from snack import * import sys import isys import os import stat import iutil import rpm import time import gettext_rh import glob cat = gettext_rh.Catalog ("anaconda", "/usr/share/locale") def _(string): return cat.gettext (string) from textw.constants import * from textw.lilo import LiloWindow from textw.lilo import LiloAppendWindow from textw.lilo import LiloImagesWindow from textw.silo import SiloWindow from textw.silo import SiloAppendWindow from textw.silo import SiloImagesWindow from textw.userauth import RootPasswordWindow from textw.userauth import UsersWindow from textw.userauth import AuthConfigWindow from textw.partitioning import PartitionMethod from textw.partitioning import LoopSizeWindow from textw.partitioning import ManualPartitionWindow from textw.partitioning import AutoPartitionWindow from textw.partitioning import PartitionWindow from textw.partitioning import TurnOnSwapWindow from textw.partitioning import FormatWindow from textw.packages import PackageGroupWindow from textw.packages import IndividualPackageWindow from textw.packages import PackageDepWindow from textw.timezone import TimezoneWindow import installclass class LanguageWindow: def __call__(self, screen, todo): languages = todo.language.available () descriptions = languages.keys () descriptions.sort () current = todo.language.get () for lang in descriptions: if languages[lang] == current: default = descriptions.index (lang) height = min((screen.height - 16, len(descriptions))) if todo.reconfigOnly: buttons = [_("Ok"), _("Back")] else: buttons = [_("Ok")] (button, choice) = \ ListboxChoiceWindow(screen, _("Language Selection"), _("What language would you like to use during the " "installation process?"), descriptions, buttons, width = 30, default = default, scroll = 1, height = height) if (button == string.lower(_("Back"))): return INSTALL_BACK choice = descriptions[choice] lang = languages [choice] newlangs = [lang] if len(lang) > 2: newlangs.append(lang[:2]) gettext_rh.setlangs (newlangs) global cat cat = gettext_rh.Catalog ("anaconda", "/usr/share/locale") todo.language.set (choice) return INSTALL_OK class MouseDeviceWindow: def __call__(self, screen, todo): choices = { _("/dev/ttyS0 (COM1 under DOS)") : "ttyS0", _("/dev/ttyS1 (COM2 under DOS)") : "ttyS1", _("/dev/ttyS2 (COM3 under DOS)") : "ttyS2", _("/dev/ttyS3 (COM4 under DOS)") : "ttyS3" } i = 0 default = 0 mouse = todo.mouse.getDevice() if (mouse[0:4] != "ttyS"): return INSTALL_NOOP l = choices.keys() l.sort() for choice in l: if choices[choice] == mouse: default = i break i = i + 1 (button, result) = ListboxChoiceWindow(screen, _("Device"), _("What device is your mouse located on? %s %i") % (mouse, default), l, [ _("Ok"), _("Back") ], default = default ) if (button == string.lower(_("Back"))): return INSTALL_BACK todo.mouse.setDevice(choices[l[result]]) #import sys; sys.exit(0) return INSTALL_OK class MouseWindow: def __call__(self, screen, todo): if todo.serial: return INSTALL_NOOP mice = todo.mouse.available ().keys () mice.sort () (default, emulate) = todo.mouse.get () if default == "Sun - Mouse": return INSTALL_NOOP default = mice.index (default) bb = ButtonBar(screen, [_("OK"), _("Back")]) t = TextboxReflowed(40, _("Which model mouse is attached to this computer?")) l = Listbox(8, scroll = 1, returnExit = 0) key = 0 for mouse in mice: l.append(mouse, key) key = key + 1 l.setCurrent(default) c = Checkbox(_("Emulate 3 Buttons?"), isOn = emulate) g = GridForm(screen, _("Mouse Selection"), 1, 4) g.add(t, 0, 0) g.add(l, 0, 1, padding = (0, 1, 0, 1)) g.add(c, 0, 2, padding = (0, 0, 0, 1)) g.add(bb, 0, 3, growx = 1) rc = g.runOnce() button = bb.buttonPressed(rc) if button == string.lower (_("Back")): return INSTALL_BACK choice = l.current() emulate = c.selected() todo.mouse.set(mice[choice], emulate) oldDev = todo.mouse.getDevice() if (oldDev): newDev = todo.mouse.available()[mice[choice]][2] if ((oldDev[0:4] == "ttyS" and newDev[0:4] == "ttyS") or (oldDev == newDev)): pass else: todo.mouse.setDevice(newDev) return INSTALL_OK class KeyboardWindow: def __call__(self, screen, todo): if todo.serial: return INSTALL_NOOP keyboards = todo.keyboard.available () keyboards.sort () default = keyboards.index (todo.keyboard.get ()) (button, choice) = \ ListboxChoiceWindow(screen, _("Keyboard Selection"), _("Which model keyboard is attached to this computer?"), keyboards, buttons = [_("OK"), _("Back")], width = 30, scroll = 1, height = 8, default = default) if button == string.lower (_("Back")): return INSTALL_BACK todo.keyboard.set (keyboards[choice]) return INSTALL_OK class InstallPathWindow: def __call__ (self, screen, todo, intf): from fstab import NewtFstab showScreen = 1 if (todo.instClass.installType == "install"): intf.steps = intf.commonSteps + intf.installSteps todo.upgrade = 0 showScreen = 0 elif (todo.instClass.installType == "upgrade"): intf.steps = intf.commonSteps + intf.upgradeSteps todo.upgrade = 1 showScreen = 0 if not showScreen: todo.fstab = NewtFstab(todo.setupFilesystems, todo.serial, 0, 0, todo.intf.waitWindow, todo.intf.messageWindow) return INSTALL_NOOP if (todo.upgrade): default = 4 orig = None else: instClass = todo.getClass() orig = None if isinstance(instClass, installclass.GNOMEWorkstation): orig = 0 elif isinstance(instClass, installclass.KDEWorkstation): orig = 1 elif isinstance(instClass, installclass.Server): orig = 2 elif isinstance(instClass, installclass.CustomInstall): orig = 3 if (orig): default = orig else: default = 0 choices = [ _("Install GNOME Workstation"), _("Install KDE Workstation"), _("Install Server System"), _("Install Custom System"), _("Upgrade Existing Installation") ] (button, choice) = ListboxChoiceWindow(screen, _("Installation Type"), _("What type of system would you like to install?"), choices, [(_("OK"), "ok"), (_("Back"), "back")], width = 40, default = default) if button == "back": return INSTALL_BACK needNewDruid = 0 if (choice == 4): intf.steps = intf.commonSteps + intf.upgradeSteps todo.upgrade = 1 else: intf.steps = intf.commonSteps + intf.installSteps todo.upgrade = 0 if (choice == 0 and orig != 0): todo.setClass(installclass.GNOMEWorkstation( needNewDruid = 1 elif (choice == 1 and orig != 1): todo.setClass(installclass.KDEWorkstation( needNewDruid = 1 elif (choice == 2 and orig != 2): todo.setClass(installclass.Server( needNewDruid = 1 elif (choice == 3 and orig != 3): todo.setClass(installclass.CustomInstall( needNewDruid = 1 if needNewDruid or not todo.fstab: todo.fstab = NewtFstab(todo.setupFilesystems, todo.serial, 0, 0, todo.intf.waitWindow, todo.intf.messageWindow) return INSTALL_OK class UpgradeExamineWindow: def __call__ (self, dir, screen, todo): if dir == -1: # Hack to let backing out of upgrades work properly from fstab import NewtFstab if todo.fstab: todo.fstab.turnOffSwap() todo.fstab = NewtFstab(todo.setupFilesystems, todo.serial, 0, 0, todo.intf.waitWindow, todo.intf.messageWindow) return INSTALL_NOOP parts = todo.upgradeFindRoot () if not parts: ButtonChoiceWindow(screen, _("Error"), _("You don't have any Linux partitions. You " "can't upgrade this system!"), [ _("Back") ], width = 50) return INSTALL_BACK if len (parts) > 1: height = min (len (parts), 12) if height == 12: scroll = 1 else: scroll = 0 (button, choice) = \ ListboxChoiceWindow(screen, _("System to Upgrade"), _("What partition holds the root partition " "of your installation?"), parts, [ _("OK"), _("Back") ], width = 30, scroll = scroll, height = height) if button == string.lower (_("Back")): return INSTALL_BACK else: root = parts[choice] else: root = parts[0] todo.upgradeFindPackages (root) class CustomizeUpgradeWindow: def __call__ (self, screen, todo, indiv): rc = ButtonChoiceWindow (screen, _("Customize Packages to Upgrade"), _("The packages you have installed, " "and any other packages which are " "needed to satisfy their " "dependencies, have been selected " "for installation. Would you like " "to customize the set of packages " "that will be upgraded?"), buttons = [ _("Yes"), _("No"), _("Back") ]) if rc == string.lower (_("Back")): return INSTALL_BACK if rc == string.lower (_("No")): indiv.set (0) else: indiv.set (1) return INSTALL_OK class WelcomeWindow: def __call__(self, screen): rc = ButtonChoiceWindow(screen, _("Red Hat Linux"), _("Welcome to Red Hat Linux!