# # Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Red Hat, Inc. # # This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU # general public license. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # from flags import flags import sys import os import shutil import timer import warnings import rpm import rpmUtils import urlgrabber.progress import urlgrabber.grabber import yum from yum.constants import * from yum.Errors import RepoError, YumBaseError from repomd.mdErrors import PackageSackError from installmethod import FileCopyException from backend import AnacondaBackend from product import productName from sortedtransaction import SplitMediaTransactionData from genheader import * from constants import * from rhpl.translate import _ import logging log = logging.getLogger("anaconda") import urlparse urlparse.uses_fragment.append('media') import iutil import isys import whiteout #XXX: this needs to be somewhere better - probably method def getcd(po): try: uri = po.returnSimple('basepath') (scheme, netloc, path, query, fragid) = urlparse.urlsplit(uri) if scheme != "media" or not fragid: return 0 else: return int(fragid) except (AttributeError, KeyError): return 0 class simpleCallback: def __init__(self, messageWindow, progress, pkgTimer, method, progressWindowClass, instLog, modeText, ts): self.messageWindow = messageWindow self.progress = progress self.pkgTimer = pkgTimer self.method = method self.progressWindowClass = progressWindowClass self.progressWindow = None self.lastprogress = 0 self.incr = 20 self.instLog = instLog self.modeText = modeText self.beenCalled = 0 self.initWindow = None self.ts = ts self.fdnos = {} def callback(self, what, amount, total, h, user): # first time here means we should pop the window telling # user to wait until we get here if not self.beenCalled: self.beenCalled = 1 self.initWindow.pop() if what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_TRANS_START: # step 6 is the bulk of the ts processing time if amount == 6: self.progressWindow = \ self.progressWindowClass (_("Processing"), _("Preparing transaction from installation source..."), total) try: self.incr = total / 10 except: pass if what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_TRANS_PROGRESS: if self.progressWindow and amount > self.lastprogress + self.incr: self.progressWindow.set(amount) self.lastprogress = amount if what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_TRANS_STOP and self.progressWindow: self.progressWindow.pop() if what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_INST_OPEN_FILE: self.pkgTimer.start() po = h hdr = po.returnLocalHeader() path = po.returnSimple('relativepath') self.progress.setPackage(hdr) self.progress.setPackageScale(0, 1) self.instLog.write(self.modeText % (po.returnSimple('name'), po.returnSimple('version'), po.returnSimple('release'), po.returnSimple('arch'))) self.instLog.flush() nvra = po.returnNevraPrintable() self.fdnos[nvra] = -1 self.size = po.returnSimple('installedsize') while self.fdnos[nvra] < 0: try: fn = self.method.getRPMFilename(os.path.basename(path), getcd(po), None) except FileCopyException, e: log.info("Failed %s in %s" %(path, po.returnSimple('name'))) self.method.unmountCD() rc = self.messageWindow(_("Error"), _("The package %s-%s-%s.%s cannot be opened. This is due " "to a missing file or perhaps a corrupt package. " "If you are installing from CD media this usually " "means the CD media is corrupt, or the CD drive is " "unable to read the media.