#!/usr/bin/python -u # # generate python wrappers from the XML API description # functions = {} enums = {} # { enumType: { enumConstant: enumValue } } import os import sys import string if __name__ == "__main__": # launched as a script srcPref = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]) else: # imported srcPref = os.path.dirname(__file__) ####################################################################### # # That part if purely the API acquisition phase from the # libvirt API description # ####################################################################### import os import xmllib try: import sgmlop except ImportError: sgmlop = None # accelerator not available debug = 0 if sgmlop: class FastParser: """sgmlop based XML parser. this is typically 15x faster than SlowParser...""" def __init__(self, target): # setup callbacks self.finish_starttag = target.start self.finish_endtag = target.end self.handle_data = target.data # activate parser self.parser = sgmlop.XMLParser() self.parser.register(self) self.feed = self.parser.feed self.entity = { "amp": "&", "gt": ">", "lt": "<", "apos": "'", "quot": '"' } def close(self): try: self.parser.close() finally: self.parser = self.feed = None # nuke circular reference def handle_entityref(self, entity): # entity try: self.handle_data(self.entity[entity]) except KeyError: self.handle_data("&%s;" % entity) else: FastParser = None class SlowParser(xmllib.XMLParser): """slow but safe standard parser, based on the XML parser in Python's standard library.""" def __init__(self, target): self.unknown_starttag = target.start self.handle_data = target.data self.unknown_endtag = target.end xmllib.XMLParser.__init__(self) def getparser(target = None): # get the fastest available parser, and attach it to an # unmarshalling object. return both objects. if target is None: target = docParser() if FastParser: return FastParser(target), target return SlowParser(target), target class docParser: def __init__(self): self._methodname = None self._data = [] self.in_function = 0 def close(self): if debug: print "close" def getmethodname(self): return self._methodname def data(self, text): if debug: print "data %s" % text self._data.append(text) def start(self, tag, attrs): if debug: print "start %s, %s" % (tag, attrs) if tag == 'function': self._data = [] self.in_function = 1 self.function = None self.function_cond = None self.function_args = [] self.function_descr = None self.function_return = None self.function_file = None if attrs.has_key('name'): self.function = attrs['name'] if attrs.has_key('file'): self.function_file = attrs['file'] elif tag == 'cond': self._data = [] elif tag == 'info': self._data = [] elif tag == 'arg': if self.in_function == 1: self.function_arg_name = None self.function_arg_type = None self.function_arg_info = None if attrs.has_key('name'): self.function_arg_name = attrs['name'] if self.function_arg_name == 'from': self.function_arg_name = 'frm' if attrs.has_key('type'): self.function_arg_type = attrs['type'] if attrs.has_key('info'): self.function_arg_info = attrs['info'] elif tag == 'return': if self.in_function == 1: self.function_return_type = None self.function_return_info = None self.function_return_field = None if attrs.has_key('type'): self.function_return_type = attrs['type'] if attrs.has_key('info'): self.function_return_info = attrs['info'] if attrs.has_key('field'): self.function_return_field = attrs['field'] elif tag == 'enum': enum(attrs['type'],attrs['name'],attrs['value']) def end(self, tag): if debug: print "end %s" % tag if tag == 'function': if self.function != None: function(self.function, self.function_descr, self.function_return, self.function_args, self.function_file, self.function_cond) self.in_function = 0 elif tag == 'arg': if self.in_function == 1: self.function_args.append([self.function_arg_name, self.function_arg_type, self.function_arg_info]) elif tag == 'return': if