#!/usr/bin/python2.2 import sys import os import os.path import rpm import string # set up rpm dependency whiteouts import whiteout # FIXME: we really want this information somewhere, but not in the pkgorder # file itself. from rhpl.log import log from anaconda_log import anaconda_log anaconda_log.open("/dev/null") log.handler = anaconda_log rpmFD = None import hdrlist import rhpl.arch def cmpHeaderByName(h1, h2): n1 = string.lower(h1.nevra()) n2 = string.lower(h2.nevra()) if n1 < n2: return -1 elif n1 == n2: return 0; return 1 def addIfNeeded(pkg): global pkgOrder, pkgHash multi = rhpl.arch.getMultiArchInfo() if multi is not None: prim = multi[1] second = multi[2] diff = rhpl.arch.archDifference if not pkgHash.has_key (pkg.name): pkgHash[pkg.name] = [ pkg ] pkgOrder.append(pkg.nevra()) elif multi is None: # this isn't a biarch arch, so we don't need to worry about # multiple glibcs return else: # this is a biarch arch. we want to just have a primary package # for each here add = -1 for p in pkgHash[pkg.name]: arch1 = p['arch'] arch2 = pkg['arch'] # same arch, don't worry about it if arch1 == arch2: add = 0 break # if one of them doesn't work for the canon arch and the other # does, then one of them is for the secondary arch and we want # to add it. if ((((diff(prim, arch1) == 0) and (diff(second, arch2) != 0)) or ((diff(prim, arch2) == 0) and (diff(second, arch1) != 0))) and add == -1): add = 1 if add == 1: pkgHash[pkg.name].append(pkg) pkgOrder.append(pkg.nevra()) outputted = [] # Now set up rpm to run the transaction deporder testpath = '/tmp/pkgorder-' + str (os.getpid ()) os.system ("mkdir -p " + testpath + "/var/lib/rpm") def runTsAndOutput(pkglist): global outputted # no sense trying with no packages if len(pkglist) == 0: return ts = rpm.TransactionSet(testpath) ts.setVSFlags(~(rpm.RPMVSF_NORSA|rpm.RPMVSF_NODSA)) ts.setFlags(rpm.RPMTRANS_FLAG_ANACONDA) done = [] for item in pkglist: # make sure we don't double add package names if item.hdr['name'] in done: continue done.append(item.hdr['name']) # print >> sys.stderr, "adding %s" %(item.name,) ts.addInstall(item.hdr, item.hdr, "i") ts.check() ts.order() theorder = ts.getKeys() if theorder is None: theorder = [] # print the results. for p in theorder: def archSort(hdr1, hdr2): h1 = hdlist[hdr1[0]] h2 = hdlist[hdr2[0]] if rhpl.arch.score(h1['arch']) > rhpl.arch.score(h2['arch']): return -1 elif rhpl.arch.score(h1['arch']) < rhpl.arch.score(h2['arch']): return 1 return 0 if p['name'] in outputted: continue outputted.append(p['name']) pkgs = hdlist.pkgnames[p['name']] pkgs.sort(archSort) for pnevra in pkgs: pkg = hdlist.pkgs[pnevra[0]] print "%s-%s-%s.%s.rpm" % (pkg['name'], pkg['version'], pkg['release'], pkg['arch']) # set PKGORDER_DEBUG to get rpm debugging if os.environ.has_key("PKGORDER_DEBUG"): rpm.setVerbosity(rpm.RPMLOG_DEBUG) if len(sys.argv) < 3: print "pkgorder " sys.exit(1) arch = sys.argv[2] distDir = os.path.normpath(sys.argv[1]) if not os.path.isdir(distDir): print "error: %s is not a directory" % distDir sys.exit(1) disc1Dir = distDir + "-disc1" disc1SrcDir = distDir + "-srpms" disc2Dir = distDir + "-disc2" # pull in the hdlist f = distDir + "/RedHat/base/hdlist" try: hdlist = hdrlist.HeaderListFromFile(f) hdlist.mergeFullHeaders(distDir + "/RedHat/base/hdlist2") except rpm.error: print "Failed to read header list", f sys.exit(1) # and read the comps file grpset = hdrlist.groupSetFromCompsFile("file://%s/RedHat/base/comps.xml" %(distDir,), hdlist, doSelect = 0) grpset.unselectAll() #grpset.groups["everything"].select() # work out the order we'd like to install everything in pkgOrder = [] pkgHash = {} # We always want all the kernels-.* in our package list, except for a few for p in hdlist.values(): package = p['name'] if (package.startswith("kernel") and package in hdrlist.EverythingExclude.keys() and not package.endswith("-unsupported")): try: # FIXME: since we do unselect all at the end of the loop, these # stay selected for the first time through hdlist[package].select() except: print package print type(package) pkgOrder.append(hdlist[package].nevra()) pkgHash[hdlist[package].name] = [ hdlist[package] ] # Tier 1 language packages get priority. tier1langs = ("en:en_US:de:de_DE:es:es_ES:fr:fr_FR:it:it_IT:ja:ja_JP:" "ko:ko_KR:zh:zh_CN:zh_TW:pt:pt_BR:en_GB:en_CA") grpids = grpset.groups.keys() grpids.sort() # allow passing in an initial group list on the command line if len(sys.argv) > 3: complist = sys.argv[3:] else: complist = [] # then we add the things we have hard-coded. this is kind of ugly and in # a perfect world, we could figure it out automagically, but oh well for g in ("core", "base", "text-internet", "web-server", "smb-server", "printing", "dialup", "server-cfg", "admin-tools"): if g not in complist: complist.append(g) # now let's pull in all of workstation common if grpset.groups.has_key("workstation-common"): comp = grpset.groups["workstation-common"] complist.append("workstation-common") for name in comp.groupreqs: if name not in complist: complist.append(name) # a couple more that make sense to have early for g in ("gnome-desktop", "emacs", "development-tools", "development-libs", "x-software-development", "gnome-software-development", "kde-desktop", "kde-software-development"): if g not in complist: complist.append(g) latelangs = [] for id in grpids: if id in complist: continue if id == "everything": #this would be silly continue if ((grpset.groups[id].langonly is not None) and (tier1langs.find(grpset.groups[id].langonly) == -1)): latelangs.append(id) else: complist.append(id) complist.extend(latelangs) # for each comp, staring with base, list the packages # in alphabetical order. for id in complist: if not grpset.groups.has_key(id): continue group = grpset.groups[id] list = [] group.select(selectOptional = 1) # append what got turned on to our order. for p in hdlist.pkgs.values(): if p.isSelected(): list.append(p) list.sort(cmpHeaderByName) # print >> sys.stderr, id for item in list: addIfNeeded(item) runTsAndOutput(list) grpset.unselectAll() # add all of the packages that haven't been added yet. list = [] for p in hdlist.pkgs.values(): if not pkgHash.has_key (p.name): list.append(p) list.sort(cmpHeaderByName) for item in list: if item.nevra() not in pkgOrder: pkgOrder.append(item.nevra()) list = [] for p in pkgOrder: list.append(hdlist[p]) runTsAndOutput(list)