\n\n" "Press 'Retry' to try again.") % (po.returnSimple('name'), po.returnSimple('version'), po.returnSimple('release'), po.returnSimple('arch')), type="custom", custom_icon="error", custom_buttons = [ _("Re_boot"), _("_Retry") ]) if rc == 0: rc = self.messageWindow(_("Warning"), _("If you reboot, your system " "will be left in an " "inconsistent state that " "will likely require " "reinstallation. Are you " "sure you wish to " "continue?"), type = "custom", custom_icon="warning", custom_buttons = [_("_Cancel"), _("_Reboot")]) if rc == 1: sys.exit(0) else: continue else: continue fd = os.open(fn, os.O_RDONLY) self.fdnos[nvra] = fd return self.fdnos[nvra] elif what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_INST_PROGRESS: if amount > total: amount = total if not total or total == 0 or total == "0": total = amount self.progress.setPackageScale(amount, total) elif what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_INST_CLOSE_FILE: po = h hdr = po.returnLocalHeader() path = po.returnSimple('relativepath') fn = self.method.getRPMFilename(os.path.basename(path), getcd(po), None) nvra = po.returnNevraPrintable() os.close(self.fdnos[nvra]) self.method.unlinkFilename(fn) self.progress.completePackage(hdr, self.pkgTimer) self.progress.processEvents() else: pass self.progress.processEvents() class AnacondaYumConf: """Dynamic yum configuration""" def __init__( self, methodstr, configfile = "/tmp/yum.conf", root = '/'): self.methodstr = methodstr self.configfile = configfile self.root = root self.yumconfstr = """ [main] cachedir=/var/cache/yum reposdir=/tmp/repos.d debuglevel=2 logfile=/tmp/yum.log pkgpolicy=newest distroverpkg=redhat-release tolerant=1 exactarch=1 retries=5 obsoletes=1 gpgcheck=0 installroot=%s exclude=*debuginfo* [anaconda] baseurl=%s enabled=1 gpgcheck=0 gpgkey=%s/RPM-GPG-KEY-fedora """ % (self.root, self.methodstr, self.methodstr) def write(self): f = open(self.configfile, 'w') f.write(self.yumconfstr) f.close() class YumSorter(yum.YumBase): def __init__(self): yum.YumBase.__init__(self) self.deps = {} self.path = [] self.loops = [] def isPackageInstalled(self, pkgname): # FIXME: this sucks. we should probably suck it into yum proper # but it'll need a bit of cleanup first. installed = False if self.rpmdb.installed(name = pkgname): installed = True lst = self.tsInfo.matchNaevr(name = pkgname) for txmbr in lst: if txmbr.output_state in TS_INSTALL_STATES: return True if installed and len(lst) > 0: # if we get here, then it was installed, but it's in the tsInfo # for an erase or obsoleted --> not going to be installed at end return False return installed def _provideToPkg(self, req): best = None (r, f, v) = req satisfiers = [] for po in self.whatProvides(r, f, v): # if we already have something installed which does the provide # then that's obviously the one we want to use. this takes # care of the case that we select, eg, kernel-smp and then # have something which requires kernel if self.tsInfo.getMembers(po.pkgtup): self.deps[req] = po return po if po.name not in satisfiers: satisfiers.append(po) if satisfiers: best = self.bestPackagesFromList(satisfiers)[0] self.deps[req] = best return best return None def prof_resolveDeps(self): fn = "anaconda.prof.0" import hotshot, hotshot.stats prof = hotshot.Profile(fn) rc = prof.runcall(self._resolveDeps) prof.close() print "done running depcheck" stats = hotshot.stats.load(fn) stats.strip_dirs() stats.sort_stats('time', 'calls') stats.print_stats(20) return rc def resolveDeps(self): if self.dsCallback: self.dsCallback.start() unresolved = self.tsInfo.getMembers() while len(unresolved) > 0: if self.dsCallback: self.dsCallback.tscheck(len(unresolved)) unresolved = self.tsCheck(unresolved) if self.dsCallback: self.dsCallback.restartLoop() self.deps = {} self.loops = [] self.path = [] return (2, ['Success - deps resolved']) def tsCheck(self, tocheck): unresolved = [] for txmbr in tocheck: if txmbr.name == "redhat-lsb": # FIXME: this speeds things up a lot continue if self.dsCallback: self.dsCallback.pkgAdded() if txmbr.output_state not in TS_INSTALL_STATES: continue reqs = txmbr.po.returnPrco('requires') provs = txmbr.po.returnPrco('provides') for req in reqs: if req[0].startswith('rpmlib(') or req[0].startswith('config('): continue if req in provs: continue dep = self.deps.get(req, None) if