# vim:expandtab:autoindent:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:filetype=python:textwidth=0: # License: GPL2 or later see COPYING # Originally written by Seth Vidal # Sections taken from Mach by Thomas Vander Stichele # Major reorganization and adaptation by Michael Brown # Copyright (C) 2007 Michael E Brown # python library imports import fcntl import glob import imp import logging import os import shutil import stat # our imports import mock.util import mock.exception from mock.trace_decorator import traceLog, decorate, getLog # classes class Root(object): """controls setup of chroot environment""" decorate(traceLog()) def __init__(self, config, uidManager): self._state = 'unstarted' self.uidManager = uidManager self._hooks = {} self.chrootWasCleaned = False self.preExistingDeps = "" self.logging_initialized = False self.buildrootLock = None self.sharedRootName = config['root'] root = self.sharedRootName if config.has_key('unique-ext'): root = "%s-%s" % (root, config['unique-ext']) self.basedir = os.path.join(config['basedir'], root) self.target_arch = config['target_arch'] self.rootdir = os.path.join(self.basedir, 'root') self.homedir = config['chroothome'] self.builddir = os.path.join(self.homedir, 'build') self.personality = None if config['internal_setarch']: self.personality = config['target_arch'] # result dir self.resultdir = config['resultdir'] % config self.root_log = getLog("mock") self.build_log = getLog("mock.Root.build") self._state_log = getLog("mock.Root.state") # config options self.chrootuid = config['chrootuid'] self.chrootuser = 'mockbuild' self.chrootgid = config['chrootgid'] self.chrootgroup = 'mockbuild' self.yum_conf_content = config['yum.conf'] self.use_host_resolv = config['use_host_resolv'] self.chroot_file_contents = config['files'] self.chroot_setup_cmd = config['chroot_setup_cmd'] self.yum_path = '/usr/bin/yum' self.macros = config['macros'] self.more_buildreqs = config['more_buildreqs'] self.cache_topdir = config['cache_topdir'] self.cachedir = os.path.join(self.cache_topdir, self.sharedRootName) self.useradd = config['useradd'] self.online = config['online'] self.internal_dev_setup = config['internal_dev_setup'] self.plugins = config['plugins'] self.pluginConf = config['plugin_conf'] self.pluginDir = config['plugin_dir'] for key in self.pluginConf.keys(): if not key.endswith("_opts"): continue self.pluginConf[key]["basedir"] = self.basedir self.pluginConf[key]["cache_topdir"] = self.cache_topdir self.pluginConf[key]["cachedir"] = self.cachedir self.pluginConf[key]["root"] = self.sharedRootName # mount/umount self.umountCmds = ['umount -n %s' % self.makeChrootPath('proc'), 'umount -n %s' % self.makeChrootPath('sys') ] self.mountCmds = ['mount -n -t proc mock_chroot_proc %s' % self.makeChrootPath('proc'), 'mount -n -t sysfs mock_chroot_sysfs %s' % self.makeChrootPath('sys'), ] self.build_log_fmt_str = config['build_log_fmt_str'] self.root_log_fmt_str = config['root_log_fmt_str'] self._state_log_fmt_str = config['state_log_fmt_str'] self.state("init plugins") self._initPlugins() # officially set state so it is logged self.state("start") # ============= # 'Public' API # ============= decorate(traceLog()) def addHook(self, stage, function): hooks = self._hooks.get(stage, []) if function not in hooks: hooks.append(function) self._hooks[stage] = hooks decorate(traceLog()) def state(self, newState = None): if newState is not None: self._state = newState self._state_log.info("State Changed: %s" % self._state) return self._state decorate(traceLog()) def clean(self): """clean out chroot with extreme prejudice :)""" self.tryLockBuildRoot() self.state("clean") mock.util.rmtree(self.basedir) self.chrootWasCleaned = True decorate(traceLog()) def tryLockBuildRoot(self): self.state("lock buildroot") try: self.buildrootLock = open(os.path.join(self.basedir, "buildroot.lock"), "a+") except IOError, e: return 0 try: fcntl.lockf(self.buildrootLock.