# # partition_text.py: allows the user to choose how to partition their disks # in text mode # # Jeremy Katz # # Copyright 2001-2002 Red Hat, Inc. # # This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU # library public license. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # import os, sys import isys import string import copy import parted from partitioning import * from partedUtils import * from partIntfHelpers import * from partRequests import * from fsset import * from raid import availRaidLevels from autopart import * from snack import * from constants_text import * from constants import * from rhpl.translate import _ import logging log = logging.getLogger("anaconda") # sanity checking for various numeric input boxes def invalidInteger(str): ints = string.digits if str == "": return _("Must specify a value") for n in str: if n not in ints: return _("Requested value is not an integer") if len(str) > 9: return _("Requested value is too large") return None class PartitionWindow: def populate(self): # XXX we really should separate this stuff out into interface # independent bits... self.lb.clear() # first do LVM lvmrequests = self.partitions.getLVMRequests() if lvmrequests: for vgname in lvmrequests.keys(): vgrequest = self.partitions.getRequestByVolumeGroupName(vgname) size = vgrequest.getActualSize(self.partitions, self.diskset) device = "VG %s" % (vgname,) self.lb.append(["%s" % (device,), "", "", "%dM" %(size), "VolGroup", ""], str(vgrequest.uniqueID), [LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT, LEFT, LEFT]) for lvrequest in lvmrequests[vgname]: lvdevice = "LV %s" % (lvrequest.logicalVolumeName,) if lvrequest.fstype and lvrequest.mountpoint: mntpt = lvrequest.mountpoint else: mntpt = "" lvsize = lvrequest.getActualSize(self.partitions, self.diskset) ptype = lvrequest.fstype.getName() self.lb.append(["%s" %(lvdevice), "", "", "%dM" %(lvsize), "%s" %(ptype), "%s" %(mntpt)], str(lvrequest.uniqueID), [LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT, LEFT, LEFT]) # next, add the raid partitions raidcounter = 0 raidrequests = self.partitions.getRaidRequests() if raidrequests: for request in raidrequests: if request and request.mountpoint: mount = request.mountpoint else: mount = "" if request.fstype: ptype = request.fstype.getName() else: ptype = _("None") try: device = "/dev/md%d" % (request.raidminor,) except: device = _("RAID Device %s" %(str(raidcounter))) size = request.size self.lb.append(["%s" %(device), "", "", "%dM" %(size), "%s" %(ptype), "%s" %(mount)], str(request.uniqueID), [LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT, LEFT, LEFT]) raidcounter = raidcounter + 1 # next, add the drives and partitions to the list drives = self.diskset.disks.keys() drives.sort() for drive in drives: disk = self.diskset.disks[drive] sectorsPerCyl = disk.dev.heads * disk.dev.sectors self.lb.append([devify(drive),"","","","",""], None) extendedParent = None part = disk.next_partition() while part: if part.type & parted.PARTITION_METADATA: # print "partition %s has type %d" %(get_partition_name(part), part.type) part = disk.next_partition(part) continue # ignore the tiny < 1 MB partitions (#119479) if getPartSizeMB(part) <= 1.0: if not part.is_active() or not part.get_flag(parted.PARTITION_BOOT): part = disk.next_partition(part) continue device = get_partition_name(part) request = self.partitions.getRequestByDeviceName(device) if request and request.mountpoint: mount = request.mountpoint else: mount = "" if part.type & parted.PARTITION_FREESPACE: ptype = _("Free space") elif part.type & parted.PARTITION_EXTENDED: ptype = _("Extended") elif part.get_flag(parted.PARTITION_RAID) == 1: ptype = _("software RAID") elif part.fs_type: if request and request.fstype != None: ptype = request.fstype.getName() if ptype == "foreign": ptype = map_foreign_to_fsname(part.native_type) else: ptype = part.fs_type.name else: if request and request.fstype != None: ptype = request.fstype.getName() if ptype == "foreign": ptype = map_foreign_to_fsname(part.native_type) else: ptype = _("None") start = (part.geom.start / sectorsPerCyl) + 1 end = (part.geom.end / sectorsPerCyl) + 1 size = (part.geom.length * disk.dev.sector_size / (1024.0 * 1024.0)) if part.type & parted.PARTITION_EXTENDED: if extendedParent: raise RuntimeError, ("can't handle more than" "one extended partition per disk") extendedParent = part.num indent = 2 * " " elif part.type & parted.PARTITION_LOGICAL: if not extendedParent: raise RuntimeError("crossed logical partition " "before extended") indent = 4 * " " else: indent = 2 * " " if part.type & parted.PARTITION_FREESPACE: self.lb.append(["%s%s" %(indent, _("Free space")), "%d" %(start), "%d" %(end), "%dM" %(size), "%s" %(ptype), ""], part, [LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT, LEFT, LEFT]) else: dev = devify(get_partition_name(part)) # save some space per #90838 if dev.startswith("/dev/iseries/"): dev = dev[13:] elif dev.startswith("/dev/"): dev = dev[5:] self.lb.append(["%s%s" %(indent, dev), "%d" %(start), "%d" %(end), "%dM" %(size), "%s" %(ptype), "%s" %(mount)], part, [LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, RIGHT, LEFT, LEFT]) part = disk.next_partition(part) def refresh(self): # XXX need some way to stay at the same place in the list after # repopulating # XXXX - Backup some info which doPartitioning munges if it fails origInfoDict = {} for request in self.partitions.requests: try: origInfoDict[request.uniqueID] = (request.requestSize, request.currentDrive) except: pass try: doPartitioning(self.diskset, self.partitions) rc = 0 except PartitioningError, msg: try: for request in self.partitions.requests: if request.uniqueID in origInfoDict.keys(): (request.requestSize, request.currentDrive) = origInfoDict[request.uniqueID] except: log.error("Failed to restore original info") self.intf.messageWindow(_("Error Partitioning"), _("Could not allocate requested partitions: %s.") % (msg)) rc = -1 except PartitioningWarning, msg: rc = ButtonChoiceWindow(self.screen, _("Warning"), _("Warning: %s") %(msg), buttons = [ (_("Modify Partition"), "modify"), (_("Add anyway"), "add") ]) if rc == "modify": rc = -1 else: rc = 0 reqs = self.partitions.getBootableRequest() if reqs: for req in reqs: req.ignoreBootConstraints = 1 self.populate() return rc def fstypeSet(self, obj): (current, entry) = obj flag = FLAGS_RESET if not current.isMountable(): if entry.value() != _(""): self.oldMount = entry.value() entry.set(_("")) flag = FLAGS_SET elif entry.value() == _(""): if self.oldMount: entry.set(self.oldMount) else: entry.set("") entry.setFlags(FLAG_DISABLED, flag) def fstypeSetCB(self, obj): (listbox, entry) = obj self.fstypeSet((listbox.current(), entry)) # make the entry for the mount point and its label def makeMountEntry(self, request): mountgrid = Grid(2, 1) mountLbl = Label(_("Mount Point:")) mountgrid.setField(mountLbl, 0, 0, (0,0,0,0), anchorLeft = 1) mountpoint = request.mountpoint if mountpoint: mount = Entry(20, mountpoint) else: mount = Entry(20, "") mountgrid.setField(mount, 1, 0, anchorRight = 1, growx = 1) if request.fstype and not request.fstype.isMountable(): mount.setFlags(FLAG_DISABLED, FLAGS_SET) mount.set(_("")) return (mount, mountgrid) # make the entry for the lv name and it's label def makeLVNameEntry(self, request): lvnamegrid = Grid(2, 1) lvnameLbl = Label(_("Logical Volume Name:")) lvnamegrid.setField(lvnameLbl, 0, 0, (0,0,0,0), anchorLeft = 1) lvn = request.logicalVolumeName if lvn: lvname = Entry(20, lvn) else: lvname = Entry(20, "") lvnamegrid.setField(lvname, 1, 0, anchorRight = 1, growx = 1) if request.preexist: lvname.setFlags(FLAG_DISABLED, FLAGS_SET) return (lvname, lvnamegrid) # make the size entry for a logical volume def makeLVSize(self, request): grid = Grid(3, 1) lbl = Label(_("Size (MB):")) grid.setField(lbl, 0, 0, (0,0,0,0), anchorLeft = 1) if request.size: size = Entry(8, "%d" %(request.size,)) else: size = Entry(8, "") grid.setField(size, 1, 0, anchorRight = 1, growx = 1) # maxLbl = Label(_("(Max is %s MB") %(maxlv,)) # grid.setField(maxLbl, 2, 0, anchorRight = 1) if request.preexist: size.setFlags(FLAG_DISABLED, FLAGS_SET) return (size, grid) # make the list of available filesystems and its label def makeFsList(self, request, usecallback=1, uselabel=1, usetypes=None, ignorefs = None): subgrid = Grid(1, 2) row = 0 # filesystem type selection if uselabel: typeLbl = Label(_("File System type:")) subgrid.setField(typeLbl, 0, row) row = row + 1 fstype = Listbox(height=2, scroll=1) types = fileSystemTypeGetTypes() if usetypes: names = usetypes else: names = types.keys() names.sort() for name in names: if not fileSystemTypeGet(name).isSupported(): continue if ignorefs and name in ignorefs: continue if fileSystemTypeGet(name).isFormattable(): fstype.append(name, types[name]) if request.fstype and request.fstype.getName() in names and \ request.fstype.isFormattable() and request.fstype.isSupported(): fstype.setCurrent(request.fstype) else: fstype.setCurrent(fileSystemTypeGetDefault()) subgrid.setField(fstype, 0, row) if usecallback: fstype.setCallback(self.fstypeSetCB, (fstype, self.mount)) return (fstype, subgrid) # make the list of drives def makeDriveList(self, request): subgrid = Grid(1, 2) driveLbl = Label(_("Allowable Drives:")) subgrid.setField(driveLbl, 0, 0) disks = self.diskset.disks.keys() disks.sort() drivelist = CheckboxTree(height=2, scroll=1) if not request.drive: for disk in disks: drivelist.append(disk, selected = 1) else: for disk in disks: if disk in request.drive: selected = 1 else: selected = 0 drivelist.append(disk, selected = selected) subgrid.setField(drivelist, 0, 1) return (drivelist, subgrid) def makeSizeEntry(self, request): # requested size sizegrid = Grid(2, 1) sizeLbl = Label(_("Size (MB):")) sizegrid.setField(sizeLbl, 0, 0, (0,0,2,0)) if request.size: origsize = "%s" %(int(request.size)) else: origsize = "1" size = Entry(7, origsize) sizegrid.setField(size, 1, 0, growx = 1, anchorLeft = 1) return (size, sizegrid) def sizeOptionsChange(self, (sizeopts, limitentry)): flag = FLAGS_RESET if sizeopts.getSelection() != "limit": flag = FLAGS_SET limitentry.setFlags(FLAG_DISABLED, flag) def makeSizeOptions(self, request): # size options optiongrid = Grid(2, 3) sizeopts = RadioGroup() limitdef = 0 maxdef = 0 fixeddef = 0 limitentrydef = "1" if request.grow: if request.maxSizeMB != None: limitdef = 1 limitentrydef = "%s" %(int(request.maxSizeMB)) else: maxdef = 1 else: fixeddef = 1 fixed = sizeopts.add(_("Fixed Size:"), "fixed", fixeddef) optiongrid.setField(fixed, 0, 0, anchorRight = 1) limit = sizeopts.add(_("Fill