# # packages.py: package management - mainly package installation # # Erik Troan # # Copyright 2001 Red Hat, Inc. # # This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU # library public license. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # import iutil import isys import rpm import os import timer import time import sys import string import pcmcia import fsset from log import log from flags import flags from constants import * from translate import _ from syslogd import syslog rpm.addMacro("_i18ndomains", "redhat-dist") def queryUpgradeContinue(intf, dir): if dir == DISPATCH_FORWARD: return rc = intf.messageWindow(_("Proceed with upgrade?"), _("The filesystems of the Linux installation " "you have chosen to upgrade have already been " "mounted. You cannot go back past this point. " "\n\n") + _( "Would you like to continue with the upgrade?"), type = "yesno") if rc == 0: sys.exit(0) return DISPATCH_FORWARD def doPostAction(id, instPath): id.instClass.postAction(instPath, flags.serial) def writeConfiguration(id, instPath): log("Writing main configuration") if not flags.test: id.write(instPath) def writeKSConfiguration(id, instPath): log("Writing autokickstart file") if not flags.test: fn = instPath + "/root/anaconda-ks.cfg" else: fn = "/tmp/anaconda-ks.cfg" id.writeKS(fn) def writeXConfiguration(id, instPath): if flags.test: return if id.xconfig.skipx: return xserver = id.videocard.primaryCard().getXServer() if not xserver: return log("Writing X configuration") if not flags.test: fn = instPath if os.access (instPath + "/etc/X11/X", os.R_OK): os.rename (instPath + "/etc/X11/X", instPath + "/etc/X11/X.rpmsave") try: os.unlink (instPath + "/etc/X11/X") except OSError: pass os.symlink ("../../usr/X11R6/bin/" + xserver, instPath + "/etc/X11/X") else: fn = "/tmp/" id.xconfig.write(fn+"/etc/X11") id.desktop.write(instPath) def readPackages(intf, method, id): if (not id.hdList): w = intf.waitWindow(_("Reading"), _("Reading package information...")) id.hdList = method.readHeaders() id.instClass.setPackageSelection(id.hdList) w.pop() if not id.comps: id.comps = method.readComps(id.hdList) id.instClass.setGroupSelection(id.comps) # XXX #updateInstClassComps () else: # re-evaluate all the expressions for packages with qualifiers. id.comps.updateSelections() def handleX11Packages(dir, intf, disp, id, instPath): if dir == DISPATCH_BACK: return # skip X setup if it is not being installed if (not id.comps.packages.has_key('XFree86') or not id.comps.packages['XFree86'].selected): disp.skipStep("videocard") disp.skipStep("monitor") disp.skipStep("xcustom") disp.skipStep("writexconfig") id.xconfig.skipx = 1 elif disp.stepInSkipList("videocard"): # if X is being installed, but videocard step skipped # need to turn it back on disp.skipStep("videocard", skip=0) disp.skipStep("monitor", skip=0) disp.skipStep("xcustom", skip=0) disp.skipStep("writexconfig", skip=0) id.xconfig.skipx = 0 # set default runlevel based on packages gnomeSelected = (id.comps.packages.has_key('gnome-core') and id.comps.packages['gnome-core'].selected) kdeSelected = (id.comps.packages.has_key('kdebase') and id.comps.packages['kdebase'].selected) if gnomeSelected: id.desktop.setDefaultDesktop("GNOME") elif kdeSelected: id.desktop.setDefaultDesktop("KDE") if gnomeSelected or kdeSelected: id.desktop.setDefaultRunLevel(5) def checkDependencies(dir, intf, disp, id, instPath): if dir == DISPATCH_BACK: return win = intf.waitWindow(_("Dependency Check"), _("Checking dependencies in packages selected for installation...")) id.dependencies = id.comps.verifyDeps(instPath, id.upgrade.get()) win.pop() if id.dependencies: disp.skipStep("dependencies", skip = 0) else: disp.skipStep("dependencies") #XXX #try: #self.todo.getHeaderList () #self.todo.getCompsList() #self.files_found = "TRUE" #except ValueError, msg: #extra = msg #except RuntimeError, msg: #extra = msg #except TypeError, msg: #extra = msg #except KeyError, key: #extra = ("The comps file references