# # packages.py: package management - mainly package installation # # Erik Troan # Matt Wilson # Michael Fulbright # Jeremy Katz # # Copyright 2001-2003 Red Hat, Inc. # # This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU # library public license. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # import iutil import isys import rpm import os import timer import time import sys import string import pcmcia import language import fsset import kudzu from flags import flags from product import * from constants import * from syslogd import syslog from hdrlist import PKGTYPE_MANDATORY, PKGTYPE_DEFAULT, DependencyChecker from installmethod import FileCopyException from rhpl.translate import _ import rhpl.arch import logging log = logging.getLogger("anaconda") def queryUpgradeContinue(intf, dir): if dir == DISPATCH_FORWARD: return rc = intf.messageWindow(_("Proceed with upgrade?"), _("The file systems of the Linux installation " "you have chosen to upgrade have already been " "mounted. You cannot go back past this point. " "\n\n") + _( "Would you like to continue with the upgrade?"), type = "yesno") if rc == 0: sys.exit(0) return DISPATCH_FORWARD def doPostAction(id, instPath, intf = None): id.instClass.postAction(instPath, flags.serial, intf) def firstbootConfiguration(id, instPath): if id.firstboot == FIRSTBOOT_RECONFIG: f = open(instPath + '/etc/reconfigSys', 'w+') f.close() elif id.firstboot == FIRSTBOOT_SKIP: f = open(instPath + '/etc/sysconfig/firstboot', 'w+') f.write('RUN_FIRSTBOOT=NO') f.close() return def writeConfiguration(id, instPath): log.info("Writing main configuration") if not flags.test: id.write(instPath) def writeKSConfiguration(id, instPath): log.info("Writing autokickstart file") if not flags.test: fn = instPath + "/root/anaconda-ks.cfg" else: fn = "/tmp/anaconda-ks.cfg" id.writeKS(fn) def copyAnacondaLogs(instPath): log.info("Copying anaconda logs") for (fn, dest) in (("/tmp/anaconda.log", "anaconda.log"), ("/tmp/syslog", "anaconda.syslog"), ("/tmp/ramfs/X.log", "anaconda.xlog")): if os.access(fn, os.R_OK): try: iutil.copyFile(fn, "%s/var/log/%s" %(instPath, dest)) os.chmod("%s/var/log/%s" %(instPath, dest), 0600) except: pass def writeXConfiguration(id, instPath): testmode = flags.test # comment out to test if testmode: return # end code to comment to test # uncomment to test writing X config in test mode # try: # os.mkdir("/tmp/etc") # except: # pass # try: # os.mkdir("/tmp/etc/X11") # except: # pass # instPath = '/' # end code for test writing if id.xsetup.skipx: return xserver = id.videocard.primaryCard().getXServer() if not xserver: return log.info("Writing X configuration") if not testmode: fn = instPath if os.access (instPath + "/etc/X11/X", os.R_OK): os.rename (instPath + "/etc/X11/X", instPath + "/etc/X11/X.rpmsave") try: os.unlink (instPath + "/etc/X11/X") except OSError: pass os.symlink ("../../usr/X11R6/bin/" + xserver, instPath + "/etc/X11/X") else: fn = "/tmp/" id.xsetup.write(fn+"/etc/X11", id.mouse, id.keyboard) id.desktop.write(instPath) def handleX11Packages(dir, intf, disp, id, instPath): if dir == DISPATCH_BACK: return # skip X setup if it is not being installed # # uncomment this block if you want X configuration to be presented # # START BLOCK # if (not id.grpset.hdrlist.has_key('XFree86') or # not id.grpset.hdrlist['XFree86'].isSelected()): # disp.skipStep("videocard") # disp.skipStep("monitor") # disp.skipStep("xcustom") # disp.skipStep("writexconfig") # id.xsetup.skipx = 1 # elif disp.stepInSkipList("videocard"): # # if X is being installed, but videocard step skipped # # need to turn it back on # disp.skipStep("videocard", skip=0) # disp.skipStep("monitor", skip=0) # disp.skipStep("xcustom", skip=0) # disp.skipStep("writexconfig", skip=0) # id.xsetup.skipx = 0 # END BLOCK # set default runlevel based on packages gnomeSelected = (id.grpset.hdrlist.has_key('gnome-session') and id.grpset.hdrlist['gnome-session'].isSelected()) gdmSelected = (id.grpset.hdrlist.has_key('gdm') and id.grpset.hdrlist['gdm'].isSelected()) kdeSelected = (id.grpset.hdrlist.has_key('kdebase') and id.grpset.hdrlist['kdebase'].isSelected()) xinstalled = ((id.grpset.hdrlist.has_key('xorg-x11') and id.grpset.hdrlist['xorg-x11'].isSelected()) or (id.grpset.hdrlist.has_key('XFree86') and id.grpset.hdrlist['XFree86'].isSelected())) if gnomeSelected: id.desktop.setDefaultDesktop("GNOME") elif kdeSelected: id.desktop.setDefaultDesktop("KDE") if (gdmSelected or kdeSelected) and (xinstalled) and (not flags.serial) and (not flags.virtpconsole): id.desktop.setDefaultRunLevel(5) else: id.desktop.setDefaultRunLevel(3) # verifies that monitor is not Unprobed, and if so we can skip monitor question def checkMonitorOK(monitor, dispatch): rc = 0 if monitor is not None: if monitor.getMonitorID() != "Unprobed Monitor": rc = 1 dispatch.skipStep("monitor", skip=rc) # sets a reasonable default for X settings. def setSaneXSettings(xsetup): if xsetup is not None and xsetup.xhwstate is not None: if not xsetup.imposed_sane_default: # XXX HACK see if we have a user specified LCD display import re regx = re.compile("LCD Panel .*x.*") monid = xsetup.xhwstate.monitor.getMonitorID() lcdres = None if regx.match(monid): for testres in ["640x480", "800x600", "1024x480", "1024x768", "1280x960", "1280x1024", "1400x1050", "1600x1200"]: if string.find(monid, testres) != -1: lcdres = testres break if lcdres is not None: xsetup.xhwstate.set_resolution(lcdres) else: xsetup.xhwstate.choose_sane_default() xsetup.imposed_sane_default = 1 class InstallCallback: def packageDownloadCB(self, state, amount): self.progress.setPackageStatus(state, amount) def cb(self, what, amount, total, h, (param)): # first time here means we should pop the window telling # user to wait until we get here if not self.beenCalled: self.beenCalled = 1 self.initWindow.pop() if (what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_TRANS_START): # step 6 is the bulk of the transaction set # processing time if amount == 6: self.progressWindow = \ self.progressWindowClass (_("Processing"), _("Preparing to install..."), total) try: self.incr = total / 10 except: pass if (what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_TRANS_PROGRESS): if self.progressWindow and amount > self.lastprogress + self.incr: self.progressWindow.set (amount) self.lastprogress = amount if (what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_TRANS_STOP and self.progressWindow): self.progressWindow.pop () if (what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_INST_OPEN_FILE): # We don't want to start the timer until we get to the first # file. self.pkgTimer.start() self.progress.setPackage(h) self.progress.setPackageScale(0, 1) self.instLog.write (self.modeText % (h[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME], h[rpm.RPMTAG_VERSION], h[rpm.RPMTAG_RELEASE], h[rpm.RPMTAG_ARCH])) self.instLog.flush () self.rpmFD = -1 self.size = h[rpm.RPMTAG_SIZE] while self.rpmFD < 0: try: fn = self.method.getRPMFilename(h, self.pkgTimer, callback=self.packageDownloadCB) self.rpmFD = os.open(fn, os.O_RDONLY) # Make sure this package seems valid try: hdr = self.ts.hdrFromFdno(self.rpmFD) os.lseek(self.rpmFD, 0, 0) # if we don't have a valid package, throw an error if not hdr: raise SystemError except: try: os.close(self.rpmFD) except: pass self.rpmFD = -1 raise FileCopyException except Exception, e: log.critical("exception was %s for %s-%s-%s" %(e, h['name'], h['version'], h['release'])) self.method.unmountCD() rc = self.messageWindow(_("Error"), _("The package %s-%s-%s cannot be opened. This is due " "to a missing file or perhaps a corrupt package. " "If you are installing from CD media this usually " "means the CD media is corrupt, or the CD drive is " "unable to read the media.