# # packages.py: package management - mainly package installation # # Erik Troan # # Copyright 2001-2002 Red Hat, Inc. # # This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU # library public license. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # import iutil import isys import rpm404 as rpm import os import timer import time import sys import string import pcmcia import fsset from flags import flags from constants import * from syslogd import syslog from rhpl.log import log from rhpl.translate import _ rpm.addMacro("_i18ndomains", "redhat-dist") def queryUpgradeContinue(intf, dir): if dir == DISPATCH_FORWARD: return rc = intf.messageWindow(_("Proceed with upgrade?"), _("The filesystems of the Linux installation " "you have chosen to upgrade have already been " "mounted. You cannot go back past this point. " "\n\n") + _( "Would you like to continue with the upgrade?"), type = "yesno") if rc == 0: sys.exit(0) return DISPATCH_FORWARD def doPostAction(id, instPath): id.instClass.postAction(instPath, flags.serial) def firstbootConfiguration(id, instPath): if id.firstboot == FIRSTBOOT_RECONFIG: f = open(instPath + '/etc/reconfigSys', 'w+') f.close() elif id.firstboot == FIRSTBOOT_SKIP: f = open(instPath + '/etc/sysconfig/firstboot', 'w+') f.write('RUN_FIRSTBOOT=NO') f.close() return def writeConfiguration(id, instPath): log("Writing main configuration") if not flags.test: id.write(instPath) def writeKSConfiguration(id, instPath): log("Writing autokickstart file") if not flags.test: fn = instPath + "/root/anaconda-ks.cfg" else: fn = "/tmp/anaconda-ks.cfg" id.writeKS(fn) def writeXConfiguration(id, instPath): if flags.test: return if id.xconfig.skipx: return xserver = id.videocard.primaryCard().getXServer() if not xserver: return log("Writing X configuration") if not flags.test: fn = instPath if os.access (instPath + "/etc/X11/X", os.R_OK): os.rename (instPath + "/etc/X11/X", instPath + "/etc/X11/X.rpmsave") try: os.unlink (instPath + "/etc/X11/X") except OSError: pass os.symlink ("../../usr/X11R6/bin/" + xserver, instPath + "/etc/X11/X") else: fn = "/tmp/" id.xconfig.write(fn+"/etc/X11") id.desktop.write(instPath) def readPackages(intf, method, id): if (not id.hdList): w = intf.waitWindow(_("Reading"), _("Reading package information...")) id.hdList = method.readHeaders() id.instClass.setPackageSelection(id.hdList) w.pop() if not id.comps: id.comps = method.readComps(id.hdList) id.instClass.setGroupSelection(id.comps) # XXX #updateInstClassComps () else: # re-evaluate all the expressions for packages with qualifiers. id.comps.updateSelections() def handleX11Packages(dir, intf, disp, id, instPath): if dir == DISPATCH_BACK: return # skip X setup if it is not being installed if (not id.comps.packages.has_key('XFree86') or not id.comps.packages['XFree86'].selected): disp.skipStep("videocard") disp.skipStep("monitor") disp.skipStep("xcustom") disp.skipStep("writexconfig") id.xconfig.skipx = 1 elif disp.stepInSkipList("videocard"): # if X is being installed, but videocard step skipped # need to turn it back on disp.skipStep("videocard", skip=0) disp.skipStep("monitor", skip=0) disp.skipStep("xcustom", skip=0) disp.skipStep("writexconfig", skip=0) id.xconfig.skipx = 0 # set default runlevel based on packages gnomeSelected = (id.comps.packages.has_key('gnome-session') and id.comps.packages['gnome-session'].selected) kdeSelected = (id.comps.packages.has_key('kdebase') and id.comps.packages['kdebase'].selected) if gnomeSelected: id.desktop.setDefaultDesktop("GNOME") elif kdeSelected: id.desktop.setDefaultDesktop("KDE") if gnomeSelected or kdeSelected: id.desktop.setDefaultRunLevel(5) def checkDependencies(dir, intf, disp, id, instPath): if dir == DISPATCH_BACK: return win = intf.waitWindow(_("Dependency Check"), _("Checking dependencies in packages selected for installation...")) id.dependencies = id.comps.verifyDeps(instPath, id.upgrade.get()) win.pop() if (id.dependencies and