self.in_function == 1: self.function_return = [self.function_return_type, self.function_return_info, self.function_return_field] elif tag == 'info': str = '' for c in self._data: str = str + c if self.in_function == 1: self.function_descr = str elif tag == 'cond': str = '' for c in self._data: str = str + c if self.in_function == 1: self.function_cond = str def function(name, desc, ret, args, file, cond): functions[name] = (desc, ret, args, file, cond) def enum(type, name, value): if not enums.has_key(type): enums[type] = {} enums[type][name] = value ####################################################################### # # Some filtering rukes to drop functions/types which should not # be exposed as-is on the Python interface # ####################################################################### functions_failed = [] functions_skipped = [ "virConnectListDomains" ] skipped_modules = { } skipped_types = { 'int *': "usually a return type", } ####################################################################### # # Table of remapping to/from the python type or class to the C # counterpart. # ####################################################################### py_types = { 'void': (None, None, None, None), 'int': ('i', None, "int", "int"), 'long': ('i', None, "int", "int"), 'double': ('d', None, "double", "double"), 'unsigned int': ('i', None, "int", "int"), 'unsigned long': ('i', None, "int", "int"), 'unsigned char *': ('z', None, "charPtr", "char *"), 'char *': ('z', None, "charPtr", "char *"), 'const char *': ('z', None, "charPtrConst", "const char *"), 'virDomainPtr': ('O', "virDomain", "virDomainPtr", "virDomainPtr"), 'const virDomainPtr': ('O', "virDomain", "virDomainPtr", "virDomainPtr"), 'virDomain *': ('O', "virDomain", "virDomainPtr", "virDomainPtr"), 'const virDomain *': ('O', "virDomain", "virDomainPtr", "virDomainPtr"), 'virConnectPtr': ('O', "virConnect", "virConnectPtr", "virConnectPtr"), 'const virConnectPtr': ('O', "virConnect", "virConnectPtr", "virConnectPtr"), 'virConnect *': ('O', "virConnect", "virConnectPtr", "virConnectPtr"), 'const virConnect *': ('O', "virConnect", "virConnectPtr", "virConnectPtr"), } py_return_types = { } unknown_types = {} foreign_encoding_args = ( ) ####################################################################### # # This part writes the C <-> Python stubs libxml2-py.[ch] and # the table libxml2-export.c to add when registrering the Python module # ####################################################################### # Class methods which are written by hand in libvir.c but the Python-level # code is still automatically generated (so they are not in skip_function()). skip_impl = ( 'virConnectListDomainsID', 'virDomainGetInfo', 'virDomainGetUUID', 'virDomainLookupByUUID', ) def skip_function(name): if name == "virConnectClose": return 1 if name == "virDomainFree": return 1 return 0 def print_function_wrapper(name, output, export, include): global py_types global unknown_types global functions global skipped_modules try: (desc, ret, args, file, cond) = functions[name] except: print "failed to get function %s infos" return if skipped_modules.has_key(file): return 0 if skip_function(name) == 1: return 0 if name in skip_impl: # Don't delete the function entry in the caller. return 1 c_call = ""; format="" format_args="" c_args="" c_return="" c_convert="" num_bufs=0 for arg in args: # This should be correct if arg[1][0:6] == "const ": arg[1] = arg[1][6:] c_args = c_args + " %s %s;\n" % (arg[1], arg[0]) if py_types.has_key(arg[1]): (f, t, n, c) = py_types[arg[1]] if (f == 'z') and (name in foreign_encoding_args) and (num_bufs == 0): f = 't#' if f != None: format = format + f if t != None: format_args = format_args + ", &pyobj_%s" % (arg[0]) c_args = c_args + " PyObject *pyobj_%s;\n" % (arg[0]) c_convert = c_convert + \ " %s = (%s) Py%s_Get(pyobj_%s);\n" % (arg[0], arg[1], t, arg[0]); else: format_args = format_args + ", &%s" % (arg[0]) if f == 't#': format_args = format_args + ", &py_buffsize%d" % num_bufs c_args = c_args + " int py_buffsize%d;\n" % num_bufs num_bufs = num_bufs + 1 if c_call != "": c_call = c_call + ", "; c_call = c_call + "%s" % (arg[0]) else: if skipped_types.has_key(arg[1]): return 0 if unknown_types.has_key(arg[1]): lst = unknown_types[arg[1]] lst.append(name) else: unknown_types[arg[1]] = [name] return -1 if format != "": format = format + ":%s" % (name) if ret[0] == 'void': if file == "python_accessor": if args[1][1] == "char *": c_call = "\n if (%s->%s != NULL) free(%s->%s);\n" % ( args[0][0], args[1][0], args[0][0], args[1][0]) c_call = c_call + " %s->%s = (%s)strdup((const xmlChar *)%s);\n" % (args[0][0], args[1][0], args[1][1], args[1][0]) else: c_call = "\n %s->%s = %s;\n" % (args[0][0], args[1][0], args[1][0]) else: c_call = "\n %s(%s);\n" % (name, c_call); ret_convert = " Py_INCREF(Py_None);\n return(Py_None);\n" elif py_types.has_key(ret[0]): (f, t, n, c) = py_types[ret[0]] c_return = " %s c_retval;\n" % (ret[0]) if file == "python_accessor" and ret[2] != None: c_call = "\n c_retval = %s->%s;\n" % (args[0][0], ret[2]) else: c_call = "\n c_retval = %s(%s);\n" % (name, c_call); ret_convert = " py_retval = libvirt_%sWrap((%s) c_retval);\n" % (n,c) ret_convert = ret_convert + " return(py_retval);\n" elif py_return_types.has_key(ret[0]): (f, t, n, c) = py_return_types[ret[0]] c_return = " %s c_retval;\n" % (ret[0]) c_call = "\n c_retval = %s(%s);\n" % (name, c_call); ret_convert = " py_retval = libvirt_%sWrap((%s) c_retval);\n" % (n,c) ret_convert = ret_convert + " return(py_retval);\n" else: if skipped_types.has_key(ret[0]): return 0 if unknown_types.has_key(ret[0]): lst = unknown_types[ret[0]] lst.append(name) else: unknown_types[ret[0]] = [name] return -1 if cond != None and cond != "": include.write("#if %s\n" % cond) export.write("#if %s\n" % cond) output.write("#if %s\n" % cond) include.write("PyObject * ") include.write("libvirt_%s(PyObject *self, PyObject *args);\n" % (name)); export.write(" { (char *)\"%s\", libvirt_%s, METH_VARARGS, NULL },\n" % (name, name)) if file == "python": # Those have been manually generated if cond != None and cond != "": include.write("#endif\n"); export.write("#endif\n"); output.write("#endif\n"); return 1 if file == "python_accessor" and ret[0] != "void" and ret[2] is None: # Those have been manually generated if cond != None and cond != "": include.write("#endif\n"); export.write("#endif\n"); output.write("#endif\n"); return 1 output.write("PyObject *\n") output.write("libvirt_%s(PyObject *self ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED," % (name)) output.write(" PyObject *args") if format == "": output.write(" ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED") output.write(") {\n") if ret[0] != 'void': output.write(" PyObject *py_retval;\n") if c_return != "": output.write(c_return) if c_args != "": output.write(c_args) if format != "": output.write("\n if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, (char *)\"%s\"%s))\n" % (format, format_args)) output.write(" return(NULL);\n") if c_convert != "": output.write(c_convert) output.write(c_call) output.write(ret_convert) output.write("}\n\n") if cond != None and cond != "": include.write("#endif /* %s */\n" % cond) export.write("#endif /* %s */\n" % cond) output.write("#endif /* %s */\n" % cond) return 1 def buildStubs(): global py_types global py_return_types global unknown_types try: f = open(os.path.join(srcPref,"libvirt-api.xml")) data = f.read() (parser, target) = getparser() parser.feed(data) parser.close() except IOError, msg: try: f = open(os.path.join(srcPref,"..","docs","libvirt-api.xml")) data = f.read() (parser, target) = getparser() parser.feed(data) parser.close() except IOError, msg: print file, ":", msg sys.exit(1) n = len(functions.keys()) print "Found %d functions in