabled this !! */ $wp_ozh_click['get_title_forcerefresh'] = 50; /* Refresh remote page title every XX clicks ? * Set to 0 if you don't want to check & refresh titles every XX clicks * (the higher traffic - then clicks - you get, the higher you should set this * To be honest this is really a gadget - almost totally useless :) * Examples : 50 for Joe's blog, 3000 for Slashdottish blog */ $wp_ozh_click['extensions'] = array ( "ace", "arj", "bin", "bz2", "dat", "deb", "gz", "hqx", "pak", "pk3", "rar", "rpm", "sea", "sit", "tar", "wsz", "zip", "aif", "aiff", "au", "mid", "mod", "mp3", "ogg", "ram", "rm", "wav", "ani", "bmp", "dwg", "eps", "eps2", "gif", "ico", "jpeg", "jpg", "png", "psd", "psp", "qt", "svg", "swf", "tga", "tiff", "wmf", "xcf", "avi", "mov", "mpeg", "mpg", "c", "class", "h", "java ", "jar", "js", "bat", "chm", "cur", "dll", "exe", "hlp", "inf", "ocx", "pps", "ppt", "reg", "scr", "xls", "css", "conf", "doc", "ini", "pdf", "rtf", "ttf", "txt" ); /* Most common non html file extensions * These are files that have no <title> html tag, so their link title will be $document.$ext */ // Top links function features $wp_ozh_click['top_limit'] = 5; /* default number of top links to be displayed by wp_ozh_click_topclicks() */ $wp_ozh_click['top_pattern'] = '<li><a href="%%link_url%%" title="%%link_title%%">%%link_title_trim%%</a>: %%link_clicks%%</li>'; /* default pattern used to display top links * Any %%tag%% where "tag" can be : link_id, link_url, link_clicks, link_date, link_title, link_title_trim (shortened, see below) * Example : '%%link_title%% (%%link_url%%) = %%link_clicks%%' */ $wp_ozh_click['trim'] = 15; /* default maximum length of link titles * When printing top links titles, trim long link titles output to XX characters (0 not to trim) */ /************************************* * DO NOT EDIT BELOW * * ~~ * *************************************/ //************************************************************************************************************************** // inputs a URL, returns an integer (number of clicks for the URL) function wp_ozh_click_getcount2 ($wpblog, $url = "") { global $wpdb, $wp_ozh_click; $url = str_replace("&", "&", $url); $url = wp_ozh_click_getrealpath($url); return $wpdb->get_var("SELECT link_clicks FROM $wp_ozh_click[table] WHERE blogID='$wpblog' AND link_url='$url'"); } function wp_ozh_click_getcount ($url = "") { global $wpblog; if( @include_once( "Cache/Function.php" ) ) { $cache = new Cache_Function( 'file', array('cache_dir' => ABSPATH . "/wp-content/smarty-cache", 'filename_prefix' => 'wp_ozh_click_getcount_cache_' ), 600 ); $count = $cache->call( "wp_ozh_click_getcount2", $wpblog, $url ); } else { $count = wp_ozh_click_getcount2( $wpblog, $url ); } return $count; } // inputs a URL, returns text function wp_ozh_click_getclicks ($url = '', $zeroclick = '', $oneclick = '', $lotsaclicks = '' ) { $result = wp_ozh_click_getcount ($url); $result = wp_ozh_click_labelize ($result, $zeroclick, $oneclick, $lotsaclicks); $wp_ozh_click['temp'] = "...".$url; return $result; } // inputs a number, returns text like "<number> hits" function wp_ozh_click_labelize ($number = 0, $zeroclick = '', $oneclick = '', $lotsaclicks = '' ) { global $wp_ozh_click; if (!$zeroclick) $zeroclick = $wp_ozh_click['0click']; if (!$oneclick) $oneclick = $wp_ozh_click['1click']; if (!