#!/bin/sh # Source the common test script helpers . /usr/bin/rhts_environment.sh . ../../kernel/include/runtest.sh CUR_TIME=$(date --date="$(date --utc)" +%s) # control where to log debug messages to: # devnull = 1 : log to /dev/null # devnull = 0 : log to file specified in ${DEBUGLOG} devnull=0 # Create debug log DEBUGLOG=`mktemp -p /mnt/testarea -t DeBug.XXXXXX` # locking to avoid races lck=$OUTPUTDIR/$(basename $0).lck # Functions # Log a message to the ${DEBUGLOG} or to /dev/null function DeBug () { local msg="$1" local timestamp=$(date '+%F %T') if [ "$devnull" = "0" ]; then ( flock -x 200 2>/dev/null echo -n "${timestamp}: " >>$DEBUGLOG 2>&1 echo "${msg}" >>$DEBUGLOG 2>&1 ) 200>$lck else echo "${msg}" >/dev/null 2>&1 fi } function RHTSAbort () { # Abort the rhts recipe if we are running the wrong kernel DeBug "Abort recipe" rhts-abort -t recipe } function SysReport () { DeBug "Enter SysReport" OUTPUTFILE=`mktemp /tmp/tmp.XXXXXX` grep -q "release 3 " /etc/redhat-release if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then modarg=-d modarg2= else modarg="-F description" modarg2="-F version" fi sysnode=$(/bin/uname -n) syskernel=$(/bin/uname -r) sysmachine=$(/bin/uname -m) sysprocess=$(/bin/uname -p) sysuname=$(/bin/uname -a) sysswap=$(/usr/bin/free -m | /bin/awk '{if($1=="Swap:") {print $2,"MB"}}') sysmem=$(/usr/bin/free -m | /bin/awk '{if($1=="Mem:") {print $2,"MB"}}') syscpu=$(/bin/cat /proc/cpuinfo | /bin/grep processor | wc -l) # Bios Info biosVendor=$(dmidecode --type=0 | /bin/grep -i vendor | /bin/awk -F: '{print $2}') biosVersion=$(dmidecode --type=0 | /bin/grep -i version | /bin/awk -F: '{print $2}') biosRelease=$(dmidecode --type=0 | /bin/grep -i release | /bin/awk -F: '{print $2}') biosRevision=$(dmidecode --type=0 | /bin/grep -i revision | /bin/awk -F: '{print $2}') # syslspci=$(/sbin/lspci -nn > $OUTPUTDIR/lspci.$kernbase) if [ -f /etc/fedora-release ]; then sysrelease=$(/bin/cat /etc/fedora-release) else sysrelease=$(/bin/cat /etc/redhat-release) fi syscmdline=$(/bin/cat /proc/cmdline) sysnmiint=$(/bin/cat /proc/interrupts | /bin/grep -i nmi) sysmodprobe=$(/bin/cat /etc/modprobe.conf > $OUTPUTDIR/modprobe.$kernbase) for x in $(/sbin/lsmod | /bin/cut -f1 -d" " 2>/dev/null | /bin/grep -v Module 2>/dev/null ); do echo "Checking module information $x:" >> $OUTPUTDIR/modinfo.$kernbase /sbin/modinfo $modarg $x >> $OUTPUTDIR/modinfo.$kernbase if [ -n "$modarg2" ]; then /sbin/modinfo $modarg2 $x >> $OUTPUTDIR/modinfo.$kernbase fi done if [ -x /usr/sbin/sestatus ]; then syssestatus=$(/usr/sbin/sestatus >> $OUTPUTDIR/selinux.$kernbase) fi if [ -x /usr/sbin/xm ]; then syshypervisor=$(/usr/sbin/xm info >> $OUTPUTDIR/hypervisor.$kernbase) fi if [ -x /usr/sbin/semodule ]; then echo "********* SELinux Module list **********" >> $OUTPUTDIR/selinux.$kernbase syssemodulelist=$(/usr/sbin/semodule -l >> $OUTPUTDIR/selinux.$kernbase) fi sysderror=$(/bin/cat $OUTPUTDIR/boot.$kernbase | grep -i error | grep -v BIOS >> $OUTPUTDIR/derror.$kernbase) sysderror1=$(/bin/grep -i collision $OUTPUTDIR/boot.$kernbase >> $OUTPUTDIR/derror.$kernbase) sysderror2=$(/bin/grep -i fail $OUTPUTDIR/boot.$kernbase >> $OUTPUTDIR/derror.$kernbase) sysderror3=$(/bin/grep -i temperature $OUTPUTDIR/boot.$kernbase >> $OUTPUTDIR/derror.$kernbase) sysderror4=$(/bin/grep BUG: $OUTPUTDIR/boot.$kernbase >> $OUTPUTDIR/derror.$kernbase) sysderror5=$(/bin/grep INFO: $OUTPUTDIR/boot.$kernbase >> $OUTPUTDIR/derror.$kernbase) sysderror6=$(/bin/grep FATAL: $OUTPUTDIR/boot.$kernbase >> $OUTPUTDIR/derror.$kernbase) sysderror7=$(/bin/grep WARNING: $OUTPUTDIR/boot.$kernbase >> $OUTPUTDIR/derror.$kernbase) sysderror8=$(/bin/grep -i "command not found" $OUTPUTDIR/boot.$kernbase >> $OUTPUTDIR/derror.$kernbase) sysderror9=$(/bin/cat $OUTPUTDIR/boot.$kernbase | grep avc: | grep -v granted >> $OUTPUTDIR/avcerror.