maximum size of (MB):"), "limit", limitdef) optiongrid.setField(limit, 0, 1, anchorRight = 1) limitentry = Entry(5, limitentrydef) optiongrid.setField(limitentry, 1, 1, (1,0,0,0), anchorRight = 1) max = sizeopts.add(_("Fill all available space:"), "max", maxdef) optiongrid.setField(max, 0, 2, anchorRight = 1) fixed.setCallback(self.sizeOptionsChange, (sizeopts, limitentry)) limit.setCallback(self.sizeOptionsChange, (sizeopts, limitentry)) max.setCallback(self.sizeOptionsChange, (sizeopts, limitentry)) self.sizeOptionsChange((sizeopts, limitentry)) return (sizeopts, limitentry, optiongrid) # the selected cylinder boundary type changed def cylOptionsChange(self, (cylopts, end, size)): if cylopts.getSelection() == "end": end.setFlags(FLAG_DISABLED, FLAGS_RESET) size.setFlags(FLAG_DISABLED, FLAGS_SET) elif cylopts.getSelection() == "size": end.setFlags(FLAG_DISABLED, FLAGS_SET) size.setFlags(FLAG_DISABLED, FLAGS_RESET) # make the list of cylinder stuff def makeCylEntries(self, request): subgrid = Grid(2, 4) startLbl = Label(_("Start Cylinder:")) subgrid.setField(startLbl, 0, 0, (0,0,2,0), anchorRight=1) start = "%s" %(int(request.start)) start = Entry(7, start) subgrid.setField(start, 1, 0, anchorLeft=1) cylopts = RadioGroup() enddef = 1 sizedef = 0 if not request.end: enddef = 0 sizedef = 1 endrb = cylopts.add(_("End Cylinder:"), "end", enddef) subgrid.setField(endrb, 0, 1, (0,0,2,0), anchorRight=1) end = Entry(7) if request.end: end.set("%s" %(int(request.end))) subgrid.setField(end, 1, 1, anchorLeft=1) sizerb = cylopts.add(_("Size (MB):"), "size", sizedef) subgrid.setField(sizerb, 0, 2, (0,0,2,0), anchorRight=1) size = Entry(7) if request.size: size.set("%s" %(int(request.size))) subgrid.setField(size, 1, 2, anchorLeft=1) endrb.setCallback(self.cylOptionsChange, (cylopts, end, size)) sizerb.setCallback(self.cylOptionsChange, (cylopts, end, size)) self.cylOptionsChange((cylopts, end, size)) return (cylopts, start, end, size, subgrid) # make the list of VGs def makeVGList(self, request): subgrid = Grid(1, 2) vgLbl = Label(_("Volume Group:")) subgrid.setField(vgLbl, 0, 0) vgs = self.partitions.getLVMVGRequests() if len(vgs) > 3: scroll = 1 else: scroll = 0 vgBox = Listbox(height=3, scroll=scroll) current = None for vg in vgs: vgBox.append(vg.volumeGroupName, vg) if vg.uniqueID == request.volumeGroup: current = vg if request.volumeGroup is not None: vgBox.setCurrent(current) subgrid.setField(vgBox, 0, 1) return (vgBox, subgrid) # make the list of RAID levels def makeRaidList(self, request): subgrid = Grid(1, 2) raidLbl = Label(_("RAID Level:")) subgrid.setField(raidLbl, 0, 0) if len(availRaidLevels) > 3: scroll = 1 else: scroll = 0 raidBox = Listbox(height=3, scroll=scroll) for level in availRaidLevels: raidBox.append(level, level) if request.raidlevel: raidBox.setCurrent(request.raidlevel) subgrid.setField(raidBox, 0, 1) return (raidBox, subgrid) # make the list of drives for the RAID def makeRaidDriveList(self, request): subgrid = Grid(1, 2) driveLbl = Label(_("RAID Members:")) subgrid.setField(driveLbl, 0, 0) disks = self.diskset.disks.keys() drivelist = CheckboxTree(height=2, scroll=1) avail = self.partitions.getAvailRaidPartitions(request, self.diskset) # XXX if not request.raidmembers: for (part, size, used) in avail: drivelist.append(part, part, 1) else: for (part, size, used) in avail: drivelist.append(part, part, used) subgrid.setField(drivelist, 0, 1) return (drivelist, subgrid) def makeSpareEntry(self, request): subgrid = Grid(2, 1) label = Label(_("Number of spares?")) subgrid.setField(label, 1, 0) entry = Entry(3) if request.raidspares: entry.set(str(request.raidspares)) else: entry.set("0") subgrid.setField(entry, 0, 0, (0,0,1,0)) return (entry, subgrid) def fsOptionsGrid(self, origrequest, newfstype): subgrid = Grid(2, 4) # filesystem type selection srow = 0 typeLbl = Label(_("File System Type:")) subgrid.setField(typeLbl, 0, srow, (0,0,0,1), anchorLeft = 1) ptype = origrequest.fstype.getName() if ptype == "foreign": part = get_partition_by_name(self.diskset.disks, origrequest.device) if part is not None: ptype = map_foreign_to_fsname(part.native_type) else: pytype = _("Foreign") type = Label(ptype) subgrid.setField(type, 1, srow, (0,0,0,1), anchorRight = 1) srow = srow +1 if origrequest.type != REQUEST_NEW and origrequest.fslabel: fsLbl = Label(_("File System Label:")) subgrid.setField(fsLbl, 0, srow, (0,0,0,1), anchorLeft = 1) label = Label(origrequest.fslabel) subgrid.setField(label, 1, srow, (0,0,0,1), anchorRight = 1) srow = srow + 1 sizeLbl = Label(_("Size (MB):")) subgrid.setField(sizeLbl, 0, srow, (0,0,0,1), anchorLeft = 1) size = Label("%s" %(int(origrequest.size))) subgrid.setField(size, 1, srow, (0,0,0,1), anchorRight = 1) srow = srow + 1 tmpLbl = Label(_("File System Option:")) subgrid.setField(tmpLbl, 0, srow, (0,0,0,1), anchorLeft = 1) if origrequest.format: fsoptLbl = Label(_("Format as %s") % (newfstype.getName())) elif origrequest.migrate: fsoptLbl = Label(_("Migrate to %s") %(newfstype.getName())) else: fsoptLbl = Label(_("Leave unchanged")) subgrid.setField(fsoptLbl, 1, srow, (0,0,0,1), anchorLeft = 1) return (subgrid, fsoptLbl, type) def fsOptionsDialog(self, origrequest, format, migrate, newfstype, badblocks, showbadblocks=0): def formatChanged((formatrb, badblocksCB)): flag = FLAGS_SET