$lotsaclicks) $lotsaclicks = $wp_ozh_click['clicks']; switch ($number) : case "": return $zeroclick; break; case 1: return $oneclick; break; default: return (str_replace ("%%", $number, $lotsaclicks)); endswitch; } // parses string to detect and process pairs of tag="value" function wp_ozh_click_parse ($html="", $all=0) { global $wp_ozh_click; preg_match_all ('/[^=]{1,}="[^"]+"/', $html, $wp_ozh_click['link']); foreach ($wp_ozh_click['link'][0] as $pair) { list ($tag , $value) = explode ("=", $pair , 2); $wp_ozh_click['link'][trim($tag)]=trim($value, '"'); } unset ($wp_ozh_click['link'][0]); $wp_ozh_click['modify_href'] = 0; // do we want to display clicks ? if ( !isset($wp_ozh_click['link']['count']) || $wp_ozh_click['link']['count'] != "0" ) { if ( ( ($all == 1) && (eregi("^[a-z]+://", $wp_ozh_click['link']['href'])) ) || ( isset($wp_ozh_click['link']['count'] ) ) ) { $wp_ozh_click['modify_href'] = 1; } } if ($wp_ozh_click['modify_href']) { if ( (!isset($wp_ozh_click['link']['count']) && $wp_ozh_click['track_all_links'] && $wp_ozh_click['in_title'] ) || ( $wp_ozh_click['in_title'] && $wp_ozh_click['link']['count']=="1" ) || stristr($wp_ozh_click['link']['count'],'title') ) { if (isset($wp_ozh_click['link']['title'])) { $wp_ozh_click['link']['title']= $wp_ozh_click['link']['title'] . " (" . wp_ozh_click_getclicks($wp_ozh_click['link']['href']) . ")"; } else { $wp_ozh_click['link']['title']= "(" . wp_ozh_click_getclicks($wp_ozh_click['link']['href']) . ")"; } } if ( (!isset($wp_ozh_click['link']['count']) && $wp_ozh_click['track_all_links'] && $wp_ozh_click['in_plain'] ) || ( $wp_ozh_click['in_plain'] && $wp_ozh_click['link']['count']=="1" ) || stristr($wp_ozh_click['link']['count'],'inline') ) { $wp_ozh_click['after'] = ' <span class="hitcounter">(' . wp_ozh_click_getclicks($wp_ozh_click['link']['href']) . ')</span>' ; } switch ($wp_ozh_click['method']) : case 1 : $wp_ozh_click['link']['onclick'] = "window.location='". $wp_ozh_click['file'] . "?" . $wp_ozh_click['link']['href'] . "'; return false"; break; case 2 : $wp_ozh_click['link']['href'] = $wp_ozh_click['file'] . "?" . $wp_ozh_click['link']['href'] ; break; case 3 : $wp_ozh_click['link']['onmouseover']="javascript:window.status='". $wp_ozh_click['link']['href'] ."'; return true;" ; $wp_ozh_click['link']['onmouseout']="javascript:window.status=''; return true;" ; $wp_ozh_click['link']['href'] = $wp_ozh_click['file'] . "?" . $wp_ozh_click['link']['href'] ; endswitch; unset ($wp_ozh_click['link']['count']); } $html=''; foreach ($wp_ozh_click['link'] as $key => $value) { $html .= $key . "=\"" . $value . "\" "; } $html=trim($html); return '<a '. $html .'>'; } // convert relative path ("/blog/dir/file" or "dir/this/file") into absolute (from blog's index.php) function wp_ozh_click_getrealpath ($url = "") { $url = preg_replace ("/#.*$/",'',$url); if (!eregi("^[a-z]+://", $url)) { if (eregi("^/", $url)) { $url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $url; } else { $url = get_settings('siteurl') . '/' . $url; } } return $url; } // increments field link_click for a given URL function wp_ozh_click_increment ($url="") { global $wpdb, $wp_ozh_click, $wpblog; $url = wp_ozh_click_getrealpath($url); // if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {$url = add_magic_quotes($url);} $result = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT link_clicks FROM $wp_ozh_click[table] WHERE blogID='$wpblog' AND link_url='$url'"); if ($result) { $todo = 'link_clicks=(link_clicks + 1)'; if (($wp_ozh_click['get_title_forcerefresh']) && (($result % $wp_ozh_click['get_title_forcerefresh']) == 0)) { $link_title=wp_ozh_click_gettitle($url); if ($link_title) { $todo .