#!/usr/bin/python -tt # vim:expandtab:autoindent:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:filetype=python:textwidth=0: # Originally written by Seth Vidal # Sections taken from Mach by Thomas Vander Stichele # Major reorganization and adaptation by Michael Brown # Copyright (C) 2007 Michael E Brown # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Library General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # library imports import ConfigParser import grp import logging import logging.config import os import os.path import sys import time from optparse import OptionParser # all of the variables below are substituted by the build system __VERSION__="0.8.8" SYSCONFDIR="/usr/local/etc" PYTHONDIR="/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages" PKGPYTHONDIR="/usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/mock" MOCKCONFDIR= SYSCONFDIR + "/mock" # import all mock.* modules after this. sys.path.insert(0,PYTHONDIR) # our imports import mock.exception from mock.trace_decorator import traceLog import mock.backend import mock.uid import mock.util # set up basic logging until config file can be read log = logging.getLogger() logging.basicConfig() @traceLog(log) def command_parse(config_opts): """return options and args from parsing the command line""" usage = """ usage: mock [options] {init|clean} mock [options] [rebuild] /path/to/srpm(s) mock [options] {shell|chroot} mock [options] installdeps {SRPM|RPM} mock [options] install PACKAGE commands: rebuild - build the specified SRPM(s) [default command] chroot - run the specified command within the chroot shell - run an interactive shell within specified chroot clean - clean out the specified chroot init - initialize the chroot, do not build anything installdeps - install build dependencies for a specified SRPM install - install packages using yum""" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage, version=__VERSION__) parser.add_option("-r", action="store", type="string", dest="chroot", help="chroot name/config file name default: %default", default='default') parser.add_option("--no-clean", action ="store_false", dest="clean", help="do not clean chroot before building", default=True) parser.add_option("--cleanup-after", action ="store_true", dest="cleanup_after", help="Clean chroot after building. Use with --resultdir. Only active for 'rebuild'.", default=None) parser.add_option("--no-cleanup-after", action ="store_false", dest="cleanup_after", help="Dont clean chroot after building. If automatic cleanup is enabled, use this to disable.", default=None) parser.add_option("--arch", action ="store", dest="arch", default=None, help="target build arch") parser.add_option("--resultdir", action="store", type="string", default=None, help="path for resulting files to be put") parser.add_option("--uniqueext", action="store", type="string", default=None, help="Arbitrary, unique extension to append to buildroot directory name") parser.add_option("--configdir", action="store", dest="configdir", default=None, help="Change where config files are found") parser.add_option("--rpmbuild_timeout", action="store", dest="rpmbuild_timeout", type="int", default=None, help="Fail build if rpmbuild takes longer than 'timeout' seconds ") # caching parser.add_option("--enable-plugin", action="append", dest="enabled_plugins", type="string", default=[], help="Enable plugin. Currently-available plugins: %s" % repr(config_opts['plugins'])) parser.add_option("--disable-plugin", action="append", dest="disabled_plugins", type="string", default=[], help="Disable plugin. Currently-available plugins: %s" % repr(config_opts['plugins'])) return parser.parse_args() @traceLog(log) def setup_default_config_opts(config_opts): # global config_opts['basedir'] = '/var/lib/mock/' # root name is automatically added to this config_opts['cache_topdir'] = '/var/lib/mock/cache' config_opts['clean'] = True config_opts['chroothome'] = '/builddir' config_opts['log_config_file'] = 'logging.ini' config_opts['rpmbuild_timeout'] = 0 config_opts['chrootuid'] = os.getuid() try: config_opts['chrootgid'] = grp.getgrnam("mock")[2] except KeyError: # 'mock' group