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB) except IOError, e: raise mock.exception.BuildRootLocked, "Build root is locked by another process." return 1 decorate(traceLog()) def makeChrootPath(self, *args): '''For safety reasons, self.rootdir should not be used directly. Instead use this handy helper function anytime you want to reference a path in relation to the chroot.''' tmp = self.rootdir + "/" + "/".join(args) return tmp.replace("//", "/") decorate(traceLog()) def init(self): self.state("init") # NOTE: removed the following stuff vs mock v0: # --> /etc/ is no longer 02775 (new privs model) # --> no /etc/yum.conf symlink (F7 and above) # create our base directory heirarchy mock.util.mkdirIfAbsent(self.basedir) mock.util.mkdirIfAbsent(self.makeChrootPath()) self.uidManager.dropPrivsTemp() try: mock.util.mkdirIfAbsent(self.resultdir) except OSError: pass self.uidManager.restorePrivs() # lock this buildroot so we dont get stomped on. self.tryLockBuildRoot() # create our log files. (if they havent already) self._resetLogging() # write out config details self.root_log.debug('rootdir = %s' % self.makeChrootPath()) self.root_log.debug('resultdir = %s' % self.resultdir) # set up plugins: self._callHooks('preinit') # create skeleton dirs self.root_log.debug('create skeleton dirs') for item in [ 'var/lib/rpm', 'var/lib/yum', 'var/log', 'var/lock/rpm', 'etc/rpm', 'tmp', 'var/tmp', 'etc/yum.repos.d', 'etc/yum', 'proc', 'sys', ]: mock.util.mkdirIfAbsent(self.makeChrootPath(item)) # touch files self.root_log.debug('touch required files') for item in [self.makeChrootPath('etc', 'mtab'), self.makeChrootPath('etc', 'fstab'), self.makeChrootPath('var', 'log', 'yum.log')]: mock.util.touch(item) # write in yum.conf into chroot # always truncate and overwrite (w+) self.root_log.debug('configure yum') yumconf = self.makeChrootPath('etc', 'yum', 'yum.conf') yumconf_fo = open(yumconf, 'w+') yumconf_fo.write(self.yum_conf_content) yumconf_fo.close() # symlink /etc/yum.conf to /etc/yum/yum.conf (FC6 requires) try: os.unlink(self.makeChrootPath("etc", "yum.conf")) except OSError: pass os.symlink('yum/yum.conf', self.makeChrootPath("etc", "yum.conf")) # set up resolv.conf if self.use_host_resolv: resolvdir = self.makeChrootPath('etc') resolvpath = self.makeChrootPath('etc', 'resolv.conf') if os.path.exists(resolvpath): os.remove(resolvpath) shutil.copy2('/etc/resolv.conf', resolvdir) # files in /etc that need doing for key in self.chroot_file_contents: p = self.makeChrootPath(key) if not os.path.exists(p): # write file fo = open(p, 'w+') fo.write(self.chroot_file_contents[key]) fo.close() if self.internal_dev_setup: self._setupDev() # yum stuff self.state("running yum") try: self._mountall() if not self.chrootWasCleaned: self.chroot_setup_cmd = 'update' self._yum(self.chroot_setup_cmd, returnOutput=1) finally: self._umountall() # create user self._makeBuildUser() # create rpmbuild dir self._buildDirSetup() # done with init self._callHooks('postinit') decorate(traceLog()) def _setupDev(self): # files in /dev mock.util.rmtree(self.makeChrootPath("dev")) mock.util.mkdirIfAbsent(self.makeChrootPath("dev", "pts")) prevMask = os.umask(0000) devFiles = ( (stat.S_IFCHR | 0666, os.makedev(1, 3), "dev/null"), (stat.S_IFCHR | 0666, os.makedev(1, 5), "dev/zero"), (stat.S_IFCHR | 0666, os.makedev(1, 8), "dev/random"), (stat.S_IFCHR | 0444, os.makedev(1, 9), "dev/urandom"), (stat.S_IFCHR | 0666, os.makedev(5, 0), "dev/tty"), (stat.S_IFCHR | 0600, os.makedev(5, 1), "dev/console"), (stat.S_IFCHR | 0666, os.makedev(5, 2), "dev/ptmx"), ) for i in devFiles: # create node os.mknod( self.makeChrootPath(i[2]), i[0], i[1]) # set context. (only necessary if host running selinux enabled.) # fails gracefully if chcon not installed. mock.util.do("chcon --reference=/%s %s" % (i[2], self.makeChrootPath(i[2])), raiseExc=0) os.symlink("/proc/self/fd/0", self.makeChrootPath("dev/stdin")) os.symlink("/proc/self/fd/1", self.makeChrootPath("dev/stdout")) os.symlink("/proc/self/fd/2", self.makeChrootPath("dev/stderr")) os.umask(prevMask) # mount/umount umntCmd = 'umount -n %s' % self.makeChrootPath('/dev/pts') if umntCmd not in self.umountCmds: self.umountCmds.append(umntCmd) mntCmd = 'mount -n -t devpts mock_chroot_devpts %s' % self.makeChrootPath('/dev/pts') if mntCmd not in self.mountCmds: self.mountCmds.append(mntCmd) decorate(traceLog()) def doChroot(self, command, env="", *args, **kargs): """execute