dep is None: dep = self._provideToPkg(req) if dep is None: log.warning("Unresolvable dependancy %s in %s" %(req[0], txmbr.name)) continue # Skip filebased requires on self, etc if txmbr.name == dep.name: continue if (dep.name, txmbr.name) in whiteout.whitetup: log.debug("ignoring %s>%s in whiteout" %(dep.name, txmbr.name)) continue if self.tsInfo.exists(dep.pkgtup): pkgs = self.tsInfo.getMembers(pkgtup=dep.pkgtup) member = self.bestPackagesFromList(pkgs)[0] else: member = self.tsInfo.addInstall(dep) unresolved.append(member) #Add relationship found = False for (tup, rel) in txmbr.relatedto: if member.po.pkgtup == tup: found = True break if not found: txmbr.setAsDep(member.po) return unresolved def _transactionDataFactory(self): return SplitMediaTransactionData() class AnacondaYum(YumSorter): def __init__(self, fn="/etc/yum.conf", root="/", method=None): YumSorter.__init__(self) self.doConfigSetup(fn, root) self.conf.installonlypkgs = [] self.method = method self.macros = {} if flags.selinux: for directory in ("/tmp/updates", "/mnt/source/RHupdates", "/etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/files", "/etc/security/selinux/src/policy/file_contexts", "/etc/security/selinux"): fn = "%s/file_contexts" %(directory,) if os.access(fn, os.R_OK): break self.macros["__file_context_path"] = fn else: self.macros["__file_context_path"] = "%{nil}" self.macros["_dependency_whiteout"] = whiteout.whiteout self.updates = [] self.localPackages = [] def errorlog(self, value, msg): log.error(msg) def filelog(self, value, msg): pass def log(self, value, msg): if value >= 2: pass elif value == 1: log.info(msg) else: log.warning(msg) def getDownloadPkgs(self): downloadpkgs = [] totalSize = 0 totalFiles = 0 for txmbr in self.tsInfo.getMembers(): if txmbr.ts_state in ['i', 'u']: po = txmbr.po if po: totalSize += int(po.returnSimple("installedsize")) / 1024 for filetype in po.returnFileTypes(): totalFiles += len(po.returnFileEntries(ftype=filetype)) downloadpkgs.append(po) return (downloadpkgs, totalSize, totalFiles) def setColor(self): if (rpmUtils.arch.canonArch.startswith("ppc64") or rpmUtils.arch.canonArch in ("s390x", "sparc64", "x86_64", "ia64")): self.ts.ts.setColor(3) def run(self, instLog, cb, intf): self.initActionTs() self.setColor() if not self.method.splitmethod: self.populateTs(keepold=0) self.ts.check() self.ts.order() self._run(instLog, cb, intf) else: # If we don't have any required media assume single disc if self.tsInfo.reqmedia == {}: self.tsInfo.reqmedia[0] = None for i in self.tsInfo.reqmedia.keys(): self.tsInfo.curmedia = i if i > 0: self.method.switchMedia(i) self.populateTs(keepold=0) self.ts.check() self.ts.order() self._run(instLog, cb, intf) def _run(self, instLog, cb, intf): # set log fd. FIXME: this is ugly. see changelog entry from 2005-09-13 self.ts.ts.scriptFd = instLog.fileno() rpm.setLogFile(instLog) try: self.runTransaction(cb=cb) except YumBaseError, probs: # FIXME: we need to actually look at these problems... log.error("error running transaction: %s" %(probs,)) intf.messageWindow(_("Error running transaction"), ("There was an error running your transaction, " "probably a disk space problem. For now, " "exiting on this although we should diagnose " "and then let you go back.")) sys.exit(1) def doCacheSetup(self): for repo in self.repos.repos.values(): repo.set('cachedir', '/tmp/cache/') repo.set('pkgdir', '/mnt/sysimage/') repo.set('hdrdir', '/tmp/cache/headers') def doMacros(self): for (key, val) in self.macros.items(): rpm.addMacro(key, val) #From yum depsolve.py def populateTs(self, test=0, keepold=1): """take transactionData class and populate transaction set""" if self.dsCallback: self.dsCallback.transactionPopulation() ts_elem = {} if keepold: for te in self.ts: epoch = te.E() if epoch is None: epoch = '0' pkginfo = (te.N(), te.A(), epoch, te.V(), te.R()) if te.Type() == 1: mode = 'i' elif te.Type() == 2: mode = 'e' ts_elem[(pkginfo, mode)] = 1 for txmbr in self.tsInfo.getMembers(): self.log(6, 'Member: %s' % txmbr) if txmbr.ts_state in ['u', 'i']: if ts_elem.has_key((txmbr.pkgtup, 'i')): continue try: self.downloadHeader(txmbr.po) except FileCopyException: log.info("Failed loading header for %s" %(txmbr.name)) self.method.unmountCD() rc = self.method.intf.messageWindow(_("Error"), _("The package %s-%s-%s.