get_results( "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->base_prefix}{$id}_options WHERE option_name NOT LIKE 'rss%' AND option_name NOT LIKE '%user_roles'", ARRAY_A ); $details = $wpdb->get_row( "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->blogs} WHERE blog_id = '{$id}'", ARRAY_A ); $editblog_roles = get_blog_option( $id, "{$wpdb->base_prefix}{$id}_user_roles" ); ?>

- '>

'; } } if( $out != '' ) { echo "

" . __('Blog Themes') . "

"; echo '


/> />
/> />
/> />
/> />
/> />

$val ) { if( $val['option_name'] == 'default_role' ) { $editblog_default_role = $val['option_value']; } $disabled = ''; if ( is_serialized($val['option_value']) ) { if ( is_serialized_string($val['option_value']) ) { $val['option_value'] = wp_specialchars(maybe_unserialize($val['option_value']), 'single'); } else { $val['option_value'] = "SERIALIZED DATA"; $disabled = ' disabled="disabled"'; } } if ( stristr($val['option_value'], "\r") || stristr($val['option_value'], "\n") || stristr($val['option_value'], "\r\n") ) { ?>

$theme ) { $theme_key = wp_specialchars( $theme['Stylesheet'] ); if( isset($allowed_themes[$theme_key] ) == false ) { $checked = ( isset($blog_allowed_themes[ $theme_key ]) ) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; $out .= '
'; echo ''; echo $out; echo "
' . __('Theme') . '' . __('Enable') . '
"; } // Blog users $blogusers = get_users_of_blog( $id ); echo '

' . __('Blog Users') . '

'; if( is_array( $blogusers ) ) { echo ''; echo ""; reset($blogusers); foreach ( (array) $blogusers as $key => $val ) { $t = @unserialize( $val->meta_value ); if( is_array( $t ) ) { reset( $t ); $existing_role = key( $t ); } echo ''; if( $val->user_id != $current_user->data->ID ) { ?> '; } else { echo ""; } echo ''; } echo "
" . __('User') . "" . __('Role') . "" . __('Password') . "" . __('Remove') . "
' . $val->user_login . ' " . __ ('N/A') . "" . __ ('N/A') . "" . __('N/A') . "
"; } // New blog user echo "

" . __('Add a new user') . "

"; ?>

Click them to select and hit Update Options to add the user.') ?>

blogs} WHERE site_id = '{$wpdb->siteid}' "; if( isset($_GET['blog_name']) ) { $query .= " AND ( {$wpdb->blogs}.domain LIKE '%{$s}%' OR {$wpdb->blogs}.path LIKE '%{$s}%' ) "; } elseif( isset($_GET['blog_id']) ) { $query .= " AND blog_id = '".intval($_GET['s'])."' "; } elseif( isset($_GET['blog_ip']) ) { $query = "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->blogs}, {$wpdb->registration_log} WHERE site_id = '{$wpdb->siteid}' AND {$wpdb->blogs}.blog_id = {$wpdb->registration_log}.blog_id AND {$wpdb->registration_log}.IP LIKE ('%{$s}%')"; } if( isset( $_GET['sortby'] ) == false ) { $_GET['sortby'] = 'id'; } if( $_GET['sortby'] == 'registered' ) { $query .= ' ORDER BY registered '; } elseif( $_GET['sortby'] == 'id' ) { $query .= ' ORDER BY ' . $wpdb->blogs . '.blog_id '; } elseif( $_GET['sortby'] == 'lastupdated' ) { $query .= ' ORDER BY last_updated '; } elseif( $_GET['sortby'] == 'blogname' ) { $query .= ' ORDER BY domain '; } $query .= ( $_GET['order'] == 'DESC' ) ? 'DESC' : 'ASC'; if( !empty($s) ) { $total = $wpdb->get_var( str_replace('SELECT *', 'SELECT COUNT(blog_id)', $query) ); } else { $total = $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT COUNT(blog_id) FROM {$wpdb->blogs} WHERE site_id = '{$wpdb->siteid}' "); } $query .= " LIMIT " . intval( ( $apage - 1 ) * $num) . ", " . intval( $num ); $blog_list = $wpdb->get_results( $query, ARRAY_A ); // Pagination $url2 = "&order=" . $_GET['order'] . "&sortby=" . $_GET['sortby'] . "&s="; if( $_GET[ 'blog_ip' ] ) { $url2 .= "&ip_address=" . urlencode( $s ); } else { $url2 .= $s . "&ip_address=" . urlencode( $s ); } $blog_navigation = paginate_links( array( 'base' => add_query_arg( 'apage', '%#%' ).$url2, 'format' => '', 'total' => ceil($total / $num), 'current' => $apage )); ?>

"; ?>

'display name' $blogname_columns = ( constant( "VHOST" ) == 'yes' ) ? __('Domain') : __('Path'); $posts_columns = array( 'id' => __('ID'), 'blogname' => $blogname_columns, 'lastupdated' => __('Last Updated'), 'registered' => __('Registered'), 'users' => __('Users'), 'plugins' => __('Actions') ); $posts_columns = apply_filters('manage_posts_columns', $posts_columns); // you can not edit these at the moment $posts_columns['control_edit'] = ''; $posts_columns['control_backend'] = ''; $posts_columns['control_deactivate']= ''; $posts_columns['control_archive'] = ''; $posts_columns['control_spam'] = ''; $posts_columns['control_delete'] = ''; $sortby_url = "s="; if( $_GET[ 'blog_ip' ] ) { $sortby_url .= "&ip_address=" . urlencode( $s ); } else { $sortby_url .= urlencode( $s ) . "&ip_address=" . urlencode( $s ); } ?> $column_display_name) { $column_link = " "#fee", "spam" => "#faa", "deleted" => "#f55" ); foreach ($blog_list as $blog) { $class = ('alternate' == $class) ? '' : 'alternate'; reset( $status_list ); $bgcolour = ""; foreach ( $status_list as $status => $col ) { if( get_blog_status( $blog['blog_id'], $status ) == 1 ) { $bgcolour = "style='background: $col'"; } } echo ""; $blogname = ( constant( "VHOST" ) == 'yes' ) ? str_replace('.'.$current_site->domain, '', $blog['domain']) : $blog['path']; foreach( $posts_columns as $column_name=>$column_display_name ) { switch($column_name) { case 'id': ?>
' name='allblogs[]' value='' /> g:i:s a'), $blog['last_updated']); ?> g:i:s a'), $blog['registered']); ?> 10 ) { $blogusers = array_slice( $blogusers, 0, 10 ); } foreach ( $blogusers as $key => $val ) { echo '' . $val->user_login . ' ('.$val->user_email.')
'; } } ?>
" . __('Edit') . ""; ?> " . __('Backend') . ""; ?> "> ""> "> "> "> "> ">

.domain;?> domain . $current_site->path ?>