# # network.py - network configuration install data # # Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Red Hat, Inc. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Author(s): Matt Wilson # Erik Troan # Mike Fulbright # Brent Fox # David Cantrell # import string import isys import iutil import socket import os import time import minihal import rhpl import dbus from flags import flags from rhpl.simpleconfig import SimpleConfigFile import gettext _ = lambda x: gettext.ldgettext("anaconda", x) import logging log = logging.getLogger("anaconda") class IPError(Exception): pass class IPMissing(Exception): pass def sanityCheckHostname(hostname): if len(hostname) < 1: return None if len(hostname) > 255: return _("Hostname must be 255 or fewer characters in length.") validStart = string.ascii_letters + string.digits validAll = validStart + ".-" if string.find(validStart, hostname[0]) == -1: return _("Hostname must start with a valid character in the ranges " "'a-z', 'A-Z', or '0-9'") for i in range(1, len(hostname)): if string.find(validAll, hostname[i]) == -1: return _("Hostnames can only contain the characters 'a-z', 'A-Z', '0-9', '-', or '.'") return None # Try to determine what the hostname should be for this system def getDefaultHostname(anaconda): hn = None bus = dbus.SystemBus() nm = bus.get_object(isys.NM_SERVICE, isys.NM_MANAGER_PATH) nm_props_iface = dbus.Interface(nm, isys.DBUS_PROPS_IFACE) active_connections = nm_props_iface.Get(isys.NM_MANAGER_IFACE, "ActiveConnections") # XXX: account for Ip6Config objects when NetworkManager supports them for connection in active_connections: active_connection = bus.get_object(isys.NM_SERVICE, connection) active_connection_props_iface = dbus.Interface(active_connection, isys.DBUS_PROPS_IFACE) devices = active_connection_props_iface.Get(isys.NM_MANAGER_IFACE, 'Devices') for device_path in devices: device = bus.get_object(isys.NM_SERVICE, device_path) device_props_iface = dbus.Interface(device, isys.DBUS_PROPS_IFACE) ip4_config_path = device_props_iface.Get(isys.NM_MANAGER_IFACE, 'Ip4Config') ip4_config_obj = bus.get_object(isys.NM_SERVICE, ip4_config_path) ip4_config_props = dbus.Interface(ip4_config_obj, isys.DBUS_PROPS_IFACE) domains = ip4_config_props.Get(isys.NM_MANAGER_IFACE, "Domains") hostname = ip4_config_props.Get(isys.NM_MANAGER_IFACE, "Hostname") if len(domains) == 1: hn = "%s.%s" % (hostname, domains[0],) else: hn = hostname if hn: return hn # NetworkManager didn't give us a hostname, try to find it another way hn = anaconda.id.network.hostname if hn == '' or hn == '(none)' or hn == 'localhost' or hn == 'localhost.localdomain': hn = socket.gethostname() if hn == '(none)' or hn == 'localhost': hn = 'localhost.localdomain' return hn # return if the device is of a type that requires a ptpaddr to be specified def isPtpDev(devname): if (devname.startswith("ctc") or devname.startswith("iucv")): return True return False def _anyUsing(method): # method names that NetworkManager might use if method == 'auto': methods = (method, 'dhcp') else: methods = (method) try: bus = dbus.SystemBus() nm = bus.get_object(isys.NM_SERVICE, isys.NM_MANAGER_PATH) nm_props_iface = dbus.Interface(nm, isys.DBUS_PROPS_IFACE) active_connections = nm_props_iface.Get(isys.NM_MANAGER_IFACE, "ActiveConnections") for path in active_connections: active = bus.get_object(isys.NM_SERVICE, path) active_props_iface = dbus.Interface(active, isys.DBUS_PROPS_IFACE) active_service_name = active_props_iface.Get(isys.NM_ACTIVE_CONNECTION_IFACE, "ServiceName") active_path = active_props_iface.Get(isys.NM_ACTIVE_CONNECTION_IFACE, "Connection") connection = bus.get_object(active_service_name, active_path) connection_iface = dbus.Interface(connection, isys.NM_CONNECTION_IFACE) settings = connection_iface.GetSettings() # XXX: add support for Ip6Config when it appears ip4_setting = settings['ipv4'] if not ip4_setting or not ip4_setting['method'] or ip4_setting['method'] in methods: return True return False except: return False # determine whether any active at boot devices are using dhcp or dhcpv6 def anyUsingDHCP(): return _anyUsing('auto') # determine whether any active at boot devices are using static IP config def anyUsingStatic(): return _anyUsing('manual') # sanity check an IP string. def sanityCheckIPString(ip_string): if ip_string.strip() == "": raise IPMissing, _("IP