# Include Common Makefile include /usr/share/rhts/lib/rhts-make.include # The version of the test rpm that gets created/submitted. export TESTVERSION=1.0 # The toplevel namespace within which the test lives. TOPLEVEL_NAMESPACE=/$(PACKAGE_NAME) # The toplevel namespace within which the test lives. PACKAGE_NAME=kernel # The name of the package under test. RELATIVE_PATH=include # The relative path name to the test export TEST=$(TOPLEVEL_NAMESPACE)/$(RELATIVE_PATH) # All files you want bundled into your rpm: # data files, scripts, and anything needed to either # compile the test and/or run it. FILES= $(METADATA) \ runtest.sh build: chmod a+x runtest.sh run: $(FILES) build ./runtest.sh clean: $(RM) $(METADATA) $(RM) *~ kernel-kernel-include* # Generate the testinfo.desc here: $(METADATA): touch $(METADATA) @echo "Name: $(TEST)" >$(METADATA) @echo "Description: Common functions and/or variables for Kernel Testing Tasks." >>$(METADATA) @echo "Path: $(TEST_DIR)" >>$(METADATA) @echo "TestTime: 5m" >>$(METADATA) @echo "TestVersion: $(TESTVERSION)" >>$(METADATA) @echo "License: GPLv3" >>$(METADATA) @echo "Owner: Paul Bunyan" >>$(METADATA) @echo "Provides: test(/kernel/include)" >>$(METADATA) @cat $(METADATA) # EndFile