%s cannot be opened. This is due " "to a missing file or perhaps a corrupt package. " "If you are installing from CD media this usually " "means the CD media is corrupt, or the CD drive is " "unable to read the media.\n\n") % (txmbr.po.returnSimple('name'), txmbr.po.returnSimple('version'), txmbr.po.returnSimple('release'), txmbr.po.returnSimple('arch')), type="custom", custom_icon="error", custom_buttons = [ _("Re_boot")]) if rc == 0: sys.exit(0) hdr = txmbr.po.returnLocalHeader() rpmfile = txmbr.po.localPkg() if txmbr.ts_state == 'u': if txmbr.po.name.startswith("kernel-module-"): self.handleKernelModule(txmbr) if self.allowedMultipleInstalls(txmbr.po): self.log(5, '%s converted to install' % (txmbr.po)) txmbr.ts_state = 'i' txmbr.output_state = TS_INSTALL #XXX: Changed callback api to take a package object self.ts.addInstall(hdr, txmbr.po, txmbr.ts_state) self.log(4, 'Adding Package %s in mode %s' % (txmbr.po, txmbr.ts_state)) if self.dsCallback: self.dsCallback.pkgAdded(txmbr.pkgtup, txmbr.ts_state) elif txmbr.ts_state in ['e']: if ts_elem.has_key((txmbr.pkgtup, txmbr.ts_state)): continue indexes = self.rpmdb.returnIndexByTuple(txmbr.pkgtup) for idx in indexes: self.ts.addErase(idx) if self.dsCallback: self.dsCallback.pkgAdded(txmbr.pkgtup, 'e') self.log(4, 'Removing Package %s' % txmbr.po) def isGroupInstalled(self, grp): # FIXME: move down to yum itself. # note that this is the simple installer only version that doesn't # worry with installed and toremove... if grp.selected: return True return False def simpleDBInstalled(self, name): # FIXME: this is used in pirut because of slow stuff in yum # given that we're on a new system, nothing is ever installed in the # rpmdb return False def downloadHeader(self, po): tries = 0 while tries < 5: try: yum.YumBase.downloadHeader(self, po) except yum.Errors.RepoError, e: log.critical("Error occured downloading header %s: %s" %(po, e)) else: break tries = tries + 1 if tries >= 5: raise FileCopyException class YumBackend(AnacondaBackend): def __init__(self, method, instPath): AnacondaBackend.__init__(self, method, instPath) def doInitialSetup(self, id, instPath): if id.getUpgrade(): # FIXME: make sure that the rpmdb doesn't have stale locks :/ for rpmfile in ["__db.000", "__db.001", "__db.002", "__db.003"]: try: os.unlink("%s/var/lib/rpm/%s" %(instPath, rpmfile)) except: log.error("failed to unlink /var/lib/rpm/%s" %(rpmfile,)) self.ac = AnacondaYumConf(self.method.getMethodUri(), configfile="/tmp/yum.conf", root=instPath) self.ac.write() self.ayum = AnacondaYum(fn="/tmp/yum.conf", root=instPath, method=self.method) def doGroupSetup(self): self.ayum.doGroupSetup() # FIXME: this is a bad hack to remove support for xen on xen (#179387) if os.path.exists("/proc/xen"): if self.ayum.comps._groups.has_key("xen"): del self.ayum.comps._groups["xen"] def doRepoSetup(self, intf, instPath): if not os.path.exists("/tmp/cache"): iutil.mkdirChain("/tmp/cache/headers") tasks = ( (self.ayum.doMacros, 1), (self.ayum.doTsSetup, 1), (self.ayum.doRpmDBSetup, 5), (self.ayum.doRepoSetup, 15), (self.ayum.doCacheSetup, 1), (self.doGroupSetup, 1), (self.ayum.doSackSetup, 50), (self._catchallCategory, 1)) tot = 0 for t in tasks: tot += t[1] waitwin = YumProgress(intf, _("Retrieving installation information..."), tot) self.ayum.repos.callback = waitwin try: at = 0 for (task, amt) in tasks: waitwin.set_incr(amt) task() at += amt waitwin.next_task() waitwin.pop() except RepoError, e: log.error("reading package metadata: %s" %(e,)) waitwin.pop() intf.messageWindow(_("Error"), _("Unable to read package metadata. This may be " "due to a missing repodata directory. Please " "ensure that your install tree has been " "correctly generated. %s" % e), type="custom", custom_icon="error", custom_buttons=[_("_Exit")]) sys.exit(0) self.ayum.repos.callback = None def _catchallCategory(self): # FIXME: this is a bad hack, but catch groups which aren't in # a category yet are supposed to be user-visible somehow. # conceivably should be handled by yum grps = {} for g in self.ayum.comps.groups: if g.user_visible: grps[g.groupid] = g for cat in self.ayum.comps.categories: for g in cat.groups: if grps.has_key(g): del grps[g] if len(grps.keys()) == 0: return c = yum.comps.Category() c.name = _("Uncategorized") c._groups = grps c.categoryid = "uncategorized" self.ayum.comps.categories.append(c) def getDefaultGroups(self): import language rc = map(lambda x: x.groupid, filter(lambda x: x.default, self.ayum.comps.groups)) langs = language.expandLangs(os.environ["LANG"]) for g in self.ayum.comps.groups: if g.langonly in langs: rc.append(g.groupid) return rc def selectBestKernel(self): """Find the best kernel package which is available and select it.""" def getBestKernelByArch(pkgname, ayum): """Convenience func to find the best arch of a kernel by name""" pkgs = ayum.pkgSack.returnNewestByName(pkgname) if len(pkgs) == 0: return None pkgs = self.ayum.bestPackagesFromList(pkgs) if len(pkgs) == 0: return None return pkgs[0] foundkernel = False kpkg = getBestKernelByArch("kernel", self.ayum) # FIXME: this is a bit of a hack. we shouldn't hard-code and # instead check by provides. but alas. for k in ("kernel", "kernel-smp", "kernel-xen-hypervisor"): if len(self.ayum.tsInfo.matchNaevr(name=k)) > 0: foundkernel = True if not foundkernel and os.path.exists("/proc/xen"): try: kxen = getBestKernelByArch("kernel-xen-guest", self.ayum) log.info("selecting kernel-xen-guest package for kernel") foundkernel = True except PackageSackError: kxen = None log.debug("no kernel-xen-guest package") else: self.ayum.install(po = kxen) if len(self.ayum.tsInfo.matchNaevr(name="gcc")) > 0: log.debug("selecting kernel-xen-guest-devel") self.selectPackage("kernel-xen-guest-devel") if not foundkernel and \ (open("/proc/cmdline").read().find("xen0") != -1): try: kxen = getBestKernelByArch("kernel-xen-hypervisor", self.ayum) log.info("selecting kernel-xen-hypervisor package for kernel") foundkernel = True except PackageSackError: kxen = None log.debug("no kernel-xen-hypervisor package") else: self.ayum.install(po = kxen) if len(self.ayum.tsInfo.matchNaevr(name="gcc")) > 0: log.debug("selecting kernel-xen-hypervisor-devel") self.selectPackage("kernel-xen-hypervisor-devel") if not foundkernel and (isys.smpAvailable() or isys.htavailable()): try: ksmp = getBestKernelByArch("kernel-smp", self.ayum) log.info("selected kernel-smp package for kernel") foundkernel = True except PackageSackError: ksmp = None log.debug("no kernel-smp package") if ksmp and ksmp.returnSimple("arch") == kpkg.returnSimple("arch"): self.ayum.install(po=ksmp) if len(self.ayum.tsInfo.matchNaevr(name="gcc")) > 0: log.debug("selecting kernel-smp-devel") self.selectPackage("kernel-smp-devel") if not foundkernel: log.info("selected kernel package for kernel") self.ayum.install(po=kpkg) if len(self.ayum.tsInfo.matchNaevr(name="gcc")) > 0: log.debug("selecting kernel-devel") self.selectPackage("kernel-devel") def selectBootloader(self): if iutil.getArch() in ("i386", "x86_64"): self.selectPackage("grub") elif iutil.getArch() == "s390": self.selectPackage("s390utils") elif iutil.getArch() == "ppc": self.selectPackage("yaboot") elif iutil.getArch() == "ia64": self.selectPackage("elilo") def selectConditionalPackages(self): for g in self.ayum.comps.get_groups(): if not g.selected: continue for pkg, cond in g.conditional_packages.iteritems(): if