doesnt exist, must set in config file pass config_opts['build_log_fmt_name'] = "unadorned" config_opts['root_log_fmt_name'] = "detailed" config_opts['state_log_fmt_name'] = "state" # cleanup_on_* only take effect for separate --resultdir # config_opts provides fine-grained control. cmdline only has big hammer config_opts['cleanup_on_success'] = 1 config_opts['cleanup_on_failure'] = 1 # (global) plugins and plugin configs config_opts['plugins'] = ('ccache', 'yum_cache', 'root_cache', 'bind_mount') config_opts['plugin_dir'] = os.path.join(PKGPYTHONDIR, "plugins") config_opts['plugin_conf'] = { 'ccache_enable': True, 'ccache_opts': {'max_cache_size': "4G", 'dir': "%(cache_topdir)s/%(root)s/ccache/"}, 'yum_cache_enable': True, 'yum_cache_opts': {'max_age_days': 30, 'dir': "%(cache_topdir)s/%(root)s/yum_cache/"}, 'root_cache_enable': True, 'root_cache_opts': {'max_age_days': 15, 'dir': "%(cache_topdir)s/%(root)s/root_cache/"}, 'bind_mount_enable': True, 'bind_mount_opts': {'dirs': [ # specify like this: # ( '/host/path', '/bind/mount/path/in/chroot/' ), # ( '/another/host/path', '/another/bind/mount/path/in/chroot/' ), ]}, } # dependent on guest OS config_opts['useradd'] = '/usr/sbin/useradd -m -u %(uid)s -g %(gid)s -d %(home)s -n %(user)s' # Fedora/RedHat config_opts['use_host_resolv'] = True config_opts['chroot_setup_cmd'] = 'install buildsys-build' config_opts['target_arch'] = 'i386' config_opts['yum.conf'] = '' config_opts['more_buildreqs'] = {} config_opts['files'] = {} config_opts['files']['etc/hosts'] = " localhost localhost.localdomain\n" config_opts['macros'] = {'%_topdir': '%s/build' % config_opts['chroothome'], '%_rpmfilename': '%%{NAME}-%%{VERSION}-%%{RELEASE}.%%{ARCH}.rpm', } @traceLog(log) def set_config_opts_per_cmdline(config_opts, options): # do some other options and stuff if options.arch: config_opts['target_arch'] = options.arch if not options.clean: config_opts['clean'] = options.clean if options.resultdir: config_opts['resultdir'] = options.resultdir if options.uniqueext: config_opts['unique-ext'] = options.uniqueext if options.rpmbuild_timeout is not None: config_opts['rpmbuild_timeout'] = options.rpmbuild_timeout for i in options.disabled_plugins: if i not in config_opts['plugins']: raise mock.exception.BadCmdline("Bad option for '--disable-plugins=%s'. Expecting one of: %s" % (i, config_opts['plugins'])) config_opts['plugin_conf']['%s_enable' % i] = False for i in options.enabled_plugins: if i not in config_opts['plugins']: raise mock.exception.BadCmdline("Bad option for '--enable-plugins=%s'. Expecting one of: %s" % (i, config_opts['plugins'])) config_opts['plugin_conf']['%s_enable' % i] = True if options.cleanup_after and not options.resultdir: raise mock.exception.BadCmdline("Must specify --resultdir when using --cleanup-after") if options.cleanup_after == False: config_opts['cleanup_on_success'] = False config_opts['cleanup_on_failure'] = False if options.cleanup_after == True: config_opts['cleanup_on_success'] = True config_opts['cleanup_on_failure'] = True # cant cleanup unless separate resultdir if not options.resultdir: config_opts['cleanup_on_success'] = False config_opts['cleanup_on_failure'] = False @traceLog(log) def warn_obsolete_config_options(config_opts): pass @traceLog(log) def do_rebuild(config_opts, chroot, srpms): if len(srpms) < 1: log.critical("No package specified to rebuild command.") sys.exit(50) # check that everything is kosher. Raises exception on error for hdr in mock.util.yieldSrpmHeaders(srpms): pass start = time.time() try: for srpm in srpms: start = time.time() log.info("Start(%s) Config(%s)" % (srpm, chroot.sharedRootName)) if config_opts['clean'] and chroot.state() != "clean": chroot.clean() chroot.init() chroot.build(srpm, timeout=config_opts['rpmbuild_timeout']) elapsed = time.time() - start log.info("Done(%s) Config(%s) %d minutes %d seconds" % (srpm, chroot.sharedRootName, elapsed//60, elapsed%60)) log.info("Results and/or logs in: %s" % chroot.resultdir) if config_opts["cleanup_on_success"]: log.info("Cleaning up build root ('clean_on_success=True')") chroot.clean() except (Exception, KeyboardInterrupt), e: elapsed = time.time() - start