$kernbase) sysderror10=$(/bin/grep -i "Unknown symbol" $OUTPUTDIR/boot.$kernbase >> $OUTPUTDIR/serror.$kernbase) echo "********** System Information **********" >> $OUTPUTFILE echo "Hostname = $sysnode" >> $OUTPUTFILE echo "Kernel Version = $syskernel" >> $OUTPUTFILE echo "Machine Hardware Name = $sysmachine" >> $OUTPUTFILE echo "Processor Type = $sysprocess" >> $OUTPUTFILE echo "uname -a output = $sysuname" >> $OUTPUTFILE echo "Swap Size = $sysswap" >> $OUTPUTFILE echo "Mem Size = $sysmem" >> $OUTPUTFILE echo "Number of Processors = $syscpu" >> $OUTPUTFILE echo "System Release = $sysrelease" >> $OUTPUTFILE echo "Command Line = $syscmdline" >> $OUTPUTFILE echo "System NMI Interrupts = $sysnmiint" >> $OUTPUTFILE echo "*********** BIOS Information ***********" >> $OUTPUTFILE echo "Vendor = $biosVendor" >> $OUTPUTFILE echo "Version = $biosVersion" >> $OUTPUTFILE echo "Release = $biosRelease" >> $OUTPUTFILE echo "Revision = $biosRevision" >> $OUTPUTFILE echo "**************** LSPCI *****************" >> $OUTPUTFILE /bin/cat $OUTPUTDIR/lspci.$kernbase >> $OUTPUTFILE echo "*************** Modprob ****************" >> $OUTPUTFILE /bin/cat $OUTPUTDIR/modprobe.$kernbase >> $OUTPUTFILE echo "********** Module Information **********" >> $OUTPUTFILE /bin/cat $OUTPUTDIR/modinfo.$kernbase >> $OUTPUTFILE if [ -x /usr/sbin/sestatus ]; then echo "************ SELinux Status ************" >> $OUTPUTFILE /bin/cat $OUTPUTDIR/selinux.$kernbase >> $OUTPUTFILE fi echo "********** Interfaces Information **********" > ifcinfo echo "-- /etc/resolv.conf --" >> ifcinfo cat /etc/resolv.conf >> ifcinfo echo "-- END of /etc/resolv.conf --" >> ifcinfo echo "ip a" >> ifcinfo ip a 2>&1 >> ifcinfo echo "ip route" >> ifcinfo ip route 2>&1 >> ifcinfo local interfaces=`ip link show | grep '^[0-9]\+' | sed 's/^[0-9]\+: \([a-zA-Z0-9]\+\):.*/\1/'` for i in $interfaces; do echo "ethtool -i $i" >> ifcinfo ethtool -i $i 2>&1 >> ifcinfo done cat ifcinfo >> $OUTPUTFILE cat ifcinfo > /dev/console if [ -x /usr/sbin/xm ]; then echo "*********** Hypervisor info ************" >> $OUTPUTFILE /bin/cat $OUTPUTDIR/hypervisor.$kernbase >> $OUTPUTFILE fi FAILURE=FALSE # Check dmesg log for issues dresult_count=0 if [ -s $OUTPUTDIR/derror.$kernbase ]; then dresult_count=$(/usr/bin/wc -l $OUTPUTDIR/derror.$kernbase | awk '{print $1}') echo "******** Potential Issues dmesg ********" >> $OUTPUTFILE /bin/cat $OUTPUTDIR/derror.$kernbase >> $OUTPUTFILE fi # Check dmesg log for failures if [ -s $OUTPUTDIR/serror.$kernbase ]; then dresult_count=$(/usr/bin/wc -l $OUTPUTDIR/serror.$kernbase | awk '{print $1}') echo "********** Failures in dmesg ***********" >> $OUTPUTFILE /bin/cat $OUTPUTDIR/serror.$kernbase >> $OUTPUTFILE FAILURE=TRUE fi # Check dmesg log for avc failures if [ -s $FILEAREA/avcerror.$kernbase ]; then echo "********* SElinux AVC Failures *********" >> $OUTPUTFILE /bin/cat $FILEAREA/avcerror.$kernbase >> $OUTPUTFILE FAILURE=TRUE fi echo "******** End System Information ********" >> $OUTPUTFILE if [ -s $OUTPUTDIR/derror.$kernbase -o -s $OUTPUTDIR/serror.$kernbase -o -s $OUTPUTDIR/avcerror.$kernbase ]; then result_count=$(/usr/bin/printf "%03d%03d%03d\n" $dresult_count 0 0) if [ $FAILURE = TRUE ]; then report_result $TEST/Sysinfo FAIL $result_count else report_result $TEST/Sysinfo PASS $result_count fi else report_result $TEST/Sysinfo PASS 0 fi DeBug "Exit SysReport" } function DiffDmesg () { DeBug "Enter DiffDmesg" DMESGDIFFLOG=`mktemp -p /mnt/testarea -t DMSGDIFF.XXXXXX` filelist=`ls $OUTPUTDIR/boot.*` hit=0 for l in $filelist ; do hit=`expr $hit + 1` export FILE$hit=$l DeBug "$FILE$l" done echo " =================================================================== diff -u $FILE1 $FILE2 ===================================================================" | tee -a $DMESGDIFFLOG /usr/bin/diff -u $FILE1 $FILE2 | tee -a $DMESGDIFFLOG DeBug "/usr/bin/diff -u $FILE1 $FILE2" sleep 3 SubmitLog $DMESGDIFFLOG DeBug "Exit DiffDmesg" } function DiffLspci () { DeBug "Enter DiffLspci" LSPCIDIFFLOG=`mktemp -p /mnt/testarea -t LSPCIDIFF.XXXXXX` filelist=`ls $OUTPUTDIR/lspci.