\n\n" "This installation process is outlined in detail in the " "Official Red Hat Linux Installation Guide available from " "Red Hat Software. If you have access to this manual, you " "should read the installation section before continuing.\n\n" "If you have purchased Official Red Hat Linux, be sure to " "register your purchase through our web site, " ""), buttons = [_("OK"), _("Back")], width = 50) if rc == string.lower(_("Back")): return INSTALL_BACK return INSTALL_OK class ReconfigWelcomeWindow: def __call__(self, screen): rc = ButtonChoiceWindow(screen, _("Red Hat Linux"), _("Welcome to the Red Hat Linux!\n\n" "You have entered reconfiguration mode, " "which will allow you to configure " "site-specific options of your computer." "\n\n" "To exit without changing your setup " "select the ""Cancel"" button below."), buttons = [_("OK"), _("Cancel")], width = 50) if rc == string.lower(_("Cancel")): screen.finish() os._exit(0) return INSTALL_OK class NetworkWindow: def setsensitive (self): if self.cb.selected (): sense = FLAGS_SET else: sense = FLAGS_RESET for n in self.ip, self.nm,, self.ns: n.setFlags (FLAG_DISABLED, sense) def calcNM (self): ip = self.ip.value () if ip and not self.nm.value (): try: mask = isys.inet_calcNetmask (ip) except ValueError: return self.nm.set (mask) def calcGW (self): ip = self.ip.value () nm = self.nm.value () if ip and nm: try: (net, bcast) = isys.inet_calcNetBroad (ip, nm) except ValueError: return if not (): gw = isys.inet_calcGateway (bcast) (gw) if not self.ns.value (): ns = isys.inet_calcNS (net) self.ns.set (ns) def __call__(self, screen, todo): devices = () if not devices: return INSTALL_NOOP if # XXX expert mode, allow changing network settings here return INSTALL_NOOP list = devices.keys () list.sort() dev = devices[list[0]] firstg = Grid (1, 1) boot = dev.get ("bootproto") if not boot: boot = "dhcp" self.cb = Checkbox (_("Use bootp/dhcp"), isOn = (boot == "dhcp")) firstg.setField (self.cb, 0, 0, anchorLeft = 1) secondg = Grid (2, 4) secondg.setField (Label (_("IP address:")), 0, 0, anchorLeft = 1) secondg.setField (Label (_("Netmask:")), 0, 1, anchorLeft = 1) secondg.setField (Label (_("Default gateway (IP):")), 0, 2, anchorLeft = 1) secondg.setField (Label (_("Primary nameserver:")), 0, 3, anchorLeft = 1) self.ip = Entry (16) self.ip.set (dev.get ("ipaddr")) self.nm = Entry (16) self.nm.set (dev.get ("netmask")) = Entry (16) ( self.ns = Entry (16) self.ns.set ( self.cb.setCallback (self.setsensitive) self.ip.setCallback (self.calcNM) self.nm.setCallback (self.calcGW) secondg.setField (self.ip, 1, 0, (1, 0, 0, 0)) secondg.setField (self.nm, 1, 1, (1, 0, 0, 0)) secondg.setField (, 1, 2, (1, 0, 0, 0)) secondg.setField (self.ns, 1, 3, (1, 0, 0, 0)) bb = ButtonBar (screen, ((_("OK"), "ok"), (_("Back"), "back"))) toplevel = GridForm (screen, _("Network Configuration"), 1, 3) toplevel.add (firstg, 0, 0, (0, 0, 0, 1), anchorLeft = 1) toplevel.add (secondg, 0, 1, (0, 0, 0, 1)) toplevel.add (bb, 0, 2, growx = 1) self.setsensitive () while 1: result = () if self.cb.selected (): dev.set (("bootproto", "dhcp")) dev.unset ("ipaddr", "netmask", "network", "broadcast") else: try: (network, broadcast) = isys.inet_calcNetBroad (self.ip.value (), self.nm.value ()) except: ButtonChoiceWindow(screen, _("Invalid information"), _("You must enter valid IP information to continue"), buttons = [ _("OK") ]) continue dev.set (("bootproto", "static")) dev.set (("ipaddr", self.ip.value ()), ("netmask", self.nm.value ()), ("network", network), ("broadcast", broadcast)) = () = self.ns.value () () screen.popWindow() break dev.set (("onboot", "yes")) rc = bb.buttonPressed (result) todo.log ("\"" + dev.get ("device") + "\"") if rc == "back": return INSTALL_BACK return INSTALL_OK class HostnameWindow: def __call__(self, screen, todo): entry = Entry (24) if != "localhost.localdomain": entry.set ( rc, values = EntryWindow(screen, _("Hostname Configuration"), _("The hostname is the name of your computer. If your " "computer is attached to a network, this may be " "assigned by your network administrator."), [(_("Hostname"), entry)], buttons = [ _("OK"), _("Back")]) if rc == string.lower (_("Back")): return INSTALL_BACK = entry.value () return INSTALL_OK class BootDiskWindow: def __call__(self, screen, todo): # we *always* do this for loopback installs if todo.fstab.rootOnLoop(): return INSTALL_NOOP buttons = [ _("Yes"), _("No"), _("Back") ] text = _("A custom boot disk provides a way of booting into your " "Linux system without depending on the normal bootloader. " "This is useful if you don't want to install lilo on your " "system, another operating system removes lilo, or lilo " "doesn't work with your hardware configuration. A custom " "boot disk can also be used with the Red Hat rescue image, " "making it much easier to recover from severe system " "failures.\n\n" "Would you like to create a boot disk for your system?") if iutil.getArch () == "sparc": floppy = todo.silo.hasUsableFloppy() if floppy == 0: todo.bootdisk = 0 return INSTALL_NOOP text = string.replace (text, "lilo", "silo") if floppy == 1: buttons = [ _("No"), _("Yes"), _("Back") ] text = string.replace (text, "\n\n", _("\nOn SMCC made Ultra machines floppy booting " "probably does not work\n\n")) rc = ButtonChoiceWindow(screen, _("Bootdisk"), text, buttons = buttons) if rc == string.lower (_("Yes")): todo.bootdisk = 1 if rc == string.lower (_("No")): todo.bootdisk = 0 if rc == string.lower (_("Back")): return INSTALL_BACK return INSTALL_OK class XConfigWindow: def __call__(self, screen, todo): # # if in reconfigOnly mode we query existing rpm db # if X not installed, just skip this step # if todo.reconfigOnly: # import rpm # db = rpm.opendb() # rc = db.findbyname ("XFree86") # if len(rc) == 0: # return None # # for now ignore request to configure X11 in reconfig mode # return None else: # we need to get the package list here for things like # workstation install - which will not have read the # package list yet. todo.getCompsList () if not todo.hdList.packages.has_key('XFree86') or \ not todo.hdList.packages['XFree86'].selected: return None todo.x.probe (probeMonitor = 0) if todo.x.server: rc = ButtonChoiceWindow (screen, _("X probe results"), todo.x.probeReport (), buttons = [ _("OK"), _("Back") ]) if rc == string.lower (_("Back")): return INSTALL_BACK todo._cardindex = -1 return INSTALL_OK if todo.serial: # if doing serial installation and no card was probed, # assume no card is present (typical case). return INSTALL_NOOP # if we didn't find a server, we need the user to choose... carddb = cards = carddb.keys () cards.sort () cards.append (_("Unlisted Card")) servers = [ "Mono", "VGA16", "SVGA", "S3", "Mach32", "Mach8", "8514", "P9000", "AGX", "W32", "W32", "Mach64", "I128", "S3V", "3DLabs" ] server = None rc = INSTALL_NOOP while rc != INSTALL_OK: (rc, choice) = ListboxChoiceWindow(screen, _("Video Card Selection"), _("Which video card do you have?"), cards, buttons = [_("OK"), _("Back")], width = 70, scroll = 1, height = screen.height - 14) if rc == string.lower (_("Back")): return INSTALL_BACK todo._cardindex = -1 if cards[choice] == _("Unlisted Card"): (rc , choice) = \ ListboxChoiceWindow(screen, _("X Server Selection"), _("Choose a server"), servers, buttons = [ (_("Ok"), "ok"), (_("Back"), "back") ], scroll = 1, height = screen.height - 14) if (rc == "back"): rc = INSTALL_BACK else: rc = INSTALL_OK server = servers[choice] else: todo._cardindex = choice rc = INSTALL_OK if server: todo.x.setVidcard ( { "NAME" : "Generic " + server, "SERVER" : server } ) else: card = carddb[cards[choice]] depth = 0 while depth < 16 and card.has_key ("SEE"): card = carddb[card["SEE"]] depth = depth + 1 todo.x.setVidcard (card) return INSTALL_OK class XconfiguratorWindow: def __call__ (self, screen, todo): if not todo.x.server: return INSTALL_NOOP # if serial install, we can't run it. if todo.serial: todo.x.skip = 1 return INSTALL_NOOP # if Xconfigurator isn't installed, we can't run it. if not os.access (todo.instPath + '/usr/X11R6/bin/Xconfigurator', os.X_OK): return INSTALL_NOOP f = open (todo.instPath + "/tmp/SERVER", "w") f.write ("%s %d\n" % (todo.x.server, todo._cardindex)) f.close () screen.suspend () iutil.execWithRedirect ("/usr/X11R6/bin/Xconfigurator", ["xconfigurator", "--continue"], root = todo.instPath) screen.resume () todo.x.skip = 1 return INSTALL_NOOP class BeginInstallWindow: def __call__ (self, screen, todo): rc = ButtonChoiceWindow (screen, _("Installation to begin"), _("A complete log of your installation will be in " "/tmp/install.log after rebooting your system. You " "may want to keep this file for later reference."), buttons = [ _("OK"), _("Back") ]) if rc == string.lower (_("Back")): return INSTALL_BACK return INSTALL_OK class InstallWindow: def __call__ (self, screen, todo): if todo.doInstall (): return INSTALL_BACK return INSTALL_OK class FinishedWindow: def __call__ (self, screen, todo): if not todo.reconfigOnly: rc = ButtonChoiceWindow (screen, _("Complete"), _("Congratulations, installation is complete.\n\n" "Press return to reboot, and be sure to remove your " "boot medium as the system reboots, or your system " "will rerun the install. For information on fixes which " "are available for this release of Red Hat Linux, " "consult the " "Errata available from\n\n" "Information on configuring and using your Red Hat " "Linux system is contained in the Red Hat Linux " "manuals."), [ _("OK") ]) else: todo.writeConfiguration() rc = ButtonChoiceWindow (screen, _("Complete"), _("Congratulations, configuration is complete.\n\n" " For information on fixes which " "are available for this release of Red Hat Linux, " "consult the " "Errata available from\n\n" "Information on further configuring your system is " "available " "in the post install chapter of the Official Red Hat " "Linux User's Guide."), [ _("OK") ]) return INSTALL_OK class ReconfigFinishedWindow: def __call__ (self, screen, todo): todo.writeConfiguration() rc = ButtonChoiceWindow (screen, _("Complete"), _("Congratulations, configuration is complete.\n\n" " For information on fixes which " "are available for this release of Red Hat Linux, " "consult the " "Errata available from\n\n" "Information on further configuring your system is " "available " "in the post install chapter of the Official Red Hat " "Linux User's Guide."), [ _("OK") ]) return INSTALL_OK class BootdiskWindow: def __call__ (self, screen, todo): if not todo.needBootdisk(): return INSTALL_NOOP rc = ButtonChoiceWindow (screen, _("Bootdisk"), _("Insert a blank floppy in the first floppy drive. " "All data on this disk will be erased during creation " "of the boot disk."), [ _("OK"), _("Skip") ]) if rc == string.lower (_("Skip")): return INSTALL_OK while 1: try: todo.makeBootdisk () except: rc = ButtonChoiceWindow (screen, _("Error"), _("An error occured while making the boot disk. " "Please make sure that there is a formatted floppy " "in the first floppy drive."), [ _("OK"), _("Skip")] ) if rc == string.lower (_("Skip")): break continue else: break return INSTALL_OK class InstallProgressWindow: def completePackage(self, header): def formatTime(amt): hours = amt / 60 / 60 amt = amt % (60 * 60) min = amt / 60 amt = amt % 60 secs = amt return "%01d:%02d.