a package called \"%s\" which " #"could not be found." % (key,)) #except: #extra = "" # #if self.files_found == "FALSE": #if extra: #text = (_("The following error occurred while " #"retreiving hdlist file:\n\n" #"%s\n\n" #"Installer will exit now.") % extra) #else: #text = (_("An error has occurred while retreiving the hdlist " #"file. The installation media or image is " #"probably corrupt. Installer will exit now.")) #win = ErrorWindow (text) #else: class InstallCallback: def cb(self, what, amount, total, h, (param)): if (what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_TRANS_START): # step 6 is the bulk of the transaction set # processing time if amount == 6: self.progressWindow = \ self.progressWindowClass (_("Processing"), _("Preparing to install..."), total) if (what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_TRANS_PROGRESS): if self.progressWindow: self.progressWindow.set (amount) if (what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_TRANS_STOP and self.progressWindow): self.progressWindow.pop () if (what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_INST_OPEN_FILE): # We don't want to start the timer until we get to the first # file. self.pkgTimer.start() self.progress.setPackage(h) self.progress.setPackageScale(0, 1) self.instLog.write (self.modeText % (h[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME],)) self.instLog.flush () fn = self.method.getFilename(h, self.pkgTimer) self.rpmFD = -1 while self.rpmFD < 0: try: self.rpmFD = os.open(fn, os.O_RDONLY) # Make sure this package seems valid try: (h, isSource) = rpm.headerFromPackage(self.rpmFD) os.lseek(self.rpmFD, 0, 0) except: self.rpmFD = -1 os.close(self.rpmFD) raise SystemError except: self.messageWindow(_("Error"), _("The file %s cannot be opened. This is due to " "a missing file, a bad package, or bad media. " "Press to try again.") % fn) fn = self.method.unlinkFilename(fn) return self.rpmFD elif (what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_INST_PROGRESS): if total: self.progress.setPackageScale(amount, total) pass elif (what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_INST_CLOSE_FILE): os.close (self.rpmFD) self.progress.completePackage(h, self.pkgTimer) else: pass self.progress.processEvents() def __init__(self, messageWindow, progress, pkgTimer, method, progressWindowClass, instLog, modeText): self.messageWindow = messageWindow self.progress = progress self.pkgTimer = pkgTimer self.method = method self.progressWindowClass = progressWindowClass self.progressWindow = None self.instLog = instLog self.modeText = modeText def sortPackages(first, second): # install packages in cd order (cd tag is 1000002) one = None two = None if first[1000003] != None: one = first[1000003] if second[1000003] != None: two = second[1000003] if one == None or two == None: one = 0 two = 0 if first[1000002] != None: one = first[1000002] if second[1000002] != None: two = second[1000002] if one < two: return -1 elif one > two: return 1 elif (string.lower(first[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME]) < string.lower(second[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME])): return -1 elif (string.lower(first[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME]) > string.lower(second[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME])): return 1 return 0 class rpmErrorClass: def cb(self): self.f.write (rpm.errorString () + "\n") def __init__(self, f): self.f = f def doMigrateFilesystems(dir, thefsset, diskset, upgrade, instPath): if dir == DISPATCH_BACK: return DISPATCH_NOOP if thefsset.haveMigratedFilesystems(): return DISPATCH_NOOP thefsset.migrateFilesystems (instPath) def turnOnFilesystems(dir, thefsset, diskset, upgrade, instPath): if dir == DISPATCH_BACK: thefsset.umountFilesystems(instPath) return if flags.setupFilesystems: if not upgrade.get(): thefsset.setActive(diskset) if not thefsset.isActive(): diskset.savePartitions () thefsset.checkBadblocks(instPath) thefsset.formatSwap(instPath) thefsset.turnOnSwap(instPath) thefsset.makeFilesystems (instPath) thefsset.mountFilesystems (instPath) def doPreInstall(method, id, intf, instPath, dir): if flags.test: return if dir == DISPATCH_BACK: return arch = iutil.getArch () if arch == "alpha": # if were're on alpha with ARC console, set the clock # so that our installed files won't be in the future from milo import MiloInstall, onMILO if onMILO (): args = ("clock", "-A", "-s") try: iutil.execWithRedirect('/usr/sbin/clock', args) except: pass # shorthand upgrade = id.upgrade.get() def select(hdList, name): if hdList.has_key(name): hdList[name].selected = 1 if not upgrade: # this is NICE and LATE. It lets kickstart/server/workstation # installs detect this properly if arch == "s390" or arch == "s390x": if (string.find(os.uname()[2], "vrdr") > -1): select(id.hdList, 'kernel-vrdr') if (string.find(os.uname()[2], "tape") > -1): select(id.hdList, 'kernel-tape') elif isys.smpAvailable(): select(id.hdList, 'kernel-smp') if (id.hdList.has_key('kernel-enterprise')): import lilo if lilo.needsEnterpriseKernel(): id.hdList['kernel-enterprise'].selected = 1 # we *always* need a kernel installed select(id.hdList, 'kernel') # if NIS is configured, install ypbind and dependencies: if id.auth.useNIS: select(id.hdList, 'ypbind') select(id.hdList, 'yp-tools') select(id.hdList, 'portmap') if id.auth.useLdap: select(id.hdList, 'nss_ldap') select(id.hdList, 'openldap') select(id.hdList, 'perl') if id.auth.useKrb5: select(id.hdList, 'pam_krb5') select(id.hdList, 'krb5-workstation') select(id.hdList, 'krbafs') select(id.hdList, 'krb5-libs') if id.auth.useSamba: select(id.hdList, 'pam_smb') if pcmcia.pcicType(): select(id.hdList, 'kernel-pcmcia-cs') xserver = id.videocard.primaryCard().getXServer() if (xserver and id.comps.packages.has_key('XFree86') and id.comps.packages['XFree86'].selected and xserver != "XFree86"): try: id.hdList['XFree86-' + xserver[5:]].selected = 1 except ValueError, message: log ("Error selecting XFree86 server package: %s", message) except KeyError: log ("Error selecting XFree86 server package, " "package not available") # make sure that all comps that include other comps are # selected (i.e. - recurse down the selected comps and turn # on the children method.mergeFullHeaders(id.hdList) if upgrade: # An old mtab can cause confusion (esp if loop devices are # in it) f = open(instPath + "/etc/mtab", "w+") f.close() if method.systemMounted (id.fsset, instPath, id.hdList.selected()): id.fsset.umountFilesystems(instPath) return DISPATCH_BACK for i in ( '/var', '/var/lib', '/var/lib/rpm', '/tmp', '/dev', '/etc', '/etc/sysconfig', '/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts', '/etc/X11' ): try: os.mkdir(instPath + i) except os.error, (errno, msg): #self.intf.messageWindow("Error", # "Error making directory %s: " # "%s" % (i, msg)) pass # write out the fstab if not upgrade: id.fsset.write(instPath) # rootpath mode doesn't have this file around if os.access("/tmp/modules.conf", os.R_OK): iutil.copyFile("/tmp/modules.conf", instPath + "/etc/modules.conf") # delay writing migrate adjusted fstab till later, in case # rpm transaction set determines they don't have enough space to upgrade # else: # id.fsset.migratewrite(instPath) def doInstall(method, id, intf, instPath): if flags.test: return upgrade = id.upgrade.get() db = rpm.opendb(1, instPath) ts = rpm.TransactionSet(instPath, db) total = 0 totalSize = 0 if upgrade: how = "u" else: how = "i" l = [] for p in id.hdList.selected(): l.append(p) l.sort(sortPackages) progress = intf.progressWindow(_("Processing"), _("Setting up RPM transaction..."), len(l)) i = 0 for p in l: ts.add(p.h, p.h, how) total = total + 1 totalSize = totalSize + (p[rpm.RPMTAG_SIZE] / 1024) i = i + 1 progress.set(i) progress.pop() if not id.hdList.preordered(): log ("WARNING: not all packages in hdlist had order tag") ts.order() if upgrade: logname = '/tmp/upgrade.log' else: logname = '/tmp/install.log' instLogName = instPath + logname try: iutil.rmrf (instLogName) except OSError: pass instLog = open(instLogName, "w+") syslogname = "%s%s.syslog" % (instPath, logname) try: iutil.rmrf (syslogname) except OSError: pass syslog.start (instPath, syslogname) ts.scriptFd = instLog.fileno () # the transaction set dup()s the file descriptor and will close the # dup'd when we go out of scope if upgrade: modeText = _("Upgrading %s.