# # zfcp.py - mainframe zfcp configuration install data # # Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Author(s): Karsten Hopp # import string import os from constants import * import gettext _ = lambda x: gettext.ldgettext("anaconda", x) import logging log = logging.getLogger("anaconda") import warnings def loggedWriteLineToFile(fn, value): f = open(fn, "w") log.debug("echo %s > %s" % (value, fn)) f.write("%s\n" % (value)) f.close() zfcpsysfs = "/sys/bus/ccw/drivers/zfcp" scsidevsysfs = "/sys/bus/scsi/devices" class ZFCPDevice: def __init__(self, devnum, wwpn, fcplun): self.devnum = self.sanitizeDeviceInput(devnum) self.wwpn = self.sanitizeWWPNInput(wwpn) self.fcplun = self.sanitizeFCPLInput(fcplun) if not self.checkValidDevice(self.devnum): raise ValueError, _("You have not specified a device number or the number is invalid") if not self.checkValidWWPN(self.wwpn): raise ValueError, _("You have not specified a worldwide port name or the name is invalid.") if not self.checkValidFCPLun(self.fcplun): raise ValueError, _("You have not specified a FCP LUN or the number is invalid.") def __str__(self): return "%s %s %s" %(self.devnum, self.wwpn, self.fcplun) def sanitizeDeviceInput(self, dev): if dev is None or dev == "": return None dev = dev.lower() bus = dev[:string.rfind(dev, ".") + 1] dev = dev[string.rfind(dev, ".") + 1:] dev = "0" * (4 - len(dev)) + dev if not len(bus): return "0.0." + dev else: return bus + dev def sanitizeWWPNInput(self, id): if id is None or id == "": return None id = id.lower() if id[:2] != "0x": return "0x" + id return id # ZFCP LUNs are usually entered as 16 bit, sysfs accepts only 64 bit # (#125632), expand with zeroes if necessary def sanitizeFCPLInput(self, lun): if lun is None or lun == "": return None lun = lun.lower() if lun[:2] == "0x": lun = lun[2:] lun = "0x" + "0" * (4 - len(lun)) + lun lun = lun + "0" * (16 - len(lun) + 2) return lun def _hextest(self, hex): try: int(hex, 16) return True except TypeError: return False def checkValidDevice(self, id): if id is None or id == "": return False if len(id) != 8: # p.e. 0.0.0600 return False if id[0] not in string.digits or id[2] not in string.digits: return False if id[1] != "." or id[3] != ".": return False return self._hextest(id[4:]) def checkValid64BitHex(self, hex): if hex is None or hex == "": return False if len(hex) != 18: return False return self._hextest(hex) checkValidWWPN = checkValidFCPLun = checkValid64BitHex def onlineDevice(self): online = "%s/%s/online" %(zfcpsysfs, self.devnum) portadd = "%s/%s/port_add" %(zfcpsysfs, self.devnum) unitadd = "%s/%s/%s/unit_add" %(zfcpsysfs, self.devnum, self.wwpn) try: if not os.path.exists(unitadd): loggedWriteLineToFile(portadd, self.wwpn) loggedWriteLineToFile(unitadd, self.fcplun) loggedWriteLineToFile(online, "1") except Exception, e: log.warn("error bringing zfcp device %s online: %s" %(self.devnum, e)) return False return True def offlineSCSIDevice(self): f = open("/proc/scsi/scsi", "r") lines = f.readlines() f.close() for line in lines: if not line.startswith("Host"): continue scsihost = string.split(line) host = scsihost[1] channel = scsihost[3] id = scsihost[5] lun = scsihost[7] scsidev = "%s:%s:%s:%s" % (host[4], channel[1], id[1], lun[1]) fcpsysfs = "%s/%s/fcp_lun" % (scsidevsysfs, scsidev) fcpdel = "%s/%s/delete" % (scsidevsysfs, scsidev) f = open(fcpsysfs, "r") fcplunsysfs = f.readline() f.close() if fcplunsysfs[:6] == self.fcplun[:6]: loggedWriteLineToFile(fcpdel, "1") break def offlineDevice(self): offline = "%s/%s/online" %(zfcpsysfs, self.devnum) portremove = "%s/%s/port_remove" %(zfcpsysfs, self.devnum) unitremove = "%s/%s/%s/unit_remove" %(zfcpsysfs, self.devnum, self.wwpn) try: self.offlineSCSIDevice() loggedWriteLineToFile(offline, "0") loggedWriteLineToFile(unitremove, self.fcplun) loggedWriteLineToFile(portremove, self.wwpn) except Exception, e: log.warn("error bringing zfcp device %s offline: %s" %(self.devnum, e)) return False return True class ZFCP: def __init__(self): self.fcpdevs = [] self.hasReadConfig = False def readConfig(self): try: f = open("/tmp/fcpconfig", "r") except IOError: log.info("no /tmp/fcpconfig; not configuring zfcp") return lines = f.readlines() f.close() for line in lines: # each line is a string separated list of values to describe a dev # there are two valid formats for the line: # devnum scsiid wwpn scsilun fcplun (scsiid + scsilun ignored) # devnum wwpn fcplun line = string.strip(line).lower() if line.startswith("#"): continue fcpconf = string.split(line) if len(fcpconf) == 3: devnum = fcpconf[0] wwpn = fcpconf[1] fcplun = fcpconf[2] elif len(fcpconf) == 5: warnings.warn("SCSI ID and SCSI LUN values for ZFCP devices are ignored and deprecated.", DeprecationWarning) devnum = fcpconf[0] wwpn = fcpconf[2] fcplun = fcpconf[4] else: log.warn("Invalid line found in /tmp/fcpconfig!") continue try: self.addFCP(devnum, wwpn, fcplun) except ValueError, e: log.warn("Invalid FCP device configuration: %s" %(e,)) continue def addFCP(self, devnum, wwpn, fcplun): d = ZFCPDevice(devnum, wwpn, fcplun) if d.onlineDevice(): self.fcpdevs.append(d) def shutdown(self): if len(self.fcpdevs) == 0: return for d in self.fcpdevs: d.offlineDevice() def startup(self): if not self.hasReadConfig: self.readConfig() self.hasReadConfig = True if len(self.fcpdevs) == 0: return for d in self.fcpdevs: d.onlineDevice() def writeKS(self, f): if len(self.fcpdevs) == 0: return for d in self.fcpdevs: f.write("zfcp --devnum %s --wwpn %s --fcplun %s\n" %(d.devnum, d.wwpn, d.fcplun)) def write(self, instPath): if len(self.fcpdevs) == 0: return f = open(instPath + "/etc/zfcp.conf", "w") for d in self.fcpdevs: f.write("%s\n" %(d,)) f.close() f = open(instPath + "/etc/modprobe.conf", "a") f.write("alias scsi_hostadapter zfcp\n") f.close() # vim:tw=78:ts=4:et:sw=4