libvirt-api.xml" % (n) py_types['pythonObject'] = ('O', "pythonObject", "pythonObject", "pythonObject") try: f = open(os.path.join(srcPref,"libvirt-python-api.xml")) data = f.read() (parser, target) = getparser() parser.feed(data) parser.close() except IOError, msg: print file, ":", msg print "Found %d functions in libvirt-python-api.xml" % ( len(functions.keys()) - n) nb_wrap = 0 failed = 0 skipped = 0 include = open("libvirt-py.h", "w") include.write("/* Generated */\n\n") export = open("libvirt-export.c", "w") export.write("/* Generated */\n\n") wrapper = open("libvirt-py.c", "w") wrapper.write("/* Generated */\n\n") wrapper.write("#include \n") wrapper.write("#include \n") wrapper.write("#include \"libvirt_wrap.h\"\n") wrapper.write("#include \"libvirt-py.h\"\n\n") for function in functions.keys(): ret = print_function_wrapper(function, wrapper, export, include) if ret < 0: failed = failed + 1 functions_failed.append(function) del functions[function] if ret == 0: skipped = skipped + 1 functions_skipped.append(function) del functions[function] if ret == 1: nb_wrap = nb_wrap + 1 include.close() export.close() wrapper.close() print "Generated %d wrapper functions, %d failed, %d skipped\n" % (nb_wrap, failed, skipped); print "Missing type converters: " for type in unknown_types.keys(): print "%s:%d " % (type, len(unknown_types[type])), print ####################################################################### # # This part writes part of the Python front-end classes based on # mapping rules between types and classes and also based on function # renaming to get consistent function names at the Python level # ####################################################################### # # The type automatically remapped to generated classes # classes_type = { "virDomainPtr": ("._o", "virDomain(_obj=%s)", "virDomain"), "virDomain *": ("._o", "virDomain(_obj=%s)", "virDomain"), "virConnectPtr": ("._o", "virConnect(_obj=%s)", "virConnect"), "virConnect *": ("._o", "virConnect(_obj=%s)", "virConnect"), } converter_type = { } primary_classes = ["virDomain", "virConnect"] classes_ancestor = { } classes_destructors = { "virDomain": "virDomainFree", "virConnect": "virConnectClose", } functions_noexcept = { } reference_keepers = { } function_classes = {} function_classes["None"] = [] function_post = { 'virDomainDestroy': "self._o = None", } def nameFixup(name, classe, type, file): listname = classe + "List" ll = len(listname) l = len(classe) if name[0:l] == listname: func = name[l:] func = string.lower(func[0:1]) + func[1:] elif name[0:12] == "virDomainGet": func = name[12:] func = string.lower(func[0:1]) + func[1:] elif name[0:9] == "virDomain": func = name[9:] func = string.lower(func[0:1]) + func[1:] elif name[0:10] == "virConnect": func = name[10:] func = string.lower(func[0:1]) + func[1:] elif name[0:3] == "xml": func = name[3:] func = string.lower(func[0:1]) + func[1:] else: func = name if func == "iD": func = "ID" if func == "uUID": func = "UUID" if func == "oSType": func = "OSType" if func == "xMLDesc": func = "XMLDesc" return func def functionCompare(info1, info2): (index1, func1, name1, ret1, args1, file1) = info1 (index2, func2, name2, ret2, args2, file2) = info2 if file1 == file2: if func1 < func2: return -1 if func1 > func2: return 1 if file1 == "python_accessor": return -1 if file2 == "python_accessor": return 1 if file1 < file2: return -1 if file1 > file2: return 1 return 0 def writeDoc(name, args, indent, output): if functions[name][0] is None or functions[name][0] == "": return val = functions[name][0] val = string.replace(val, "NULL", "None"); output.write(indent) output.write('"""') while len(val) > 60: str = val[0:60] i = string.rfind(str, " "); if i < 0: i = 60 str = val[0:i] val = val[i:] output.write(str) output.write('\n '); output.write(indent) output.write(val); output.write(' """\n') def buildWrappers(): global ctypes global py_types global py_return_types global unknown_types global functions