\n") else: modeText = _("Installing %s.\n") errors = rpmErrorClass(instLog) oldError = rpm.errorSetCallback (errors.cb) pkgTimer = timer.Timer(start = 0) id.instProgress.setSizes(total, totalSize) id.instProgress.processEvents() cb = InstallCallback(intf.messageWindow, id.instProgress, pkgTimer, method, intf.progressWindow, instLog, modeText) # write out migrate adjusted fstab so kernel RPM can get initrd right if upgrade: id.fsset.migratewrite(instPath) if id.upgradeDeps: instLog.write(_("\n\nThe following packages were automatically\n" "selected to be installed:" "\n" "%s" "\n\n") % (id.upgradeDeps,)) problems = ts.run(0, ~rpm.RPMPROB_FILTER_DISKSPACE, cb.cb, 0) # force test mode install # problems = ts.run(rpm.RPMTRANS_FLAG_TEST, ~0, self.instCallback, 0) if problems: # restore old fstab if we did anything for migrating if upgrade: id.fsset.restoreMigratedFstab(instPath) spaceneeded = {} nodeneeded = {} size = 12 # XXX nodeprob = -1 if rpm.__dict__.has_key ("RPMPROB_DISKNODES"): nodeprob = rpm.RPMPROB_DISKNODES for (descr, (type, mount, need)) in problems: idx = string.find (mount, "/mnt/sysimage") if mount[0:13] == "/mnt/sysimage": mount = mount[13:] if not mount: mount = '/' if type == rpm.RPMPROB_DISKSPACE: if spaceneeded.has_key (mount) and spaceneeded[mount] < need: spaceneeded[mount] = need else: spaceneeded[mount] = need elif type == nodeprob: if nodeneeded.has_key (mount) and nodeneeded[mount] < need: nodeneeded[mount] = need else: nodeneeded[mount] = need else: log ("WARNING: unhandled problem returned from " "transaction set type %d", type) probs = "" if spaceneeded: probs = probs + _("You don't appear to have enough disk space " "to install the packages you've selected. " "You need more space on the following " "filesystems:\n\n") probs = probs + ("%-15s %s\n") % (_("Mount Point"), _("Space Needed")) for (mount, need) in spaceneeded.items (): if need > (1024*1024): need = (need + 1024 * 1024 - 1) / (1024 * 1024) suffix = "M" else: need = (need + 1023) / 1024 suffix = "k" prob = "%-15s %d %c\n" % (mount, need, suffix) probs = probs + prob if nodeneeded: if probs: probs = probs + '\n' probs = probs + _("You don't appear to have enough file nodes " "to install the packages you've selected. " "You need more file nodes on the following " "filesystems:\n\n") probs = probs + ("%-15s %s\n") % (_("Mount Point"), _("Nodes Needed")) for (mount, need) in nodeneeded.items (): prob = "%-15s %d\n" % (mount, need) probs = probs + prob intf.messageWindow (_("Disk Space"), probs) del ts del db instLog.close() syslog.stop() method.systemUnmounted () rpm.errorSetCallback (oldError) return DISPATCH_BACK # This should close the RPM database so that you can # do RPM ops in the chroot in a %post ks script del ts del db rpm.errorSetCallback (oldError) method.filesDone () if upgrade: instLog.write(_("\n\nThe following packages were available in " "this version but NOT upgraded:\n")) for p in id.hdList.packages.values (): if not p.selected: instLog.write("%s-%s-%s.