given command in root""" return mock.util.do( command, personality=self.personality, chrootPath=self.makeChrootPath(), *args, **kargs ) decorate(traceLog()) def yumInstall(self, *srpms): """figure out deps from srpm. call yum to install them""" # pass build reqs (as strings) to installer try: self._mountall() self._yum('install %s' % ' '.join(srpms), returnOutput=1) finally: self._umountall() decorate(traceLog()) def yumUpdate(self): """use yum to update the chroot""" try: self._mountall() self._yum('update', returnOutput=1) finally: self._umountall() decorate(traceLog()) def installSrpmDeps(self, *srpms): """figure out deps from srpm. call yum to install them""" arg_string = self.preExistingDeps for hdr in mock.util.yieldSrpmHeaders(srpms, plainRpmOk=1): # get text buildreqs a = mock.util.requiresTextFromHdr(hdr) b = mock.util.getAddtlReqs(hdr, self.more_buildreqs) for item in mock.util.uniqReqs(a, b): arg_string = arg_string + " '%s'" % item # everything exists, okay, install them all. # pass build reqs (as strings) to installer if arg_string != "": output = self._yum('resolvedep %s' % arg_string, returnOutput=1) for line in output.split('\n'): if line.lower().find('No Package found for'.lower()) != -1: raise mock.exception.BuildError, "Bad build req: %s. Exiting." % line # nothing made us exit, so we continue self.uidManager.becomeUser(0, 0) try: self._yum('install %s' % arg_string, returnOutput=1) finally: self.uidManager.restorePrivs() # # UNPRIVLEGED: # Everything in this function runs as the build user # -> except hooks. :) # decorate(traceLog()) def build(self, srpm, timeout): """build an srpm into binary rpms, capture log""" # tell caching we are building self._callHooks('earlyprebuild') try: self._mountall() self.uidManager.becomeUser(self.chrootuid, self.chrootgid) self.state("setup") srpmChrootFilename = self._copySrpmIntoChroot(srpm) srpmBasename = os.path.basename(srpmChrootFilename) # install srpm os.environ["HOME"] = self.homedir # Completely/Permanently drop privs while running the following: self.doChroot( "rpm -Uvh --nodeps %s" % (srpmChrootFilename,), uidManager=self.uidManager, uid=self.chrootuid, gid=self.chrootgid, ) # rebuild srpm/rpm from SPEC file specs = glob.glob("%s/%s/SPECS/*.spec" % (self.makeChrootPath(), self.builddir)) if len(specs) < 1: raise mock.exception.PkgError, "No Spec file found in srpm: %s" % srpmBasename spec = specs[0] # if there's more than one then someone is an idiot chrootspec = spec.replace(self.makeChrootPath(), '') # get rid of rootdir prefix # Completely/Permanently drop privs while running the following: self.doChroot( "rpmbuild -bs --target %s --nodeps %s" % (self.target_arch, chrootspec), logger=self.build_log, timeout=timeout, uidManager=self.uidManager, uid=self.chrootuid, gid=self.chrootgid, ) rebuiltSrpmFile = glob.glob("%s/%s/SRPMS/*.src.rpm" % (self.makeChrootPath(), self.builddir)) if len(rebuiltSrpmFile) != 1: raise mock.exception.PkgError, "Didnt find single rebuilt srpm." rebuiltSrpmFile = rebuiltSrpmFile[0] self.installSrpmDeps(rebuiltSrpmFile) #have to permanently drop privs or rpmbuild regains them self.state("build") # tell caching we are building self._callHooks('prebuild') self.doChroot( "rpmbuild -bb --target %s --nodeps %s" % (self.target_arch, chrootspec), logger=self.build_log, timeout=timeout, uidManager=self.uidManager, uid=self.chrootuid, gid=self.chrootgid, ) bd_out = self.makeChrootPath(self.builddir) rpms = glob.glob(bd_out + '/RPMS/*.rpm') srpms = glob.glob(bd_out + '/SRPMS/*.rpm') packages = rpms + srpms self.root_log.debug("Copying packages to result dir") for item in packages: shutil.copy2(item, self.resultdir) finally: self.uidManager.restorePrivs() self._umountall() # tell caching we are done building self._callHooks('postbuild') # ============= # 'Private' API # ============= decorate(traceLog()) def _callHooks(self, stage): hooks = self._hooks.get(stage, []) for hook in hooks: hook() decorate(traceLog()) def _initPlugins(self): # Import plugins (simplified copy of what yum does). Can add yum # features later when we prove we need them. for modname, modulefile in [ (p, os.path.join(self.pluginDir, "%s.py" % p)) for