global function_classes global classes_type global classes_list global converter_type global primary_classes global converter_type global classes_ancestor global converter_type global primary_classes global classes_ancestor global classes_destructors global functions_noexcept for type in classes_type.keys(): function_classes[classes_type[type][2]] = [] # # Build the list of C types to look for ordered to start # with primary classes # ctypes = [] classes_list = [] ctypes_processed = {} classes_processed = {} for classe in primary_classes: classes_list.append(classe) classes_processed[classe] = () for type in classes_type.keys(): tinfo = classes_type[type] if tinfo[2] == classe: ctypes.append(type) ctypes_processed[type] = () for type in classes_type.keys(): if ctypes_processed.has_key(type): continue tinfo = classes_type[type] if not classes_processed.has_key(tinfo[2]): classes_list.append(tinfo[2]) classes_processed[tinfo[2]] = () ctypes.append(type) ctypes_processed[type] = () for name in functions.keys(): found = 0; (desc, ret, args, file, cond) = functions[name] for type in ctypes: classe = classes_type[type][2] if name[0:3] == "vir" and len(args) >= 1 and args[0][1] == type: found = 1 func = nameFixup(name, classe, type, file) info = (0, func, name, ret, args, file) function_classes[classe].append(info) elif name[0:3] == "vir" and len(args) >= 2 and args[1][1] == type \ and file != "python_accessor": found = 1 func = nameFixup(name, classe, type, file) info = (1, func, name, ret, args, file) function_classes[classe].append(info) if found == 1: continue func = nameFixup(name, "None", file, file) info = (0, func, name, ret, args, file) function_classes['None'].append(info) classes = open("libvirt.py", "w") classes.write("""#!/usr/bin/python -u # # Those are the autogenerated Python bindings for libvirt. # Check python/generator.py in the source distribution of libvirt # to find out more about the generation process # """) classes.write("import libvirtmod\n") classes.write("import types\n\n") txt = open("libvirtclass.txt", "w") txt.write(" Generated Classes for libvir-python\n\n") txt.write("#\n# Global functions of the module\n#\n\n") if function_classes.has_key("None"): flist = function_classes["None"] flist.sort(functionCompare) oldfile = "" for info in flist: (index, func, name, ret, args, file) = info if file != oldfile: classes.write("#\n# Functions from module %s\n#\n\n" % file) txt.write("\n# functions from module %s\n" % file) oldfile = file classes.write("def %s(" % func) txt.write("%s()\n" % func); n = 0 for arg in args: if n != 0: classes.write(", ") classes.write("%s" % arg[0]) n = n + 1 classes.write("):\n") writeDoc(name, args, ' ', classes); for arg in args: if classes_type.has_key(arg[1]): classes.write(" if %s is None: %s__o = None\n" % (arg[0], arg[0])) classes.write(" else: %s__o = %s%s\n" % (arg[0], arg[0], classes_type[arg[1]][0])) if ret[0] != "void": classes.write(" ret = "); else: classes.write(" "); classes.write("libvirtmod.%s(" % name) n = 0 for arg in args: if n != 0: classes.write(", "); classes.write("%s" % arg[0]) if classes_type.has_key(arg[1]): classes.write("__o"); n = n + 1 classes.write(")\n"); if ret[0] != "void": if classes_type.has_key(ret[0]): # # Raise an exception # if functions_noexcept.has_key(name): classes.write(" if ret is None:return None\n"); classes.write(" return "); classes.write(classes_type[ret[0]][1] % ("ret")); classes.write("\n"); else: classes.write(" return ret\n"); classes.write("\n"); txt.write("\n\n#\n# Set of classes of the module\n#\n\n") for classname in classes_list: if classname == "None": pass else: if classes_ancestor.has_key(classname): txt.write("\n\nClass %s(%s)\n" % (classname, classes_ancestor[classname])) classes.write("class %s(%s):\n" % (classname, classes_ancestor[classname])) classes.write(" def __init__(self, _obj=None):\n") if reference_keepers.has_key(classname): rlist = reference_keepers[classname] for ref in rlist: classes.write(" self.