id.comps.canResolveDeps(id.dependencies) and id.handleDeps == CHECK_DEPS): disp.skipStep("dependencies", skip = 0) else: disp.skipStep("dependencies") # this is kind of hackish, but makes kickstart happy if id.handleDeps == CHECK_DEPS: pass elif id.handleDeps == IGNORE_DEPS: id.comps.selectDepCause(id.dependencies) id.comps.unselectDeps(id.dependencies) elif id.handleDeps == RESOLVE_DEPS: id.comps.selectDepCause(id.dependencies) id.comps.selectDeps(id.dependencies) #XXX #try: #self.todo.getHeaderList () #self.todo.getCompsList() #self.files_found = "TRUE" #except ValueError, msg: #extra = msg #except RuntimeError, msg: #extra = msg #except TypeError, msg: #extra = msg #except KeyError, key: #extra = ("The comps file references a package called \"%s\" which " #"could not be found." % (key,)) #except: #extra = "" # #if self.files_found == "FALSE": #if extra: #text = (_("The following error occurred while " #"retreiving hdlist file:\n\n" #"%s\n\n" #"Installer will exit now.") % extra) #else: #text = (_("An error has occurred while retreiving the hdlist " #"file. The installation media or image is " #"probably corrupt. Installer will exit now.")) #win = ErrorWindow (text) #else: class InstallCallback: def cb(self, what, amount, total, h, (param)): # first time here means we should pop the window telling # user to wait until we get here if not self.beenCalled: self.beenCalled = 1 self.initWindow.pop() if (what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_TRANS_START): # step 6 is the bulk of the transaction set # processing time if amount == 6: self.progressWindow = \ self.progressWindowClass (_("Processing"), _("Preparing to install..."), total) if (what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_TRANS_PROGRESS): if self.progressWindow: self.progressWindow.set (amount) if (what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_TRANS_STOP and self.progressWindow): self.progressWindow.pop () if (what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_INST_OPEN_FILE): # We don't want to start the timer until we get to the first # file. self.pkgTimer.start() self.progress.setPackage(h) self.progress.setPackageScale(0, 1) self.instLog.write (self.modeText % (h[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME], h[rpm.RPMTAG_VERSION], h[rpm.RPMTAG_RELEASE])) self.instLog.flush () fn = self.method.getFilename(h, self.pkgTimer) self.rpmFD = -1 self.size = h[rpm.RPMTAG_SIZE] while self.rpmFD < 0: try: self.rpmFD = os.open(fn, os.O_RDONLY) # Make sure this package seems valid try: (hdr, isSource) = rpm.headerFromPackage(self.rpmFD) os.lseek(self.rpmFD, 0, 0) # if we don't have a valid package, throw an error if not hdr: raise SystemError except: try: os.close(self.rpmFD) except: pass self.rpmFD = -1 raise SystemError except: self.messageWindow(_("Error"), _("The file %s cannot be opened. This is due to " "a missing file, a bad package, or bad media. " "Press to try again.") % fn) # FIXME: get should probably be inside the loop fn = self.method.getFilename(h, self.pkgTimer) fn = self.method.unlinkFilename(fn) return self.rpmFD elif (what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_INST_PROGRESS): if total != 100: self.progress.setPackageScale(amount, self.size) else: self.progress.setPackageScale(self.size, self.size) elif (what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_INST_CLOSE_FILE): os.close (self.rpmFD) self.progress.completePackage(h, self.pkgTimer) self.progress.processEvents() elif ((what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_UNPACK_ERROR) or (what == rpm.RPMCALLBACK_CPIO_ERROR)): # we may want to make this error more fine-grained at some # point pkg = "%s-%s-%s" % (h[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME], h[rpm.RPMTAG_VERSION], h[rpm.RPMTAG_RELEASE]) self.messageWindow(_("Error Installing Package"), _("There was an error installing %s. This " "can indicate media failure, lack of disk " "space, and/or hardware problems. This is " "a fatal error and your install will be " "aborted. Please verify your media and try " "your install again.