%02d" % (int(hours) ,int(min), int(secs)) self.numComplete = self.numComplete + 1 self.sizeComplete = self.sizeComplete + header[rpm.RPMTAG_SIZE] self.numCompleteW.setText("%12d" % self.numComplete) self.sizeCompleteW.setText("%10dM" % (self.sizeComplete / (1024 * 1024))) self.numRemainingW.setText("%12d" % (self.numTotal - self.numComplete)) self.sizeRemainingW.setText("%10dM" % ((self.sizeTotal - self.sizeComplete) / (1024 * 1024))) elapsedTime = time.time() - self.timeStarted self.timeCompleteW.setText("%12s" % formatTime(elapsedTime)) finishTime = (float (self.sizeTotal) / self.sizeComplete) * elapsedTime; self.timeTotalW.setText("%12s" % formatTime(finishTime)) remainingTime = finishTime - elapsedTime; self.timeRemainingW.setText("%12s" % formatTime(remainingTime)) self.g.draw() self.screen.refresh() def setPackageScale(self, amount, total): self.s.set(int(((amount * 1.0)/ total) * 100)) self.g.draw() self.screen.refresh() def setPackage(self, header):"%s-%s-%s" % (header[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME], header[rpm.RPMTAG_VERSION], header[rpm.RPMTAG_RELEASE])) self.size.setText("%dk" % (header[rpm.RPMTAG_SIZE] / 1024)) summary = header[rpm.RPMTAG_SUMMARY] if (summary != None): self.summ.setText(summary) else: self.summ.setText("(none)") self.g.draw() self.screen.refresh() def __init__(self, screen, total, totalSize): self.screen = screen toplevel = GridForm(self.screen, _("Package Installation"), 1, 5) name = _("Name : ") size = _("Size : ") sum = _("Summary: ") width = 40 + max (len (name), len (size), len (sum)) = Label(" " * 40) self.size = Label(" ") detail = Grid(2, 2) detail.setField(Label(name), 0, 0, anchorLeft = 1) detail.setField(Label(size), 0, 1, anchorLeft = 1) detail.setField(, 1, 0, anchorLeft = 1) detail.setField(self.size, 1, 1, anchorLeft = 1) toplevel.add(detail, 0, 0) summary = Grid(2, 1) summlabel = Label(sum) self.summ = Textbox(40, 2, "", wrap = 1) summary.setField(summlabel, 0, 0) summary.setField(self.summ, 1, 0) toplevel.add(summary, 0, 1) self.s = Scale (width, 100) toplevel.add (self.s, 0, 2, (0, 1, 0, 1)) overall = Grid(4, 4) # don't ask me why, but if this spacer isn"t here then the # grid code gets unhappy overall.setField (Label (" "), 0, 0, anchorLeft = 1) overall.setField (Label (_(" Packages")), 1, 0, anchorLeft = 1) overall.setField (Label (_(" Bytes")), 2, 0, anchorLeft = 1) overall.setField (Label (_(" Time")), 3, 0, anchorLeft = 1) overall.setField (Label (_("Total :")), 0, 1, anchorLeft = 1) overall.setField (Label ("%12d" % total), 1, 1, anchorLeft = 1) overall.setField (Label ("%10dM" % (totalSize / (1024 * 1024))), 2, 1, anchorLeft = 1) self.timeTotalW = Label("") overall.setField(self.timeTotalW, 3, 1, anchorLeft = 1) overall.setField (Label (_("Completed: ")), 0, 2, anchorLeft = 1) self.numComplete = 0 self.numCompleteW = Label("%12d" % self.numComplete) overall.setField(self.numCompleteW, 1, 2, anchorLeft = 1) self.sizeComplete = 0 self.sizeCompleteW = Label("%10dM" % (self.sizeComplete / (1024 * 1024))) overall.setField(self.sizeCompleteW, 2, 2, anchorLeft = 1) self.timeCompleteW = Label("") overall.setField(self.timeCompleteW, 3, 2, anchorLeft = 1) overall.setField (Label (_("Remaining: ")), 0, 3, anchorLeft = 1) self.numRemainingW = Label("%12d" % total) self.sizeRemainingW = Label("%10dM" % (totalSize / (1024 * 1024))) overall.setField(self.numRemainingW, 1, 3, anchorLeft = 1) overall.setField(self.sizeRemainingW, 2, 3, anchorLeft = 1) self.timeRemainingW = Label("") overall.setField(self.timeRemainingW, 3, 3, anchorLeft = 1) toplevel.add(overall, 0, 3) self.numTotal = total self.sizeTotal = totalSize = Scale (width, totalSize) toplevel.add(, 0, 4, (0, 1, 0, 0)) self.timeStarted = time.time() toplevel.draw() self.g = toplevel screen.refresh() def __del__ (self): self.screen.popWindow () class WaitWindow: def pop(self): self.screen.popWindow() self.screen.refresh() def __init__(self, screen, title, text): self.screen = screen width = 40 if (len(text) < width): width = len(text) t = TextboxReflowed(width, _(text)) g = GridForm(self.screen, _(title), 1, 1) g.add(t, 0, 0) g.draw() self.screen.refresh() class Flag: """a quick mutable boolean class""" def __init__(self, value = 0): self.flag = value def set(self, value): self.flag = value; def