= ", link_title='$link_title'"; } } $return = $wpdb->query("UPDATE $wp_ozh_click[table] SET $todo WHERE blogID='$wpblog' AND link_url='$url'"); } else { $link_date = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', (time() + (get_settings('gmt_offset') * 3600))); if ($wp_ozh_click['get_title']) { $link_title=wp_ozh_click_gettitle($url); } else { $link_title=''; } $return = $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO $wp_ozh_click[table] (blogID, link_url, link_clicks, link_date, link_title) VALUES ('$wpblog', '$url', 1, '$link_date', '$link_title')"); }; return $return; } // prints most clicked links function wp_ozh_click_topclicks ($limit = '', $trim = '', $pattern = '') { global $wpdb, $wp_ozh_click, $wpblog; if (!$limit) $limit = $wp_ozh_click['top_limit']; if (!$pattern) $pattern = $wp_ozh_click['top_pattern']; if (!$trim) $trim = $wp_ozh_click['trim']; $results = $wpdb->get_results("select * from $wp_ozh_click[table] WHERE blogID='$wpblog' ORDER BY link_clicks DESC LIMIT $limit"); foreach ($results as $result) { $html = $pattern; $html = preg_replace ( "/%%link_url%%/i", $wp_ozh_click['file'] . "?" . "$result->link_url", $html); $html = preg_replace ( "/%%link_clicks%%/i", wp_ozh_click_labelize($result->link_clicks), $html); $html = preg_replace ( "/%%link_date%%/i", "$result->link_date", $html); if (!$result->link_title) { // prettyfies link_title for display : no "http://www." or trailing "/" $result->link_title = preg_replace("/((ht)*f*tp:\/\/)*(www\.)*/", "", $result->link_url); $result->link_title = preg_replace("/\/$/", "", $result->link_title); } if ($trim && (strlen($result->link_title) > $trim)) { $result->link_title_trim = substr($result->link_title, 0, $trim) . '…'; } else { $result->link_title_trim = $result->link_title; } $html = preg_replace ( "/%%link_title_trim%%/i", "$result->link_title_trim", $html); $html = preg_replace ( "/%%link_title%%/i", "$result->link_title", $html); echo $html . "\n"; } } // prints number of links tracked function wp_ozh_click_linkcount ($display=1) { global $wpdb, $wp_ozh_click; if (!$wp_ozh_click['stats']) wp_ozh_click_getstats(); if ($display) echo $wp_ozh_click['stats']->linkcount; return $wp_ozh_click['stats']->linkcount; } // prints total number of clicks function wp_ozh_click_clickcount ($display=1) { global $wpdb, $wp_ozh_click; if (!$wp_ozh_click['stats']) wp_ozh_click_getstats(); if ($display) echo $wp_ozh_click['stats']->clickcount; return $wp_ozh_click['stats']->clickcount; } // retrieves various stats function wp_ozh_click_getstats () { global $wpdb, $wp_ozh_click, $wpblog; $wp_ozh_click['stats'] = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT count(*) AS linkcount, sum(link_clicks) AS clickcount FROM $wp_ozh_click[table] WHERE blogID='$wpblog'"); //echo $wp_ozh_click['stats']->clickcount; //echo "<hr>"; //echo $wp_ozh_click['stats']->linkcount; return $wp_ozh_click['stats']; } // return title of a (local or remote) webpage function wp_ozh_click_gettitle ($url = "") { global $wp_ozh_click; eregi("/([^#\?\/]+)\.([a-z0-9]+)$", $url, $file); $ext = $file[2]; $file = $file[1]; $in_array = in_array($ext, $wp_ozh_click['extensions']); switch ($in_array): case true: return "$file.$ext"; break; case false: if (function_exists('fopen')) { $fp = @fopen ($url, 'r'); if( $fp ) { while (! feof ($fp)){ $webpage .= fgets ($fp, 1024); if (stristr($webpage, '<title>' )){ break; } } if (eregi("<title>(.*)", $webpage, $out)) { return addslashes($out[1]); } else { return ""; } } else { return "$url"; } } else { return ""; } break; endswitch; } // readme & check install function wp_ozh_click_readme() { echo ' Click Counter Plugin for Wordpress - By Ozh