\n\n" "Press the OK button to reboot " "your system.") % (pkg,)) sys.exit(0) else: pass self.progress.processEvents() def __init__(self, messageWindow, progress, pkgTimer, method, progressWindowClass, instLog, modeText): self.messageWindow = messageWindow self.progress = progress self.pkgTimer = pkgTimer self.method = method self.progressWindowClass = progressWindowClass self.progressWindow = None self.instLog = instLog self.modeText = modeText self.beenCalled = 0 self.initWindow = None def sortPackages(first, second): # install packages in cd order (cd tag is 1000002) one = None two = None if first[1000003] != None: one = first[1000003] if second[1000003] != None: two = second[1000003] if one == None or two == None: one = 0 two = 0 if first[1000002] != None: one = first[1000002] if second[1000002] != None: two = second[1000002] if one < two: return -1 elif one > two: return 1 elif (string.lower(first[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME]) < string.lower(second[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME])): return -1 elif (string.lower(first[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME]) > string.lower(second[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME])): return 1 return 0 class rpmErrorClass: def cb(self): self.f.write (rpm.errorString () + "\n") def __init__(self, f): self.f = f def doMigrateFilesystems(dir, thefsset, diskset, upgrade, instPath): if dir == DISPATCH_BACK: return DISPATCH_NOOP if thefsset.haveMigratedFilesystems(): return DISPATCH_NOOP thefsset.migrateFilesystems (instPath) def turnOnFilesystems(dir, thefsset, diskset, partitions, upgrade, instPath): if dir == DISPATCH_BACK: thefsset.umountFilesystems(instPath) return if flags.setupFilesystems: if not upgrade.get(): partitions.doMetaDeletes(diskset) thefsset.setActive(diskset) if not thefsset.isActive(): diskset.savePartitions () thefsset.checkBadblocks(instPath) thefsset.createLogicalVolumes(instPath) thefsset.formatSwap(instPath) thefsset.turnOnSwap(instPath) thefsset.makeFilesystems (instPath) thefsset.mountFilesystems (instPath) def doPreInstall(method, id, intf, instPath, dir): if flags.test: return if dir == DISPATCH_BACK: return arch = iutil.getArch () # shorthand upgrade = id.upgrade.get() def select(hdList, name): if hdList.has_key(name): hdList[name].selected = 1 if not upgrade: # this is NICE and LATE. It lets kickstart/server/workstation # installs detect this properly if arch == "s390": if (string.find(os.uname()[2], "tape") > -1): select(id.hdList, 'kernel-tape') else: select(id.hdList, 'kernel') elif isys.smpAvailable() or isys.htavailable(): select(id.hdList, 'kernel-smp') if (id.hdList.has_key('kernel-bigmem')): if iutil.needsEnterpriseKernel(): id.hdList['kernel-bigmem'].selected = 1 # we *always* need a kernel installed select(id.hdList, 'kernel') # if NIS is configured, install ypbind and dependencies: if id.auth.useNIS: select(id.hdList, 'ypbind') select(id.hdList, 'yp-tools') select(id.hdList, 'portmap') if id.auth.useLdap: select(id.hdList, 'nss_ldap') select(id.hdList, 'openldap') select(id.hdList, 'perl') if id.auth.useKrb5: select(id.hdList, 'pam_krb5') select(id.hdList, 'krb5-workstation') select(id.hdList, 'krbafs') select(id.hdList, 'krb5-libs') if id.auth.useSamba: select(id.hdList, 'pam_smb') if pcmcia.pcicType(): select(id.hdList, 'kernel-pcmcia-cs') if iutil.getArch() != "s390": xserver = id.videocard.primaryCard().getXServer() if (xserver and id.comps.packages.has_key('XFree86') and id.comps.packages['XFree86'].selected and xserver != "XFree86"): try: id.hdList['XFree86-' + xserver[5:]].selected = 1 except ValueError, message: log ("Error selecting XFree86 server package: %s", message) except KeyError: log ("Error selecting XFree86 server package, " "package not available") # XXX remove me once we have dependency resolution after # videocard selection try: id.hdList['XFree86-compat-modules'].selected = 1 except ValueError, message: log ("Error selecting XFree86-compat-modules package") except KeyError: log ("Error selecting XFree86-compat-modules, " "package not available") # make sure that all comps that include other comps are # selected (i.e. - recurse down the selected comps and turn # on the children method.mergeFullHeaders(id.hdList) if upgrade: # An old mtab can cause confusion (esp if loop devices are # in it) f = open(instPath + "/etc/mtab", "w+") f.close() if method.systemMounted (id.fsset, instPath, id.hdList.selected()): id.fsset.umountFilesystems(instPath) return DISPATCH_BACK for i in ( '/var', '/var/lib', '/var/lib/rpm', '/tmp', '/dev', '/etc', '/etc/sysconfig', '/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts', '/etc/X11', '/root' ): try: os.mkdir(instPath + i) except os.error, (errno, msg): #self.intf.messageWindow("Error", # "Error making directory %s: " # "%s" % (i, msg)) pass # write out the fstab if not upgrade: id.fsset.write(instPath) # rootpath mode doesn't have this file around if os.access("/tmp/modules.conf", os.R_OK): iutil.copyFile("/tmp/modules.conf", instPath + "/etc/modules.conf") # delay writing migrate adjusted fstab till later, in case # rpm transaction set determines they don't have enough space to upgrade # else: # id.fsset.migratewrite(instPath) def doInstall(method, id, intf, instPath): if flags.test: return # set up dependency white outs import whiteout upgrade = id.upgrade.get() db = rpm.opendb(1, instPath) ts = rpm.TransactionSet(instPath, db) total = 0 totalSize = 0 if upgrade: how = "u" else: how = "i" l = [] for p in id.hdList.selected(): l.append(p) l.sort(sortPackages) progress = intf.progressWindow(_("Processing"), _("Setting up RPM transaction..."), len(l)) i = 0 for p in l: ts.add(p.h, p.h, how) total = total + 1 totalSize = totalSize + (p[rpm.RPMTAG_SIZE] / 1024) i = i + 1 progress.set(i) progress.pop() if not id.hdList.preordered(): log ("WARNING: not all packages in hdlist had order tag") ts.order() if upgrade: logname = '/root/upgrade.log' else: logname = '/root/install.log' instLogName = instPath + logname try: iutil.rmrf (instLogName) except OSError: pass instLog = open(instLogName, "w+") syslogname = "%s%s.syslog" % (instPath, logname) try: iutil.rmrf (syslogname) except OSError: pass syslog.start (instPath, syslogname) if upgrade: instLog.write(_("Upgrading %s packages\n\n") % (i)) else: instLog.write(_("Installing %s packages\n\n") % (i)) ts.scriptFd = instLog.fileno () # the transaction set dup()s the file descriptor and will close the # dup'd when we go out of scope if upgrade: modeText = _("Upgrading %s-%s-%s.\n") else: modeText = _("Installing %s-%s-%s.\n") errors = rpmErrorClass(instLog) oldError = rpm.errorSetCallback (errors.cb) pkgTimer = timer.Timer(start = 0) id.instProgress.setSizes(total, totalSize) id.instProgress.processEvents() cb = InstallCallback(intf.messageWindow, id.instProgress, pkgTimer, method, intf.progressWindow, instLog, modeText) # write out migrate adjusted fstab so kernel RPM can get initrd right if upgrade: id.fsset.migratewrite(instPath) if id.upgradeDeps: instLog.write(_("\n\nThe following packages were automatically\n" "selected to be installed:" "\n" "%s" "\n\n") % (id.upgradeDeps,)) cb.initWindow = intf.waitWindow(_("Install Starting"), _("Starting install process, this may take several minutes...")) problems = ts.run(0, ~rpm.RPMPROB_FILTER_DISKSPACE, cb.cb, 0) # force test mode install # problems = ts.run(rpm.RPMTRANS_FLAG_TEST, ~0, self.instCallback, 0) if problems: # restore old fstab if we did anything for migrating if upgrade: id.fsset.restoreMigratedFstab(instPath) spaceneeded = {} nodeneeded = {} size = 12 # XXX nodeprob = -1 if rpm.