import rpm, os import iutil, isys from lilo import LiloConfiguration from syslogd import Syslogd import string import socket import crypt import whrandom import pcmcia import _balkan from simpleconfig import SimpleConfigFile from mouse import Mouse from xf86config import XF86Config def _(x): return x class FakeDDruid: """A disk druid looking thing for upgrades""" def partitionList (self): return (self.partitions, None) def append (self, name, table): for i in range (len (table)): (type, sector, size) = table[i] if size and type != -1: self.partitions.append ((name + str (i + 1)), "Existing000" + str(len (self.partitions)), type) def __init__ (self): self.partitions = [] class LogFile: def __init__ (self): self.logFile = open("/dev/tty3", "w") def __call__ (self, format, *args): if args: self.logFile.write (format % args) else: self.logFile.write (format) def getFile (self): return self.logFile.fileno () class NetworkDevice (SimpleConfigFile): def __str__ (self): s = "" s = s + "DEVICE=" +["DEVICE"] + "\n" keys = () keys.sort () keys.remove ("DEVICE") for key in keys: s = s + key + "=" +[key] + "\n" return s def __init__ (self, dev): = { "DEVICE" : dev } self.hostname = "" class Network: def __init__ (self): self.netdevices = {} self.gateway = "" self.primaryNS = "" self.secondaryNS = "" self.ternaryNS = "" = [] self.readData = 0 self.hostname = "localhost.localdomain" try: f = open ("/tmp/netinfo", "r") except: pass else: lines = f.readlines () info = {} for line in lines: netinf = string.splitfields (line, '=') info [netinf[0]] = string.strip (netinf[1]) self.netdevices [info["DEVICE"]] = NetworkDevice (info["DEVICE"]) if info.has_key ("IPADDR"): self.netdevices [info["DEVICE"]].set (("IPADDR", info["IPADDR"])) if info.has_key ("NETMASK"): self.netdevices [info["DEVICE"]].set (("NETMASK", info["NETMASK"])) if info.has_key ("BOOTPROTO"): self.netdevices [info["DEVICE"]].set (("BOOTPROTO", info["BOOTPROTO"])) if info.has_key ("GATEWAY"): self.gateway = info["GATEWAY"] if info.has_key ("NS1"): self.primaryNS = info["NS1"] if info.has_key ("HOSTNAME"): self.hostname = info["HOSTNAME"] self.readData = 1 def available (self): if self.netdevices: return self.netdevices f = open ("/proc/net/dev") lines = f.readlines() f.close () # skip first two lines, they are header lines = lines[2:] for line in lines: dev = string.strip (line[0:6]) if dev != "lo" and not self.netdevices.has_key (dev): self.netdevices[dev] = NetworkDevice (dev) return self.netdevices def guessHostnames (self): # guess the hostname for the first device with an IP # XXX fixme - need to set up resolv.conf = [] for dev in self.netdevices.values (): ip = dev.get ("ipaddr") if ip: try: (hostname, aliases, ipaddrs) = socket.gethostbyaddr (ip) except socket.error: hostname = "" if hostname: dev.hostname = hostname if '.' in hostname: # chop off everything before the leading '.' (hostname[(string.find (hostname, '.') + 1):]) #if self.hostname == "localhost.localdomain": self.hostname = hostname else: dev.hostname = "localhost.localdomain" if not = [ "localdomain" ] def nameservers (self): return [ self.primaryNS, self.secondaryNS, self.ternaryNS ] class Password: def __init__ (self): self.crypt = "" self.pure = None def getPure(self): return self.pure def set (self, password, isCrypted = 0): if not isCrypted: salt = (whrandom.choice (string.letters + string.digits + './') + whrandom.choice (string.letters + string.digits + './')) self.crypt = crypt.crypt (password, salt) self.pure = password else: self.crypt = password def get (self): return self.crypt class Language (SimpleConfigFile): def __init__ (self): = {} self.lang = None self.langs = { "Czech" : "cs", "English" : "en", "French": "fr", "German": "de", "Hungarian": "hu", "Icelandic": "is", "Indonesian": "id", "Italian": "it", "Norwegian": "no", "Polish": "pl", "Romanian": "ro", "Slovak": "sk", "Spanish": "es", "Russian": "ru", "Ukrainian": "uk", "German" : "de", } self.abbrevMap = { # kickstart needs this "en": "English", "de": "German" } def available (self): return self.langs def setByAbbrev(self, lang): self.set(self.abbrevMap[lang]) def set (self, lang): self.lang = self.langs[lang]["LANG"] = self.langs[lang]["LINGUAS"] = self.langs[lang]["LC_ALL"] = self.langs[lang] def get (self): if self.lang: return self.lang else: return "en" class Keyboard (SimpleConfigFile): # XXX fixme - externalize def __init__ (self): = {} def available (self): return [ "azerty", "be-latin1", "be2-latin1", "fr-latin0", "fr-latin1", "fr-pc", "fr", "wangbe", "ANSI-dvorak", "dvorak-l", "dvorak-r", "dvorak", "pc-dvorak-latin1", "tr_f-latin5", "trf", "bg", "cf", "cz-lat2-prog", "cz-lat2", "defkeymap", "defkeymap_V1.0", "dk-latin1", "dk", "emacs", "emacs2", "es", "fi-latin1", "fi", "gr-pc", "gr", "hebrew", "hu101", "is-latin1", "it-ibm", "it", "it2", "jp106", "la-latin1", "lt", "lt.l4", "nl", "no-latin1", "no", "pc110", "pl", "pt-latin1", "pt-old", "ro", "ru-cp1251", "ru-ms", "ru-yawerty", "ru", "ru1", "ru2", "ru_win", "se-latin1", "sk-prog-qwerty", "sk-prog", "sk-qwerty", "tr_q-latin5", "tralt", "trf", "trq", "ua", "uk", "us", "croat", "cz-us-qwertz", "de-latin1-nodeadkeys", "de-latin1", "de", "fr_CH-latin1", "fr_CH", "hu", "sg-latin1-lk450", "sg-latin1", "sg", "sk-prog-qwertz", "sk-qwertz", "slovene", ] def set (self, keytable):["KEYTABLE"] = keytable def get (self): if ("KEYTABLE"): return["KEYTABLE"] else: return "us" class Authentication: def __init__ (self): self.useShadow = 1 self.useMD5 = 1 self.useNIS = 0 self.domain = "" self.useBroadcast = 1 self.server = "" class Drives: def available (self): return isys.hardDriveList () class ToDo: def __init__(self, intf, method, rootPath, setupFilesystems = 1, installSystem = 1, mouse = None, instClass = None, x = None, expert = 0): self.intf = intf self.method = method self.mounts = {} self.hdList = None self.comps = None self.instPath = rootPath self.setupFilesystems = setupFilesystems self.installSystem = installSystem self.language = Language () = Network () self.rootpassword = Password () if mouse: self.mouse = Mouse (xmouseType = mouse) else: self.mouse = Mouse () self.keyboard = Keyboard () self.auth = Authentication () self.ddruid = None; self.drives = Drives () self.badBlockCheck = 0 self.log = LogFile () self.bootdisk = 0 self.liloImages = {} self.liloDevice = None self.timezone = None self.upgrade = 0 self.ddruidAlreadySaved = 0 self.initrdsMade = {} self.initlevel = 3 = expert if (not instClass): raise TypeError, "installation class expected" if x: self.x = x else: if mouse: self.x = XF86Config (mouse) else: self.x = XF86Config () # This absolutely, positively MUST BE LAST self.setClass(instClass) def umountFilesystems(self): if (not self.setupFilesystems): return keys = self.mounts.keys () keys.sort() keys.reverse() for n in keys: (device, fsystem, format) = self.mounts[n] if fsystem != "swap": try: isys.umount('/mnt/sysimage/' + n) except: # XXX pass def writeTimezone(self): if (self.timezone): (timezone, asUtc, asArc) = self.timezone iutil.copyFile(self.instPath + "/usr/share/zoneinfo/" + timezone, self.instPath + "/etc/localtime") else: asUtc = 0 asArc = 0 f = open(self.instPath + "/etc/sysconfig/clock", "w") f.write("UTC=") if (asUtc): f.write("true\n") else: f.write("false\n") f.write("ARC=") if (asArc): f.write("true\n") else: f.write("false\n") f.close() def getTimezoneInfo(self): return self.timezone def setTimezoneInfo(self, timezone, asUtc = 0, asArc = 0): self.timezone = (timezone, asUtc, asArc) def getLiloOptions(self): if self.mounts.has_key ('/boot'): bootpart = self.mounts['/boot'][0] else: bootpart = self.mounts['/'][0] i = len (bootpart) - 1 while i < 0 and bootpart[i] in digits: i = i - 1 drives = self.drives.available().keys() drives.sort() boothd = drives[0] return (bootpart, boothd) def setLiloImages(self, images): self.liloImages = images def getLiloImages(self): if not self.ddruid: raise RuntimeError, "No disk druid object" (drives, raid) = self.ddruid.partitionList() # rearrange the fstab so it's indexed by device mountsByDev = {} for loc in self.mounts.keys(): (device, fsystem, reformat) = self.mounts[loc] mountsByDev[device] = loc oldImages = {} for dev in self.liloImages.keys(): oldImages[dev] = self.liloImages[dev] self.liloImages = {} foundDos = 0 for (dev, devName, type) in drives: # ext2 partitions get listed if # 1) they're / # 2) they're not mounted # only list dos and ext2 partitions if type != 1 and type != 2: continue if (mountsByDev.has_key(dev)): if mountsByDev[dev] == '/': self.liloImages[dev] = ("linux", 2) else: if not oldImages.has_key(dev): self.liloImages[dev] = ("", type) else: self.liloImages[dev] = oldImages[dev] if type == 1: if foundDos: continue foundDos = 1 self.liloImages[dev] = ("dos", type) return self.liloImages def mountFilesystems(self): if (not self.setupFilesystems): return keys = self.mounts.keys () keys.sort() for mntpoint in keys: (device, fsystem, format) = self.mounts[mntpoint] isys.makeDevInode(device, '/tmp/' + device) if fsystem == "swap": continue try: os.mkdir (self.instPath + mntpoint) except: pass try: isys.mount( '/tmp/' + device, self.instPath + mntpoint) except SystemError, (errno, msg): self.intf.messageWindow(_("Error"), _("Error mounting %s: %s") % (device, msg)) os.remove( '/tmp/' + device); def makeFilesystems(self, createSwap = 1, createFs = 1): if (not self.setupFilesystems): return # let's make the RAID devices first -- the fstab will then proceed # naturally (devices, raid) = self.ddruid.partitionList() if raid: deviceDict = {} for (device, name, type) in devices: deviceDict[name] = device rt = open("/tmp/raidtab", "w") for (mntpoint, device, raidType, makeup) in raid: isys.makeDevInode(device, '/tmp/' + device) rt.write("raiddev /tmp/%s\n" % (device,)) rt.write("raid-level %d\n" % (raidType,)) rt.write("nr-raid-disks %d\n" % (len(makeup),)) rt.write("chunk-size 64k\n") rt.write("persistent-superblock 1\n"); rt.write("#nr-spare-disks 0\n") i = 0 for subDevName in makeup: isys.makeDevInode(deviceDict[subDevName], '/tmp/%s' % deviceDict[subDevName]) rt.write(" device /tmp/%s\n" % (deviceDict[subDevName],)) rt.write(" raid-disk %d\n" % (i,)) i = i + 1 rt.write("\n") rt.close() w = self.intf.waitWindow(_("Creating"), _("Creating RAID devices...")) for (mntpoint, device, raidType, makeup) in raid: iutil.execWithRedirect ("/usr/sbin/mkraid", [ 'mkraid', '--really-force', '--configfile', '/tmp/raidtab', '/tmp/' + device ]) w.pop() #iutil.execWithRedirect ("/usr/sbin/raidstart", #[ 'raidstart', '--configfile', '/tmp/raidtab', '-a' ]) # XXX remove extraneous inodes here keys = self.mounts.keys () keys.sort() for mntpoint in keys: (device, fsystem, format) = self.mounts[mntpoint] if not format: continue w = self.intf.waitWindow(_("Formatting"), _("Formatting %s filesystem...") % (mntpoint,)) isys.makeDevInode(device, '/tmp/' + device) if fsystem == "ext2" and createFs: args = [ "mke2fs", '/tmp/' + device ] if self.badBlockCheck: args.append ("-c") iutil.execWithRedirect ("/usr/sbin/mke2fs", args, stdout = None, stderr = None, searchPath = 1) elif fsystem == "swap" and createSwap: rc = iutil.execWithRedirect ("/usr/sbin/mkswap", [ "mkswap", '/tmp/' + device ], stdout = None, stderr = None, searchPath = 1) if rc: raise RuntimeError, "error making swap on " + device isys.swapon ('/tmp/' + device) else: pass os.remove('/tmp/' + device) w.pop() def