Thanks :)

Thank you for installing this plugin !

About this plugin

This plugin adds a "tracker" to links in your posts and your comments, so that when someone clicks on them, the link\'s hit counter increments. The number of hits can also be displayed in a variety of flavours. You can choose to add a hit counter to all links (default) or only to chosen links

2 steps installation and usage "out of the box"

  1. First, create a new table in your WordPress MySQL database, named wp_linkclicks, using for example PHPMyAdmin with the following query :

    CREATE TABLE `wp_linkclicks` (
     `link_url` TEXT NOT NULL ,
     `link_clicks` INT NOT NULL ,
     `link_date` DATETIME NOT NULL ,
     `link_title` TEXT NOT NULL ,
     UNIQUE (
  2. Then put the plugin file in yourblog/wp-content/plugins/ and activate it from the admin interface.

The plugin should now work silently without further working. Get back to blogging and posting link as usual :)

Optional Configuration

You will find detailed information about how to configure the plugin in its source itself: the section you can configure is well commented. You can do so from within the admin interface as well.

You can also find detailed information and examples of use at the plugin\'s homepage.

Feedback & Disclaimer

I\'d appreciate your leaving a comment on the plugin page, to suggest any improvement, bug fix, or just to say if you like the plugin or not :) By the way, you\'ll find on my site a few other plugins (IP to Nation plugin in particular) you may find of interest.

Any resemblance between this page and a well-known admin interface is purely coincidental :-P

'; } // the one that starts it all function wp_ozh_click_modifyhrefs ($input) { $input = preg_replace_callback ("/]{1,})>(.+?<\/a>)/", "wp_ozh_click_do_posts", $input); // ** OMFG ** I finally understood what preg_replace_callback is ! :)) return $input; } // callback function function wp_ozh_click_do_posts($text) { global $wp_ozh_click; unset ($wp_ozh_click['after']); $before = wp_ozh_click_parse($text[1],$wp_ozh_click['track_all_links']); $text = $text[2]; return $before.$text.$wp_ozh_click['after']; } function wp_ozh_click_comment_author_link() { global $comment; $url = apply_filters('comment_url', $comment->comment_author_url); $author = apply_filters('comment_author', $comment->comment_author); if (!$author) $author = 'Anonymous'; if (empty($url)) : echo $author; else: echo wp_ozh_click_modifyhrefs("$author"); endif; } // Add per-post filtering: if ($wp_ozh_click['do_posts']) add_filter('the_content', 'wp_ozh_click_modifyhrefs'); if ($wp_ozh_click['do_comments']) add_filter('comment_text', 'wp_ozh_click_modifyhrefs'); // And that's it. /* Future enhancements ? - handle malformed html tags like site (no "quotes") */ /* Example post : Post this in your blog and watch how modifying the script configuration affects display of counters. --8<-----8<-----[cut & paste]- Tests with external links : href="http://external-link.com" count="0" never shows click count count="1" shows click count according to defaults as set in the plugin count="title" always shows a count in link title (mouseover) count="inline" always shows a count next to title in plain text count="inline title" always shows both count not specified shows or not depending on defaults as set in the plugin (tracking all links or not) Tests with internal links : href="/local_dir/file" count="0" never shows click count count="1" always shows click count, according to defaults count="title" always shows click count in link title count="inline" always shows click count next to title in plain text count="inline title" always shows both count not specified never shows click count --8<-----8<-----[cut & paste]- */ ?>