self.ayum.isPackageInstalled(cond): self.selectPackage(pkg) def doPostSelection(self, intf, id, instPath): # do some sanity checks for kernel and bootloader self.selectBestKernel() self.selectBootloader() self.selectConditionalPackages() if id.getUpgrade(): from upgrade import upgrade_remove_blacklist self.upgradeFindPackages() for pkg in upgrade_remove_blacklist: pkgarch = None pkgnames = None if len(pkg) == 1: pkgname = pkg[0] elif len(pkg) == 2: pkgname, pkgarch = pkg if pkgname is None: continue self.ayum.remove(name=pkgname, arch=pkgarch) self.ayum.update() dscb = YumDepSolveProgress(intf) self.ayum.dsCallback = dscb try: (code, msgs) = self.ayum.buildTransaction() (self.dlpkgs, self.totalSize, self.totalFiles) = self.ayum.getDownloadPkgs() finally: dscb.pop() self.ayum.dsCallback = None def doPreInstall(self, intf, id, instPath, dir): if dir == DISPATCH_BACK: for d in ("/selinux", "/dev"): try: isys.umount(instPath + d, removeDir = 0) except Exception, e: log.error("unable to unmount %s: %s" %(d, e)) return if flags.test: return # shorthand upgrade = id.getUpgrade() if upgrade: # An old mtab can cause confusion (esp if loop devices are # in it) f = open(instPath + "/etc/mtab", "w+") f.close() # we really started writing modprobe.conf out before things were # all completely ready. so now we need to nuke old modprobe.conf's # if you're upgrading from a 2.4 dist so that we can get the # transition right if (os.path.exists(instPath + "/etc/modules.conf") and os.path.exists(instPath + "/etc/modprobe.conf") and not os.path.exists(instPath + "/etc/modprobe.conf.anacbak")): log.info("renaming old modprobe.conf -> modprobe.conf.anacbak") os.rename(instPath + "/etc/modprobe.conf", instPath + "/etc/modprobe.conf.anacbak") if self.method.systemMounted (id.fsset, instPath): id.fsset.umountFilesystems(instPath) return DISPATCH_BACK for i in ( '/var', '/var/lib', '/var/lib/rpm', '/tmp', '/dev', '/etc', '/etc/sysconfig', '/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts', '/etc/X11', '/root', '/var/tmp', '/etc/rpm', '/var/cache', '/var/cache/yum' ): try: os.mkdir(instPath + i) except os.error, (errno, msg): pass # log.error("Error making directory %s: %s" % (i, msg)) self.initLog(id, instPath) if flags.setupFilesystems: # setup /etc/rpm/platform for the post-install environment iutil.writeRpmPlatform(instPath) try: # FIXME: making the /var/lib/rpm symlink here is a hack to # workaround db->close() errors from rpm iutil.mkdirChain("/var/lib") for path in ("/var/tmp", "/var/lib/rpm"): if os.path.exists(path) and not os.path.islink(path): iutil.rmrf(path) if not os.path.islink(path): os.symlink("/mnt/sysimage/%s" %(path,), "%s" %(path,)) else: log.warning("%s already exists as a symlink to %s" %(path, os.readlink(path),)) except Exception, e: # how this could happen isn't entirely clear; log it in case # it does and causes problems later log.error("error creating symlink, continuing anyway: %s" %(e,)) # SELinux hackery (#121369) if flags.selinux: try: os.mkdir(instPath + "/selinux") except Exception, e: pass try: isys.mount("/selinux", instPath + "/selinux", "selinuxfs") except Exception, e: log.error("error mounting selinuxfs: %s" %(e,)) # we need to have a /dev during install and now that udev is # handling /dev, it gets to be more fun. so just bind mount the # installer /dev if 1: log.warning("no dev package, going to bind mount /dev") isys.mount("/dev", "/mnt/sysimage/dev", bindMount = 1) if not upgrade: id.fsset.mkDevRoot("/mnt/sysimage/") # write out the fstab if not upgrade: id.fsset.write(instPath) # rootpath mode doesn't have this file around if os.access("/tmp/modprobe.conf", os.R_OK): iutil.copyFile("/tmp/modprobe.conf", instPath + "/etc/modprobe.conf") if os.access("/tmp/zfcp.conf", os.R_OK): iutil.copyFile("/tmp/zfcp.conf", instPath + "/etc/zfcp.conf") # make a /etc/mtab so mkinitrd can handle certain hw (usb) correctly f = open(instPath + "/etc/mtab", "w+") f.write(id.fsset.mtab()) f.close() def checkSupportedUpgrade(self, intf, instPath): # Figure out current version for upgrade nag and for determining weird # upgrade cases supportedUpgradeVersion = -1 for pkgtup in self.ayum.rpmdb.whatProvides('redhat-release', None, None): n, a, e, v, r = pkgtup if supportedUpgradeVersion <= 0: val = rpmUtils.miscutils.compareEVR((None, '3', '1'), (e, v,r)) if val > 0: supportedUpgradeVersion = 0 else: supportedUpgradeVersion = 1 break if productName.find("Red Hat Enterprise Linux") == -1: supportedUpgradeVersion = 1 if supportedUpgradeVersion == 0: rc = intf.messageWindow(_("Warning"), _("You appear to be upgrading from a system " "which is too old to upgrade to this " "version of %s. Are you sure you wish to " "continue the upgrade " "process?") %(productName,), type = "yesno") if rc == 0: for rpmfile in ["__db.000", "__db.001", "__db.002", "__db.003"]: try: os.unlink("%s/var/lib/rpm/%s" %(instPath, rpmfile)) except: log.info("error %s removing file: /var/lib/rpm/%s" %(e,rpmfile)) pass sys.exit(0) def doInstall(self, intf, id, instPath): log.info("Preparing to install packages") if flags.test: log.info("Test mode - not performing install") return if not id.upgrade: rpm.addMacro("__dbi_htconfig", "hash nofsync %{__dbi_other} %{__dbi_perms}") pkgTimer = timer.Timer(start = 0) id.instProgress.setSizes(len(self.dlpkgs), self.totalSize, self.totalFiles) id.instProgress.processEvents() cb = simpleCallback(intf.messageWindow, id.instProgress, pkgTimer, self.method, intf.progressWindow, self.instLog, self.modeText, self.ayum.ts) cb.initWindow = intf.waitWindow(_("Install Starting"), _("Starting install process. This may take several minutes...")) self.ayum.run(self.instLog, cb, intf) if not cb.beenCalled: cb.initWindow.pop() self.method.filesDone() self.instLog.close () id.instProgress = None def doPostInstall(self, intf, id, instPath): if flags.test: return w = intf.progressWindow(_("Post Install"), _("Performing post install configuration..."), 6) id.network.write(instPath) for tsmbr in self.ayum.tsInfo.matchNaevr(name='rhgb'): id.bootloader.args.append("rhgb quiet") break for tsmbr in self.ayum.tsInfo.matchNaevr(name='gdm'): id.desktop.setDefaultRunLevel(5) break # XXX: write proper lvm config w.pop() AnacondaBackend.doPostInstall(self, intf, id, instPath) def kernelVersionList(self): kernelVersions = [] # nick is used to generate the lilo name for (ktag, nick) in [ ('kernel-smp', 'smp'), ('kernel-xen-hypervisor', 'hypervisor'), ('kernel-xen-guest', 'guest') ]: tag = ktag.rsplit('-', 1)[1] for tsmbr in self.ayum.tsInfo.matchNaevr(name=ktag): version = ( tsmbr.version + '-' + tsmbr.release + tag) kernelVersions.append((version, nick)) for tsmbr in self.ayum.tsInfo.matchNaevr(name='kernel'): version = ( tsmbr.version + '-' + tsmbr.release) kernelVersions.append((version, 'up')) return kernelVersions def __getGroupId(self, group): """Get the groupid for the given name (english or translated).""" for g in self.ayum.comps.groups: if group == g.name: return g.groupid for trans in g.translated_name.values(): if group == trans: return g.groupid def isGroupSelected(self, group): try: grp = self.ayum.comps.return_group(group) if grp.selected: return True except yum.Errors.GroupsError, e: pass return False def selectGroup(self, group, *args): try: mbrs = self.ayum.selectGroup(group) if len(mbrs) == 0 and self.isGroupSelected(group): return 1 return len(mbrs) except yum.Errors.GroupsError, e: # try to find out if it's the name or translated name gid = self.__getGroupId(group) if gid is not None: mbrs = self.ayum.selectGroup(gid) if len(mbrs) == 0 and self.isGroupSelected(gid): return 1 return len(mbrs) else: log.debug("no such group %s" %(group,)) return 0 def deselectGroup(self, group, *args): try: self.ayum.deselectGroup(group) except yum.Errors.GroupsError, e: # try to find out if it's the name or translated name gid = self.