addMount(self, device, location, fsystem, reformat = 1): if fsystem == "swap": ufs = 0 try: isys.makeDevInode(device, '/tmp/' + device) except: pass try: ufs = isys.checkUFS ('/tmp/' + device) except: pass if not ufs: location = "swap" reformat = 1 self.mounts[location] = (device, fsystem, reformat) def writeFstab(self): format = "%-23s %-23s %-7s %-15s %d %d\n"; f = open (self.instPath + "/etc/fstab", "w") keys = self.mounts.keys () keys.sort () for mntpoint in keys: (dev, fs, reformat) = self.mounts[mntpoint] if (mntpoint == '/'): f.write (format % ( '/dev/' + dev, mntpoint, fs, 'defaults', 1, 1)) else: if (fs == "ext2"): f.write (format % ( '/dev/' + dev, mntpoint, fs, 'defaults', 1, 2)) elif fs == "iso9660": f.write (format % ( '/dev/' + dev, mntpoint, fs, 'noauto,owner,ro', 0, 0)) else: f.write (format % ( '/dev/' + dev, mntpoint, fs, 'defaults', 0, 0)) f.write (format % ("/dev/fd0", "/mnt/floppy", 'ext2', 'noauto,owner', 0, 0)) f.write (format % ("none", "/proc", 'proc', 'defaults', 0, 0)) f.write (format % ("none", "/dev/pts", 'devpts', 'gid=5,mode=620', 0, 0)) f.close () # touch mtab open (self.instPath + "/etc/mtab", "w+") f.close () def readFstab (self, path): f = open (path, "r") lines = f.readlines () f.close fstab = {} for line in lines: fields = string.split (line) # skip comments if fields and fields[0][0] == '#': continue # all valid fstab entries have 6 fields if len (fields) == 6: if fields and (fields[2] == "ext2" or fields[2] == "swap") \ and fields[3] == "defaults": format = 0 # XXX always format swap. if fields[2] == "swap": format = 1 fstab[fields[1]] = (fields[0][5:], fields[2], format) return fstab def writeLanguage(self): f = open(self.instPath + "/etc/sysconfig/i18n", "w") f.write(str (self.language)) f.close() def writeMouse(self): f = open(self.instPath + "/etc/sysconfig/mouse", "w") f.write(str (self.mouse)) f.close() self.mouse.makeLink(self.instPath) def writeKeyboard(self): f = open(self.instPath + "/etc/sysconfig/keyboard", "w") f.write(str (self.keyboard)) f.close() def makeInitrd (self, kernelTag): initrd = "/boot/initrd%s.img" % (kernelTag, ) if not self.initrdsMade.has_key(initrd): iutil.execWithRedirect("/sbin/mkinitrd", [ "/sbin/mkinitrd", initrd, kernelTag[1:] ], stdout = None, stderr = None, searchPath = 1, root = self.instPath) self.initrdsMade[kernelTag] = 1 return initrd def makeBootdisk (self): kernel = self.hdList['kernel'] kernelTag = "-%s-%s" % (kernel['version'], kernel['release']) self.makeInitrd (kernelTag) w = self.intf.waitWindow (_("Creating"), _("Creating boot disk...")) rc = iutil.execWithRedirect("/sbin/mkbootdisk", [ "/sbin/mkbootdisk", "--noprompt", "--device", "/dev/fd0", kernelTag[1:] ], stdout = None, stderr = None, searchPath = 1, root = self.instPath) w.pop() if rc: raise RuntimeError, "boot disk creation failed" def installLilo (self): lilo = LiloConfiguration () if not self.liloImages: self.setLiloImages(self.getLiloImages()) # on upgrade read in the lilo config file if os.access (self.instPath + '/etc/lilo.conf', os.R_OK): (self.instPath + '/etc/lilo.conf') elif not self.liloDevice: return (bootpart, boothd) = self.getLiloOptions() if (self.liloDevice == "mbr"): self.liloDevice = boothd else: self.liloDevice = bootpart if self.liloDevice: lilo.addEntry("boot", '/dev/' + self.liloDevice) lilo.addEntry("map", "/boot/map") lilo.addEntry("install", "/boot/boot.b") lilo.addEntry("prompt") lilo.addEntry("timeout", "50") smpInstalled = (self.hdList.has_key('kernel-smp') and self.hdList['kernel-smp'].selected and isys.smpAvailable()) if self.mounts.has_key ('/'): (dev, type, format) = self.mounts['/'] rootDev = dev else: raise RuntimeError, "Installing lilo, but there is no root device" kernelList = [] otherList = [] main = "linux" for (drive, (label, type)) in