from snack import * import sys import os import iutil import time import gettext_rh import signal from translate import _, cat, N_ from language import expandLangs from log import log from flags import flags from constants_text import * stepToClasses = { "language" : ( "language_text", "LanguageWindow" ), "keyboard" : ( "keyboard_text", "KeyboardWindow" ), "mouse" : ( "mouse_text", ( "MouseWindow", "MouseDeviceWindow" ) ), "welcome" : ("welcome_text", "WelcomeWindow" ), "reconfigwelcome" : ("welcome_text", "ReconfigWelcomeWindow" ), "installtype" : ("installpath_text", "InstallPathWindow" ), "autopartition" : ("partitioning_text", ( "AutoPartitionWindow", "PartitionMethod" ) ), "custom-upgrade" : ("upgrade_text", "UpgradeExamineWindow" ), "addswap" : ("upgrade_text", "UpgradeSwapWindow" ), "fdisk" : ("partitioning_text", "ManualPartitionWindow" ), "partition": ("partition_text", ("PartitionWindow") ), "bootloader" : ("lilo_text", ("LiloAppendWindow", "LiloWindow", "LiloImagesWindow" ) ), "network" : ("network_text", ( "NetworkWindow", "HostnameWindow" ) ), "firewall" : ( "firewall_text", "FirewallWindow" ), "languagesupport" : ( "language_text", ( "LanguageDefaultWindow", "LanguageSupportWindow" ) ), "timezone" : ( "timezone_text", "TimezoneWindow" ), "accounts" : ( "userauth_text", ( "RootPasswordWindow", "UsersWindow" ) ), "authentication" : ( "userauth_text", ( "AuthConfigWindow" ) ), "package-selection" : ( "packages_text", "PackageGroupWindow" ), "indivpackage" : ("packages_text", ( "IndividualPackageWindow" ) ), "dependencies" : ( "packages_text", "PackageDepWindow" ), "videocard" : ( "xconfig_text", "XConfigWindowCard"), "monitor" : ( "xconfig_text", "MonitorWindow" ), "xcustom" : ( "xconfig_text", "XCustomWindow" ), "confirminstall" : ( "confirm_text", "BeginInstallWindow" ), "confirmupgrade" : ( "confirm_text", "BeginUpgradeWindow" ), "install" : ( "progress_text", "setupForInstall" ), "bootdisk" : ( "bootdisk_text", ( "BootDiskWindow", "MakeBootDiskWindow" ) ), # "finishxconfig" : ( "xconfig_text", "XconfiguratorWindow" ), "complete" : ( "complete_text", "FinishedWindow" ), "reconfigcomplete" : ( "complete_text", "ReconfigFinishedWindow" ), } stepToClasses["reconfigkeyboard"] = stepToClasses["keyboard"] if iutil.getArch() == 'sparc': stepToClasses["bootloader"] = ( "silo_text", ( "SiloAppendWindow", "SiloWindow" "SiloImagesWindow" ) ) else: stepToClasses["bootloader"] = ( "lilo_text", ( "LiloAppendWindow", "LiloWindow", "LiloImagesWindow") ) class InstallWindow: def __call__ (self, screen, todo): if todo.doInstall (): return INSTALL_BACK return INSTALL_OK class WaitWindow: def pop(self): self.screen.popWindow() self.screen.refresh() def __init__(self, screen, title, text): self.screen = screen width = 40 if (len(text) < width): width = len(text) t = TextboxReflowed(width, _(text)) g = GridForm(self.screen, _(title), 1, 1) g.add(t, 0, 0) g.draw() self.screen.refresh() class Flag: """a quick mutable boolean class""" def __init__(self, value = 0): self.flag = value def set(self, value): self.flag = value; def get(self): return self.flag class OkCancelWindow: def getrc(self): return self.rc def __init__(self, screen, title, text): rc = ButtonChoiceWindow(screen, _(title), _(text), buttons = [ TEXT_OK_BUTTON, _("Cancel") ]) if rc == string.lower(_("Cancel")): self.rc = 1 else: self.rc = 0 class ProgressWindow: def pop(self): self.screen.popWindow() self.screen.refresh() del self.scale self.scale = None def set (self, amount): self.scale.set (amount) self.screen.refresh() def __init__(self, screen, title, text, total): self.screen = screen width = 55 if (len(text) > width): width = len(text) t = TextboxReflowed(width, text) g = GridForm(self.screen, title, 1, 2) g.add(t, 0, 0, (0, 0, 0, 1), anchorLeft = 1) self.scale = Scale (width, total) g.add(self.scale, 0, 1) g.draw() self.screen.refresh() class InstallInterface: def helpWindow(self, screen, key, firstTime = 1): try: f = None # XXX # # HelpWindow can't get to the langauge for lang in self.langSearchPath: fn = "/usr/share/anaconda/help/%s/s1-help-screens-%s.txt" \ % (lang, key) try: f = open (fn) except IOError, msg: continue break # uncomment to test help text installed in local directory instead # fn = "./text-help/%s/s1-help-screens-%s.txt" \ # % (lang, key) if not f: if firstTime: return self.helpWindow(screen, "helponhelp", firstTime = 0) else: ButtonChoiceWindow(screen, _("Help not available"), _("No help is available for this install."), buttons = [ TEXT_OK_BUTTON ]) return None l = f.readlines() while not string.strip(l[0]): l = l[1:] title = string.strip(l[0]) l = l[1:] while not string.strip(l[0]): l = l[1:] f.close() height = 10 scroll = 1 if len(l) < height: height = len(l) scroll = 0 width = len(title) + 6 stream = "" for line in l: line = string.strip(line) stream = stream + line + "\n" if len(line) > width: width = len(line) bb = ButtonBar(screen, [ TEXT_OK_BUTTON ] ) t = Textbox(width, height, stream, scroll = scroll) g = GridFormHelp(screen, title, "helponhelp", 1, 2) g.add(t, 0, 0, padding = (0, 0, 0, 1)) g.add(bb, 0, 1, growx = 1) g.runOnce() except: import traceback (type, value, tb) = sys.exc_info() from string import joinfields list = traceback.format_exception (type, value, tb) text = joinfields (list, "") rc = self.exceptionWindow (_("Exception Occurred"), text) if rc: import pdb pdb.post_mortem (tb) os._exit (1) def progressWindow(self, title, text, total): return ProgressWindow (self.screen, _(title), _(text), total) def messageWindow(self, title, text, type = "ok"): if type == "ok": ButtonChoiceWindow(self.screen, _(title), _(text), buttons = [ TEXT_OK_BUTTON ]) else: return OkCancelWindow(self.screen, _(title), _(text)) def dumpWindow(self): rc = ButtonChoiceWindow(self.screen, _("Save Crash Dump"), _("Please insert a floppy now. All contents of the disk " "will be erased, so please choose your diskette carefully."), [ TEXT_OK_BUTTON, _("Cancel") ]) if rc == string.lower (_("Cancel")): return 1 return 0 def exceptionWindow(self, title, text): ugh = _("An internal error occurred in the installation program. " "Please report this error to Red Hat (through the " " web site) as soon as possible. The " "information on this failure may be saved to a floppy disk, " "and will help Red Hat in fixing the problem.\n\n") rc = ButtonChoiceWindow(self.screen, title, ugh + text, buttons = [ TEXT_OK_BUTTON, _("Save"), _("Debug") ]) if rc == string.lower (_("Debug")): return 1 elif rc == string.lower (_("Save")): return 2 return None def waitWindow(self, title, text): return WaitWindow(self.screen, title, text) def packageProgressWindow(self, total, totalSize): self.screen.pushHelpLine (_(" ")) return InstallProgressWindow(self.screen, total, totalSize) def drawFrame(self): self.welcomeText = _("Red Hat Linux (C) 2001 Red Hat, Inc.") self.screen.drawRootText (0, 0, self.welcomeText) if (os.access("/usr/share/anaconda/help/C/s1-help-screens-lang.txt", os.R_OK)): self.screen.pushHelpLine (_(" for help | between elements | selects | next screen")) else: self.screen.pushHelpLine (_(" / between elements | selects | next screen")) def shutdown(self): self.screen.finish() self.screen = None def __init__(self): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN) signal.signal(signal.SIGTSTP, signal.SIG_IGN) self.screen = None def __del__(self): if self.screen: self.screen.finish() def run(self, id, dispatch): self.screen = SnackScreen() self.screen.helpCallback(self.helpWindow) self.drawFrame() # uncomment this line to make the installer quit on # handy for quick debugging. # self.screen.suspendCallback(killSelf, self.screen) # uncomment this line to drop into the python debugger on # --VERY handy-- self.screen.suspendCallback(debugSelf, self.screen) if flags.serial: self.screen.suspendCallback(spawnShell, self.screen) # clear out the old root text by writing spaces in the blank # area on the right side of the screen #self.screen.drawRootText (len(_(self.welcomeText)), 0, #(self.screen.width - len(_(self.welcomeText))) * " ") #self.screen.drawRootText (0 - len(_(step[0])), 0, _(step[0])) lang = id.instLanguage.getCurrent() lang = id.instLanguage.getLangNick(lang) self.langSearchPath = expandLangs(lang) + ['C'] lastrc = INSTALL_OK (step, args) = dispatch.currentStep() while step: (file, classNames) = stepToClasses[step] if type(classNames) != type(()): classNames = (classNames,) if lastrc == INSTALL_OK: step = 0 else: step = len(classNames) - 1 while step >= 0 and step < len(classNames): s = "from %s import %s; nextWindow = %s" % \ (file, classNames[step], classNames[step]) exec s win = nextWindow() #log("TUI running step %s (class %s, file %s)" % #(step, file, classNames)) rc = apply(win, (self.screen, ) + args) if rc == INSTALL_NOOP: rc = lastrc if rc == INSTALL_BACK: step = step - 1 elif rc == INSTALL_OK: step = step + 1 lastrc = rc if step == -1: dispatch.gotoPrev() else: dispatch.gotoNext() (step, args) = dispatch.currentStep() self.screen.finish () def killSelf(screen): screen.finish() os._exit(0) def debugSelf(screen): screen.suspend () import pdb try: pdb.set_trace() except: sys.exit(-1) screen.resume () def spawnShell(screen): screen.suspend () print "\n\nType to return to the install program.\n" iutil.execWithRedirect ("/bin/sh", ["-/bin/sh"]) time.sleep(5) screen.resume ()