import upgrade from snack import * from text import WaitWindow, OkCancelWindow from translate import _ import sys import os from log import log import isys class RescueInterface: def waitWindow(self, title, text): return WaitWindow(self.screen, title, text) def messageWindow(self, title, text, type = "ok"): if type == "ok": ButtonChoiceWindow(self.screen, _(title), _(text), buttons = [ _("OK") ]) else: return OkCancelWindow(self.screen, _(title), _(text)) def __init__(self, screen): self.screen = screen def runRescue(url, serial, mountroot): # # XXX - disabling mounting of existing installations # # from fstab import NewtFstab fstab = None for file in [ "services", "protocols", "group" ]: os.symlink('/mnt/runtime/etc/' + file, '/etc/' + file) if (not mountroot): os.execv("/bin/sh", [ "-/bin/sh" ]) # # XXX - disabling mounting of existing installations # # try: # fstab = NewtFstab(1, serial, 0, 0, None, None, None, 0, [], 0, 0, # requireBlockDevices = 0) # except SystemError, text: # print _("WARNING: no valid block devices were found.\n") # except: # print _("ERROR: unknown error encountered reading partition tables.\n") if not fstab: os.execv("/bin/sh", [ "-/bin/sh" ]) # lets create some devices for drive in fstab.driveList(): isys.makeDevInode(drive, "/dev/" + drive) for i in range(16): if drive [:3] == "rd/" or drive [:4] == "ida/" or drive [:6] == "cciss/": dev = drive + 'p' + str (i + 1) else: dev = drive + str (i + 1) isys.makeDevInode(dev, "/dev/" + dev) screen = SnackScreen() intf = RescueInterface(screen) # go ahead and set things up for reboot if url[0:6] == "cdrom:" or url[0:4] == "nfs:": f = open("/tmp/cleanup", "w") isys.makeDevInode("loop0", "/tmp/loop0") f.write("umount /mnt/runtime\n") f.write("lounsetup /tmp/loop0\n") f.close() parts = upgrade.findExistingRoots(intf, fstab) if not parts: root = None elif len(parts) == 1: root = parts[0] else: height = min (len (parts), 12) if height == 12: scroll = 1 else: scroll = 0 partList = [] for (drive, fs) in parts: partList.append(drive) (button, choice) = \ ListboxChoiceWindow(screen, _("System to Rescue"), _("What partition holds the root partition " "of your installation?"), partList, [ _("OK"), _("Exit") ], width = 30, scroll = scroll, height = height, help = "multipleroot") if button == string.lower (_("Exit")): root = None else: root = parts[choice] rootmounted = 0 if root: try: upgrade.mountRootPartition(intf, root, fstab, '/mnt/sysimage', allowDirty = 1) ButtonChoiceWindow(screen, _("Rescue"), _("Your system has been mounted under /mnt/sysimage.\n\n" "Press to get a shell. The system will reboot " "automatically when you exit from the shell."), [_("OK")] ) rootmounted = 1 except: # This looks horrible, but all it does is catch every exception, # and reraise those in the tuple check. This lets programming # errors raise exceptions, while any runtime error will # still result in a shell. (exc, val) = sys.exc_info()[0:2] if exc in (IndexError, ValueError, SyntaxError): raise exc, val, sys.exc_info()[2] ButtonChoiceWindow(screen, _("Rescue"). _("An error occured trying to mount some or all of your " "system. Some of it may be mounted under /mnt/sysimage.\n\n" "Press to get a shell. The system will reboot " "automatically when you exit from the shell."), [_("OK")] ) else: ButtonChoiceWindow(screen, _("Rescue Mode"), _("You don't have any Linux partitions. Press " "return to get a shell. The system will reboot " "automatically when you exit from the shell."), [ _("Back") ], width = 50) screen.finish() if rootmounted: print print _("Your system is mounted under the /mnt/sysimage directory.") print os.execv("/bin/sh", [ "-/bin/sh" ])