# # vnc.py: VNC related installer functionality # # Copyright 2004 Red Hat, Inc. # # Jeremy Katz # # This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU # general public license. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # import os, sys, string from snack import * from constants_text import * from rhpl.translate import _, N_ import network import isys import product import iutil import logging log = logging.getLogger("anaconda") # return -1 to use text mode, None for no vncpass, or vncpass otherwise def askVncWindow(): if network.hasActiveNetDev() == False: return -1 screen = SnackScreen() vncpass = None vncconnect = 0 STEP_MESSAGE = 0 STEP_PASS = 1 STEP_DONE = 3 step = 0 while step < STEP_DONE: if step == STEP_MESSAGE: button = ButtonChoiceWindow(screen, _("Unable to Start X"), _("X was unable to start on your " "machine. Would you like to " "start VNC to connect to " "this computer from another " "computer and perform a " "graphical install or continue " "with a text mode install?"), buttons = [ _("Use text mode"), _("Start VNC") ]) if button == string.lower (_("Use text mode")): screen.finish() return -1 else: step = STEP_PASS continue if step == STEP_PASS: grid = GridFormHelp(screen, _("VNC Configuration"), "vnc", 1, 10) bb = ButtonBar(screen, (TEXT_OK_BUTTON, (_("No password"), "nopass"), TEXT_BACK_BUTTON)) text = _("A password will prevent unauthorized listeners " "connecting and monitoring your installation progress. " "Please enter a password to be used for the installation") grid.add(TextboxReflowed(40, text), 0, 0, (0, 0, 0, 1)) entry1 = Entry (16, password = 1) entry2 = Entry (16, password = 1) passgrid = Grid (2, 2) passgrid.setField (Label (_("Password:")), 0, 0, (0, 0, 1, 0), anchorLeft = 1) passgrid.setField (Label (_("Password (confirm):")), 0, 1, (0, 0, 1, 0), anchorLeft = 1) passgrid.setField (entry1, 1, 0) passgrid.setField (entry2, 1, 1) grid.add (passgrid, 0, 1, (0, 0, 0, 1)) grid.add(bb, 0, 8, (0, 1, 1, 0), growx = 1) while 1: res = grid.run() rc = bb.buttonPressed(res) if rc == TEXT_BACK_CHECK: screen.popWindow() step = STEP_MESSAGE break elif rc == "nopass": screen.finish() return None else: pw = entry1.value() cf = entry2.value() if pw != cf: ButtonChoiceWindow(screen, _("Password Mismatch"), _("The passwords you entered were " "different. Please try again."), buttons = [ TEXT_OK_BUTTON ], width = 50) elif len(pw) < 6: ButtonChoiceWindow(screen, _("Password Length"), _("The password must be at least " "six characters long."), buttons = [ TEXT_OK_BUTTON ], width = 50) else: screen.finish() return pw entry1.set("") entry2.set("") continue continue screen.finish() return -1 def getVNCPassword(): # see if there is a vnc password file try: pfile = open("/tmp/vncpassword.dat", "r") vncpassword=pfile.readline().strip() pfile.close() os.unlink("/tmp/vncpassword.dat") except: vncpassword="" pass # check length of vnc password if vncpassword != "" and len(vncpassword) < 6: screen = SnackScreen() ButtonChoiceWindow(screen, _('VNC Password Error'), _('You need to specify a vnc password of at least 6 characters long.\n\n' 'Press to reboot your system.\n'), buttons = (_("OK"),)) screen.finish() sys.exit(0) return vncpassword # startup vnc X server def startVNCServer(vncpassword="", root='/', vncconnecthost="", vncconnectport="", vncStartedCB=None): stdoutLog = logging.getLogger("anaconda.stdout") def set_vnc_password(root, passwd, passwd_file): (pid, fd) = os.forkpty() if not pid: os.execv(root + "/usr/bin/vncpasswd", [root + "/usr/bin/vncpasswd", passwd_file]) sys.exit(1) # read password prompt os.read(fd, 1000) # write password os.write(fd, passwd + "\n") # read challenge again, and newline os.read(fd, 1000) os.read(fd, 1000) # write password again os.write(fd, passwd + "\n") # read remaining output os.read(fd, 1000) # wait for status try: (pid, status) = os.waitpid(pid, 0) except OSError, (errno, msg): print __name__, "waitpid:", msg