self.liloImages.items (): if (drive == rootDev) and label: self.log ("%s label %s is root (%s) \n", drive, label, rootDev) main = label elif label: self.log ("%s label %s is ohter\n", drive, label) otherList.append (label, "/dev/" + drive) lilo.addEntry("default", main) if (smpInstalled): kernelList.append((main, self.hdList['kernel-smp'], "smp")) label = main + "-up" kernelList.append((label, self.hdList['kernel'], "")) for (label, kernel, tag) in kernelList: kernelTag = "-%s-%s%s" % (kernel['version'], kernel['release'], tag) initrd = self.makeInitrd (kernelTag) sl = LiloConfiguration() sl.addEntry("label", label) if os.access (self.instPath + initrd, os.R_OK): sl.addEntry("initrd", initrd) sl.addEntry("read-only") sl.addEntry("root", '/dev/' + rootDev) kernelFile = "/boot/vmlinuz" + kernelTag lilo.addImage ("image", kernelFile, sl) for (label, device) in otherList: sl = LiloConfiguration() sl.addEntry("label", label) lilo.addImage ("other", device, sl) for (type, name, config) in lilo.images: # remove entries for missing kernels (upgrade) if type == "image": if not os.access (self.instPath + name, os.R_OK): lilo.delImage (name) # remove entries for unbootable partitions if type == "other": device = name[5:] isys.makeDevInode(device, '/tmp/' + device) if not isys.checkBoot ('/tmp/' + device): lilo.delImage (name) os.remove ('/tmp/' + device) # pass 2, remove duplicate entries labels = [] for (type, name, config) in lilo.images: if not name in labels: labels.append (name) else: # duplicate entry, first entry wins lilo.delImage (name) lilo.write(self.instPath + "/etc/lilo.conf") # XXX make me "not test mode" if self.setupFilesystems: iutil.execWithRedirect(self.instPath + '/sbin/lilo' , [ "lilo", "-r", self.instPath ], stdout = None) def freeHeaderList(self): if (self.hdList): self.hdList = None def getHeaderList(self): if (not self.hdList): w = self.intf.waitWindow(_("Reading"), _("Reading package information...")) self.hdList = self.method.readHeaders() w.pop() return self.hdList def setLiloLocation(self, location): self.liloDevice = location def getLiloLocation (self): return self.liloDevice def getCompsList(self): if (not self.comps): self.getHeaderList() self.comps = self.method.readComps(self.hdList) for comp in self.comps: if comp.selected: (1) self.comps['Base'].select(1) if (self.hdList.has_key('kernel-smp') and isys.smpAvailable()): self.hdList['kernel-smp'].selected = 1 self.updateInstClassComps() return self.comps def updateInstClassComps(self): # don't load it just for this if (not self.comps): return group = self.instClass.getGroups() packages = self.instClass.getPackages() if (group == None and packages == None): return 0 for n in self.comps.keys(): self.comps[n].unselect(0) self.comps['Base'].select(1) if group: for n in group: self.comps[n].select(1) if packages: for n in packages: self.selectPackage(n) if self.x.server: self.selectPackage('XFree86-' + self.x.server) def selectPackage(self, package): self.hdList.packages[package].selected = 1 def writeNetworkConfig (self): # /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* for dev in (): device = dev.get ("device") f = open (self.instPath + "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-" + device, "w") f.write (str (dev)) f.write ("ONBOOT=yes\n") f.close () # /etc/sysconfig/network for dev in (): if dev.hostname: hostname = dev.hostname break f = open (self.instPath + "/etc/sysconfig/network", "w") f.write ("NETWORKING=yes\n" "FORWARD_IPV4=false\n" "HOSTNAME=" + + "\n" "GATEWAY=" + + "\n") f.close () # /etc/hosts f = open (self.instPath + "/etc/hosts", "w") localline = "\t\tlocalhost.localdomain " if != "localhost.localdomain": localline = localline + f.write (localline + "\n") for dev in (): ip = dev.get ("ipaddr") if