%s = None\n" % ref[1]) classes.write(" self._o = _obj\n") classes.write(" %s.__init__(self, _obj=_obj)\n\n" % ( classes_ancestor[classname])) else: txt.write("Class %s()\n" % (classname)) classes.write("class %s:\n" % (classname)) classes.write(" def __init__(self, _obj=None):\n") if reference_keepers.has_key(classname): list = reference_keepers[classname] for ref in list: classes.write(" self.%s = None\n" % ref[1]) classes.write(" if _obj != None:self._o = _obj;return\n") classes.write(" self._o = None\n\n"); destruct=None if classes_destructors.has_key(classname): classes.write(" def __del__(self):\n") classes.write(" if self._o != None:\n") classes.write(" libvirtmod.%s(self._o)\n" % classes_destructors[classname]); classes.write(" self._o = None\n\n"); destruct=classes_destructors[classname] flist = function_classes[classname] flist.sort(functionCompare) oldfile = "" for info in flist: (index, func, name, ret, args, file) = info # # Do not provide as method the destructors for the class # to avoid double free # if name == destruct: continue; if file != oldfile: if file == "python_accessor": classes.write(" # accessors for %s\n" % (classname)) txt.write(" # accessors\n") else: classes.write(" #\n") classes.write(" # %s functions from module %s\n" % ( classname, file)) txt.write("\n # functions from module %s\n" % file) classes.write(" #\n\n") oldfile = file classes.write(" def %s(self" % func) txt.write(" %s()\n" % func); n = 0 for arg in args: if n != index: classes.write(", %s" % arg[0]) n = n + 1 classes.write("):\n") writeDoc(name, args, ' ', classes); n = 0 for arg in args: if classes_type.has_key(arg[1]): if n != index: classes.write(" if %s is None: %s__o = None\n" % (arg[0], arg[0])) classes.write(" else: %s__o = %s%s\n" % (arg[0], arg[0], classes_type[arg[1]][0])) n = n + 1 if ret[0] != "void": classes.write(" ret = "); else: classes.write(" "); classes.write("libvirtmod.%s(" % name) n = 0 for arg in args: if n != 0: classes.write(", "); if n != index: classes.write("%s" % arg[0]) if classes_type.has_key(arg[1]): classes.write("__o"); else: classes.write("self"); if classes_type.has_key(arg[1]): classes.write(classes_type[arg[1]][0]) n = n + 1 classes.write(")\n"); if function_post.has_key(name): classes.write(" %s\n" % (function_post[name])); if ret[0] != "void": if classes_type.has_key(ret[0]): # # Raise an exception # if functions_noexcept.has_key(name): classes.write( " if ret is None:return None\n"); # # generate the returned class wrapper for the object # classes.write(" __tmp = "); classes.write(classes_type[ret[0]][1] % ("ret")); classes.write("\n"); # # Sometime one need to keep references of the source # class in the returned class object. # See reference_keepers for the list # tclass = classes_type[ret[0]][2] if reference_keepers.has_key(tclass): list = reference_keepers[tclass] for pref in list: if pref[0] == classname: classes.write(" __tmp.%s = self\n" % pref[1]) # # return the class # classes.write(" return __tmp\n"); elif converter_type.has_key(ret[0]): # # Raise an exception # if functions_noexcept.has_key(name): classes.write( " if ret is None:return None"); classes.write(" return "); classes.write(converter_type[ret[0]] % ("ret")); classes.write("\n"); else: classes.write(" return ret\n"); classes.write("\n"); # # Generate enum constants # for type,enum in enums.items(): classes.write("# %s\n" % type) items = enum.items() items.sort(lambda i1,i2: cmp(long(i1[1]),long(i2[1]))) for name,value in items: classes.write("%s = %s\n" % (name,value)) classes.write("\n"); if len(functions_skipped) != 0: txt.write("\nFunctions skipped:\n") for function in functions_skipped: txt.write(" %s\n" % function) if len(functions_failed) != 0: txt.write("\nFunctions failed:\n") for function in functions_failed: txt.write(" %s\n" % function) txt.close() classes.close() buildStubs() buildWrappers()