# __init__.py # Entry point for anaconda storage formats subpackage. # # Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat, Inc. # # This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, # modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of # the GNU General Public License v.2, or (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY expressed or implied, including the implied warranties of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General # Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the # GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301, USA. Any Red Hat trademarks that are incorporated in the # source code or documentation are not subject to the GNU General Public # License and may only be used or replicated with the express permission of # Red Hat, Inc. # # Red Hat Author(s): Dave Lehman # import os from iutil import notify_kernel, get_sysfs_path_by_name, log_method_call from ..errors import * from ..devicelibs.dm import dm_node_from_name import gettext _ = lambda x: gettext.ldgettext("anaconda", x) import logging log = logging.getLogger("storage") device_formats = {} def register_device_format(fmt_class): if not issubclass(fmt_class, DeviceFormat): raise ValueError("arg1 must be a subclass of DeviceFormat") device_formats[fmt_class._type] = fmt_class log.debug("registered device format class %s as %s" % (fmt_class.__name__, fmt_class._type)) default_fstypes = ("ext4", "ext3", "ext2") default_boot_fstypes = ("ext3", "ext2") def get_default_filesystem_type(boot=None): if boot: fstypes = default_boot_fstypes else: fstypes = default_fstypes for fstype in fstypes: try: supported = get_device_format_class(fstype).supported except AttributeError: supported = None if supported: return fstype raise DeviceFormatError("None of %s is supported by your kernel" % ",".join(fstypes)) def getFormat(fmt_type, *args, **kwargs): """ Return a DeviceFormat instance based on fmt_type and args. Given a device format type and a set of constructor arguments, return a DeviceFormat instance. Return None if no suitable format class is found. Arguments: fmt_type -- the name of the format type (eg: 'ext3', 'swap') Keyword Arguments: The keyword arguments may vary according to the format type, but here is the common set: device -- path to the device on which the format resides uuid -- the UUID of the (preexisting) formatted device exists -- whether or not the format exists on the device """ fmt_class = get_device_format_class(fmt_type) fmt = None if fmt_class: fmt = fmt_class(*args, **kwargs) try: className = fmt.__class__.__name__ except AttributeError: className = None log.debug("getFormat('%s') returning %s instance" % (fmt_type, className)) return fmt def collect_device_format_classes(): """ Pick up all device format classes from this directory. Note: Modules must call register_device_format(FormatClass) in order for the format class to be picked up. """ dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) for module_file in os.listdir(dir): if module_file.endswith(".py"): mod_name = module_file[:-3] # FIXME: use imputils here instead of exec try: exec("import %s" % mod_name) except ImportError, e: log.debug("import of device format module '%s' failed" % mod_name) def get_device_format_class(fmt_type): """ Return an appropriate format class based on fmt_type. """ if not device_formats: collect_device_format_classes() fmt = device_formats.get(fmt_type) if not fmt: for fmt_class in device_formats.values(): if fmt_type and fmt_type == fmt_class._name: fmt = fmt_class break elif fmt_type in fmt_class._udevTypes: fmt = fmt_class break # default to no formatting, AKA "Unknown" if not fmt: fmt = DeviceFormat return fmt class DeviceFormat(object): """ Generic device format. """ _type = None _name = "Unknown" _udevTypes = [] partedFlag = None _formattable = False # can be formatted _supported = False # is supported _linuxNative = False # for clearpart _packages = [] # required packages _resizable = False # can be resized _bootable = False # can be used as boot _migratable = False # can be migrated _maxSize = 0 # maximum size in MB _minSize = 0 # minimum size in MB _dump = False _check = False def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a DeviceFormat instance. Keyword Arguments: device -- path to the underlying device uuid -- this format's UUID exists -- indicates whether this is an existing format """ self.device = kwargs.get("device") self.uuid = kwargs.get("uuid") self.exists = kwargs.get("exists") self.options = kwargs.get("options") self._migrate = False # don't worry about existence if this is a DeviceFormat instance #if self.__class__ is DeviceFormat: # self.exists = True def _setOptions(self, options): self._options = options def _getOptions(self, options): return self._options options = property(_getOptions, _setOptions) def _setDevice(self, devspec): if devspec and not devspec.startswith("/"): raise ValueError("device must be a fully qualified path") self._device = devspec def _getDevice(self): return self._device device = property(lambda f: f._getDevice(), lambda f,d: f._setDevice(d), doc="Full path the device this format occupies") @property def name(self): if self._name: name = self._name else: name = self.type return name @property def type(self): return self._type def probe(self): log_method_call(self, device=self.device, type=self.type, status=self.status) def notifyKernel(self): log_method_call(self, device=self.device, type=self.type) if not self.device: return if self.device.startswith("/dev/mapper/"): try: name = dm_node_from_name(os.path.basename(self.device)) except Exception, e: log.warning("failed to get dm node for %s" % self.device) return elif self.device: name = os.path.basename(self.device) path = get_sysfs_path_by_name(name) try: notify_kernel(path, action="change") except Exception, e: log.warning("failed to notify kernel of change: %s" % e) def create(self, *args, **kwargs): log_method_call(self, device=self.device, type=self.type, status=self.status) # allow late specification of device path device = kwargs.get("device") if device: self.device = device if not os.path.exists(self.device): raise FormatCreateError("invalid device specification") def destroy(self, *args, **kwargs): log_method_call(self, device=self.device, type=self.type, status=self.status) # zero out the 1MB at the beginning and end of the device in the # hope that it will wipe any metadata from filesystems that # previously occupied this device log.debug("zeroing out beginning and end of %s..." % self.device) try: fd = os.open(self.device, os.O_RDWR) buf = '\0' * 1024 * 1024 os.write(fd, buf) os.lseek(fd, -1024 * 1024, 2) os.write(fd, buf) os.close(fd) except Exception, e: log.error("error zeroing out %s: %s" % (self.device, e)) self.exists = False def setup(self, *args, **kwargs): log_method_call(self, device=self.device, type=self.type, status=self.status) if not self.exists: raise FormatSetupError("format has not been created") if self.status: return # allow late specification of device path device = kwargs.get("device") if device: self.device = device if not self.device or not os.path.exists(self.device): raise FormatSetupError("invalid device specification") def teardown(self, *args, **kwargs): log_method_call(self, device=self.device, type=self.type, status=self.status) pass @property def status(self): return (self.exists and self.__class__ is not DeviceFormat and isinstance(self.device, str) and self.device and os.path.exists(self.device)) @property def formattable(self): """ Can we create formats of this type? """ return self._formattable @property def supported(self): """ Is this format a supported type? """ return self._supported @property def packages(self): """ Packages required to manage formats of this type. """ return self._packages @property def resizable(self): """ Can formats of this type be resized? """ return self._resizable @property def bootable(self): """ Is this format type suitable for a boot partition? """ return self._bootable @property def migratable(self): """ Can formats of this type be migrated? """ return self._migratable @property def migrate(self): return self._migrate @property def linuxNative(self): """ Is this format type native to linux? """ return self._linuxNative @property def mountable(self): """ Is this something we can mount? """ return False @property def dump(self): """ Whether or not this format will be dumped by dump(8). """ return self._dump @property def check(self): """ Whether or not this format is checked on boot. """ return self._check @property def maxSize(self): """ Maximum size (in MB) for this format type. """ return self._maxSize @property def minSize(self): """ Minimum size (in MB) for this format type. """ return self._minSize collect_device_format_classes()