__dict__.has_key ("RPMPROB_DISKNODES"): nodeprob = rpm.RPMPROB_DISKNODES for (descr, (type, mount, need)) in problems: if mount.startswith(instPath): mount = mount[13:] if not mount: mount = '/' if type == rpm.RPMPROB_DISKSPACE: if spaceneeded.has_key (mount) and spaceneeded[mount] < need: spaceneeded[mount] = need else: spaceneeded[mount] = need elif type == nodeprob: if nodeneeded.has_key (mount) and nodeneeded[mount] < need: nodeneeded[mount] = need else: nodeneeded[mount] = need else: log ("WARNING: unhandled problem returned from " "transaction set type %d", type) probs = "" if spaceneeded: probs = probs + _("You don't appear to have enough disk space " "to install the packages you've selected. " "You need more space on the following " "filesystems:\n\n") probs = probs + ("%-15s %s\n") % (_("Mount Point"), _("Space Needed")) for (mount, need) in spaceneeded.items (): if need > (1024*1024): need = (need + 1024 * 1024 - 1) / (1024 * 1024) suffix = "M" else: need = (need + 1023) / 1024 suffix = "k" prob = "%-15s %d %c\n" % (mount, need, suffix) probs = probs + prob if nodeneeded: if probs: probs = probs + '\n' probs = probs + _("You don't appear to have enough file nodes " "to install the packages you've selected. " "You need more file nodes on the following " "filesystems:\n\n") probs = probs + ("%-15s %s\n") % (_("Mount Point"), _("Nodes Needed")) for (mount, need) in nodeneeded.items (): prob = "%-15s %d\n" % (mount, need) probs = probs + prob intf.messageWindow (_("Disk Space"), probs) del ts del db instLog.close() syslog.stop() method.systemUnmounted () rpm.errorSetCallback (oldError) return DISPATCH_BACK # This should close the RPM database so that you can # do RPM ops in the chroot in a %post ks script del ts del db rpm.errorSetCallback (oldError) method.filesDone () if upgrade: instLog.write(_("\n\nThe following packages were available in " "this version but NOT upgraded:\n")) for p in id.hdList.packages.values (): if not p.selected: instLog.write("%s-%s-%s.%s.rpm\n" % (p.h[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME], p.h[rpm.RPMTAG_VERSION], p.h[rpm.RPMTAG_RELEASE], p.h[rpm.RPMTAG_ARCH])) instLog.close () id.instProgress = None def doPostInstall(method, id, intf, instPath): if flags.test: return w = intf.progressWindow(_("Post Install"), _("Performing post install configuration..."), 5) upgrade = id.upgrade.get() arch = iutil.getArch () if upgrade: logname = '/root/upgrade.log' else: logname = '/root/install.log' instLogName = instPath + logname instLog = open(instLogName, "a") try: if not upgrade: w.set(1) copyExtraModules(instPath, id.comps, id.extraModules) w.set(2) # pcmcia is supported only on i386 at the moment if arch == "i386": pcmcia.createPcmciaConfig( instPath + "/etc/sysconfig/pcmcia") w.set(3) # blah. If we're on a serial mouse, and we have X, we need to # close the mouse device, then run kudzu, then open it again. # turn it off mousedev = None # XXX currently Bad Things (X async reply) happen when doing # Mouse Magic on Sparc (Mach64, specificly) # The s390 doesn't even have a mouse! if os.environ.has_key ("DISPLAY") and not (arch == "sparc" or arch == "s390"): import xmouse try: mousedev = xmouse.get()[0] except RuntimeError: pass if mousedev: try: os.rename (mousedev, "/dev/disablemouse") except OSError: pass try: xmouse.reopen() except RuntimeError: pass if arch != "s390": unmountUSB = 0 try: isys.mount('/usbdevfs', instPath+'/proc/bus/usb', 'usbdevfs') unmountUSB = 1 except: log("Mount of /proc/bus/usb failed") pass argv = [ "/usr/sbin/kudzu", "-q" ] devnull = os.open("/dev/null", os.O_RDWR) iutil.execWithRedirect(argv[0], argv, root = instPath, stdout = devnull) # turn it back on if mousedev: try: os.rename ("/dev/disablemouse", mousedev) except OSError: pass try: xmouse.reopen() except RuntimeError: pass if unmountUSB: isys.umount(instPath + '/proc/bus/usb', removeDir = 0) w.set(4) if upgrade and id.dbpath is not None: # move the rebuilt db into place. try: iutil.rmrf (instPath + "/var/lib/rpm.rpmsave") except OSError: pass try: os.rename (instPath + "/var/lib/rpm", instPath + "/var/lib/rpm.rpmsave") except OSError: # XXX