log.error("Exception(%s) Config(%s) %d minutes %d seconds" % (srpm, chroot.sharedRootName, elapsed//60, elapsed%60)) log.info("Results and/or logs in: %s" % chroot.resultdir) if config_opts["cleanup_on_failure"]: log.info("Cleaning up build root ('clean_on_failure=True')") chroot.clean() raise def main(retParams): # defaults config_opts = {} setup_default_config_opts(config_opts) (options, args) = command_parse(config_opts) # config path -- can be overridden on cmdline config_path=MOCKCONFDIR if options.configdir: config_path = options.configdir # check args if len(args) < 1: log.error("No srpm or command specified - nothing to do") sys.exit(50) # Read in the config files: default, and then user specified for cfg in ( os.path.join(config_path, 'defaults.cfg'), '%s/%s.cfg' % (config_path, options.chroot)): if os.path.exists(cfg): execfile(cfg) else: log.error("Could not find required config file: %s" % cfg) if options.chroot == "default": log.error(" Did you forget to specify the chroot to use with '-r'?") sys.exit(1) # reconfigure logging in case config file was overridden log_ini = os.path.join(config_path, config_opts["log_config_file"]) try: log_cfg = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() logging.config.fileConfig(log_ini) log_cfg.read(log_ini) except (IOError, OSError), e: log.error("Could not find required logging config file: %s" % log_ini) sys.exit(50) # set up logging format strings config_opts['build_log_fmt_str'] = log_cfg.get("formatter_%s" % config_opts['build_log_fmt_name'], "format", raw=1) config_opts['root_log_fmt_str'] = log_cfg.get("formatter_%s" % config_opts['root_log_fmt_name'], "format", raw=1) config_opts['state_log_fmt_str'] = log_cfg.get("formatter_%s" % config_opts['state_log_fmt_name'], "format", raw=1) # cmdline options override config options log.info("mock.py version %s starting..." % __VERSION__) set_config_opts_per_cmdline(config_opts, options) warn_obsolete_config_options(config_opts) # do whatever we're here to do # uidManager saves current real uid/gid which are unpriviledged (callers) # due to suid helper, our current effective uid is 0 uidManager = mock.uid.uidManager(os.getuid(), os.getgid()) chroot = mock.backend.Root(config_opts, uidManager) # elevate privs uidManager.becomeUser(0) retParams["chroot"] = chroot retParams["config_opts"] = config_opts os.umask(002) if args[0] in ('chroot', 'shell', 'install', 'installdeps'): config_opts['clean'] = 0 if config_opts['clean']: chroot.clean() if args[0] == 'init': chroot.init() elif args[0] == 'clean': if chroot.state() != "clean": chroot.clean() elif args[0] in ('chroot', 'shell'): chroot.init() chroot._mountall() try: cmd = ' '.join(args[1:]) os.system("PS1='mock-chroot> ' /usr/sbin/chroot %s %s" % (chroot.rootdir, cmd)) finally: chroot._umountall() elif args[0] == 'installdeps': if len(args) > 1: srpms = args[1:] else: log.critical("You must specify an SRPM file.") sys.exit(50) for hdr in mock.util.yieldSrpmHeaders(srpms, plainRpmOk=1): pass chroot.init() chroot._mountall() try: chroot.installSrpmDeps(*srpms) finally: chroot._umountall() elif args[0] == 'install': if len(args) > 1: srpms = args[1:] else: log.critical("You must specify a package list to install.") sys.exit(50) chroot.init() chroot.yumInstall(*srpms) elif args[0] == 'rebuild': do_rebuild(config_opts, chroot, args[1:]) else: raise mock.exception.BadCmdline, "Unknown command specified: %s" % args[0] if __name__ == '__main__': exitStatus = 0 killOrphans = 1 try: # sneaky way to ensure that we get passed back parameter even if # we hit an exception. retParams = {} main(retParams) except (KeyboardInterrupt,), e: exitStatus = 7 log.error("Exiting on user interrupt, -C") except (mock.exception.BadCmdline), e: exitStatus = e.resultcode log.error(str(e)) killOrphans = 0 except (mock.exception.BuildRootLocked), e: exitStatus = e.resultcode log.error(str(e)) killOrphans = 0 except (mock.exception.Error), e: exitStatus = e.resultcode log.error(str(e)) except (Exception,), e: exitStatus = 1 logging.exception(e) if killOrphans and retParams: mock.util.orphansKill(retParams["chroot"].rootdir) logging.shutdown() sys.exit(exitStatus)