*` hit=0 for l in $filelist ; do hit=`expr $hit + 1` export FILE$hit=$l DeBug "$FILE$l" done echo " =================================================================== diff -u $FILE1 $FILE2 ===================================================================" | tee -a $LSPCIDIFFLOG /usr/bin/diff -u $FILE1 $FILE2 | tee -a $LSPCIDIFFLOG DeBug "/usr/bin/diff -u $FILE1 $FILE2" sleep 3 SubmitLog $LSPCIDIFFLOG DeBug "Exit DiffLspci" } function RprtRslt () { ONE=$1 TWO=$2 THREE=$3 # File the results in the database report_result $ONE $TWO $THREE if [ "$TWO" == "FAIL" ]; then SubmitLog $DEBUGLOG fi } function SubmitLog () { LOG=$1 rhts_submit_log -l $LOG } function XendLogging () { XENDCONF=/etc/sysconfig/xend DeBug "Enter XendLogging" if [ -e $XENDCONF ]; then DeBug "$XENDCONF exists" sed -i 's/#XENCONSOLED_LOG_HYPERVISOR=no/XENCONSOLED_LOG_HYPERVISOR=yes/g' $XENDCONF sed -i 's/#XENCONSOLED_LOG_GUESTS=no/XENCONSOLED_LOG_GUESTS=yes/g' $XENDCONF sed -i 's/#XENCONSOLED_LOG_DIR/XENCONSOLED_LOG_DIR/g' $XENDCONF fi DeBug "Exit XendLogging" } function LogBootloaderConfig () { conf_files="/boot/grub2/grub.cfg /boot/grub/grub.conf /boot/efi/efi/redhat/elilo.conf /boot/etc/yaboot.conf /etc/yaboot.conf /etc/zipl.conf" for conf_file in $conf_files; do if [ -f $conf_file ]; then echo "----- $conf_file -----" | tee -a $DEBUGLOG cat $conf_file | tee -a $DEBUGLOG echo "----- $conf_file END -----" | tee -a $DEBUGLOG fi done } function SelectKernel () { DeBug "Enter SelectKernel" VR=$1 EXTRA=$2 DeBug "VR=$VR EXTRA=$EXTRA" # If not version or Extra selected then choose the latest installed version if [ -z "$EXTRA" -a -z "$VR" ]; then DeBug "ERROR: missing args" return 1 fi # Workaround for broken RT kernel spec file, part 1 if [ "$EXTRA" = "rt" ]; then DeBug "EXTRA=$EXTRA" EXTRA="" fi # Workaround for broken RT kernel spec file, part 2 if [ "$EXTRA" = "rt-vanilla" -o "$EXTRA" = "rt-debug" -o "$EXTRA" = "rt-trace" ]; then DeBug "Before EXTRA=$EXTRA" # if it is MRG-2.x RHEL6 if $(rpm -qf /etc/redhat-release | grep -q "redhat-release-server-6"); then if [ "${KVER::2}" = "3." ]; then ZZZ=${EXTRA:3} if [ "${KVER::3}" = "3.0" ]; then # MRG-2.1 EXTRA=$ZZZ else # MRG-2.2 or newer EXTRA=".x86_64.$ZZZ" fi else # MRG-2.0 EXTRA=$(echo $EXTRA | awk -F- '{print $1 $2}') fi else # MRG-1.x on RHEL 5 EXTRA=$(echo $EXTRA | awk -F- '{print $2}') fi DeBug "After EXTRA=$EXTRA" fi # Workaround for UP kernel spec file if [ "$EXTRA" = "up" ]; then DeBug "EXTRA=$EXTRA" EXTRA="" fi echo "***** Attempting to switch boot kernel to ($VR$EXTRA) *****" | tee -a $OUTPUTFILE DeBug "Attempting to switch boot kernel to ($VR$EXTRA)" # if we have grubby, then let's use that if command -v grubby >/dev/null 2>&1; then SelectKernelGrubby $VR $EXTRA ret=$? else SelectKernelLegacy $VR $EXTRA ret=$? fi sync sleep 5 DeBug "Exit SelectKernel" return $ret } # Bug 798577 - ppc64: grubby/new-kernel-pkg fails to install new kernel # There seem to be 2 issues, one in anaconda, one in grubby function WorkaroundBug798577 () { local VR=$1 local EXTRA=$2 local vmlinuz=$3 DeBug "WorkaroundBug798577: start <$VR> <$EXTRA> <$vmlinuz>" uname -r | grep ppc64 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then DeBug "WorkaroundBug798577: this is not ppc64" return 0 fi cat /etc/redhat-release | grep "release 7" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then DeBug "WorkaroundBug798577: this is not RHEL7" return 0 fi local initrd=$(rpm -ql $testkernbase.