dev.hostname and ip: f.write ("%s\t\t%s\n" % (ip, dev.hostname)) f.close () # /etc/resolv.conf f = open (self.instPath + "/etc/resolv.conf", "w") f.write ("search " + string.joinfields (, ' ') + "\n") for ns in (): if ns: f.write ("nameserver " + ns + "\n") f.close () def writeRootPassword (self): f = open (self.instPath + "/etc/passwd", "r") lines = f.readlines () f.close () index = 0 for line in lines: if line[0:4] == "root": entry = string.splitfields (line, ':') entry[1] = self.rootpassword.get () lines[index] = string.joinfields (entry, ':') break index = index + 1 f = open (self.instPath + "/etc/passwd", "w") f.writelines (lines) f.close () def setupAuthentication (self): args = [ "/usr/sbin/authconfig", "--kickstart", "--nostart" ] if self.auth.useShadow: args.append ("--useshadow") if self.auth.useMD5: args.append ("--enablemd5") if self.auth.useNIS: args.append ("--enablenis") args.append ("--nisdomain") args.append (self.auth.domain) if not self.auth.useBroadcast: args.append ("--nisserver") args.append (self.auth.server) iutil.execWithRedirect(args[0], args, stdout = None, stderr = None, searchPath = 1, root = self.instPath) def copyConfModules (self): try: inf = open ("/tmp/conf.modules", "r") except: pass else: out = open (self.instPath + "/etc/conf.modules", "w") out.write ( ()) def verifyDeps (self): self.getCompsList() ts = rpm.TransactionSet() self.comps['Base'].select (1) for p in self.hdList.packages.values (): if p.selected: ts.add(p.h, (p.h, p.h[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME])) else: ts.add(p.h, (p.h, p.h[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME]), "a") ts.order() deps = ts.depcheck() rc = [] if deps: for ((name, version, release), (reqname, reqversion), flags, suggest, sense) in deps: if sense == rpm.RPMDEP_SENSE_REQUIRES: if suggest: (header, sugname) = suggest else: sugname = _("no suggestion") if not (name, sugname) in rc: rc.append ((name, sugname)) return rc else: return None def selectDeps (self, deps): if deps: for (who, dep) in deps: if dep != _("no suggestion"): self.hdList[dep].selected = 1 def upgradeFindRoot (self): rootparts = [] if not self.setupFilesystems: return [ self.instPath ] win = self.intf.waitWindow (_("Searching"), _("Searching for Red Hat Linux installations...")) drives = self.drives.available ().keys () self.ddruid = FakeDDruid () for drive in drives: isys.makeDevInode(drive, '/tmp/' + drive) try: table = _balkan.readTable ('/tmp/' + drive) except SystemError: pass else: self.ddruid.append (drive, table) for i in range (len (table)): (type, sector, size) = table[i] # 2 is ext2 in balkan speek if size and type == 2: dev = drive + str (i + 1) isys.makeDevInode(dev, '/tmp/' + dev) try: isys.mount('/tmp/' + dev, '/mnt/sysimage') except SystemError, (errno, msg): self.intf.messageWindow(_("Error"), _("Error mounting %s: %s") % (device, msg)) if os.access ('/mnt/sysimage/etc/fstab', os.R_OK): rootparts.append (dev) isys.umount('/mnt/sysimage') os.remove ('/tmp/' + dev) if size and type == 5: dev = drive + str (i + 1) isys.makeDevInode(dev, '/tmp/' + dev) try: isys.swapon ('/tmp/' + dev) except: self.log ("Error in swapon of %s\n", dev) os.remove ('/tmp/' + dev) os.remove ('/tmp/' + drive) win.pop () return rootparts def upgradeFindPackages (self, root): win = self.intf.waitWindow (_("Finding"), _("Finding packages to upgrade...")) self.getCompsList () self.getHeaderList () if self.setupFilesystems: isys.makeDevInode(root, '/tmp/' + root) isys.mount('/tmp/' + root, '/mnt/sysimage') self.mounts = self.readFstab ('/mnt/sysimage/etc/fstab') isys.umount('/mnt/sysimage') self.mountFilesystems () packages = rpm.findUpgradeSet (self.hdList.hdlist, self.instPath) self.umountFilesystems () # unselect all packages for package in self.hdList.packages.values (): package.selected = 0 # always upgrade all packages in Base package group self.comps['Base'].select(1) # turn on the packages in the upgrade set for package in packages: self.hdList[package[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME]].selected = 1 # new package dependency fixup self.selectDeps (self.verifyDeps ()) win.pop () def rpmError (todo): todo.instLog.write (rpm.errorString () + "\n") def getClass(todo): return todo.instClass def setClass(todo, instClass): todo.instClass = instClass todo.hostname = todo.instClass.getHostname() todo.updateInstClassComps() ( useShadow, useMd5, useNIS, nisDomain, nisBroadcast, nisServer) = todo.instClass.getAuthentication() todo.auth.useShadow = useShadow todo.auth.useMD5 = useMd5 todo.auth.useNIS = useNIS todo.auth.domain = nisDomain todo.auth.useBroadcast = nisBroadcast todo.auth.server = nisServer todo.timezone = instClass.getTimezoneInfo() todo.bootdisk = todo.instClass.getMakeBootdisk() todo.zeroMbr = todo.instClass.zeroMbr (where, linear, append) = todo.instClass.getLiloInformation() todo.liloDevice = where todo.users = [] if todo.instClass.rootPassword: todo.rootpassword.set(todo.instClass.rootPassword) if todo.instClass.language: todo.language.setByAbbrev(todo.instClass.language) if todo.instClass.keyboard: todo.keyboard.set(todo.instClass.keyboard) (bootProto, ip, netmask, gateway, nameserver) = \ todo.instClass.getNetwork() = gateway = nameserver devices = () if (devices and bootProto): list = devices.keys () list.sort() dev = devices[list[0]] dev.set (("bootproto", bootProto)) if (ip): dev.set (("ipaddr", ip)) if (netmask): dev.set (("netmask", netmask)) if (todo.instClass.mouse): (type, device, emulateThreeButtons) = todo.instClass.mouse todo.mouse.set(type, emulateThreeButtons, thedev = device) if (todo.instClass.x): todo.x = todo.instClass.x def getSkipPartitioning(self): return self.instClass.skipPartitioning def getPartitionWarningText(self): return self.instClass.clearPartText def manuallyPartition(self): self.instClass.skipPartitioning = 0 self.instClass.clearPartText = None self.instClass.removeFromSkipList("partition") self.instClass.removeFromSkipList("format") # List of (accountName, fullName, password) tupes def setUserList(todo, users): todo.users = users def getUserList(todo): return todo.users def createAccounts(todo): if not todo.users: return for (account, name, password) in todo.users: devnull ="/dev/null", os.O_RDWR) argv = [ "/usr/sbin/useradd", account ] iutil.execWithRedirect(argv[0], argv, root = todo.instPath, stdout = devnull) argv = [ "/usr/bin/chfn", "-f", name, account] iutil.execWithRedirect(argv[0], argv, root = todo.instPath, stdout = devnull) argv = [ "/usr/bin/passwd", "--stdin", account ] p = os.pipe() os.write(p[1], password + "\n") iutil.execWithRedirect(argv[0], argv, root = todo.instPath, stdin = p[0], stdout = devnull) os.close(p[0]) os.close(p[1]) os.close(devnull) def createCdrom(self): list = isys.cdromList() count = 0 for device in list: (device, descript) = device cdname = "cdrom" if (count): cdname = "%s%d" % (cdname, count) count = count + 1 os.symlink(device, self.instPath + "/dev/" + cdname) mntpoint = "/mnt/" + cdname self.mounts[mntpoint] = (cdname, "iso9660", 0) def setDefaultRunlevel (self): inittab = open (self.instPath + '/etc/inittab', 'r') lines = inittab.readlines () inittab.close () inittab = open (self.instPath + '/etc/inittab', 'w') for line in lines: if len (line) > 3 and line[:3] == "id:": fields = string.split (line, ':') fields[1] = str (self.initlevel) line = string.join (fields, ':') inittab.write (line) inittab.close () def doInstall(self): # make sure we have the header list and comps file self.getHeaderList() self.getCompsList() if self.x.server: self.selectPackage ('XFree86-' + self.x.server) # make