# # packages.py: package management - mainly package installation # # Erik Troan # Matt Wilson # Michael Fulbright # Jeremy Katz # # Copyright 2001-2006 Red Hat, Inc. # # This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU # library public license. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # import iutil import isys import os import timer import time import sys import string import language import fsset import kudzu from flags import flags from product import * from constants import * from syslogd import syslog from installmethod import FileCopyException import rhpl from rhpl.translate import _ import rhpl.arch import logging log = logging.getLogger("anaconda") def queryUpgradeContinue(intf, dir): if dir == DISPATCH_FORWARD: return rc = intf.messageWindow(_("Proceed with upgrade?"), _("The file systems of the Linux installation " "you have chosen to upgrade have already been " "mounted. You cannot go back past this point. " "\n\n") + _("Would you like to continue with the upgrade?"), type="custom", custom_icon=["error","error"], custom_buttons=[_("Reboot"), _("Yes")]) if rc == 0: sys.exit(0) return DISPATCH_FORWARD def doPostAction(id, instPath, intf = None): id.instClass.postAction(instPath, flags.serial, intf) def firstbootConfiguration(id, instPath): if id.firstboot == FIRSTBOOT_RECONFIG: f = open(instPath + '/etc/reconfigSys', 'w+') f.close() elif id.firstboot == FIRSTBOOT_SKIP: f = open(instPath + '/etc/sysconfig/firstboot', 'w+') f.write('RUN_FIRSTBOOT=NO') f.close() return def writeKSConfiguration(id, instPath): log.info("Writing autokickstart file") if not flags.test: fn = instPath + "/root/anaconda-ks.cfg" else: fn = "/tmp/anaconda-ks.cfg" id.writeKS(fn) def copyAnacondaLogs(instPath): log.info("Copying anaconda logs") for (fn, dest) in (("/tmp/anaconda.log", "anaconda.log"), ("/tmp/syslog", "anaconda.syslog"), ("/tmp/ramfs/X.log", "anaconda.xlog")): if os.access(fn, os.R_OK): try: iutil.copyFile(fn, "%s/var/log/%s" %(instPath, dest)) os.chmod("%s/var/log/%s" %(instPath, dest), 0600) except: pass def writeXConfiguration(id, instPath): testmode = flags.test # comment out to test if testmode: return # end code to comment to test # uncomment to test writing X config in test mode # try: # os.mkdir("/tmp/etc") # except: # pass # try: # os.mkdir("/tmp/etc/X11") # except: # pass # instPath = '/' # end code for test writing if id.xsetup.skipx: return card = id.videocard.primaryCard() if not card: return log.info("Writing X configuration") if not testmode: fn = instPath else: fn = "/tmp/" id.xsetup.write(fn+"/etc/X11", id.mouse, id.keyboard) id.desktop.write(instPath) def doMigrateFilesystems(dir, thefsset, diskset, upgrade, instPath): if dir == DISPATCH_BACK: return DISPATCH_NOOP if thefsset.haveMigratedFilesystems(): return DISPATCH_NOOP thefsset.migrateFilesystems (instPath) # if we're upgrading, we may need to do lvm device node hackery if upgrade: thefsset.makeLVMNodes(instPath, trylvm1 = 1) def turnOnFilesystems(dir, thefsset, diskset, partitions, upgrade, instPath): if dir == DISPATCH_BACK: log.info("unmounting filesystems") thefsset.umountFilesystems(instPath) return if flags.setupFilesystems: if not upgrade: partitions.doMetaDeletes(diskset) thefsset.setActive(diskset) if not thefsset.isActive(): diskset.savePartitions () thefsset.checkBadblocks(instPath) if not thefsset.volumesCreated: thefsset.createLogicalVolumes(instPath) thefsset.formatSwap(instPath) thefsset.turnOnSwap(instPath) thefsset.makeFilesystems (instPath) thefsset.mountFilesystems (instPath) def setupTimezone(timezone, upgrade, instPath, dir): # we don't need this on an upgrade or going backwards if upgrade or (dir == DISPATCH_BACK): return # dont do this in test mode! if flags.test: return os.environ["TZ"] = timezone.tz tzfile = "/usr/share/zoneinfo/" + timezone.tz