if formatrb.selected(): flag = FLAGS_RESET if badblocksCB: badblocksCB.setFlags(FLAG_DISABLED, flag) poplevel = GridFormHelp(self.screen, _("File System Options"), "fsoption", 1, 6) row = 0 poplevel.add(TextboxReflowed(40, _("Please choose how you would " "like to prepare the file system " "on this partition.")), 0, 0) row = row + 1 subgrid = Grid(2, 5) srow = 0 if showbadblocks: badblocksCB = Checkbox(_("Check for bad blocks")) else: badblocksCB = None noformatrb = SingleRadioButton(_("Leave unchanged (preserve data)"), None, not format and not migrate) subgrid.setField(noformatrb, 0, srow, (0,0,0,1),anchorLeft = 1) srow = srow + 1 if format: forflag = 1 else: forflag = 0 formatrb = SingleRadioButton(_("Format as:"), noformatrb, forflag) formatrb.setCallback(formatChanged, (formatrb, badblocksCB)) noformatrb.setCallback(formatChanged, (formatrb, badblocksCB)) subgrid.setField(formatrb, 0, srow, (0,0,0,1), anchorLeft = 1) (fortype, forgrid) = self.makeFsList(origrequest, usecallback = 0, uselabel = 0) if newfstype and newfstype.isFormattable() and \ newfstype.getName() in fileSystemTypeGetTypes().keys() and \ newfstype.isSupported(): fortype.setCurrent(newfstype) subgrid.setField(forgrid, 1, srow, (0,0,0,1)) if origrequest.origfstype and origrequest.origfstype.isMigratable(): srow = srow + 1 if migrate: migflag = 1 else: migflag = 0 migraterb = SingleRadioButton(_("Migrate to:"), formatrb, migflag) migraterb.setCallback(formatChanged, (formatrb, badblocksCB)) subgrid.setField(migraterb, 0, srow, (0,0,0,1), anchorLeft = 1) migtypes = origrequest.origfstype.getMigratableFSTargets() (migtype, miggrid) = self.makeFsList(origrequest, usecallback = 0, uselabel = 0, usetypes = migtypes) if newfstype and newfstype.getName() in migtypes: migtype.setCurrent(newfstype) subgrid.setField(miggrid, 1, srow, (0,0,0,1)) else: migraterb = None poplevel.add(subgrid, 0, row, (0,1,0,1)) row = row + 1 if badblocksCB: poplevel.add(badblocksCB, 0, row, (0,1,0,1)) if badblocks: badblocksCB.setValue("*") row = row + 1 formatChanged((formatrb, badblocksCB)) popbb = ButtonBar(self.screen, (TEXT_OK_BUTTON, TEXT_CANCEL_BUTTON)) poplevel.add(popbb, 0, row, (0,0,0,0), growx = 1) while 1: res = poplevel.run() if popbb.buttonPressed(res) == 'cancel': self.screen.popWindow() return (format, migrate, newfstype, badblocks) if noformatrb.selected(): format = 0 migrate = 0 newfstype = origrequest.origfstype elif formatrb and formatrb.selected(): format = 1 migrate = 0 newfstype = fortype.current() elif migraterb and migraterb.selected(): format = 0 migrate = 1 newfstype = migtype.current() self.screen.popWindow() if badblocksCB: badblockstate = badblocksCB.selected() else: badblockstate = 0 return (format, migrate, newfstype, badblockstate) def shutdownUI(self): # XXX remove parted object refs # need to put in clear() method for checkboxtree in snack if self.drivelist: self.drivelist.key2item = {} self.drivelist.item2key = {} # isNew implies that this request has never been successfully used before def editPartitionRequest(self, origrequest, isNew = 0): self.oldMount = None poplevel = GridFormHelp(self.screen,_("Add Partition"),"addpart", 1, 6) # mount point entry row = 0 (self.mount, mountgrid) = self.makeMountEntry(origrequest) poplevel.add(mountgrid, 0, row) row = row + 1 self.drivelist = None if origrequest.type == REQUEST_NEW: subgrid = Grid(2, 1) (fstype, fsgrid) = self.makeFsList(origrequest) subgrid.setField(fsgrid, 0, 0, anchorLeft = 1, anchorTop=1) if origrequest.start == None: (self.drivelist, drivegrid) = self.makeDriveList(origrequest) subgrid.setField(drivegrid, 1, 0, (2,0,0,0), anchorRight=1, anchorTop=1) poplevel.add(subgrid, 0, row, (0,1,0,0), growx=1) # size stuff row = row + 1 allsize = Grid(2, 1) (size, sizegrid) = self.makeSizeEntry(origrequest) allsize.setField(sizegrid, 0, 0, anchorTop = 1) (sizeopts, limitentry, optiongrid) = self.makeSizeOptions(origrequest) allsize.setField(optiongrid, 1, 0) poplevel.add(allsize, 0, row, (0,1,0,0), growx=1) else: # explicit add via cylinder poplevel.add(subgrid, 0, row, (0,1,0,0)) row = row + 1 (cylopts, start, end, size, cylgrid) = self.makeCylEntries(origrequest) poplevel.add(cylgrid, 0, row, (0,1,0,0)) # primary # XXX need to see if cylinder range is in extended or not row = row + 1 primary = Checkbox(_("Force to be a primary partition")) # only show if we have something other than primary if not self.diskset.onlyPrimaryParts(): poplevel.add(primary, 0, row, (0,1,0,0)) row = row + 1 # XXX We are not allowing badblocks checking badblocksCB = None # uncomment code to reactivate #badblocksCB = Checkbox(_("Check for bad blocks")) #poplevel.add(badblocksCB, 0, row) #if origrequest.badblocks: # badblocksCB.setValue("*") fsoptLbl = None elif origrequest.type == REQUEST_VG: self.intf.messageWindow(_("Not Supported"), _("LVM Volume Groups can only be " "edited in the graphical installer.")) return elif (origrequest.type == REQUEST_LV or origrequest.type == REQUEST_PREEXIST) and origrequest.fstype: # set some defaults format = origrequest.format migrate = origrequest.migrate newfstype = origrequest.fstype badblocks = origrequest.badblocks (subgrid, fsoptLbl, fstypeLbl) = self.fsOptionsGrid(origrequest, newfstype) poplevel.add(subgrid, 0, row, (0,1,0,0)) row = row + 1 if origrequest.type == REQUEST_NEW or origrequest.getProtected(): popbb = ButtonBar(self.screen, (TEXT_OK_BUTTON, TEXT_CANCEL_BUTTON)) else: popbb = ButtonBar(self.screen, (TEXT_OK_BUTTON, (_("File System Options"), "fsopts"), TEXT_CANCEL_BUTTON)) poplevel.add(popbb, 0, row, (0,1,0,0), growx = 1) while 1: res = poplevel.run() # if the user hit cancel, do nothing if popbb.buttonPressed(res) == 'cancel': self.screen.popWindow() return if popbb.buttonPressed(res) == 'fsopts': # we do not show the badblock option any longer as it is # not supported. showbad = 0 (format, migrate, newfstype, badblocks) = self.fsOptionsDialog(origrequest, format, migrate, newfstype, badblocks, showbadblocks = showbad) self.fstypeSet((newfstype, self.mount)) fstypeLbl.setText(newfstype.getName()) if fsoptLbl: if format: fsoptLbl.setText(_("Format as %s") % (newfstype.getName())) elif migrate: fsoptLbl.setText(_("Migrate to %s") %(newfstype.getName())) else: fsoptLbl.setText(_("Leave unchanged")) continue if origrequest.type == REQUEST_NEW: filesystem = fstype.current() if primary.selected(): primonly = TRUE else: primonly = None request = copy.copy(origrequest) request.fstype = filesystem if request.fstype.isMountable(): request.mountpoint = self.mount.value() else: request.mountpoint = None request.format = TRUE request.primary = primonly if badblocksCB is not None: request.badblocks = badblocksCB.selected() else: request.badblocks = 0 if origrequest.start == None: if invalidInteger(size.value()): self.intf.messageWindow(_("Invalid Entry for Partition Size"), invalidInteger(size.value())) continue request.size = int(size.value()) growtype = sizeopts.getSelection() if growtype == "fixed": grow = None else: grow = TRUE if growtype == "limit": if invalidInteger(limitentry.value()): self.intf.messageWindow(_("Invalid Entry for Maximum Size"), invalidInteger(limitentry.value())) continue maxsize = int(limitentry.value()) else: maxsize = None request.grow = grow request.maxSizeMB = maxsize if len(self.drivelist.getSelection()) == len(self.diskset.disks.keys()): allowdrives = None else: allowdrives = [] for i in self.drivelist.getSelection(): allowdrives.append(i) request.drive = allowdrives else: if invalidInteger(start.value()): self.intf.messageWindow(_("Invalid Entry for Starting Cylinder"), invalidInteger(start.value())) continue request.start = int(start.value()) if badblocksCB is not None: request.badblocks = badblocksCB.selected() else: request.badblocks = 0 cyltype = cylopts.getSelection() if cyltype == "end": if invalidInteger(end.value()): self.intf.messageWindow(_("Invalid Entry for End Cylinder"), invalidInteger(end.value())) continue request.end = int(end.value()) request.size = None elif cyltype == "size": if invalidInteger(size.value()): self.intf.messageWindow(_("Invalid Entry for Partition Size"), invalidInteger(size.value())) continue request.end = None request.size = int(size.value()) else: # can't ever get here raise RuntimeError, "Selected a way of partitioning by cylinder that's not supported" err = request.sanityCheckRequest(self.partitions) if err: self.intf.messageWindow(_("Error With Request"), "%s" % (err)) continue else: request = copy.copy(origrequest) if request.type == REQUEST_PREEXIST or request.type == REQUEST_LV: request.fstype = newfstype if request.fstype.isMountable(): request.mountpoint = self.mount.value() else: request.mountpoint = None if request.type == REQUEST_PREEXIST or request.type == REQUEST_LV: request.format = format request.migrate = migrate request.fstype = newfstype request.badblocks = badblocks err = request.sanityCheckRequest(self.partitions) if err: self.intf.messageWindow(_("Error With Request"), "%s" % (err)) continue if (not request.format and request.mountpoint and request.formatByDefault()): if not queryNoFormatPreExisting(self.intf): continue if not isNew: self.partitions.removeRequest(origrequest) self.partitions.addRequest(request) if self.refresh(): # the add failed; remove what we just added and put # back what was there if we removed it self.partitions.removeRequest(request) if not isNew: self.partitions.addRequest(origrequest) if self.refresh(): # this worked before and doesn't now... raise RuntimeError, "Returning partitions to state prior to edit failed" else: break # clean up self.shutdownUI() self.screen.popWindow() # isNew implies that this request has never been successfully used before def editRaidRequest(self, raidrequest, isNew = 0): preexist = raidrequest and raidrequest.preexist if preexist: tmpstr = _("Edit RAID Device") else: tmpstr = _("Make RAID Device") poplevel = GridFormHelp(self.screen, tmpstr, "makeraid", 1, 6) # mount point entry row = 0 (self.mount, mountgrid) = self.makeMountEntry(raidrequest) poplevel.add(mountgrid, 0, row) row = row + 1 # initialize holder for temporary mount point value self.oldMount = None if preexist: # set some defaults format = raidrequest.format migrate = raidrequest.migrate newfstype = raidrequest.fstype badblocks = raidrequest.badblocks (subgrid, fsoptLbl, fstypeLbl) = self.fsOptionsGrid(raidrequest, newfstype) poplevel.add(subgrid, 0, row, (0,1,0,0)) self.drivelist = None else: subgrid = Grid(2, 1) (fstype, fsgrid) = self.makeFsList(raidrequest, ignorefs = ["software RAID", "PPC PReP Boot", "Apple Bootstrap"]) subgrid.setField(fsgrid, 0, 0, anchorLeft = 1, anchorTop=1) (raidtype, raidgrid) = self.makeRaidList(raidrequest) subgrid.setField(raidgrid, 1, 0, (2,0,0,0), anchorRight=1, anchorTop=1) poplevel.add(subgrid, 0, row, (0,1,0,0)) row = row + 1 drivegrid = Grid(2, 1) #Let's see if we have any RAID partitions to make a RAID device with avail = self.partitions.getAvailRaidPartitions(raidrequest, self.diskset) #If we don't, then tell the user that none exist if len(avail) < 2: ButtonChoiceWindow (self.screen, _("No RAID partitions"), _("At least two software RAID partitions are needed."), [ TEXT_OK_BUTTON ]) return (self.drivelist, drivesubgrid) = self.makeRaidDriveList(raidrequest) drivegrid.setField(drivesubgrid, 0, 0, (0,0,4,0), anchorLeft = 1, anchorTop = 1) miscgrid = Grid(1, 2) (spares, sparegrid) = self.makeSpareEntry(raidrequest) miscgrid.setField(sparegrid, 0, 0, anchorRight=1, anchorTop=1) if raidrequest.fstype and raidrequest.fstype.isFormattable(): format = Checkbox(_("Format partition?")) miscgrid.setField(format, 0, 1) else: format = None if raidrequest.format == 1 or raidrequest.format == None: format.setValue("*") drivegrid.setField(miscgrid, 1, 0, anchorTop=1) poplevel.add(drivegrid, 0, row, (0,1,0,0)) row = row + 1 if preexist: popbb = ButtonBar(self.screen, (TEXT_OK_BUTTON, (_("File System Options"), "fsopts"), TEXT_CANCEL_BUTTON)) else: popbb = ButtonBar(self.screen, (TEXT_OK_BUTTON,TEXT_CANCEL_BUTTON)) poplevel.add(popbb, 0, row, (0,1,0,0), growx = 1) while 1: res = poplevel.run() if popbb.buttonPressed(res) == 'cancel': self.screen.popWindow() return if popbb.buttonPressed(res) == 'fsopts': (format, migrate, newfstype, badblocks) = self.fsOptionsDialog(raidrequest, format, migrate, newfstype, badblocks, showbadblocks=0) self.fstypeSet((newfstype, self.mount)) fstypeLbl.setText(newfstype.getName()) if fsoptLbl: if format: fsoptLbl.setText(_("Format as %s") % (newfstype.getName())) elif migrate: fsoptLbl.setText(_("Migrate to %s") %(newfstype.getName())) else: fsoptLbl.setText(_("Leave unchanged")) continue request = copy.copy(raidrequest) if not preexist: request.fstype = fstype.current() else: request.fstype = newfstype if request.fstype.isMountable(): request.mountpoint = self.mount.value() else: request.mountpoint = None if not preexist: raidmembers = [] for drive in self.drivelist.getSelection(): id = self.partitions.getRequestByDeviceName(drive).uniqueID raidmembers.append(id) request.raidmembers = raidmembers if invalidInteger(spares.value()): self.intf.messageWindow(_("Invalid Entry for RAID Spares"), invalidInteger(spares.value())) continue request.raidspares = int(spares.value()) request.raidlevel = raidtype.current() if format: request.format = format.selected() else: request.format = 0 if request.raidlevel == "RAID0" and request.raidspares > 0: self.intf.messageWindow(_("Too many spares"), _("The maximum number of spares with " "a RAID0 array is 0.")) continue else: request.format = format request.migrate = migrate request.fstype = newfstype request.badblocks = badblocks err = request.sanityCheckRequest(self.partitions) if err: self.intf.messageWindow(_("Error With Request"), "%s" % (err)) continue if not isNew: self.partitions.removeRequest(raidrequest) self.partitions.addRequest(request) if self.refresh(): # how can this fail? well, if it does, do the remove new, # add old back in dance self.partitions.removeRequest(request) if not isNew: self.partitions.addRequest(raidrequest) if self.refresh(): raise RuntimeError, "Returning partitions to state prior to RAID edit failed" else: break break # clean up self.shutdownUI() self.screen.popWindow() # isNew implies that this request has never been successfully used before def editLVRequest(self, lvrequest, isNew = 0): preexist = lvrequest and lvrequest.preexist if preexist: tmpstr = _("Edit Logical Volume") else: tmpstr = _("Make Logical Volume") self.drivelist = None poplevel = GridFormHelp(self.screen, tmpstr, "makelv", 1, 8) # mount point entry row = 0 (self.mount, mountgrid) = self.makeMountEntry(lvrequest) poplevel.add(mountgrid, 0, row) row = row + 1 (self.lvname, lvgrid) = self.makeLVNameEntry(lvrequest) poplevel.add(lvgrid, 0, row) row = row + 1 (lvsize, lvsizegrid) = self.makeLVSize(lvrequest) poplevel.add(lvsizegrid, 0, row) row = row + 1 # initialize holder for temporary mount point value self.oldMount = None if preexist: # set some defaults format = lvrequest.format migrate = lvrequest.migrate newfstype = lvrequest.fstype badblocks = lvrequest.badblocks (subgrid, fsoptLbl, fstypeLbl) = self.fsOptionsGrid(lvrequest, newfstype) poplevel.add(subgrid, 0, row, (0,1,0,0)) self.drivelist = None else: subgrid = Grid(2, 1) (fstype, fsgrid) = self.makeFsList(lvrequest, ignorefs = ["software RAID", "PPC PReP Boot", "Apple Bootstrap"]) subgrid.setField(fsgrid, 0, 0, anchorLeft = 1, anchorTop=1) vgs = self.partitions.getLVMVGRequests() if len(vgs) < 1: ButtonChoiceWindow (self.screen, _("No Volume Groups"), _("No volume groups in which to create " "a logical volume"),[ TEXT_OK_BUTTON ]) return (vgtype, vggrid) = self.makeVGList(lvrequest) subgrid.setField(vggrid, 1, 0, (2,0,0,0), anchorRight=1, anchorTop=1) poplevel.add(subgrid, 0, row, (0,1,0,0)) row = row + 1 miscgrid = Grid(1, 3) if lvrequest.fstype and lvrequest.fstype.isFormattable(): format = Checkbox(_("Format