get(self): return self.flag class ProgressWindow: def pop(self): self.screen.popWindow() self.screen.refresh() def set (self, amount): self.scale.set (amount) self.screen.refresh() def __init__(self, screen, title, text, total): self.screen = screen width = 55 if (len(text) > width): width = len(text) t = TextboxReflowed(width, text) g = GridForm(self.screen, title, 1, 2) g.add(t, 0, 0, (0, 0, 0, 1)) self.scale = Scale (width, total) g.add(self.scale, 0, 1) g.draw() self.screen.refresh() class InstallInterface: def progressWindow(self, title, text, total): return ProgressWindow (self.screen, _(title), _(text), total) def messageWindow(self, title, text): ButtonChoiceWindow(self.screen, _(title), _(text), buttons = [ _("OK") ]) def exceptionWindow(self, title, text): rc = ButtonChoiceWindow(self.screen, title, text, buttons = [ _("OK"), _("Debug") ]) if rc == string.lower (_("Debug")): return 1 return None def waitWindow(self, title, text): return WaitWindow(self.screen, title, text) def packageProgressWindow(self, total, totalSize): return InstallProgressWindow(self.screen, total, totalSize) def __init__(self): self.screen = SnackScreen() self.welcomeText = _("Red Hat Linux (C) 2000 Red Hat, Inc.") self.screen.drawRootText (0, 0, self.welcomeText) self.screen.pushHelpLine (_(" / between elements | selects | next screen")) # uncomment this line to make the installer quit on # handy for quick debugging. #self.screen.suspendCallback(killSelf, self.screen) # uncomment this line to drop into the python debugger on # --VERY handy-- self.screen.suspendCallback(debugSelf, self.screen) self.individual = Flag(0) self.step = 0 self.dir = 1 def __del__(self): self.screen.finish() def run(self, todo, test = 0): if todo.serial: self.screen.suspendCallback(spawnShell, self.screen) if todo.reconfigOnly: self.commonSteps = [ [_("Welcome"), ReconfigWelcomeWindow, (self.screen,), "reconfig" ], [_("Language Selection"), LanguageWindow, (self.screen, todo), "language" ], [_("Keyboard Selection"), KeyboardWindow, (self.screen, todo), "keyboard" ], [_("Hostname Setup"), HostnameWindow, (self.screen, todo), "network"], [_("Network Setup"), NetworkWindow, (self.screen, todo), "network"], # [_("Mouse Configuration"), MouseWindow, (self.screen, todo), # "mouse" ], # [_("Mouse Configuration"), MouseDeviceWindow, (self.screen, todo), # "mouse" ], [_("Time Zone Setup"), TimezoneWindow, (self.screen, todo, test), "timezone" ], [_("Root Password"), RootPasswordWindow, (self.screen, todo), "accounts" ], [_("User Account Setup"), UsersWindow, (self.screen, todo), "accounts" ], [_("Authentication"), AuthConfigWindow, (self.screen, todo), "authentication" ], # [_("X Configuration"), XConfigWindow, (self.screen, todo), # "xconfig" ], # [_("X Configuration"), XconfiguratorWindow, (self.screen, todo), # "xconfig"], [_("Configuration Complete"), ReconfigFinishedWindow, (self.screen,todo), "complete" ], ] else: self.commonSteps = [ [_("Language Selection"), LanguageWindow, (self.screen, todo), "language" ], [_("Keyboard Selection"), KeyboardWindow, (self.screen, todo), "keyboard" ], [_("Welcome"), WelcomeWindow, (self.screen,), "welcome" ], [_("Installation Type"), InstallPathWindow, (self.screen, todo, self) ], ] if iutil.getArch() == 'sparc': BootloaderAppendWindow = SiloAppendWindow BootloaderWindow = SiloWindow BootloaderImagesWindow = SiloImagesWindow BootloaderConfiguration = _("SILO Configuration") BootloaderSkipName = "silo" else: BootloaderAppendWindow = LiloAppendWindow BootloaderWindow = LiloWindow BootloaderImagesWindow = LiloImagesWindow BootloaderConfiguration = _("LILO Configuration") BootloaderSkipName = "lilo" self.installSteps = [ [_("Partition"), PartitionMethod, (self.screen, todo), "partition" ], [_("Manually Partition"), ManualPartitionWindow, (self.screen, todo), "partition" ], [_("Automatic Partition"), AutoPartitionWindow, (self.screen, todo), "partition" ], [_("Partition"), PartitionWindow, (self.screen, todo), "partition" ], [_("Root