address is missing.") if ip_string.find(':') == -1 and ip_string.find('.') > 0: family = socket.AF_INET errstr = _("IPv4 addresses must contain four numbers between 0 and 255, separated by periods.") elif ip_string.find(':') > 0 and ip_string.find('.') == -1: family = socket.AF_INET6 errstr = _("'%s' is not a valid IPv6 address.") % ip_string else: raise IPError, _("'%s' is an invalid IP address.") % ip_string try: socket.inet_pton(family, ip_string) except socket.error: raise IPError, errstr def hasActiveNetDev(): try: bus = dbus.SystemBus() nm = bus.get_object(isys.NM_SERVICE, isys.NM_MANAGER_PATH) props = dbus.Interface(nm, isys.DBUS_PROPS_IFACE) state = props.Get(isys.NM_SERVICE, "State") if int(state) == isys.NM_STATE_CONNECTED: return True else: return False except: return False class NetworkDevice(SimpleConfigFile): def __str__(self): s = "" s = s + "DEVICE=" + self.info["DEVICE"] + "\n" keys = self.info.keys() keys.sort() keys.remove("DEVICE") if "DESC" in keys: keys.remove("DESC") if "KEY" in keys: keys.remove("KEY") for key in keys: if key in ("NM_CONTROLLED"): continue # make sure we include autoneg in the ethtool line elif key == 'ETHTOOL_OPTS' and self.info[key].find("autoneg")== -1: s = s + key + """="autoneg off %s"\n""" % (self.info[key]) elif self.info[key] is not None: s = s + key + "=" + self.info[key] + "\n" return s def __init__(self, dev): self.info = { "DEVICE" : dev } if dev.startswith('ctc'): self.info["TYPE"] = "CTC" elif dev.startswith('iucv'): self.info["TYPE"] = "IUCV" class Network: def __init__(self): self.netdevices = {} self.domains = [] self.hostname = socket.gethostname() self.overrideDHCPhostname = False # populate self.netdevices devhash = isys.getDeviceProperties(dev=None) for dev in devhash.keys(): self.netdevices[dev] = NetworkDevice(dev) ifcfg_contents = self.readIfcfgContents(dev) # if NM_CONTROLLED is set to yes, we read in settings from # NetworkManager first, then fill in the gaps with the data # from the ifcfg file useNetworkManager = False if ifcfg_contents.has_key('NM_CONTROLLED'): if ifcfg_contents['NM_CONTROLLED'].lower() == 'yes' or ifcfg_contents['NM_CONTROLLED'] == '': useNetworkManager = True # this interface is managed by NetworkManager, so read from # NetworkManager first if useNetworkManager: props = devhash[dev] if isys.isDeviceDHCP(dev): self.netdevices[dev].set(('BOOTPROTO', 'dhcp')) else: self.netdevices[dev].unset('BOOTPROTO') bus = dbus.SystemBus() config_path = props.Get(isys.NM_MANAGER_IFACE, 'Ip4Config') config = bus.get_object(isys.NM_SERVICE, config_path) config_props = dbus.Interface(config, isys.DBUS_PROPS_IFACE) # addresses (3-element list: ipaddr, netmask, gateway) addrs = config_props.Get(isys.NM_MANAGER_IFACE, 'Addresses')[0] try: tmp = struct.pack('I', addrs[0]) ipaddr = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, tmp) self.netdevices[dev].set(('IPADDR', ipaddr)) except: pass try: tmp = struct.pack('I', addrs[1]) netmask = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, tmp) self.netdevices[dev].set(('NETMASK', netmask)) except: pass try: tmp = struct.pack('I', addrs[2]) gateway = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, tmp) self.netdevices[dev].set(('GATEWAY', gateway)) except: pass self.hostname = socket.gethostname() # read in remaining settings from ifcfg file for key in ifcfg_contents.keys(): if key == 'GATEWAY': self.netdevices[dev].set((key, ifcfg_contents[key])) elif key == 'DOMAIN': self.domains.append(ifcfg_contents[key]) elif key == 'HOSTNAME': self.hostname = ifcfg_contents[key] elif self.netdevices[dev].get(key) == '': self.netdevices[dev].set((key, ifcfg_contents[key])) # now initialize remaining devices # XXX we just throw return away, the method initialize a # object member so we dont need to available_devices = self.available() if len(available_devices) > 0: # set first device to start up onboot oneactive = 0 for dev in available_devices.keys(): try: if available_devices[dev].get("ONBOOT") == "yes": oneactive = 1 break except: continue def readIfcfgContents(self, dev): ifcfg = "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-%s" % (dev,) contents = {} try: f = open(ifcfg, "r") lines = f.readlines() f.close() for line in lines: line = line.strip() if line.startswith('#') or line == '': continue var = string.splitfields(line, '=') if len(var) == 