p in self.plugins ]: if not self.pluginConf.get("%s_enable"%modname): continue fp, pathname, description = imp.find_module(modname, [self.pluginDir]) try: module = imp.load_module(modname, fp, pathname, description) finally: fp.close() if not hasattr(module, 'requires_api_version'): raise mock.exception.Error('Plugin "%s" doesn\'t specify required API version' % modname) module.init(self, self.pluginConf["%s_opts" % modname]) decorate(traceLog()) def _mountall(self): """mount 'normal' fs like /dev/ /proc/ /sys""" for cmd in self.mountCmds: self.root_log.debug(cmd) mock.util.do(cmd) decorate(traceLog()) def _umountall(self): """umount all mounted chroot fs.""" for cmd in self.umountCmds: self.root_log.debug(cmd) mock.util.do(cmd, raiseExc=0) decorate(traceLog()) def _yum(self, cmd, returnOutput=0): """use yum to install packages/package groups into the chroot""" # mock-helper yum --installroot=rootdir cmd cmdOpts = "" if not self.online: cmdOpts = "-C" cmd = '%s --installroot %s %s %s' % (self.yum_path, self.makeChrootPath(), cmdOpts, cmd) self.root_log.debug(cmd) output = "" try: self._callHooks("preyum") output = mock.util.do(cmd, returnOutput=returnOutput, personality=self.personality) self._callHooks("postyum") return output except mock.exception.Error, e: raise mock.exception.YumError, str(e) decorate(traceLog()) def _makeBuildUser(self): if not os.path.exists(self.makeChrootPath('usr/sbin/useradd')): raise mock.exception.RootError, "Could not find useradd in chroot, maybe the install failed?" # safe and easy. blow away existing /builddir and completely re-create. mock.util.rmtree(self.makeChrootPath(self.homedir)) dets = { 'uid': self.chrootuid, 'gid': self.chrootgid, 'user': self.chrootuser, 'group': self.chrootgroup, 'home': self.homedir } self.doChroot('/usr/sbin/userdel -r %(user)s' % dets, raiseExc=False) self.doChroot('/usr/sbin/groupdel %(group)s' % dets, raiseExc=False) self.doChroot('/usr/sbin/groupadd -g %(gid)s %(group)s' % dets) self.doChroot(self.useradd % dets) self.doChroot("perl -p -i -e 's/^(%s:)!!/$1/;' /etc/passwd" % (self.chrootuser), raiseExc=True) decorate(traceLog()) def _resetLogging(self): # ensure we dont attach the handlers multiple times. if self.logging_initialized: return self.logging_initialized = True try: self.uidManager.dropPrivsTemp() # attach logs to log files. # This happens in addition to anything that # is set up in the config file... ie. logs go everywhere for (log, filename, fmt_str) in ( (self._state_log, "state.log", self._state_log_fmt_str), (self.build_log, "build.log", self.build_log_fmt_str), (self.root_log, "root.log", self.root_log_fmt_str)): fullPath = os.path.join(self.resultdir, filename) fh = logging.FileHandler(fullPath, "a+") formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt_str) fh.setFormatter(formatter) fh.setLevel(logging.NOTSET) log.addHandler(fh) finally: self.uidManager.restorePrivs() # # UNPRIVLEGED: # Everything in this function runs as the build user # decorate(traceLog()) def _buildDirSetup(self): # create all dirs as the user who will be dropping things there. self.uidManager.becomeUser(self.chrootuid, self.chrootgid) try: # create dir structure for subdir in [self.makeChrootPath(self.builddir, s) for s in ('RPMS', 'SRPMS', 'SOURCES', 'SPECS', 'BUILD', 'originals')]: mock.util.mkdirIfAbsent(subdir) # change ownership so we can write to build home dir for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(self.homedir): for path in dirnames + filenames: os.chown(os.path.join(dirpath, path), self.chrootuid, -1) os.chmod(os.path.join(dirpath, path), 0755) # rpmmacros default macrofile_out = self.makeChrootPath(self.homedir, ".rpmmacros") rpmmacros = open(macrofile_out, 'w+') for key, value in self.macros.items(): rpmmacros.write( "%s %s\n" % (key, value) ) rpmmacros.close() finally: self.uidManager.restorePrivs() # # UNPRIVLEGED: # Everything in this function runs as the build user # decorate(traceLog()) def _copySrpmIntoChroot(self, srpm): srpmFilename = os.path.basename(srpm) dest = self.makeChrootPath(self.builddir, 'originals') shutil.copy2(srpm, dest) return os.path.join(self.builddir, 'originals', srpmFilename)