$kernarch | grep -e /initramfs-$VR | grep "$EXTRA" | awk '{print length"\t"$0}' | sort -n | cut -f2- | head -1) DeBug "WorkaroundBug798577: vmlinuz=$vmlinuz" DeBug "WorkaroundBug798577: initrd=$initrd" if [ -n "$vmlinuz" -a -n "$initrd" ]; then sed -i 's/image=vmlinu/image=\/vmlinu/' /etc/yaboot.conf DeBug "/sbin/new-kernel-pkg --package kernel --install $VR.ppc64 --initrdfile=$initrd" /sbin/new-kernel-pkg --package kernel --install $VR.ppc64 --initrdfile=$initrd grubby --set-default "$vmlinuz" cp -f /etc/yaboot.conf /boot/etc/yaboot.conf ybin -v default_vmlinuz=$(grubby --default-kernel) DeBug "WorkaroundBug798577: grubby --default-kernel: $default_vmlinuz" fi DeBug "WorkaroundBug798577: end" } function update_console () { # Xen uses com1 for ttyS0 and com2 for ttyS1 # com1 might be setup automatically *if* you installed xen from anaconda # com2 is never set up correctly by anaconda. # Take first serial console entry console=$(awk '/console=ttyS/{for(i=1;i<=NF;++i)if($i~/console=ttyS[^ ]*/)print $i; exit}' /etc/grub.conf) # Find our defult kernel default_kernel=$(grubby --default-kernel) # Get the serial settings and order them for XEN settings=$(echo $console |perl -pe 's/.*,([0-9]+)([neo])?([5678])?1?/$1,$3${2}1/') DeBug $console if echo $console | grep -q ttyS0 ; then # Configure com1, may already be done if installed xen from anaconda DeBug "ttyS0 = com1" grubby --mbargs com1=$settings --update-kernel=$default_kernel elif echo $console | grep -q ttyS1 ; then # Configure com2, change linux kernel console=ttyS1 to console=ttyS0 DeBug "ttyS1 = com2" ttyS0=$(echo $console | sed -e 's/ttyS1/ttyS0/') grubby --remove-mbargs com1=$settings --update-kernel=$default_kernel grubby --mbargs com2=$settings --update-kernel=$default_kernel grubby --mbargs console=com2L --update-kernel=$default_kernel grubby --remove-args $console --update-kernel=$default_kernel grubby --args $ttyS0 --update-kernel=$default_kernel else DeBug "Non-standard serial console" fi } function SelectKernelGrubby () { DeBug "Enter SelectKernelGrubby" VR=$1 EXTRA=$2 DeBug "VR=$VR EXTRA=$EXTRA" # We can only have one kernel on arm right now and grubby is busted # until bz 751608 is fixed. if [ "${ARCH}" = "armhfp" -o "${ARCH}" = "arm" ]; then return 0 fi # match vmlinuz with $VR and $EXTRA, take first shortest match # try to find vmlinuz in kernel and kernel-core packages local vmlinuz_kernel="$(rpm -ql $testkername-$KERNELARGVERSION.$kernarch | grep -e /vmlinu.-$VR | grep "$EXTRA" | awk '{print length"\t"$0}' | sort -n | cut -f2-)" local vmlinuz_kernel_core="$(rpm -ql $testkername-core-$KERNELARGVERSION.$kernarch | grep -e /vmlinu.-$VR | grep "$EXTRA" | awk '{print length"\t"$0}' | sort -n | cut -f2-)" if [ -e "/etc/grub.conf" ]; then # If /etc/grub.conf exists, make sure the requested kernel exists in /etc/grub.conf vmlinuz=$(for kernel in $vmlinuz_kernel $vmlinuz_kernel_core; do grep -q ${kernel#/boot} /etc/grub.conf && echo $kernel; done | head -1) else vmlinuz=$(echo $vmlinuz_kernel $vmlinuz_kernel_core | head -1) fi if [ -n "$vmlinuz" ]; then grubby --set-default "$vmlinuz" ret=$? DeBug "grubby --set-default $vmlinuz returned: $ret" default_vmlinuz=$(grubby --default-kernel) DeBug "grubby --default-kernel: $default_vmlinuz" LogBootloaderConfig if [ "$EXTRA" == "xen" ]; then update_console fi if [ "$default_vmlinuz" == "$vmlinuz" ]; then DeBug "grubby reports correct kernel as default: $default_vmlinuz" else DeBug "grubby reports default kernel as: $default_vmlinuz, expected: $vmlinuz" DeBug "trying WorkaroundBug798577" WorkaroundBug798577 "$VR" "$EXTRA" "$vmlinuz" LogBootloaderConfig fi if [ $ret -eq 0 ]; then test "${ARCH}" = "s390" -o "${ARCH}" = "s390x" && zipl fi return $ret fi DeBug "ERROR: failed to find vmlinuz in rpm: $testkernbase.$kernarch" return 1 } function SelectKernelLegacy () { DeBug "Enter SelectKernelLegacy" VR=$1 EXTRA=$2 DeBug "VR=$VR EXTRA=$EXTRA" grub_file=/boot/grub/grub.conf if [ -f $grub_file ]; then DeBug "Using: $grub_file" COUNT=0 DEFAULT=undefined for i in $(grep '^title' $grub_file | sed -e 's/.