domain ) == false ) { // do something against hot linking sites! } } $file = $_GET[ 'file' ]; $file = ABSPATH . "wp-content/blogs.dir/" . $blog_id . '/files/' . $file; if( is_file( $file ) ) { $etag = md5( $file . filemtime( $file ) ); $lastModified = date( "D, j M Y H:i:s ", filemtime( $file ) ) . "GMT"; #$headers = apache_request_headers(); // get mime type $ext = substr( $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_URI' ], strrpos( $_SERVER[ 'REQUEST_URI' ], '.' ) + 1 ); $ext_list = array( "jpg" => "image/jpeg", "mp3" => "audio/mpeg", "mov" => "video/quicktime" ); if( $ext_list[ $ext ] ) { $mimetype = $ext_list[ $ext ]; } else { $mimetype = "image/$ext"; } // from if( $_SERVER[ 'HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH' ] == '"' . $etag . '"' || $lastModified == $_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) { // They already have an up to date copy so tell them header('HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified'); header('Cache-Control: private'); header('Content-Type: $mimetype'); header('ETag: "'.$etag.'"'); } else { header("Content-type: $mimetype" ); header( "Last-Modified: " . $lastModified ); header( 'Accept-Ranges: bytes' ); header( "Content-Length: " . filesize( $file ) ); header( 'ETag: "' . $etag . '"' ); readfile( $file ); } } else { // 404 header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found"); print "Error 404! File Not Found!"; print ""; print "

File Not Found!

"; print ""; } ?>