from snack import * import _balkan class WelcomeWindow: def run(self, screen): ButtonChoiceWindow(screen, "Red Hat Linux", "Welcome to Red Hat Linux!\n\n" "This installation process is outlined in detail in the " "Official Red Hat Linux Installation Guide available from " "Red Hat Software. If you have access to this manual, you " "should read the installation section before continuing.\n\n" "If you have purchased Official Red Hat Linux, be sure to " "register your purchase through our web site, " "", buttons = ['Ok']) return 0 class PartitionWindow: def run(self, screen): device = 'hda'; table = _balkan.readTable('/dev/' + device) partList = [] for i in range(0, len(table) - 1): (type, start, size) = table[i] if (type == 0x83 and size): fullName = '/dev/%s%d' % (device, i + 1) partList.append((fullName, fullName)) rc = ListboxChoiceWindow(screen, 'Root Partition', 'What partition would you ' 'like to use for your root partition?', partList, buttons = ['Ok', 'Back']) if rc[0] == 'back': return -1 return 0 class InstallInterface: def waitWindow(self, title, text): width = 40 if (len(text) < width): width = len(text) t = TextboxReflowed(width, text) g = GridForm(self.screen, title, 1, 1) g.add(t, 0, 0) g.draw() self.screen.refresh() def popWaitWindow(self, arg): self.screen.popWindow() self.screen.refresh() def __init__(self): self.screen = SnackScreen() def __del__(self): self.screen.finish() def run(self, hdlist): steps = [ ["Welcome", WelcomeWindow], ["Partition", PartitionWindow] ] step = 0 while step >= 0 and step < len(steps) and steps[step]: if steps[step][1]().run(self.screen) == -1: step = step - 1 else: step = step + 1