hack..., if the above move failed, we'll just stash it in # a (hopefully) unique location. (#50339) os.rename (instPath + "/var/lib/rpm", instPath + "/var/lib/rpm.rpmsave-%s" % (str(int(time.time())),)) os.rename (instPath + id.dbpath, instPath + "/var/lib/rpm") # XXX - rpm 4.0.2 %post braindeadness support try: os.unlink (instPath + "/etc/rpm/macros.db1") except OSError: pass if upgrade: # needed for prior systems which were not xinetd based migrateXinetd(instPath, instLogName) w.set(5) finally: pass # XXX hack - we should really write a proper /etc/lvmtab if os.access(instPath + "/sbin/vgscan", os.X_OK): rc = iutil.execWithRedirect("/sbin/vgscan", ["vgscan", "-v"], stdout = "/dev/tty5", stderr = "/dev/tty5", root = instPath, searchPath = 1) w.pop () sys.stdout.flush() syslog.stop() def migrateXinetd(instPath, instLog): if not os.access (instPath + "/usr/sbin/inetdconvert", os.X_OK): return if not os.access (instPath + "/etc/inetd.conf.rpmsave", os.R_OK): return argv = [ "/usr/sbin/inetdconvert", "--convertremaining", "--inetdfile", "/etc/inetd.conf.rpmsave" ] logfile = os.open (instLog, os.O_APPEND) iutil.execWithRedirect(argv[0], argv, root = instPath, stdout = logfile, stderr = logfile) os.close(logfile) def copyExtraModules(instPath, comps, extraModules): kernelVersions = comps.kernelVersionList() for (path, subdir, name) in extraModules: if not path: path = "/modules.cgz" pattern = "" names = "" for (n, tag) in kernelVersions: pattern = pattern + " " + n + "/" + name + ".o" names = names + " " + name + ".o" command = ("cd %s/lib/modules; gunzip < %s | " "%s/bin/cpio --quiet -iumd %s" % (instPath, path, instPath, pattern)) log("running: '%s'" % (command, )) os.system(command) for (n, tag) in kernelVersions: fromFile = "%s/lib/modules/%s/%s.o" % (instPath, n, name) toDir = "%s/lib/modules/%s/kernel/drivers/%s" % \ (instPath, n, subdir) to = "%s/%s.o" % (toDir, name) if (os.access(fromFile, os.R_OK) and os.access(toDir, os.X_OK)): log("moving %s to %s" % (fromFile, to)) os.rename(fromFile, to) # the file might not have been owned by root in the cgz os.chown(to, 0, 0) else: log("missing DD module %s (this may be okay)" % fromFile) recreateInitrd(n, instPath) #Recreate initrd for use when driver disks add modules def recreateInitrd (kernelTag, instRoot): log("recreating initrd for %s" % (kernelTag,)) if iutil.getArch() == 'ia64': initrd = "/boot/efi/initrd-%s.img" % (kernelTag, ) else: initrd = "/boot/initrd-%s.img" % (kernelTag, ) iutil.execWithRedirect("/sbin/mkinitrd", [ "/sbin/mkinitrd", "--ifneeded", "-f", initrd, kernelTag ], stdout = None, stderr = None, searchPath = 1, root = instRoot) # XXX Deprecated. Is this ever called anymore? def depmodModules(comps, instPath): kernelVersions = comps.kernelVersionList() for (version, tag) in kernelVersions: iutil.execWithRedirect ("/sbin/depmod", [ "/sbin/depmod", "-a", version, "-F", "/boot/System.map-" + version ], root = instPath, stderr = '/dev/null') def betaNagScreen(intf, dir): if dir == DISPATCH_BACK: return DISPATCH_NOOP while 1: rc = intf.messageWindow( _("Warning! This is a beta!"), _("Thank you for downloading this " "Red Hat Beta release.\n\n" "This is not a final " "release and is not intended for use " "on production systems. The purpose of " "this release is to collect feedback " "from testers, and it is not suitable " "for day to day usage.\n\n" "To report feedback, please visit:\n\n" " http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla\n\n" "and file a report against 'Red Hat Public " "Beta'.\n"), type="custom", custom_icon="warning", custom_buttons=[_("_Exit"), _("_Install BETA")]) if not rc: rc = intf.messageWindow( _("Rebooting System"), _("Your system will now be rebooted..."), type="custom", custom_icon="warning", custom_buttons=[_("_Back"), _("_Reboot")]) if rc: sys.exit(0) else: break # FIXME: this is really a poor way to do this def packageGroupSelectHack(instClass, id): instClass.selectDependentHiddenGroups(id)