\n\n" "Press to try again.") % (h['name'], h['version'], h['release']), type="custom", custom_icon="error", custom_buttons = [ _("Re_boot"), _("_Retry") ]) if rc == 0: rc = self.messageWindow(_("Warning"), _("If you reboot, your system " "will be left in an " "inconsistent state that " "will likely require " "reinstallation. Are you " "sure you wish to " "continue?"), type = "custom", custom_icon="warning", custom_buttons = [_("_Cancel"), _("_Reboot")]) if rc == 1: sys.exit(0) self.progress.setPackageStatus(_("Installing..."), None) fn = self.method.unlinkFilename(fn) return self.rpmFD elif (what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_INST_PROGRESS): # RPM returns strange values sometimes if amount > total: amount = total if not total or total == 0 or total == "0": total = amount self.progress.setPackageScale(amount, total) elif (what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_INST_CLOSE_FILE): os.close (self.rpmFD) self.progress.completePackage(h, self.pkgTimer) self.progress.processEvents() elif ((what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_UNPACK_ERROR) or (what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_CPIO_ERROR)): # we may want to make this error more fine-grained at some # point pkg = "%s-%s-%s" % (h[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME], h[rpm.RPMTAG_VERSION], h[rpm.RPMTAG_RELEASE]) self.messageWindow(_("Error Installing Package"), _("There was an error installing %s. This " "can indicate media failure, lack of disk " "space, and/or hardware problems. This is " "a fatal error and your install will be " "aborted. Please verify your media and try " "your install again.\n\n" "Press the OK button to reboot " "your system.") % (pkg,)) sys.exit(0) else: pass self.progress.processEvents() def __init__(self, messageWindow, progress, pkgTimer, method, progressWindowClass, instLog, modeText, ts): self.messageWindow = messageWindow self.progress = progress self.pkgTimer = pkgTimer self.method = method self.progressWindowClass = progressWindowClass self.progressWindow = None self.lastprogress = 0 self.incr = 20 self.instLog = instLog self.modeText = modeText self.beenCalled = 0 self.initWindow = None self.ts = ts def sortPackages(first, second): # install packages in cd order (cd tag is 1000002) one = None two = None if first[1000003] != None: one = first[1000003] if second[1000003] != None: two = second[1000003] if one == None or two == None: one = 0 two = 0 if first[1000002] != None: one = first[1000002] if second[1000002] != None: two = second[1000002] if one < two: return -1 elif one > two: return 1 elif (string.lower(first[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME]) < string.lower(second[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME])): return -1 elif (string.lower(first[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME]) > string.lower(second[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME])): return 1 return 0 class rpmErrorClass: def cb(self): self.f.write (rpm.errorString () + "\n") def __init__(self, f): self.f = f def doMigrateFilesystems(dir, thefsset, diskset, upgrade, instPath): if dir == DISPATCH_BACK: return DISPATCH_NOOP if thefsset.haveMigratedFilesystems(): return DISPATCH_NOOP thefsset.migrateFilesystems (instPath) # if we're upgrading, we may need to do lvm device node hackery if upgrade: thefsset.makeLVMNodes(instPath, trylvm1 = 1) def turnOnFilesystems(dir, thefsset, diskset, partitions, upgrade, instPath): if dir == DISPATCH_BACK: log.info("unmounting filesystems") thefsset.umountFilesystems(instPath) return if flags.setupFilesystems: if not upgrade: partitions.doMetaDeletes(diskset) thefsset.setActive(diskset) if not thefsset.isActive(): diskset.savePartitions () thefsset.checkBadblocks(instPath) if not thefsset.volumesCreated: thefsset.createLogicalVolumes(instPath) thefsset.formatSwap(instPath) thefsset.turnOnSwap(instPath) thefsset.makeFilesystems (instPath) thefsset.mountFilesystems (instPath) def setupTimezone(timezone, upgrade, instPath, dir): # we don't need this on an upgrade or going backwards