%s.rpm\n" % (p.h[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME], p.h[rpm.RPMTAG_VERSION], p.h[rpm.RPMTAG_RELEASE], p.h[rpm.RPMTAG_ARCH])) instLog.close () id.instProgress = None def doPostInstall(method, id, intf, instPath): if flags.test: return w = intf.progressWindow(_("Post Install"), _("Performing post install configuration..."), 7) upgrade = id.upgrade.get() arch = iutil.getArch () if upgrade: logname = '/tmp/upgrade.log' else: logname = '/tmp/install.log' instLogName = instPath + logname instLog = open(instLogName, "a") try: if not upgrade: w.set(1) copyExtraModules(instPath, id.comps, id.extraModules) w.set(2) # pcmcia is supported only on i386 at the moment if arch == "i386": pcmcia.createPcmciaConfig( instPath + "/etc/sysconfig/pcmcia") w.set(3) # blah. If we're on a serial mouse, and we have X, we need to # close the mouse device, then run kudzu, then open it again. # turn it off mousedev = None # XXX currently Bad Things (X async reply) happen when doing # Mouse Magic on Sparc (Mach64, specificly) # The s390 doesn't even have a mouse! if os.environ.has_key ("DISPLAY") and not (arch == "sparc" or arch == "s390" or arch == "s390x"): import xmouse try: mousedev = xmouse.get()[0] except RuntimeError: pass if mousedev: try: os.rename (mousedev, "/dev/disablemouse") except OSError: pass try: xmouse.reopen() except RuntimeError: pass if arch != "s390" and arch != "s390x": unmountUSB = 0 try: isys.mount('/usbdevfs', instPath+'/proc/bus/usb', 'usbdevfs') unmountUSB = 1 except: log("Mount of /proc/bus/usb failed") pass argv = [ "/usr/sbin/kudzu", "-q" ] devnull = os.open("/dev/null", os.O_RDWR) iutil.execWithRedirect(argv[0], argv, root = instPath, stdout = devnull) # turn it back on if mousedev: try: os.rename ("/dev/disablemouse", mousedev) except OSError: pass try: xmouse.reopen() except RuntimeError: pass if unmountUSB: isys.umount(instPath + '/proc/bus/usb', removeDir = 0) w.set(4) if upgrade: # move the rebuilt db into place. try: iutil.rmrf (instPath + "/var/lib/rpm.rpmsave") except OSError: pass try: os.rename (instPath + "/var/lib/rpm", instPath + "/var/lib/rpm.rpmsave") except OSError: # XXX hack..., if the above move failed, we'll just stash it in # a (hopefully) unique location. (#50339) os.rename (instPath + "/var/lib/rpm", instPath + "/var/lib/rpm.rpmsave-%s" % (str(int(time.time())),)) os.rename (instPath + id.dbpath, instPath + "/var/lib/rpm") # XXX - rpm 4.0.2 %post braindeadness support try: os.unlink (instPath + "/etc/rpm/macros.db1") except OSError: pass # needed for prior systems which were not xinetd based migrateXinetd(instPath, instLogName) w.set(5) if flags.setupFilesystems: # go ahead and depmod modules as modprobe in rc.sysinit # will complain loaduly if we don't do it now. depmodModules(id.comps, instPath) w.set(6) if flags.setupFilesystems: f = open("/tmp/cleanup", "w") method.writeCleanupPath(f) f.close() w.set(7) finally: pass w.pop () sys.stdout.flush() def migrateXinetd(instPath, instLog): if not os.access (instPath + "/usr/sbin/inetdconvert", os.X_OK): return if not os.access (instPath + "/etc/inetd.conf.rpmsave", os.R_OK): return argv = [ "/usr/sbin/inetdconvert", "--convertremaining", "--inetdfile", "/etc/inetd.conf.rpmsave" ] logfile = os.open (instLog, os.O_APPEND) iutil.execWithRedirect(argv[0], argv, root = instPath, stdout = logfile, stderr = logfile) os.close(logfile) def copyExtraModules(instPath, comps, extraModules): kernelVersions = comps.kernelVersionList() for (path, subdir, name) in extraModules: pattern = "" names = "" for (n, tag) in kernelVersions: pattern = pattern + " " + n + "/" + name + ".o" names = names + " " + name + ".o" command = ("cd %s/lib/modules; gunzip < %s/modules.cgz | " "%s/bin/cpio --quiet -iumd %s" % (instPath, path, instPath, pattern)) log("running: '%s'" % (command, )) os.system(command) for (n, tag) in kernelVersions: fromFile = "%s/lib/modules/%s/%s.o" % (instPath, n, name) toDir = "%s/lib/modules/%s/kernel/drivers/%s" % \ (instPath, n, subdir) to = "%s/%s.o" % (toDir, name) if (os.access(fromFile, os.R_OK) and os.access(toDir, os.X_OK)): log("moving %s to %s" % (fromFile, to)) os.rename(fromFile, to) # the file might not have been owned by root in the cgz os.chown(to, 0, 0) else: log("missing DD module %s (this may be okay)" % fromFile) def depmodModules(comps, instPath): kernelVersions = comps.kernelVersionList() for (version, tag) in kernelVersions: iutil.execWithRedirect ("/sbin/depmod", [ "/sbin/depmod", "-a", version ], root = instPath, stderr = '/dev/null')