addLoadEvent(function() { theCommentList = new listMan('the-comment-list'); if ( !theCommentList ) return false; theExtraCommentList = new listMan('the-extra-comment-list'); if ( theExtraCommentList ) { theExtraCommentList.showLink = 0; theExtraCommentList.altOffset = 1; if ( theExtraCommentList.theList && theExtraCommentList.theList.childNodes ) var commentNum = $A(theExtraCommentList.theList.childNodes).findAll( function(i) { return Element.visible(i) } ).length; else var commentNum = 0; var urlQ = document.location.href.split('?'); var params = urlQ[1] ? urlQ[1].toQueryParams() : []; var search = params['s'] ? params['s'] : ''; var page = params['apage'] ? params['apage'] : 1; } theCommentList.dimComplete = function(what,id,dimClass) { var m = document.getElementById('awaitmod'); if ( document.getElementById(what + '-' + id).className.match(dimClass) ) m.innerHTML = parseInt(m.innerHTML,10) + 1; else m.innerHTML = parseInt(m.innerHTML,10) - 1; } theCommentList.delComplete = function(what,id) { var m = document.getElementById('awaitmod'); what = what.split('-')[0]; if ( document.getElementById(what + '-' + id).className.match('unapproved') ) m.innerHTML = parseInt(m.innerHTML,10) - 1; if ( theExtraCommentList && commentNum ) { var theMover = theExtraCommentList.theList.childNodes[0]; Element.removeClassName(theMover,'alternate'); theCommentList.theList.appendChild(theMover); theExtraCommentList.inputData += '&page=' + page; if ( search ) theExtraCommentList.inputData += '&s=' + search; // trust the URL not the search box theExtraCommentList.addComplete = function() { if ( theExtraCommentList.theList.childNodes ) var commentNum = $A(theExtraCommentList.theList.childNodes).findAll( function(i) { return Element.visible(i) } ).length; else var commentNum = 0; } theExtraCommentList.ajaxAdder( 'comment', 'ajax-response' ); // Dummy Request } } if ( theList ) // the post list: edit.php theList.delComplete = function() { var comments = document.getElementById('comments'); var commdel = encloseFunc(function(a){a.parentNode.removeChild(a);},comments); var listdel = encloseFunc(function(a){a.parentNode.removeChild(a);},theCommentList.theList); setTimeout(commdel,705); setTimeout(listdel,705); } });