# vim:expandtab:autoindent:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:filetype=python:textwidth=0: # License: GPL2 or later see COPYING # Written by Michael Brown # Sections by Seth Vidal # Sections taken from Mach by Thomas Vander Stichele # Copyright (C) 2007 Michael E Brown # python library imports import ctypes import fcntl import os import os.path import rpm import rpmUtils import rpmUtils.transaction import select import shutil import signal import subprocess import time # our imports import mock.exception from mock.trace_decorator import traceLog, decorate, getLog import mock.uid as uid _libc = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(None) _errno = ctypes.c_int.in_dll(_libc, "errno") _libc.personality.argtypes = [ctypes.c_ulong] _libc.personality.restype = ctypes.c_int _libc.unshare.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int,] _libc.unshare.restype = ctypes.c_int CLONE_NEWNS = 0x00020000 # taken from sys/personality.h PER_LINUX32=0x0008 PER_LINUX=0x0000 personality_defs = { 'x86_64': PER_LINUX, 'ppc64': PER_LINUX, 'sparc64': PER_LINUX, 'i386': PER_LINUX32, 'i586': PER_LINUX32, 'i686': PER_LINUX32, 'ppc': PER_LINUX32, 'sparc': PER_LINUX32, 'sparcv9': PER_LINUX32, 'ia64' : PER_LINUX, 'alpha' : PER_LINUX, 's390' : PER_LINUX32, 's390x' : PER_LINUX, } # classes class commandTimeoutExpired(mock.exception.Error): def __init__(self, msg): mock.exception.Error.__init__(self, msg) self.msg = msg self.resultcode = 10 # functions decorate(traceLog()) def mkdirIfAbsent(*args): for dirName in args: getLog().debug("ensuring that dir exists: %s" % dirName) if not os.path.exists(dirName): try: getLog().debug("creating dir: %s" % dirName) os.makedirs(dirName) except OSError, e: getLog().exception("Could not create dir %s. Error: %s" % (dirName, e)) raise mock.exception.Error, "Could not create dir %s. Error: %s" % (dirName, e) decorate(traceLog()) def touch(fileName): getLog().debug("touching file: %s" % fileName) fo = open(fileName, 'w') fo.close() decorate(traceLog()) def rmtree(path, *args, **kargs): """version os shutil.rmtree that ignores no-such-file-or-directory errors, and tries harder if it finds immutable files""" tryAgain = 1 failedFilename = None getLog().debug("remove tree: %s" % path) while tryAgain: tryAgain = 0 try: shutil.rmtree(path, *args, **kargs) except OSError, e: if e.errno == 2: # no such file or directory pass elif e.errno==1 or e.errno==13: tryAgain = 1 if failedFilename == e.filename: raise failedFilename = e.filename os.system("chattr -R -i %s" % path) else: raise decorate(traceLog()) def orphansKill(rootToKill): """kill off anything that is still chrooted.""" getLog().debug("kill orphans") for fn in os.listdir("/proc"): try: root = os.readlink("/proc/%s/root" % fn) if os.path.realpath(root) == os.path.realpath(rootToKill): getLog().warning("Process ID %s still running in chroot. Killing..." % fn) os.kill(int(fn, 10), 15) except OSError, e: pass decorate(traceLog()) def yieldSrpmHeaders(srpms, plainRpmOk=0): ts = rpmUtils.transaction.initReadOnlyTransaction() for srpm in srpms: try: hdr = rpmUtils.miscutils.hdrFromPackage(ts, srpm) except (rpmUtils.RpmUtilsError,), e: raise mock.exception.Error, "Cannot find/open srpm: %s. Error: %s" % (srpm, ''.join(e)) if not plainRpmOk and hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_SOURCEPACKAGE] != 1: raise mock.exception.Error("File is not an srpm: %s." % srpm ) yield hdr decorate(traceLog()) def requiresTextFromHdr(hdr): """take a header and hand back a unique'd list of the requires as strings""" reqlist = [] names = hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_REQUIRENAME] flags = hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_REQUIREFLAGS] ver = hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_REQUIREVERSION] if names is not None: tmplst = zip(names, flags, ver) for (n, f, v) in tmplst: if n.startswith('rpmlib'): continue req = rpmUtils.miscutils.formatRequire(n, v, f) reqlist.append(req) return rpmUtils.miscutils.unique(reqlist) decorate(traceLog()) def getNEVRA(hdr): name = hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME] ver = hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_VERSION] rel = hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_RELEASE] epoch = hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_EPOCH] arch = hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_ARCH] if epoch is None: epoch = 0 return (name, epoch, ver, rel, arch) decorate(traceLog()) def