sure that all comps that include other comps are # selected (i.e. - recurse down the selected comps and turn # on the children if self.setupFilesystems: if not self.upgrade: if (self.ddruidAlreadySaved): self.makeFilesystems (createSwap = 0) else: () self.makeFilesystems () else: (drives, raid) = self.ddruid.partitionList() self.mountFilesystems () if self.upgrade: w = self.intf.waitWindow(_("Rebuilding"), _("Rebuilding RPM database...")) rc = rpm.rebuilddb (self.instPath) w.pop () if rc: intf.messageWindow (_("Error"), _("Rebuild of RPM " "database failed. You may be out of disk space?")); # XXX do something sane here. raise RuntimeError, "panic" self.method.targetFstab (self.mounts) if not self.installSystem: return for i in [ '/var', '/var/lib', '/var/lib/rpm', '/tmp', '/dev' ]: try: os.mkdir(self.instPath + i) except os.error, (errno, msg): # self.intf.messageWindow("Error", "Error making directory %s: %s" % (i, msg)) pass db = rpm.opendb(1, self.instPath) ts = rpm.TransactionSet(self.instPath, db) total = 0 totalSize = 0 if self.upgrade: how = "u" else: how = "i" for p in self.hdList.selected(): ts.add(p.h, (p.h, self), how) total = total + 1 totalSize = totalSize + p.h[rpm.RPMTAG_SIZE] ts.order() if self.upgrade: logname = '/tmp/upgrade.log' else: logname = '/tmp/install.log' self.instLog = open(self.instPath + logname, "w+") syslog = Syslogd(root = self.instPath, output = self.instLog) ts.scriptFd = self.instLog.fileno () # the transaction set dup()s the file descriptor and will close the # dup'd when we go out of scope p = self.intf.packageProgressWindow(total, totalSize) if self.upgrade: self.modeText = _("Upgrading %s.\n") else: self.modeText = _("Installing %s.\n") def instCallback(what, amount, total, key, intf): if (what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_INST_OPEN_FILE): (h, self) = key intf.setPackage(h) intf.setPackageScale(0, 1) self.instLog.write (self.modeText % (h[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME],)) self.instLog.flush () fn = self.method.getFilename(h) self.rpmFD =, os.O_RDONLY) fn = self.method.unlinkFilename(fn) return self.rpmFD elif (what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_INST_PROGRESS): intf.setPackageScale(amount, total) elif (what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_INST_CLOSE_FILE): (h, self) = key os.close (self.rpmFD) intf.completePackage(h) else: pass rpm.errorSetCallback (self.rpmError) # XXX FIXME FIXME: -1 IGNORES all problems, -1, instCallback, p) self.method.filesDone () del p self.instLog.close () w = self.intf.waitWindow(_("Post Install"), _("Performing post install configuration...")) if not self.upgrade: self.createCdrom() self.writeFstab () self.writeLanguage () self.writeMouse () self.writeKeyboard () self.writeNetworkConfig () self.writeRootPassword () self.setupAuthentication () self.createAccounts () self.writeTimezone() if (self.instClass.defaultRunlevel): self.initlevel = self.instClass.defaultRunlevel self.setDefaultRunlevel () pcmcia.createPcmciaConfig(self.instPath + "/etc/sysconfig/pcmcia") self.copyConfModules () if not self.x.skip and self.x.server: self.x.write (self.instPath + "/etc/X11/XF86Config") os.symlink ("../../usr/X11R6/bin/XF86_" + self.x.server, self.instPath + "/etc/X11/X") self.setDefaultRunlevel () self.installLilo () if self.instClass.postScript: if self.instClass.postInChroot: path = self.instPath + "/tmp/ks-script" else: path = "/tmp/ks-script" f = open(path, "w") f.write("#!/bin/sh\n\n") f.write(self.instClass.postScript) f.close() if self.instClass.postInChroot: iutil.execWithRedirect ("/bin/sh", ["/bin/sh", "/tmp/ks-script" ], root = self.instPath) else: iutil.execWithRedirect ("/bin/sh", ["/bin/sh", "/tmp/ks-script"]) os.unlink(path) del syslog w.pop ()