if not os.access(tzfile, os.R_OK): log.error("unable to set timezone") else: try: iutil.copyFile(tzfile, "/etc/localtime") except OSError, (errno, msg): log.error("Error copying timezone (from %s): %s" %(tzfile, msg)) if rhpl.getArch() == "s390": return args = [ "/usr/sbin/hwclock", "--hctosys" ] if timezone.utc: args.append("-u") elif timezone.arc: args.append("-a") try: iutil.execWithRedirect(args[0], args, stdin = None, stdout = "/dev/tty5", stderr = "/dev/tty5") except RuntimeError: log.error("Failed to set clock") # FIXME: this is a huge gross hack. hard coded list of files # created by anaconda so that we can not be killed by selinux def setFileCons(instPath, partitions): import partRequests if flags.selinux: log.info("setting SELinux contexts for anaconda created files") files = ["/etc/rpm/platform", "/etc/rpm/macros", "/etc/lilo.conf.anaconda", "/lib64", "/usr/lib64", "/etc/blkid.tab", "/etc/blkid.tab.old", "/etc/mtab", "/etc/fstab", "/etc/resolv.conf", "/etc/modprobe.conf", "/etc/modprobe.conf~", "/var/log/wtmp", "/var/run/utmp", "/dev/log", "/var/lib/rpm", "/", "/etc/raidtab", "/etc/mdadm.conf"] vgs = [] for entry in partitions.requests: if isinstance(entry, partRequests.VolumeGroupRequestSpec): vgs.append("/dev/%s" %(entry.volumeGroupName,)) # ugh, this is ugly for dir in ["/var/lib/rpm", "/etc/lvm", "/dev/mapper"] + vgs: def addpath(x): return dir + "/" + x if not os.path.isdir(instPath + dir): continue dirfiles = os.listdir(instPath + dir) files.extend(map(addpath, dirfiles)) files.append(dir) # blah, to work in a chroot, we need to actually be inside so the # regexes will work child = os.fork() if (not child): os.chroot(instPath) for f in files: if not os.access("%s" %(f,), os.R_OK): log.warning("%s doesn't exist" %(f,)) continue ret = isys.resetFileContext(f) log.info("set fc of %s to %s" %(f, ret)) os._exit(0) try: os.waitpid(child, 0) except OSError, (num, msg): pass return # XXX: large hack lies here def migrateMouseConfig(instPath, instLog): if not os.access (instPath + "/usr/sbin/fix-mouse-psaux", os.X_OK): return argv = [ "/usr/sbin/fix-mouse-psaux" ] logfile = os.open (instLog, os.O_APPEND) iutil.execWithRedirect(argv[0], argv, root = instPath, stdout = logfile, stderr = logfile) os.close(logfile) def migrateXinetd(instPath, instLog): if not os.access (instPath + "/usr/sbin/inetdconvert", os.X_OK): return if not os.access (instPath + "/etc/inetd.conf.rpmsave", os.R_OK): return argv = [ "/usr/sbin/inetdconvert", "--convertremaining", "--inetdfile", "/etc/inetd.conf.rpmsave" ] logfile = os.open (instLog, os.O_APPEND) iutil.execWithRedirect(argv[0], argv, root = instPath, stdout = logfile, stderr = logfile) os.close(logfile) def copyExtraModules(instPath, grpset, extraModules): kernelVersions = grpset.kernelVersionList() foundModule = 0 try: f = open("/etc/arch") arch = f.readline().strip() del f except IOError: arch = os.uname()[2] for (path, name) in extraModules: if not path: path = "/modules.cgz" pattern = "" names = "" for (n, tag) in kernelVersions: if tag == "up": pkg = "kernel" else: pkg = "kernel-%s" %(tag,) arch = grpset.hdrlist[pkg]['arch'] # version 1 path pattern = pattern + " %s/%s/%s.ko " % (n, arch, name) # version 0 path pattern = pattern + " %s/%s.ko " % (n, name) names = names + " %s.ko" % (name,) command = ("cd %s/lib/modules; gunzip < %s | " "%s/bin/cpio --quiet -iumd %s" % (instPath, path, instPath, pattern)) log.info("running: '%s'" % (command, )) os.system(command) for (n, tag) in kernelVersions: if tag == "up": pkg = "kernel" else: pkg = "kernel-%s" %(tag,) toDir = "%s/lib/modules/%s/updates" % \ (instPath, n) to = "%s/%s.ko" % (toDir, name) if (os.path.isdir("%s/lib/modules/%s" %(instPath, n)) and not os.path.isdir("%s/lib/modules/%s/updates" %(instPath, n))): os.mkdir("%s/lib/modules/%s/updates" %(instPath, n)) if