*(\(.*\)).*/\1/' -e "s/\.$(uname -m)*.//g"); do DeBug "COUNT=$COUNT VR=$VR EXTRA=$EXTRA i=$i" if [ "$VR$EXTRA" = "$i" ]; then DEFAULT=$COUNT; fi COUNT=$(expr $COUNT + 1) done if [ $DEFAULT != "undefined" ]; then DeBug "DEFAULT=$DEFAULT" /bin/ed -s $grub_file <> $OUTPUTFILE fi DeBug "Yum upgrade $KERNELHEADERS" $yumcmd list all $KERNELHEADERS | grep -q $testkernver-$testkernrel if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then # Install the kernel-headers from yum repo $yumcmd -y upgrade $KERNELHEADERS if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then echo "***** Yum returned an error while trying to upgrade $KERNELHEADERS *****" | tee -a $OUTPUTFILE DeBug "Exit YumUpgradeKernelHeaders FAIL 3 (YUM exited with a failure)" return 3 else # Check to see if the kernel-headers is now installed, using yum $yumcmd list installed $KERNELHEADERS | grep -q installed if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then # Double check, this time using rpm rpm -qa --queryformat '%{name}-%{version}-%{release}\n' | grep -q $KERNELHEADERS if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then echo "***** Failed to find $KERNELHEADERS in installed *****" | tee -a $OUTPUTFILE DeBug "Exit YumInstallPackage FAIL 4 (Thought we installed but can't find it)" return 4 fi fi fi else DeBug "Exit YumUpgradeKernelHeaders FAIL 5 (Can't find kernel in repo)" return 5 fi DeBug "Exit YumUpgradeKernelHeaders SUCCESS" return 0 } function DepmodChk () { DeBug "Enter DepmodChk" DEPCHKFILE=`mktemp /tmp/tmp.XXXXXX` DeBug "DEPCHKFILE=$DEPCHKFILE" /sbin/depmod -ae -F /boot/System.map-`uname -r` `uname -r` > $DEPCHKFILE 2>&1 if [ -s $DEPCHKFILE ] ; then DeBug "$DEPCHKFILE > 0" total=`cat $DEPCHKFILE | wc -l` OUTPUTFILE=`mktemp /tmp/tmp.XXXXXX` echo "***** List of Warnings/Errors reported by depmod *****" | tee -a $OUTPUTFILE cat $DEPCHKFILE | tee -a $OUTPUTFILE echo "***** End of list *****" | tee -a $OUTPUTFILE report_result $TEST/depmod FAIL $total fi DeBug "Exit DepmodChk" } function NukeRepo () { DeBug "Enter NukeRepo" if [ -e /etc/yum.repos.d/rhel-beta.repo ] ; then DeBug "beta repo existed, moving it to tmp" mv -f /etc/yum.repos.d/rhel-beta.repo /tmp yum clean all fi DeBug "Exit NukeRepo" } fix_bootif () { local macaddr=${1} local IFS='-' macaddr=$(for i in ${macaddr} ; do echo -n $i:; done) macaddr=${macaddr%:} # strip hardware type field from pxelinux [ -n "${macaddr%??:??:??:??:??:??}" ] && macaddr=${macaddr#??:} # return macaddr with lowercase alpha characters expected by udev echo $macaddr | sed 'y/ABCDEF/abcdef/' } function workaround_bug905918 () { echo "Enter workaround_bug905918" >> $OUTPUTFILE cat /etc/redhat-release | grep "release 7" if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "This is not RHEL7, exiting" return fi local cmdline=`grep "Command line" /var/log/anaconda/syslog | head -1` local BOOTIF=`echo $cmdline | grep -o "BOOTIF=[0-9a-zA-Z:-]\+" | sed 's/BOOTIF=//'` # command line echo $cmdline | grep "ip=" 2>&1 >/dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "ip= present on command line, exiting" >> $OUTPUTFILE return fi # kickstart if [ ! -f /root/anaconda-ks.cfg ]; then echo "Could not find /root/anaconda-ks.cfg, exiting" >> $OUTPUTFILE return fi grep "^network" /root/anaconda-ks.cfg | grep device if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "device= present in kickstart network option, exiting" >> $OUTPUTFILE return fi if [ -z "$BOOTIF" ]; then echo "Could not find BOOTIF in /var/log/anaconda/syslog" >> $OUTPUTFILE return fi BOOTIF=$(fix_bootif "$BOOTIF") echo "Fixed up BOOTIF: $BOOTIF" >> $OUTPUTFILE ip a s up | grep $BOOTIF 2>&1 >/dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Could not find any interface with this MAC, exiting" >> $OUTPUTFILE return fi local ifcfg_mask="/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-" for ifcfg in $ifcfg_mask*; do local ifc=`echo $ifcfg | sed "s|$ifcfg_mask||"` if [ "$ifc" == "lo" ]; then continue fi grep -l -i "$BOOTIF" $ifcfg 2>&1 >/dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Setting ONBOOT=no for $ifcfg" >> $OUTPUTFILE sed -i 's/ONBOOT=.