partition?")) miscgrid.setField(format, 0, 1) else: format = None if lvrequest.format == 1 or lvrequest.format == None: format.setValue("*") poplevel.add(miscgrid, 0, row, (0,1,0,0)) row = row + 1 if preexist: popbb = ButtonBar(self.screen, (TEXT_OK_BUTTON, (_("File System Options"), "fsopts"), TEXT_CANCEL_BUTTON)) else: popbb = ButtonBar(self.screen, (TEXT_OK_BUTTON,TEXT_CANCEL_BUTTON)) poplevel.add(popbb, 0, row, (0,1,0,0), growx = 1) while 1: res = poplevel.run() if popbb.buttonPressed(res) == 'cancel': self.screen.popWindow() return if popbb.buttonPressed(res) == 'fsopts': (format, migrate, newfstype, badblocks) = self.fsOptionsDialog(lvrequest, format, migrate, newfstype, badblocks, showbadblocks=0) self.fstypeSet((newfstype, self.mount)) fstypeLbl.setText(newfstype.getName()) if fsoptLbl: if format: fsoptLbl.setText(_("Format as %s") % (newfstype.getName())) elif migrate: fsoptLbl.setText(_("Migrate to %s") %(newfstype.getName())) else: fsoptLbl.setText(_("Leave unchanged")) continue request = copy.copy(lvrequest) if not preexist: request.fstype = fstype.current() else: request.fstype = newfstype if request.fstype.isMountable(): request.mountpoint = self.mount.value() else: request.mountpoint = None if not preexist: if format: request.format = format.selected() else: request.format = 0 # set the vg vgreq = vgtype.current() request.volumeGroup = vgreq.uniqueID if vgreq is None: raise RuntimeError, "Somehow ended up with a None volume group!" # get the lv name, check for a "valid" name lvn = self.lvname.value().strip() err = sanityCheckLogicalVolumeName(lvn) if err: self.intf.messageWindow(_("Illegal Logical Volume Name"), err, custom_icon="error") continue # make sure we don't have an LV in this volume group by # this name already used = 0 origlvname = lvrequest.logicalVolumeName for lv in self.partitions.getLVMLVRequests(): if origlvname and lvn == origlvname: break if ((lv.logicalVolumeName == lvn) and (lv.volumeGroup == vgreq.uniqueID)): used = 1 break if used: self.intf.messageWindow(_("Illegal logical volume name"), _("The logical volume name \"%s\" " "is already in use. Please " "pick another.") % (lvname,), custom_icon="error") continue request.logicalVolumeName = lvn size = int(lvsize.value().strip()) pesize = vgreq.pesize size = lvm.clampLVSizeRequest(size, pesize, roundup=1) maxlv = lvm.getMaxLVSize(pesize) if size > lvm.getMaxLVSize(pesize): self.intf.messageWindow(_("Not enough space"), _("The current requested size " "(%10.2f MB) is larger than " "maximum logical volume " "size (%10.2f MB). ") % (size, maxlv), custom_icon="error") continue vgsize = vgreq.getActualSize(self.partitions, self.diskset) avail = vgsize for req in self.partitions.requests: if ((req.type == REQUEST_LV) and (req.volumeGroup == vgreq.uniqueID)): avail -= req.size if lvrequest.size: avail += lvrequest.size if size > avail: self.intf.messageWindow(_("Not enough space"), _("The current requested size " "(%10.2f MB) is larger than " "the available size in " "the volume group " "(%10.2f MB).") %(size, avail), custom_icon="error") continue request.size = size request.grow = 0 request.dev = None else: request.format = format request.migrate = migrate request.fstype = newfstype request.badblocks = badblocks err = request.sanityCheckRequest(self.partitions) if err: self.intf.messageWindow(_("Error With Request"), "%s" % (err)) continue if not isNew: self.partitions.removeRequest(lvrequest) self.partitions.addRequest(request) if self.refresh(): # how can this fail? well, if it does, do the remove new, # add old back in dance self.partitions.removeRequest(request) if not isNew: self.partitions.addRequest(lvrequest) if self.refresh(): raise RuntimeError, "Returning partitions to state prior to RAID edit failed" else: break break # clean up self.shutdownUI() self.screen.popWindow() def newCb(self): hasvg = 0 dolv = 0 for request in self.partitions.requests: if request.type == REQUEST_VG: hasvg = 1 break if hasvg: rc = ListboxChoiceWindow(self.screen, _("New Partition or Logical Volume?"), _("Would you like to create a new " "partition or a new logical volume?"), [ _("partition"), _("logical volume") ], [ TEXT_OK_BUTTON, TEXT_CANCEL_BUTTON ], width = 30, scroll = 0, height = 2) (button, choice) = rc if button == TEXT_CANCEL_CHECK: return if choice == 1: dolv = 1 if not dolv: request = NewPartitionSpec(fileSystemTypeGetDefault(), 1) self.editPartitionRequest(request, isNew = 1) else: request = LogicalVolumeRequestSpec(fileSystemTypeGetDefault(), size=1) self.editLVRequest(request, isNew = 1) def makeraidCb(self): request = RaidRequestSpec(fileSystemTypeGetDefault()) self.editRaidRequest(request, isNew = 1) def editCb(self): part = self.lb.current() (type, request) = doEditPartitionByRequest(self.intf, self.partitions, part) if request: if type == "RAID": self.editRaidRequest(request) elif type == "LVMLV": self.editLVRequest(request) elif type == "NEW": self.editPartitionRequest(request, isNew = 1) else: self.editPartitionRequest(request) def deleteCb(self): partition = self.lb.current() if doDeletePartitionByRequest(self.intf, self.partitions, partition): self.refresh() def resetCb(self): if not confirmResetPartitionState(self.intf): return self.diskset.refreshDevices() self.partitions.setFromDisk(self.diskset) self.populate() def