from git_taskrepo.testinfo import SemiStrictParser, ParserError import string import os import commands # Keys from testinfo to populate with keys = ("runfor", "types", "bugs", ) class TaskRepoException(Exception): pass class TRX(TaskRepoException): pass class TRX_Parse(TRX): pass class TRX_TestInfo(TRX): pass def only_ascii(s): return filter(lambda x: x in string.printable, s) def _update_taskrepo(taskrepo, taskname, testinfo): with taskrepo: cur = taskrepo.cursor() # Do we already have an entry for this task? cur.execute("SELECT id FROM tasks WHERE name=?", (taskname,)) result = cur.fetchone() if result: taskid = result[0] else: cur.execute("INSERT INTO tasks(name) VALUES (?)", (taskname,)) taskid = cur.lastrowid; # Update description and owner cur.execute("UPDATE tasks SET description = ?, owner = ? WHERE id = ? ", (only_ascii(testinfo.test_description), only_ascii(testinfo.owner), taskid)) for key in keys: # Clear old values cur.execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE task_id=?" % key, (taskid,)) # Populate with new values for value in getattr(testinfo, key): cur.execute("INSERT INTO %s VALUES (?,?)" % key, (taskid, value)) def update_taskrepo(repo, taskrepo, taskpath): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(taskpath, "Makefile")): os.system("make -ki -C %s testinfo.desc >/dev/null 2>&1" % taskpath) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(taskpath, "testinfo.desc")): taskname = taskpath.split("%s/" % repo.working_tree_dir)[1] try: testinfo = parse_testinfo(os.path.join(taskpath, "testinfo.desc")) except ParserError: raise _update_taskrepo(taskrepo, taskname, testinfo) else: raise TRX_TestInfo('No testinfo.desc') def parse_testinfo(filename): p = SemiStrictParser(True) p.parse(open(filename).readlines()) return