return status stdoutLog.info(_("Starting VNC...")) # figure out host info connxinfo = None srvname = None try: import network # try to load /tmp/netinfo and see if we can sniff out network info netinfo = network.Network() srvname = None # If we have a real hostname that resolves against configured DNS # servers, use that for the name to connect to. if netinfo.hostname != "localhost.localdomain" and netinfo.lookupHostname() is not None: srvname = netinfo.hostname else: # Otherwise, look for any configured interface and use its IP # address for the name to connect to. for dev in netinfo.netdevices.keys(): try: ip = isys.getIPAddress(dev) log.info("ip of %s is %s" %(dev, ip)) except Exception, e: log.warning("Got an exception trying to get the ip addr " "of %s: %s" %(dev, e)) continue if ip != '' and ip is not None: srvname = ip break # If we get here and there's no valid IP address, just use the # hostname and hope for the best (better than displaying nothing) if ip == '' or ip is None: srvname = netinfo.hostname if srvname is not None: connxinfo = "%s:1" % (srvname,) except: log.error("Unable to determine VNC server network info") # figure out product info if srvname is not None: desktopname = _("%s %s installation on host %s") % (product.productName, product.productVersion, srvname) else: desktopname = _("%s %s installation") % (product.productName, product.productVersion) vncpid = os.fork() if not vncpid: args = [ root + "/usr/bin/Xvnc", ":1", "-nevershared", "-depth", "16", "-geometry", "800x600", "IdleTimeout=0", "-auth", "/dev/null", "-once", "DisconnectClients=false", "desktop=%s" % (desktopname,)] # set passwd if necessary if vncpassword != "": try: rc = set_vnc_password(root, vncpassword, "/tmp/vncpasswd_file") except Exception, e: stdoutLog.error("Unknown exception setting vnc password.") log.error("Exception was: %s" %(e,)) rc = 1 if rc: stdoutLog.warning(_("Unable to set vnc password - using no password!")) stdoutLog.warning(_("Make sure your password is at least 6 characters in length.")) else: args = args + ["-rfbauth", "/tmp/vncpasswd_file"] else: # needed if no password specified args = args + ["SecurityTypes=None",] tmplogFile = "/tmp/vncserver.log" try: err = os.open(tmplogFile, os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT) if err < 0: sys.stderr.write("error opening %s\n", tmplogFile) else: os.dup2(err, 2) os.close(err) except: # oh well pass os.execv(args[0], args) sys.exit (1) if vncpassword == "": stdoutLog.warning(_("\n\nWARNING!!! VNC server running with NO PASSWORD!\n" "You can use the vncpassword= boot option\n" "if you would like to secure the server.\n\n")) stdoutLog.info(_("The VNC server is now running.")) if vncconnecthost != "": stdoutLog.info(_("Attempting to connect to vnc client on host %s...") % (vncconnecthost,)) hostarg = vncconnecthost if vncconnectport != "": hostarg = hostarg + ":" + vncconnectport argv = ["/usr/bin/vncconfig", "-display", ":1", "-connect", hostarg] ntries = 0 while 1: output = iutil.execWithCapture(argv[0], argv, catchfd=2) if output == "": stdoutLog.info(_("Connected!")) break elif output.startswith("connecting") and output.endswith("failed"): ntries += 1 if ntries > 50: stdoutLog.error(_("Giving up attempting to connect after 50 tries!\n")) if connxinfo is not None: stdoutLog.info(_("Please manually connect your vnc client to %s to begin the install.") % (connxinfo,)) else: stdoutLog.info(_("Please manually connect your vnc client to begin the install.")) break stdoutLog.info(output) stdoutLog.info(_("Will try to connect again in 15 seconds...")) time.sleep(15) continue else: stdoutLog.critical(output) sys.exit(1) else: if connxinfo is not None: stdoutLog.info(_("Please connect to %s to begin the install...") % (connxinfo,)) else: stdoutLog.info(_("Please connect to begin the install...")) os.environ["DISPLAY"]=":1" if vncStartedCB: vncStartedCB() if __name__ == "__main__": askVncWindow()