Filesystem Size"), LoopSizeWindow, (self.screen, todo), "partition" ], [_("Swap"), TurnOnSwapWindow, (self.screen, todo), "partition" ], [_("Filesystem Formatting"), FormatWindow, (self.screen, todo), "format" ], [BootloaderConfiguration, BootloaderAppendWindow, (self.screen, todo), BootloaderSkipName ], [BootloaderConfiguration, BootloaderWindow, (self.screen, todo), BootloaderSkipName ], [BootloaderConfiguration, BootloaderImagesWindow, (self.screen, todo), BootloaderSkipName ], [_("Hostname Setup"), HostnameWindow, (self.screen, todo), "network"], [_("Network Setup"), NetworkWindow, (self.screen, todo), "network"], [_("Mouse Configuration"), MouseWindow, (self.screen, todo), "mouse" ], [_("Mouse Configuration"), MouseDeviceWindow, (self.screen, todo), "mouse" ], [_("Time Zone Setup"), TimezoneWindow, (self.screen, todo, test), "timezone" ], [_("Root Password"), RootPasswordWindow, (self.screen, todo), "accounts" ], [_("User Account Setup"), UsersWindow, (self.screen, todo), "accounts" ], [_("Authentication"), AuthConfigWindow, (self.screen, todo), "authentication" ], [_("Package Groups"), PackageGroupWindow, (self.screen, todo, self.individual), "package-selection" ], [_("Individual Packages"), IndividualPackageWindow, (self.screen, todo, self.individual), "package-selection" ], [_("Package Dependencies"), PackageDepWindow, (self.screen, todo), "package-selection" ], [_("X Configuration"), XConfigWindow, (self.screen, todo), "xconfig" ], [_("Installation Begins"), BeginInstallWindow, (self.screen, todo), "confirm-install" ], [_("Install System"), InstallWindow, (self.screen, todo) ], [_("Boot Disk"), BootDiskWindow, (self.screen, todo), "bootdisk" ], [_("Boot Disk"), BootdiskWindow, (self.screen, todo), "bootdisk"], [_("X Configuration"), XconfiguratorWindow, (self.screen, todo), "xconfig"], [_("Installation Complete"), FinishedWindow, (self.screen, todo), "complete" ] ] self.upgradeSteps = [ [_("Examine System"), UpgradeExamineWindow, (self.screen, todo)], [BootloaderConfiguration, BootloaderAppendWindow, (self.screen, todo), "lilo"], [BootloaderConfiguration, BootloaderWindow, (self.screen, todo), "lilo"], [BootloaderConfiguration, BootloaderImagesWindow, (self.screen, todo), "lilo"], [_("Customize Upgrade"), CustomizeUpgradeWindow, (self.screen, todo, self.individual), "custom-upgrade" ], [_("Individual Packages"), IndividualPackageWindow, (self.screen, todo, self.individual)], [_("Upgrade System"), InstallWindow, (self.screen, todo)], [_("Boot Disk"), BootDiskWindow, (self.screen, todo), "bootdisk" ], [_("Boot Disk"), BootdiskWindow, (self.screen, todo), "bootdisk"], [_("Upgrade Complete"), FinishedWindow, (self.screen, todo)] ] dir = 1 self.steps = self.commonSteps while self.step >= 0 and self.step < len(self.steps) and self.steps[self.step]: step = self.steps[self.step] rc = INSTALL_OK if (len(step) == 4): if (todo.instClass.skipStep(step[3])): rc = INSTALL_NOOP if (rc != INSTALL_NOOP): # clear out the old root text by writing spaces in the blank # area on the right side of the screen self.screen.drawRootText (len(self.welcomeText), 0, (self.screen.width - len(self.welcomeText)) * " ") self.screen.drawRootText (0 - len(step[0]), 0, step[0]) # This is *disgusting* (ewt) if step[1] == UpgradeExamineWindow: rc = apply (step[1](), (dir,) + step[2]) else: rc = apply (step[1](), step[2]) if rc == INSTALL_BACK: dir = -1 elif rc == INSTALL_OK: dir = 1 self.step = self.step + dir if self.step < 0: ButtonChoiceWindow(self.screen, _("Cancelled"), _("I can't go to the previous step" " from here. You will have to try again."), buttons = [ _("OK") ]) self.step = 0 dir = 1 self.screen.finish () def killSelf(screen): screen.finish() os._exit(0) def debugSelf(screen): screen.suspend () import pdb pdb.set_trace() screen.resume () def spawnShell(screen): screen.suspend () print "\n\nType to return to the install program.\n" iutil.execWithRedirect ("/bin/sh", ["-/bin/sh"]) time.sleep(5) screen.resume ()