if upgrade or (dir == DISPATCH_BACK): return # dont do this in test mode! if flags.test: return os.environ["TZ"] = timezone.tz tzfile = "/usr/share/zoneinfo/" + timezone.tz if not os.access(tzfile, os.R_OK): log.error("unable to set timezone") else: try: iutil.copyFile(tzfile, "/etc/localtime") except OSError, (errno, msg): log.error("Error copying timezone (from %s): %s" %(tzfile, msg)) if iutil.getArch() == "s390": return args = [ "/usr/sbin/hwclock", "--hctosys" ] if timezone.utc: args.append("-u") elif timezone.arc: args.append("-a") try: iutil.execWithRedirect(args[0], args, stdin = None, stdout = "/dev/tty5", stderr = "/dev/tty5") except RuntimeError: log.error("Failed to set clock") # do miscellaneous package selections based on other installation selections def handleMiscPackages(intf, id, dir): if dir == DISPATCH_BACK: return arch = iutil.getArch () # this is a crappy hack, but I don't want bug reports from these people if (arch == "i386") and (not id.grpset.hdrlist.has_key("kernel")): intf.messageWindow(_("Error"), _("You are trying to install on a machine " "which isn't supported by this release of " "%s.") %(productName,), type="custom", custom_icon="error", custom_buttons=[_("_Exit")]) sys.exit(0) # shorthand upgrade = id.getUpgrade() def select(hdrlist, name): if hdrlist.has_key(name): hdrlist[name].select(isManual = 1) return 1 return 0 def selected(hdrlist, name): if hdrlist.has_key(name) and hdrlist[name].isSelected(): return 1 return 0 if not upgrade: foundkernel = 0 if isys.smpAvailable() or isys.htavailable(): if id.grpset.hdrlist.has_key("kernel-smp") and \ id.grpset.hdrlist["kernel-smp"][rpm.RPMTAG_ARCH] == \ id.grpset.hdrlist["kernel"][rpm.RPMTAG_ARCH]: if select(id.grpset.hdrlist, 'kernel-smp'): foundkernel = 1 if selected(id.grpset.hdrlist, "gcc"): select(id.grpset.hdrlist, "kernel-smp-devel") if foundkernel == 0: # we *always* need to have some sort of kernel installed select(id.grpset.hdrlist, 'kernel') if (selected(id.grpset.hdrlist, "gcc") and selected(id.grpset.hdrlist, "kernel")): select(id.grpset.hdrlist, "kernel-devel") # if NIS is configured, install ypbind and dependencies: if id.auth.useNIS: select(id.grpset.hdrlist, 'ypbind') select(id.grpset.hdrlist, 'yp-tools') select(id.grpset.hdrlist, 'portmap') if id.auth.useLdap: select(id.grpset.hdrlist, 'nss_ldap') select(id.grpset.hdrlist, 'openldap') select(id.grpset.hdrlist, 'perl') if id.auth.useKrb5: select(id.grpset.hdrlist, 'pam_krb5') select(id.grpset.hdrlist, 'krb5-workstation') select(id.grpset.hdrlist, 'krbafs') select(id.grpset.hdrlist, 'krb5-libs') if id.auth.useSamba: select(id.grpset.hdrlist, 'pam_smb') if iutil.getArch() == "i386" and id.bootloader.useGrubVal == 1: select(id.grpset.hdrlist, 'grub') elif iutil.getArch() == "s390": select(id.grpset.hdrlist, 's390utils') elif iutil.getArch() == "ppc": select(id.grpset.hdrlist, 'yaboot') elif iutil.getArch() == "ia64": select(id.grpset.hdrlist, 'elilo') if pcmcia.pcicType(): select(id.grpset.hdrlist, 'pcmcia-cs') for entry in id.fsset.entries: for pkg in entry.fsystem.getNeededPackages(): if select(id.grpset.hdrlist, pkg): log.info("Needed %s for %s" %(pkg, entry.getMountPoint())) def doPreInstall(method, id, intf, instPath, dir): if dir == DISPATCH_BACK: for d in ("/selinux", "/dev"): try: isys.umount(instPath + d, removeDir = 0) except Exception, e: log.error("unable to unmount %s: %s" %(d, e)) return if flags.test: return # shorthand upgrade = id.getUpgrade() # make sure that all comps that include other comps are # selected (i.e. - recurse down the selected comps and turn # on the children while 1: try: method.mergeFullHeaders(id.grpset.hdrlist) except FileCopyException: method.unmountCD() intf.messageWindow(_("Error"), _("Unable to merge header list. This may be " "due to a missing file or bad media. " "Press to try again.")) else: break if upgrade: # An old mtab can cause confusion (esp if loop devices are # in it) f = open(instPath + "/etc/mtab", "w+") f.close() # we really started writing modprobe.conf out before things were # all completely ready. so now we need to nuke old modprobe.conf's # if you're upgrading from a 2.4 dist so that we can get the # transition right if (os.path.exists(instPath + "/etc/modules.conf") and os.path.exists(instPath + "/etc/modprobe.conf") and not os.path.exists(instPath + "/etc/modprobe.conf.anacbak")): log.info("renaming old modprobe.conf -> modprobe.conf.anacbak") os.rename(instPath + "/etc/modprobe.conf", instPath + "/etc/modprobe.conf.anacbak") if method.systemMounted (id.fsset, instPath): id.fsset.umountFilesystems(instPath) return DISPATCH_BACK for i in ( '/var', '/var/lib', '/var/lib/rpm', '/tmp', '/dev', '/etc', '/etc/sysconfig', '/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts', '/etc/X11', '/root', '/var/tmp', '/etc/rpm' ): try: os.mkdir(instPath + i) except os.error, (errno, msg): pass # log.error("Error making directory %s: %s" % (i, msg)) if flags.setupFilesystems: # setup /etc/rpm/platform for the post-install environment iutil.writeRpmPlatform(instPath) try: # FIXME: making the /var/lib/rpm symlink here is a hack to # workaround db->close() errors from rpm iutil.mkdirChain("/var/lib") for path in ("/var/tmp", "/var/lib/rpm"): if os.path.exists(path) and not os.path.islink(path): iutil.rmrf(path) if not os.path.islink(path): os.symlink("/mnt/sysimage/%s" %(path,), "%s" %(path,)) else: log.warning("%s already exists as a symlink to %s" %(path, os.readlink(path),)) except Exception, e: # how this could happen isn't entirely clear; log it in case # it does and causes problems later log.error("error creating symlink, continuing anyway: %s" %(e,)) # SELinux hackery (#121369) if flags.selinux: try: os.mkdir(instPath + "/selinux") except Exception, e: pass try: isys.mount("/selinux", instPath + "/selinux", "selinuxfs") except Exception, e: log.error("error mounting selinuxfs: %s" %(e,)) # we need to have a /dev during install and now that udev is # handling /dev, it gets to be more fun. so just bind mount the # installer /dev if not id.grpset.hdrlist.has_key("dev"): log.warning("no dev package, going to bind mount /dev") isys.mount("/dev", "/mnt/sysimage/dev", bindMount = 1) # try to copy the comps package. if it doesn't work, don't worry about it try: id.compspkg = method.copyFileToTemp("%s/base/comps.rpm" % (productPath,)) except: log.error("Unable to copy comps package") id.compspkg = None # write out the fstab if not upgrade: id.fsset.write(instPath) # rootpath mode doesn't have this file around if os.access("/tmp/modprobe.conf", os.R_OK): iutil.copyFile("/tmp/modprobe.conf", instPath + "/etc/modprobe.conf") if os.access("/tmp/zfcp.conf", os.R_OK): iutil.copyFile("/tmp/zfcp.conf", instPath + "/etc/zfcp.conf") # make a /etc/mtab so mkinitrd can handle certain hw (usb) correctly f = open(instPath + "/etc/mtab", "w+") f.write(id.fsset.mtab()) f.close() # delay writing migrate adjusted fstab till later, in case # rpm transaction set determines they don't have enough space to upgrade # else: # id.fsset.migratewrite(instPath) def doPostInstall(method, id, intf, instPath): if flags.test: return w = intf.progressWindow(_("Post Install"), _("Performing post install configuration..."), 6) upgrade = id.getUpgrade() arch = iutil.getArch () if upgrade: logname = '/root/upgrade.log' else: logname = '/root/install.log' instLogName = instPath + logname instLog = open(instLogName, "a") try: if not upgrade: w.set(1) copyExtraModules(instPath, id.grpset, id.extraModules) w.set(2) # pcmcia is supported only on i386 at the moment if arch == "i386": pcmcia.createPcmciaConfig( instPath + "/etc/sysconfig/pcmcia") # we need to write out the network bits before kudzu runs # to avoid getting devices in the wrong order (#102276) id.network.write(instPath) w.set(3) # blah. If we're on a serial mouse, and we have X, we need to # close the mouse device, then run kudzu, then open it again. # turn