__getGroupId(group) if gid is not None: self.ayum.deselectGroup(gid) else: log.debug("no such group %s" %(group,)) def selectPackage(self, pkg, *args): sp = pkg.rsplit(".", 2) if len(sp) == 2: try: mbrs = self.ayum.install(name = sp[0], arch = sp[1]) return len(mbrs) except yum.Errors.InstallError: # maybe the package has a . in the name pass try: mbrs = self.ayum.install(name=pkg) return len(mbrs) except yum.Errors.InstallError: log.debug("no such package %s" %(pkg,)) return 0 def deselectPackage(self, pkg, *args): sp = pkg.rsplit(".", 2) txmbrs = [] if len(sp) == 2: txmbrs = self.ayum.tsInfo.matchNaevr(name=sp[0], arch=sp[1]) if len(txmbrs) == 0: txmbrs = self.ayum.tsInfo.matchNaevr(name=pkg) if len(txmbrs) > 0: map(lambda x: self.ayum.tsInfo.remove(x.pkgtup), txmbrs) else: log.debug("no such package %s" %(pkg,)) def upgradeFindPackages(self): # check the installed system to see if the packages just # are not newer in this release. # Dictionary of newer package to tuple of old packages packageMap = { "firefox": ("mozilla", "netscape-navigator", "netscape-communicator") } for new, oldtup in packageMap.iteritems(): if self.ayum.isPackageInstalled(new): continue found = 0 for p in oldtup: if self.ayum.rpmdb.installed(name=p): found = 1 break if found > 0: self.selectPackage(new) def writePackagesKS(self, f): packages = [] self.ayum.tsInfo.makelists() for txmbr in self.ayum.tsInfo.installed: if not txmbr.groups: packages.append(txmbr.name) f.write("\n%packages\n") map(lambda grp: f.write("@%s\n" % grp), self.ayum.tsInfo.instgroups) map(lambda pkg: f.write("%s\n" % pkg), packages) def writeConfiguration(self): #XXX: dump is not sufficient reenable when fixed return for repo in self.ayum.repos.listEnabled(): repo.disable() fn = "%s/etc/yum.repos.d/%s.repo" % ( self.instPath, repo.id) f = open(fn , 'w') f.write(repo.dump()) repo.enable() f.close() class YumProgress: def __init__(self, intf, text, total): window = intf.progressWindow(_("Installation Progress"), text, total, 0.01) self.window = window self.current = 0 self.incr = 1 self.total = total self.popped = False def set_incr(self, incr): self.incr = incr def progressbar(self, current, total, name=None): if not self.popped: self.window.set(float(current)/total * self.incr + self.current) else: warnings.warn("YumProgress.progressbar called when popped", RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2) def pop(self): self.window.pop() self.popped = True def next_task(self, current = None): if current: self.current = current else: self.current += self.incr if not self.popped: self.window.set(self.current) else: warnings.warn("YumProgress.set called when popped", RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2) def errorlog(self, value, msg): log.error(msg) def filelog(self, value, msg): pass def log(self, value, msg): log.info(msg) class YumDepSolveProgress: def __init__(self, intf): window = intf.progressWindow(_("Dependency Check"), _("Checking dependencies in packages selected for installation..."), 1.0, 0.01) self.window = window self.numpkgs = None self.loopstart = None self.incr = None self.restartLoop = self.downloadHeader = self.transactionPopulation = self.refresh self.procReq = self.procConflict = self.unresolved = self.noop() def tscheck(self, num = None): self.refresh() if num is not None: self.numpkgs = num self.loopstart = self.current self.incr = (1.0 / num) * ((1.0 - self.loopstart) / 2) def pkgAdded(self, *args): if self.numpkgs: self.set(self.current + self.incr) def noop(self): pass def refresh(self, *args): self.window.refresh() def set(self, value): self.current = value self.window.set(self.current) def start(self): self.set(0.0) self.refresh() def end(self): self.window.set(1.0) self.window.refresh() def pop(self): self.window.pop() def errorlog(self, value, msg): log.error(msg) def filelog(self, value, msg): pass def log(self, value, msg): log.info(msg)