Welcome to WordPress MU, the Multi User Weblog System built on WordPress.

'; } function check_writeable_dir( $dir, $ret ) { if( is_writeable( $dir ) == false ) { print $dir." : FAILED
Quick Fix: chmod 777 $dir
"; return false; } else { if( $ret == true ) { return true; } else { return false; } } } function do_htaccess( $oldfilename, $newfilename, $realpath, $base, $url ) { // remove ending slash from $base and $url $htaccess = ''; if( substr($base, -1 ) == '/') { $base = substr($base, 0, -1); } if( substr($url, -1 ) == '/') { $url = substr($url, 0, -1); } if( is_file( $oldfilename ) ) { $fp = fopen( $oldfilename, "r" ); if( $fp ) { while( !feof( $fp ) ) { $htaccess .= fgets( $fp, 4096 ); } fclose( $fp ); $htaccess = str_replace( "REALPATH", $realpath, $htaccess ); $htaccess = str_replace( "BASE", $base, $htaccess ); $htaccess = str_replace( "HOST", $url, $htaccess ); $fp = fopen( $newfilename, "w" ); fwrite( $fp, $htaccess ); fclose( $fp ); } } } function checkdirs() { $ret = true; $ret = check_writeable_dir( dirname(__FILE__), $ret ); $ret = check_writeable_dir( dirname(__FILE__) . "/wp-inst", $ret ); $ret = check_writeable_dir( dirname(__FILE__) . "/wp-inst/wp-content/", $ret ); $ret = check_writeable_dir( dirname(__FILE__) . "/wp-inst/wp-content/smarty-templates", $ret ); if( $ret == false ) { print "


"; print "
"; print "

One or more of the above directories must be made writeable by the webserver.
"; print "Please chmod 777 directory-name or chown that directory to the user the web server runs as (usually nobody, apache, or www-data)
"; print "Refresh this page when you're done!

"; print "
"; } return $ret; } function step1() { print "You're probably seeing this message because you're installing WPMU!

"; print "If it's already installed, then mod_rewrite is disabled. Ask your administrator to enable that module, or look at the Apache documentation or elsewhere for help setting it up.

"; if( checkdirs() == false ) { return false; } // Create default template cache dirs @mkdir( dirname(__FILE__) . "/wp-inst/wp-content/smarty-cache" , 0777 ); @mkdir( dirname(__FILE__) . "/wp-inst/wp-content/smarty-templates_c" , 0777 ); // Create Blogs living area. @mkdir( dirname(__FILE__) . "/wp-inst/wp-content/blogs.dir", 0777 ); $url = "http://".$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] . dirname( $_SERVER[ "SCRIPT_NAME" ] ); if( substr( $url, -1 ) == '/' ) $url = substr( $url, 0, -1 ); $base = dirname( $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"] ); if( $base == "/") { $base = ""; } $realpath = dirname(__FILE__); if( is_file( dirname(__FILE__) . "./wp-inst/wpmu-settings.php" ) == false ) { $configfile = ''; $fp = fopen( "./wp-inst/wpmu-settings.php.dist", "r" ); if( $fp ) { while( !feof( $fp ) ) { $configfile .= fgets( $fp, 4096 ); } fclose( $fp ); } $configfile = str_replace( "BASE", $base."/", $configfile ); $fp = fopen( "./wp-inst/wpmu-settings.php", "w" ); fwrite( $fp, $configfile ); fclose( $fp ); } return true; } function printstep1form( $dbname = 'wordpress', $uname = 'username', $pwd = 'password', $dbhost = 'localhost', $prefix = 'wp_' ) { print "

Virtual Server Support

Do you want to enable virtual server support?   Yes No

If you do, your blog addresses will appear like http://joesblog.example.com/ instead of http://www.example.com/joesblog/ but you need to do a few more things to Apache and your DNS settings before it'll work.
If this is your first time installing WPMU then leave this at No.


We need some information on the database. You will need to know the following items before proceeding.

  1. Database name
  2. Database username
  3. Database password
  4. Database host
  5. Table prefix (if you want to run more than one WordPress in a single database)

If for any reason this automatic file creation doesn't work, don't worry. All this does is fill in the database information to a configuration file. You may also simply open wp-config-sample.php in a text editor, fill in your information, and save it as wp-config.php.

Below you should enter your database connection details. If you're not sure about these, contact your host.