it off mousedev = None # XXX currently Bad Things (X async reply) happen when doing # Mouse Magic on Sparc (Mach64, specificly) # The s390 doesn't even have a mouse! if os.environ.get('DISPLAY') == ':1' and arch != 'sparc': try: import xmouse mousedev = xmouse.get()[0] except RuntimeError: pass if mousedev: try: os.rename (mousedev, "/dev/disablemouse") except OSError: pass try: xmouse.reopen() except RuntimeError: pass if arch != "s390" and flags.setupFilesystems: # we need to unmount usbdevfs before mounting it usbWasMounted = iutil.isUSBDevFSMounted() if usbWasMounted: isys.umount('/proc/bus/usb', removeDir = 0) # see if unmount suceeded, if not pretent it isnt mounted # because we're screwed anywyas if system is going to # lock up if iutil.isUSBDevFSMounted(): usbWasMounted = 0 unmountUSB = 0 try: isys.mount('/usbfs', instPath+'/proc/bus/usb', 'usbfs') unmountUSB = 1 except: log.error("Mount of /proc/bus/usb in chroot failed") pass argv = [ "/usr/sbin/kudzu", "-q" ] if id.grpset.hdrlist.has_key("kernel"): ver = "%s-%s" %(id.grpset.hdrlist["kernel"][rpm.RPMTAG_VERSION], id.grpset.hdrlist["kernel"][rpm.RPMTAG_RELEASE]) argv.extend(["-k", ver]) devnull = os.open("/dev/null", os.O_RDWR) iutil.execWithRedirect(argv[0], argv, root = instPath, stdout = devnull) # turn it back on if mousedev: try: os.rename ("/dev/disablemouse", mousedev) except OSError: pass try: xmouse.reopen() except RuntimeError: pass if unmountUSB: try: isys.umount(instPath + '/proc/bus/usb', removeDir = 0) except SystemError: # if we fail to unmount, then we should just not # try to remount it. this protects us from random # suckage usbWasMounted = 0 if usbWasMounted: isys.mount('/usbfs', '/proc/bus/usb', 'usbfs') w.set(4) if upgrade and id.dbpath is not None: # remove the old rpmdb try: iutil.rmrf (id.dbpath) except OSError: pass if upgrade: # needed for prior systems which were not xinetd based migrateXinetd(instPath, instLogName) # needed for prior to 2.6 so that mice have some chance # of working afterwards. FIXME: this is a hack migrateMouseConfig(instPath, instLogName) if id.grpset.hdrlist.has_key("rhgb") and id.grpset.hdrlist["rhgb"].isSelected(): log.info("rhgb installed, adding to boot loader config") id.bootloader.args.append("rhgb quiet") w.set(5) # FIXME: hack to install the comps package if (id.compspkg is not None and os.access(id.compspkg, os.R_OK)): log.info("found the comps package") try: # ugly hack path = id.compspkg.split("/mnt/sysimage")[1] args = ["/bin/rpm", "-Uvh", path] rc = iutil.execWithRedirect(args[0], args, stdout = "/dev/tty5", stderr = "/dev/tty5", root = instPath) ts = rpm.TransactionSet() ts.setVSFlags(~(rpm.RPMVSF_NORSA|rpm.RPMVSF_NODSA)) ts.closeDB() fd = os.open(id.compspkg, os.O_RDONLY) h = ts.hdrFromFdno(fd) os.close(fd) if upgrade: text = _("Upgrading %s-%s-%s.%s.\n") else: text = _("Installing %s-%s-%s.%s.\n") instLog.write(text % (h['name'], h['version'], h['release'], h['arch'])) os.unlink(id.compspkg) del ts except Exception, e: log.error("comps.rpm failed to install: %s" %(e,)) try: os.unlink(id.compspkg) except: pass else: log.error("no comps package found") w.set(6) finally: pass if upgrade: instLog.write(_("\n\nThe following packages were available in " "this version but NOT upgraded:\n")) else: instLog.write(_("\n\nThe following packages were available in " "this version but NOT installed:\n")) lines = [] for p in id.grpset.hdrlist.values(): if not p.isSelected(): lines.append("%s-%s-%s.