getAddtlReqs(hdr, conf): # Add the 'more_buildreqs' for this SRPM (if defined in config file) (name, epoch, ver, rel, arch) = getNEVRA(hdr) reqlist = [] for this_srpm in ['-'.join([name, ver, rel]), '-'.join([name, ver]), '-'.join([name]),]: if conf.has_key(this_srpm): more_reqs = conf[this_srpm] if type(more_reqs) in (type(u''), type(''),): reqlist.append(more_reqs) else: reqlist.extend(more_reqs) break return rpmUtils.miscutils.unique(reqlist) decorate(traceLog()) def uniqReqs(*args): master = [] for l in args: master.extend(l) return rpmUtils.miscutils.unique(master) # not traced... def chomp(line): if line.endswith("\n"): return line[:-1] else: return line decorate(traceLog()) def unshare(flags): getLog().debug("Unsharing. Flags: %s" % flags) try: res = _libc.unshare(flags) if res: raise OSError(_errno.value, os.strerror(_errno.value)) except AttributeError, e: pass # these are called in child process, so no logging def condChroot(chrootPath): if chrootPath is not None: saved = { "ruid": os.getuid(), "euid": os.geteuid(), } uid.setresuid(0,0,0) os.chdir(chrootPath) os.chroot(chrootPath) uid.setresuid(saved['ruid'], saved['euid']) def condChdir(cwd): if cwd is not None: os.chdir(cwd) def condDropPrivs(uid, gid): if gid is not None: os.setregid(gid, gid) if uid is not None: os.setreuid(uid, uid) def condPersonality(per=None): if per is None or per in ('noarch',): return if personality_defs.get(per, None) is None: return res = _libc.personality(personality_defs[per]) if res == -1: raise OSError(_errno.value, os.strerror(_errno.value)) def logOutput(fds, logger, returnOutput=1, start=0, timeout=0): output="" done = 0 # set all fds to nonblocking for fd in fds: flags = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFL) if not fd.closed: fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFL, flags| os.O_NONBLOCK) tail = "" while not done: if (time.time() - start)>timeout and timeout!=0: done = 1 break i_rdy,o_rdy,e_rdy = select.select(fds,[],[],1) for s in i_rdy: # slurp as much input as is ready input = s.read() if input == "": done = 1 break if logger is not None: lines = input.split("\n") if tail: lines[0] = tail + lines[0] # we may not have all of the last line tail = lines.pop() for line in lines: if line == '': continue logger.debug(line) for h in logger.handlers: h.flush() if returnOutput: output += input if tail and logger is not None: logger.debug(tail) return output # logger = # output = [1|0] # chrootPath # # The "Not-as-complicated" version # decorate(traceLog()) def do(command, shell=False, chrootPath=None, cwd=None, timeout=0, raiseExc=True, returnOutput=0, uid=None, gid=None, personality=None, *args, **kargs): logger = kargs.get("logger", getLog()) output = "" start = time.time() preexec = ChildPreExec(personality, chrootPath, cwd, uid, gid) try: child = None logger.debug("Executing command: %s" % command) child = subprocess.Popen( command, shell=shell, bufsize=0, close_fds=True, stdin=open("/dev/null", "r"), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, preexec_fn = preexec, ) # use select() to poll for output so we dont block output = logOutput([child.stdout, child.stderr], logger, returnOutput, start, timeout) except: # kill children if they arent done if child is not None and child.returncode is None: os.killpg(child.pid, 9) try: if child is not None: os.waitpid(child.pid, 0) except: pass raise # wait until child is done, kill it if it passes timeout niceExit=1 while child.poll() is None: if (time.time() - start)>timeout and timeout!=0: niceExit=0 os.killpg(child.pid, 15) if (time.time() - start)>(timeout+1) and timeout!=0: niceExit=0 os.killpg(child.pid, 9) if not niceExit: raise commandTimeoutExpired, ("Timeout(%s) expired for command:\n # %s\n%s" % (timeout, command, output)) logger.debug("Child returncode was: %s" % str(child.returncode)) if raiseExc and child.returncode: if returnOutput: raise mock.exception.Error, ("Command failed: \n # %s\n%s" % (command, output), child.returncode) else: raise mock.exception.Error, ("Command failed. See logs for output.\n # %s" % (command,), child.returncode) return output class ChildPreExec(object): def __init__(self, personality, chrootPath, cwd, uid, gid): self.personality = personality self.chrootPath = chrootPath self.cwd = cwd self.uid = uid self.gid = gid def __call__(self, *args, **kargs): os.setpgrp() condPersonality(self.personality) condChroot(self.chrootPath) condDropPrivs(self.uid, self.gid) condChdir(self.cwd)