*/ONBOOT=no/' $ifcfg restorecon $ifcfg echo "Turning off interface (ip link set down): $ifc" >> $OUTPUTFILE ip link set down $ifc fi done #wait for NetworkManager to process new config sleep 60 date >> $OUTPUTFILE ls -la /etc/resolv.conf >> $OUTPUTFILE echo "-- /etc/resolv.conf --" cat /etc/resolv.conf >> $OUTPUTFILE echo "-- END of /etc/resolv.conf --" echo "Exiting workaround_bug905918" >> $OUTPUTFILE } function workaround_bug905910 () { # Bug 905910 - X.509: Cert # is not yet valid local ret=0 OUTPUTFILE=`mktemp /tmp/tmp.XXXXXX` echo "Enter workaround_bug905910" >> $OUTPUTFILE if [ -f $OUTPUTDIR/boot.$kernbase ]; then grep -e "X.509: Cert [0-9a-fA-F]* is not yet valid" $OUTPUTDIR/boot.$kernbase > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Changing hwclock to UTC" | tee -a $OUTPUTFILE hwclock --systohc --utc >> $OUTPUTFILE 2>&1 ret=$? cat /etc/adjtime | tee -a $OUTPUTFILE echo "Exiting workaround_bug905910" >> $OUTPUTFILE RprtRslt $TEST/set-hwclock WARN $ret if [ $ret -eq 0 ]; then rhts-reboot fi else echo "Kernel seems happy about Cert start date, not doing anything" | tee -a $OUTPUTFILE fi fi echo "Exiting workaround_bug905910" >> $OUTPUTFILE } function CheckCPUcount () { # BZ1050040 http://patchwork.lab.bos.redhat.com/patch/74358/ # This function checks to see if the CPU count value # has changed between the base kernel and test kernel. # If the maxcpu option is used on the # kernel command line, then skip this check. local maxcpuCheck=$(/bin/cat /proc/cmdline | grep -q maxcpu)$? local system=$(/bin/uname -n) DeBug "Enter CheckCPUcount" # Check for use of kernel commandline maxcpu option if [ "$maxcpuCheck" -gt "0" ]; then # The maxcpu option is not in use. # Lets check the CPU count. if [ "$REBOOTCOUNT" -eq "0" ]; then # Lets get the CPU count for the base kernel. # We will save the base kernel variables, in order to survive a reboot. /bin/uname -r > /mnt/testarea/base_kernelSaved /bin/cat /proc/cpuinfo | /bin/grep ^processor | wc -l > /mnt/testarea/cpuCountSaved local base_kernel=$(/bin/cat /mnt/testarea/base_kernelSaved) local base_kernel_cpuCount=$(/bin/cat /mnt/testarea/cpuCountSaved) DeBug " Check the system CPU count for kernel-${base_kernel}" echo "" >> $OUTPUTFILE echo "***** Check the system CPU count for kernel-${base_kernel} *****" >> $OUTPUTFILE echo "***** CPU count for kernel-${base_kernel} is: $base_kernel_cpuCount *****" >> $OUTPUTFILE echo "" >> $OUTPUTFILE else # A reboot was expected, as we are booting a new kernel for testing. # Lets get the CPU count for the test kernel. # Then lets compare the base kernel and test kernel values. local test_kernel=$(/bin/uname -r) local test_kernel_cpuCount=$(/bin/cat /proc/cpuinfo | /bin/grep ^processor | wc -l) # Lets restore the saved base_kernel variables local base_kernel=$(/bin/cat /mnt/testarea/base_kernelSaved) local base_kernel_cpuCount=$(/bin/cat /mnt/testarea/cpuCountSaved) DeBug " Check and compare base_kernel_cpuCount and test_kernel_cpuCount values" echo "" >> $OUTPUTFILE echo "***** Comparing the CPU counts taken for the base kernel and test kernel *****" >> $OUTPUTFILE if [ "$base_kernel_cpuCount" -eq "$test_kernel_cpuCount" ]; then DeBug " INFO: $system CPU count has not changed" echo "***** INFO: $system CPU count has not changed *****" >> $OUTPUTFILE echo "" >> $OUTPUTFILE else # Lets WARN the user, report the status, and continue testing. DeBug " WARN: CPU count has changed" echo "***** kernel-${base_kernel} showed a CPU count of: $base_kernel_cpuCount *****" >> $OUTPUTFILE echo "***** kernel-${test_kernel} showed a CPU count of: $test_kernel_cpuCount *****" >> $OUTPUTFILE K_ReportStatus "Warn" "$system CPU count has changed" "CheckCPUcount" echo "" >> $OUTPUTFILE fi fi else # The kernel command line contains the maxcpu option. # Display a notification and continue testing. DeBug " INFO: /proc/cmdline has the maxcpu option" echo "" >> $OUTPUTFILE echo "***** INFO: /proc/cmdline has the maxcpu option *****" >> $OUTPUTFILE echo "" >> $OUTPUTFILE fi DeBug "Exit CheckCPUcount" } function Main () { DeBug "Enter Main" # Seed the log with an initial entry echo "***** Start of kernel install test *****" | tee -a $OUTPUTFILE # RHEL6-Beta repo workaround NukeRepo # Enable the Hypervisor and Console logging for xen tests XendLogging # workaround Bug 905918 - set ONBOOT=yes only for interfaces used during installation workaround_bug905918 # CheckCPU count with base kernel CheckCPUcount # Check to see if the kernel we want to test is already running CheckKernel $KERNELARGVERSION $KERNELARGVARIANT if [ "$?" = "1" ]; then # Check to see if the kernel we want to test is already installed rpm -qa --queryformat '%{name}-%{version}-%{release}.%{arch}\n' | grep -q $testkernbase.$kernarch if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then # Install kernel variant from yum repo YumInstallKernel if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then echo "***** Could not install from yum repo trying rpm -ivh from BREW *****" | tee -a $OUTPUTFILE # Install from yum failed lets try direct from brew BrewInstallKernel if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then RprtRslt $TEST/BrewInstallkernel FAIL $? RHTSAbort fi fi fi # Lets make it our default boot kernel the kernel we want to test SelectKernel $KERNELARGVERSION $KERNELARGVARIANT if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then RprtRslt $TEST/SelectKernel FAIL $? else # Now that the kernel is our default... Let's reboot echo "***** End of kernel install test *****" | tee -a $OUTPUTFILE if [ -f $OUTPUTDIR/boot.$kernbase ]; then SubmitLog $OUTPUTDIR/boot.$kernbase fi SubmitLog $DEBUGLOG RprtRslt $TEST/rhts-reboot PASS 0 date --date="$(date --utc)" +%s > /mnt/testarea/kernelinstall_reboottime.log rhts-reboot fi else echo "***** The running kernel is the kernel we want to test *****" | tee -a $OUTPUTFILE echo "***** End of kernel install test *****" | tee -a $OUTPUTFILE if [ -f $OUTPUTDIR/boot.$kernbase ]; then SubmitLog $OUTPUTDIR/boot.$kernbase fi RprtRslt $TEST/$kernbase PASS $REBOOTCOUNT DepmodChk SysReport exit 0 fi } # Record the test version in the debuglog testver=$(rpm -qf $0) DeBug "$testver" # Current kernel variables runkernel=$K_RUNNING_VR kernbase=$(rpm -q --queryformat '%{name}-%{version}-%{release}\n' -qf /boot/config-$(uname -r)) kernver=$(rpm -q --queryformat '%{version}\n' -qf /boot/config-$(uname -r)) kernrel=$(rpm -q --queryformat '%{release}\n' -qf /boot/config-$(uname -r)) kernarch=$(rpm -q --queryformat '%{arch}\n' -qf /boot/config-$(uname -r)) kernvariant=$(uname -r | sed -e "s/${kernver}-${kernrel}//g" -e "s/\.$(uname -m).//g") # drop -core- from name if present, this is to deal with meta-style # packaging of kernel RPMs. Removing it here should be OK # because kernbase is used only for naming of log/result files kernbase=$(echo $kernbase | sed 's/-core-/-/') DeBug "Running kernel variables" DeBug "RUNNINGKERNEL=$runkernel" DeBug "1=$kernbase 2=$kernver 3=$kernrel 4=$kernarch 5=$kernvariant" # Test ARGS that are defined DeBug "TEST ARGS (Environment variables)" DeBug "1=$KERNELARGNAME 2=$KERNELARGVARIANT 3=$KERNELARGVERSION" # New kernel variables if [ "$KERNELARGVARIANT" == "up" ]; then DeBug "Running up variant, or newer smp" testkernbase=$KERNELARGNAME-$KERNELARGVERSION testkername=$KERNELARGNAME testkernver=$(echo $KERNELARGVERSION | awk -F- '{print $1}') testkernrel=$(echo $KERNELARGVERSION | awk -F- '{print $2}') testkerndevel=$KERNELARGNAME-devel-$KERNELARGVERSION testkerneluname=$KERNELARGVERSION DeBug "Test kernel variables" DeBug "1=$testkernbase 2=$testkername 3=$testkernver 4=$testkernrel 5=$testkerndevel" else testkernbase=$KERNELARGNAME-$KERNELARGVARIANT-$KERNELARGVERSION testkername=$KERNELARGNAME-$KERNELARGVARIANT testkernver=$(echo $KERNELARGVERSION | awk -F- '{print $1}') testkernrel=$(echo $KERNELARGVERSION | awk -F- '{print $2}') testkernvariant=$KERNELARGVARIANT testkerndevel=$KERNELARGNAME-$KERNELARGVARIANT-devel-$KERNELARGVERSION testkerneluname=$KERNELARGVERSION$KERNELARGVARIANT DeBug "Test kernel variables, in the else statement" DeBug "1=$testkernbase 2=$testkername 3=$testkernver 4=$testkernrel 5=$testkernvariant 6=$testkerndevel" fi testkernfirmware=kernel-firmware-$KERNELARGVERSION # Determine if we are on RHEL5 distro DeBug "Setting the default yum command" yumcmd="yum" DeBug "Setting the default CheckKernel Options" OPTIONSCheckKernel="$KERNELARGVERSION $KERNELARGVARIANT" RHEL5TREE=$(rpm -qf /etc/redhat-release | grep -q "redhat-release-5") if [ "$RHE5TREE" == "0" ] ; then DeBug "Running on RHEL5 Distribution" DeBug "Override yum command" yumcmd="yum --noplugins" fi RHEL6TREE=$(cat /etc/redhat-release | grep -q "Santiago") if [ "$RHEL6TREE" == "0" ] ; then DeBug "Running on RHEL6 Distribution" DeBug "Override yum command" yumcmd="yum --noplugins" fi # Generic test variables httpbase=http://download.lab.bos.redhat.com/brewroot/packages/$KERNELARGNAME/$testkernver/$testkernrel archbase=http://download.lab.bos.redhat.com/brewroot/vol/kernelarchive/packages/$KERNELARGNAME/$testkernver/$testkernrel if [ "$KERNELARGVARIANT" = "rt-vanilla" -o "$KERNELARGVARIANT" = "rt-debug" -o "$KERNELARGVARIANT" = "rt-trace" -o "$KERNELARGVARIANT" = "rt" ]; then DeBug "Setting up HTTPBASE and Firmware for RT kernels" httpbase=http://download.lab.bos.redhat.com/brewroot/packages/$KERNELARGNAME-rt/$testkernver/$testkernrel testkernfirmware=kernel-rt-firmware-$KERNELARGVERSION fi if [ -z "$OUTPUTDIR" ]; then OUTPUTDIR=/mnt/testarea fi # Record lspci -xxx -vv if [ -x /sbin/lspci ]; then /sbin/lspci -xxx -vv > $OUTPUTDIR/lspci.hexdump.$kernbase SubmitLog $OUTPUTDIR/lspci.hexdump.$kernbase fi # Record the boot messages /bin/dmesg > $OUTPUTDIR/boot.$kernbase if [ ! -s $OUTPUTDIR/boot.$kernbase ]; then # Workaround for /distribution/install zeroing out the dmesg file cp $OUTPUTDIR/boot.messages $OUTPUTDIR/boot.$kernbase fi if [ -z "$KERNELARGNAME" -o -z "$KERNELARGVARIANT" -o -z "$KERNELARGVERSION" ]; then echo "***** Test argument(s) are empty! Can't continue. *****" | tee -a $OUTPUTFILE DeBug "name=$KERNELARGNAME variant=$KERNELARGVARIANT version=$KERNELARGVERSION" RprtRslt $TEST/$kernbase FAIL 1 exit 0 else if [ "$REBOOTCOUNT" == "0" ]; then Main elif [ "$REBOOTCOUNT" == "1" ]; then if [ -f $OUTPUTDIR/boot.$kernbase ]; then SubmitLog $OUTPUTDIR/boot.$kernbase fi DeBug "Running CheckKernel $OPTIONSCheckKernel" CheckKernel $OPTIONSCheckKernel if [ "$?" = "1" ]; then DeBug "After reboot we are still not running the correct kernel" RprtRslt $TEST/$kernbase FAIL $REBOOTCOUNT RHTSAbort else DeBug "After reboot we are running the correct kernel" # CheckCPU count with test kernel CheckCPUcount YumUpgradeKernelHeaders REBOOT_TIME=$(cat /mnt/testarea/kernelinstall_reboottime.log) DIFF=$(expr ${CUR_TIME} - ${REBOOT_TIME}) if [[ ${DIFF} -gt 480 ]]; then DeBug "rhts-reboot took ${DIFF} seconds..." RprtRslt $TEST/${kernbase}_boot WARN $DIFF fi RprtRslt $TEST/$kernbase PASS $DIFF DepmodChk DiffDmesg if [ -x /sbin/lspci ]; then DiffLspci fi SysReport fi SubmitLog $DEBUGLOG workaround_bug905910 else if [ -f $OUTPUTDIR/boot.$kernbase ]; then SubmitLog $OUTPUTDIR/boot.$kernbase fi RprtRslt $TEST/boot PASS 0 fi fi