Database Name The name of the database you want to run WP in.
User Name Your MySQL username
Password ...and MySQL password.
Database Host 99% chance you won't need to change this value.
Table Prefix If you want to run multiple WordPress installations in a single database, change this.
"; } function step2() { $dbname = $_POST['dbname']; $uname = $_POST['uname']; $passwrd = $_POST['pwd']; $dbhost = $_POST['dbhost']; $vhost = $_POST['vhost' ]; $prefix = $_POST['prefix']; if (empty($prefix)) $prefix = 'wp_'; // Test the db connection. define('DB_NAME', $dbname); define('DB_USER', $uname); define('DB_PASSWORD', $passwrd); define('DB_HOST', $dbhost); if (!file_exists('wp-inst/wp-config-sample.php')) die('Sorry, I need a wp-config-sample.php file to work from. Please re-upload this file from your WordPress installation.'); $configFile = file('wp-inst/wp-config-sample.php'); // We'll fail here if the values are no good. require_once('wp-inst/wp-includes/wp-db.php'); printheader(); print "Creating Database Config File: "; $handle = fopen('wp-inst/wp-config.php', 'w'); foreach ($configFile as $line_num => $line) { switch (substr($line,0,16)) { case "define('DB_NAME'": fwrite($handle, str_replace("wordpress", $dbname, $line)); break; case "define('DB_USER'": fwrite($handle, str_replace("'username'", "'$uname'", $line)); break; case "define('DB_PASSW": fwrite($handle, str_replace("'password'", "'$passwrd'", $line)); break; case "define('DB_HOST'": fwrite($handle, str_replace("localhost", $dbhost, $line)); break; case "define('VHOST', ": fwrite($handle, str_replace("VHOSTSETTING", $vhost, $line)); break; case '$table_prefix =': fwrite($handle, str_replace('wp_', $prefix, $line)); break; default: fwrite($handle, $line); } } fclose($handle); chmod('wp-inst/wp-config.php', 0666); print "DONE
"; } function printuserdetailsform( $weblog_title = 'My new Blog', $username = '', $email = '' ) { print "

To finish setting up your blog, please fill in the folling form and click Submit.

Weblog Title What would you like to call your weblog?
Email Your email address.

You will be sent an email with your password and login links and details."; } function step3() { global $wpdb; $base = dirname( $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"] ); $domain = $_SERVER[ 'HTTP_HOST' ]; if( substr_count( $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"], '.' ) > 1 ) { $domain = substr( $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"], strpos( $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"], '.' ) + 1 ); } $hostname = $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]; $email = $wpdb->escape( $_POST[ 'email' ] ); $weblog_title = $wpdb->escape( $_POST[ 'weblog_title' ] ); // set up site tables $query = "INSERT INTO wp_sitemeta (meta_id, site_id, meta_key, meta_value) VALUES (1, 1, 'admin_email', '".$email."')"; $wpdb->query( $query ); $query = "INSERT INTO wp_sitemeta (meta_id, site_id, meta_key, meta_value) VALUES (2, 1, 'admin_user_id', '1')"; $wpdb->query( $query ); $res = createBlog( $hostname, $domain, $base, 'main', $weblog_title, $email, 'admin' ); if( $res == 'ok' ) { if( $base == '/' ) { $url = "http://".$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . '/'; } else { $url = "http://".$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $base . '/'; } $realpath = dirname(__FILE__); do_htaccess( "htaccess.dist", ".htaccess", $realpath, $base, $url ); do_htaccess( "wp-inst/htaccess.dist", "wp-inst/.htaccess", $realpath, $base, $url ); print "

Well Done! Your blog has been set up and you have been sent details of your login and password in an email.

"; print "

You may view your new blog by visiting ".$url."!

"; } else { if( $res == 'error: problem creating blog entry' ) { print "The main blog has already been created. Edit your blogs table and delete the entry for this domain!"; } elseif( $res == 'error: username used' ) { print "The username you chose is already in use, please select another one."; } print "
result: $res
"; printuserdetailsform( $_POST[ 'weblog_title' ], $_POST[ 'username' ], $_POST[ 'email' ] ); } } switch( $_POST[ 'action' ] ) { case "step2": // get blog username // create wp-inst/wp-config.php step2(); printuserdetailsform(); break; case "step3": // call createBlog(); // create .htaccess // print login info and links. require_once('./wp-inst/wp-config.php'); require_once('./wp-inst/wp-admin/upgrade-functions.php'); make_db_current_silent(); populate_options(); printheader(); step3(); break; default: // check that directories are writeable. // create wp-inst/wpmu-settings.php // get db auth info. printheader(); if( step1() ) { printstep1form(); } break; } ?>

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