not os.path.isdir(toDir): continue arch = grpset.hdrlist[pkg]['arch'] for p in ("%s/%s.ko" %(arch, name), "%s.ko" %(name,)): fromFile = "%s/lib/modules/%s/%s" % (instPath, n, p) if (os.access(fromFile, os.R_OK)): log.info("moving %s to %s" % (fromFile, to)) os.rename(fromFile, to) # the file might not have been owned by root in the cgz os.chown(to, 0, 0) foundModule = 1 else: log.warning("missing DD module %s (this may be okay)" % fromFile) if foundModule == 1: for (n, tag) in kernelVersions: recreateInitrd(n, instPath) #Recreate initrd for use when driver disks add modules def recreateInitrd (kernelTag, instRoot): log.info("recreating initrd for %s" % (kernelTag,)) iutil.execWithRedirect("/sbin/new-kernel-pkg", [ "/sbin/new-kernel-pkg", "--mkinitrd", "--depmod", "--install", kernelTag ], stdout = None, stderr = None, searchPath = 1, root = instRoot) def betaNagScreen(intf, dir): publicBetas = { "Red Hat Linux": "Red Hat Linux Public Beta", "Red Hat Enterprise Linux": "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Public Beta", "Fedora Core": "Fedora Core" } if dir == DISPATCH_BACK: return DISPATCH_NOOP fileagainst = None for (key, val) in publicBetas.items(): if productName.startswith(key): fileagainst = val if fileagainst is None: fileagainst = "%s Beta" %(productName,) while 1: rc = intf.messageWindow( _("Warning! This is pre-release software!"), _("Thank you for downloading this " "pre-release of %s.\n\n" "This is not a final " "release and is not intended for use " "on production systems. The purpose of " "this release is to collect feedback " "from testers, and it is not suitable " "for day to day usage.\n\n" "To report feedback, please visit:\n\n" " %s\n\n" "and file a report against '%s'.\n") %(productName, bugzillaUrl, fileagainst), type="custom", custom_icon="warning", custom_buttons=[_("_Exit"), _("_Install anyway")]) if not rc: if flags.rootpath: msg = _("The installer will now exit...") buttons = [_("_Back"), _("_Exit")] else: msg = _("Your system will now be rebooted...") buttons = [_("_Back"), _("_Reboot")] rc = intf.messageWindow( _("Rebooting System"), msg, type="custom", custom_icon="warning", custom_buttons=buttons) if rc: sys.exit(0) else: break # FIXME: this is a kind of poor way to do this, but it will work for now def selectPackageConditionals(grpset, grp): xmlgrp = grpset.compsxml.groups[grp.basename] for package in xmlgrp.pkgConditionals.keys(): req = xmlgrp.pkgConditionals[package] if not grpset.hdrlist.has_key(package): log.warning ("Missing %s which is in a conditional" %(package,)) continue # add to the deps in the dependencies structure for the # package. this should take care of whenever we're # selected grpset.hdrlist[req].addDeps([package], main = 0) if grpset.hdrlist[req].isSelected(): grpset.hdrlist[package].select() grpset.hdrlist[package].usecount += grpset.hdrlist[req].usecount - 1 grp.selectDeps([package], uses = grpset.hdrlist[req].usecount) # Loop over all the selected groups and make sure all the conditionals are # met. def fixupConditionals(grpset): for grp in grpset.groups: if grpset.groups[grp].isSelected(): selectPackageConditionals(grpset, grpset.groups[grp]) def selectLanguageSupportGroups(grpset, instLanguage): if not grpset.groups.has_key("language-support"): return langs = [] for l in language.expandLangs (instLanguage.getDefault()): langs.append(l) grp = grpset.groups["language-support"] for (pid, pdict) in grp.packages.items(): if pdict['meta'] != 1: continue if not grpset.groups.has_key(pid): continue group = grpset.groups[pid] if group.langonly is not None and group.langonly in langs: grp.selectPackage(pid) grp.usecount = grp.usecount + 1 selectPackageConditionals(grpset, group) if grp.usecount > 0: grpset.groups["language-support"].select()