shutdownMainUI(self): self.lb.clear() def __call__(self, screen, anaconda): self.screen = screen self.fsset = anaconda.id.fsset self.diskset = anaconda.id.diskset self.intf = anaconda.intf self.diskset.openDevices() self.partitions = anaconda.id.partitions checkForSwapNoMatch(anaconda) self.g = GridFormHelp(screen, _("Partitioning"), "partition", 1, 5) self.lb = CListbox(height=10, cols=6, col_widths=[17,6,6,7,10,12], scroll=1, returnExit = 1, width=70, col_pad=2, col_labels=[_('Device'), _('Start'), _('End'), _('Size'), _('Type'), _('Mount Point')], col_label_align=[CENTER, CENTER,CENTER,CENTER,CENTER,CENTER]) self.g.add(self.lb, 0, 1) self.bb = ButtonBar (screen, ((_("New"), "new", "F2"), (_("Edit"), "edit", "F3"), (_("Delete"), "delete", "F4"), (_("RAID"), "raid", "F11"), TEXT_OK_BUTTON, TEXT_BACK_BUTTON)) screen.pushHelpLine( _(" F1-Help F2-New F3-Edit F4-Delete F5-Reset F12-OK ")) self.g.add(self.bb, 0, 2, (0, 1, 0, 0)) self.g.addHotKey("F5") self.populate() while 1: rc = self.g.run() res = self.bb.buttonPressed(rc) if res == "new": self.newCb() elif res == "edit" or rc == self.lb.listbox: # XXX better way? self.editCb() elif res == "delete": self.deleteCb() elif res == "raid": self.makeraidCb() elif res == "reset" or rc == "F5": self.resetCb() elif res == TEXT_BACK_CHECK: # remove refs to parted objects self.shutdownMainUI() screen.popHelpLine() screen.popWindow() return INSTALL_BACK else: if not self.partitions.getRequestByMountPoint("/"): self.intf.messageWindow(_("No Root Partition"), _("Must have a / partition to install on.")) continue (errors, warnings) = self.partitions.sanityCheckAllRequests(self.diskset) rc = partitionSanityErrors(self.intf, errors) if rc != 1: continue rc = partitionSanityWarnings(self.intf, warnings) if rc != 1: continue warnings = getPreExistFormatWarnings(self.partitions, self.diskset) rc = partitionPreExistFormatWarnings(self.intf, warnings) if rc != 1: continue # remove refs to parted objects self.shutdownMainUI() screen.popHelpLine() screen.popWindow() return INSTALL_OK class PartitionTypeWindow: def typeboxChange(self, (typebox, drivelist)): flag = FLAGS_RESET if typebox.current() == CLEARPART_TYPE_NONE: flag = FLAGS_SET # XXX need a way to disable the checkbox tree def shutdownUI(self): # XXX remove parted object refs # need to put in clear() method for checkboxtree in snack self.drivelist.key2item = {} self.drivelist.item2key = {} def __call__(self, screen, anaconda): g = GridFormHelp(screen, _("Partitioning Type"), "autopart", 1, 6) txt = TextboxReflowed(65, _("Installation requires partitioning " "of your hard drive. By default, " "a partitioning layout is chosen " "which is reasonable for most " "users. You can either choose " "to use this or create your own.")) g.add(txt, 0, 0, (0, 0, 0, 0)) opts = ((_("Remove all partitions on selected drives and create default layout."), CLEARPART_TYPE_ALL), (_("Remove linux partitions on selected drives and create default layout."), CLEARPART_TYPE_LINUX), (_("Use free space on selected drives and create default layout."), CLEARPART_TYPE_NONE), (_("Create custom layout."), -1)) typebox = Listbox(height = len(opts), scroll = 0) for (txt, val) in opts: typebox.append(txt, val) if anaconda.dispatch.stepInSkipList("autopartitionexecute"): typebox.setCurrent(-1) else: typebox.setCurrent(anaconda.id.partitions.autoClearPartType) g.add(typebox, 0, 1, (0, 1, 0, 0)) # list of drives to select which to clear subgrid = Grid(1, 2) subgrid.setField(TextboxReflowed(55, _("Which drive(s) do you want to " "use for this installation?")), 0, 0) cleardrives = anaconda.id.partitions.autoClearPartDrives disks = anaconda.id.diskset.disks.keys() disks.sort() drivelist = CheckboxTree(height=2, scroll=1) if not cleardrives or len(cleardrives) < 1: for disk in disks: drivelist.append(disk, selected = 1) else: for disk in disks: if disk in cleardrives: selected = 1 else: selected = 0 drivelist.append(disk, selected = selected) subgrid.setField(drivelist, 0, 1) g.add(subgrid, 0, 2, (0, 1, 0, 0)) bb = ButtonBar(screen, [ TEXT_OK_BUTTON, TEXT_BACK_BUTTON ]) g.add(bb, 0, 5, (0,1,0,0)) typebox.setCallback(self.typeboxChange, (typebox, drivelist)) self.drivelist = drivelist while 1: rc = g.run() res = bb.buttonPressed(rc) if res == TEXT_BACK_CHECK: self.shutdownUI() screen.popWindow() return INSTALL_BACK if len(self.drivelist.getSelection()) < 1: mustHaveSelectedDrive(anaconda.intf) continue partmethod_ans = typebox.current() if partmethod_ans == -1: anaconda.dispatch.skipStep("autopartitionexecute", skip = 1) break else: anaconda.dispatch.skipStep("autopartitionexecute", skip = 0) anaconda.id.partitions.autoClearPartType = partmethod_ans anaconda.id.partitions.autoClearPartDrives = self.drivelist.getSelection() if queryAutoPartitionOK(anaconda): break # ask to review autopartition layout - but only if it's not custom partitioning anaconda.dispatch.skipStep("partition", skip = 0) anaconda.dispatch.skipStep("bootloader", skip = 0) if partmethod_ans != -1: reviewLayout = anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Review Partition Layout"), _("Review and modify partitioning layout?"), type = "yesno") if reviewLayout != 1: anaconda.dispatch.skipStep("partition", skip = 1) anaconda.dispatch.skipStep("bootloader", skip = 1) self.shutdownUI() screen.popWindow() return INSTALL_OK