%s.rpm\n" % (p.hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME], p.hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_VERSION], p.hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_RELEASE], p.hdr[rpm.RPMTAG_ARCH])) lines.sort() for line in lines: instLog.write(line) # XXX hack - we should really write a proper lvm "config". but for now # just vgscan if they have /sbin/lvm and some appearance of volumes if (os.access(instPath + "/sbin/lvm", os.X_OK) and os.access(instPath + "/dev/mapper", os.X_OK) and len(os.listdir("/dev/mapper")) > 1): rc = iutil.execWithRedirect("/sbin/lvm", ["lvm", "vgscan", "-v"], stdout = "/dev/tty5", stderr = "/dev/tty5", root = instPath, searchPath = 1) # write out info on install method used try: if id.methodstr is not None: if os.access (instPath + "/etc/sysconfig/installinfo", os.R_OK): os.rename (instPath + "/etc/sysconfig/installinfo", instPath + "/etc/sysconfig/installinfo.rpmsave") f = open(instPath + "/etc/sysconfig/installinfo", "w+") f.write("INSTALLMETHOD=%s\n" % (string.split(id.methodstr, ':')[0],)) try: ii = open("/tmp/isoinfo", "r") il = ii.readlines() ii.close() for line in il: f.write(line) except: pass f.close() else: log.warning("methodstr not set for some reason") except: log.error("Failed to write out installinfo") w.pop () sys.stdout.flush() if flags.setupFilesystems: syslog.stop() # FIXME: this is a huge gross hack. hard coded list of files # created by anaconda so that we can not be killed by selinux def setFileCons(instPath, partitions): import partRequests if flags.selinux: log.info("setting SELinux contexts for anaconda created files") files = ["/etc/rpm/platform", "/etc/rpm/macros", "/etc/lilo.conf.anaconda", "/etc/mtab", "/etc/fstab", "/etc/resolv.conf", "/etc/modprobe.conf", "/etc/modprobe.conf~", "/var/log/wtmp", "/var/run/utmp", "/dev/log", "/var/lib/rpm", "/", "/etc/raidtab", "/etc/mdadm.conf"] vgs = [] for entry in partitions.requests: if isinstance(entry, partRequests.VolumeGroupRequestSpec): vgs.append("/dev/%s" %(entry.volumeGroupName,)) # ugh, this is ugly for dir in ["/var/lib/rpm", "/etc/lvm", "/dev/mapper"] + vgs: def addpath(x): return dir + "/" + x if not os.path.isdir(instPath + dir): continue dirfiles = os.listdir(instPath + dir) files.extend(map(addpath, dirfiles)) files.append(dir) # blah, to work in a chroot, we need to actually be inside so the # regexes will work child = os.fork() if (not child): os.chroot(instPath) for f in files: if not os.access("%s" %(f,), os.R_OK): log.warning("%s doesn't exist" %(f,)) continue ret = isys.resetFileContext(f) log.info("set fc of %s to %s" %(f, ret)) os._exit(0) try: os.waitpid(child, 0) except OSError, (num, msg): pass return # XXX: large hack lies here def migrateMouseConfig(instPath, instLog): if not os.access (instPath + "/usr/sbin/fix-mouse-psaux", os.X_OK): return argv = [ "/usr/sbin/fix-mouse-psaux" ] logfile = os.open (instLog, os.O_APPEND) iutil.execWithRedirect(argv[0], argv, root = instPath, stdout = logfile, stderr = logfile) os.close(logfile) def migrateXinetd(instPath, instLog): if not os.access (instPath + "/usr/sbin/inetdconvert", os.X_OK): return if not os.access (instPath + "/etc/inetd.conf.rpmsave", os.R_OK): return argv = [ "/usr/sbin/inetdconvert", "--convertremaining", "--inetdfile", "/etc/inetd.conf.rpmsave" ] logfile = os.open (instLog, os.O_APPEND) iutil.execWithRedirect(argv[0], argv, root = instPath, stdout = logfile, stderr = logfile) os.close(logfile) def copyExtraModules(instPath, grpset, extraModules): kernelVersions = grpset.kernelVersionList() foundModule = 0 try: f = open("/etc/arch") arch = f.readline().strip() del f except IOError: arch = os.uname()[2] for (path, name) in extraModules: if not path: path = "/modules.cgz" pattern = "" names = "" for (n, tag) in kernelVersions: if tag == "up": pkg = "kernel" else: pkg = "kernel-%s" %(tag,) arch = grpset.hdrlist[pkg][rpm.RPMTAG_ARCH] # version 1 path pattern = pattern + " %s/%s/%s.ko " % (n, arch, name) # version 0 path pattern = pattern + " %s/%s.ko " % (n, name) names = names + " %s.ko" % (name,) command = ("cd %s/lib/modules; gunzip < %s | " "%s/bin/cpio --quiet -iumd %s" % (instPath, path, instPath, pattern)) log.info("running: '%s'" % (command, )) os.system(command) for (n, tag) in kernelVersions: if tag == "up": pkg = "kernel" else: pkg = "kernel-%s" %(tag,) toDir = "%s/lib/modules/%s/updates" % \ (instPath, n) to = "%s/%s.ko" % (toDir, name) if (os.path.isdir("%s/lib/modules/%s" %(instPath, n)) and not os.path.isdir("%s/lib/modules/%s/updates" %(instPath, n))): os.mkdir("%s/lib/modules/%s/updates" %(instPath, n)) if not os.path.isdir(toDir): continue arch = grpset.hdrlist[pkg][rpm.RPMTAG_ARCH] for p in ("%s/%s.ko" %(arch, name), "%s.ko" %(name,)): fromFile = "%s/lib/modules/%s/%s" % (instPath, n, p) if (os.access(fromFile, os.R_OK)): log.info("moving %s to %s" % (fromFile, to)) os.rename(fromFile, to) # the file might not have been owned by root in the cgz os.chown(to, 0, 0) foundModule = 1 else: log.warning("missing DD module %s (this may be okay)" % fromFile) if foundModule == 1: for (n, tag) in kernelVersions: recreateInitrd(n, instPath) #Recreate initrd for use when driver disks add modules def recreateInitrd (kernelTag, instRoot): log.info("recreating initrd for %s" % (kernelTag,)) iutil.execWithRedirect("/sbin/new-kernel-pkg", [ "/sbin/new-kernel-pkg", "--mkinitrd", "--depmod", "--install", kernelTag ], stdout = None, stderr = None, searchPath = 1, root = instRoot) def betaNagScreen(intf, dir): publicBetas = { "Red Hat Linux": "Red Hat Linux Public Beta", "Red Hat Enterprise Linux": "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Public Beta", "Fedora Core": "Fedora Core" } if dir == DISPATCH_BACK: return DISPATCH_NOOP fileagainst = None for (key, val) in publicBetas.items(): if productName.startswith(key): fileagainst = val if fileagainst is None: fileagainst = "%s Beta" %(productName,) while 1: rc = intf.messageWindow( _("Warning! This is pre-release software!"), _("Thank you for downloading this " "pre-release of %s.\n\n" "This is not a final " "release and is not intended for use " "on production systems. The purpose of " "this release is to collect feedback " "from testers, and it is not suitable " "for day to day usage.\n\n" "To report feedback, please visit:\n\n" " %s\n\n" "and file a report against '%s'.\n") %(productName, bugzillaUrl, fileagainst), type="custom", custom_icon="warning", custom_buttons=[_("_Exit"), _("_Install anyway")]) if not rc: if flags.rootpath: msg = _("The installer will now exit...") buttons = [_("_Back"), _("_Exit")] else: msg = _("Your system will now be rebooted...") buttons = [_("_Back"), _("_Reboot")] rc = intf.messageWindow( _("Rebooting System"), msg, type="custom", custom_icon="warning", custom_buttons=buttons) if rc: sys.exit(0) else: break # FIXME: this is a kind of poor way to do this, but it will work for now def selectPackageConditionals(grpset, grp): xmlgrp = grpset.compsxml.groups[grp.basename] for package in xmlgrp.pkgConditionals.keys(): req = xmlgrp.pkgConditionals[package] if not grpset.hdrlist.has_key(package): log.warning ("Missing %s which is in a conditional" %(package,)) continue # add to the deps in the dependencies structure for the # package. this should take care of whenever we're # selected grpset.hdrlist[req].addDeps([package], main = 0) if grpset.hdrlist[req].isSelected(): grpset.hdrlist[package].select() grpset.hdrlist[package].usecount += grpset.hdrlist[req].usecount - 1 grp.selectDeps([package], uses = grpset.hdrlist[req].usecount) # Loop over all the selected groups and make sure all the conditionals are # met. def fixupConditionals(grpset): for grp in grpset.groups: if grpset.groups[grp].isSelected(): selectPackageConditionals(grpset, grpset.groups[grp]) def selectLanguageSupportGroups(grpset, instLanguage): if not grpset.groups.has_key("language-support"): return langs = [] for l in language.expandLangs (instLanguage.getDefault()): langs.append(l) grp = grpset.groups["language-support"] for (pid, pdict) in grp.packages.items(): if pdict['meta'] != 1: continue if not grpset.groups.has_key(pid): continue group = grpset.groups[pid] if group.langonly is not None and group.langonly in langs: grp.selectPackage(pid) grp.usecount = grp.usecount + 1 selectPackageConditionals(grpset, group) if grp.usecount > 0: grpset.groups["language-support"].select()