2: var[1] = var[1].replace('"', '') contents[var[0]] = string.strip(var[1]) except: return {} return contents def getDevice(self, device): return self.netdevices[device] def available(self): # XXX: this should use NetworkManager for device in minihal.get_devices_by_type("net"): if device.has_key('net.arp_proto_hw_id'): if device['net.arp_proto_hw_id'] == 1: dev = device['device'] if not self.netdevices.has_key(dev): self.netdevices[dev] = NetworkDevice(dev); self.netdevices[dev].set(('hwaddr', device['net.address'])) self.netdevices[dev].set(('desc', device['description'])) ksdevice = None if flags.cmdline.has_key("ksdevice"): ksdevice = flags.cmdline["ksdevice"] return self.netdevices def setHostname(self, hn): self.hostname = hn def setDNS(self, ns, device): dns = ns.split(',') i = 1 for addr in dns: addr = addr.strip() dnslabel = "DNS%d" % (i,) self.netdevices[device].set((dnslabel, addr)) i += 1 def setGateway(self, gw, device): self.netdevices[dev].set(('GATEWAY', gw)) def lookupHostname(self): # can't look things up if they don't exist! if not self.hostname or self.hostname == "localhost.localdomain": return None if not hasActiveNetDev(): log.warning("no network devices were available to look up host name") return None try: (family, socktype, proto, canonname, sockaddr) = \ socket.getaddrinfo(self.hostname, None, socket.AF_INET)[0] (ip, port) = sockaddr except: try: (family, socktype, proto, canonname, sockaddr) = \ socket.getaddrinfo(self.hostname, None, socket.AF_INET6)[0] (ip, port, flowinfo, scopeid) = sockaddr except: return None return ip def writeKS(self, f): devNames = self.netdevices.keys() devNames.sort() if len(devNames) == 0: return for devName in devNames: dev = self.netdevices[devName] if dev.get('bootproto').lower() == 'dhcp' or dev.get('ipaddr'): f.write("network --device %s" % dev.get('device')) if dev.get('MTU') and dev.get('MTU') != 0: f.write(" --mtu=%s" % dev.get('MTU')) onboot = dev.get("onboot") if onboot and onboot == "no": f.write(" --onboot no") if dev.get('bootproto').lower() == 'dhcp': f.write(" --bootproto dhcp") if dev.get('dhcpclass'): f.write(" --class %s" % dev.get('dhcpclass')) if self.overrideDHCPhostname: if (self.hostname and self.hostname != "localhost.localdomain"): f.write(" --hostname %s" % self.hostname) else: f.write(" --bootproto static --ip %s --netmask %s" % (dev.get('ipaddr'), dev.get('netmask'))) if dev.get('GATEWAY'): f.write(" --gateway %s" % (dev.get('GATEWAY'),)) dnsline = '' for key in dev.info.keys(): if key.upper().startswith('DNS'): if dnsline == '': dnsline = dev.get(key) else: dnsline += "," + dev.get(key) if dnsline != '': f.write(" --nameserver %s" % (dnsline,)) if (self.hostname and self.hostname != "localhost.localdomain"): f.write(" --hostname %s" % self.hostname) f.write("\n"); def write(self, instPath=''): # make sure the directory exists if not os.path.isdir("%s/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts" %(instPath,)): iutil.mkdirChain("%s/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts" %(instPath,)) # /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* for dev in self.netdevices.values(): device = dev.get('DEVICE') bootproto = dev.get('BOOTPROTO').lower() ipv6addr = dev.get('IPV6ADDR').lower() ipv6prefix = dev.get('IPV6PREFIX').lower() ipv6autoconf = dev.get('IPV6_AUTOCONF').lower() dhcpv6c = dev.get('DHCPV6C').lower() fn = "%s/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-%s" % (instPath, device) f = open(fn, "w") os.chmod(fn, 0644) if len(dev.get("DESC")) > 0: f.write("# %s\n" % (dev.get("DESC"),)) # if bootproto is dhcp, unset any static settings (#218489) # *but* don't unset if either IPv4 or IPv6 is manual (#433290) if bootproto == 'dhcp': dev.unset('IPADDR') dev.unset('NETMASK') dev.unset('GATEWAY') # handle IPv6 settings correctly for the ifcfg file dev.unset('IPV6ADDR') dev.unset('IPV6PREFIX') if ipv6addr == 'dhcp': dev.set(('IPV6INIT', 'yes')) dev.set(('DHCPV6C', 'yes')) elif ipv6addr != '' and ipv6addr is not None: dev.set(('IPV6INIT', 'yes')) if ipv6prefix != '' and ipv6prefix is not None: dev.set(('IPV6ADDR', ipv6addr + '/' + ipv6prefix)) else: dev.set(('IPV6ADDR', ipv6addr)) if dev.get('IPV6_AUTOCONF').lower() == 'yes': dev.set(('IPV6INIT', 'yes')) f.write(str(dev)) # write out the hostname as DHCP_HOSTNAME if given (#81613) if (bootproto == 'dhcp' and self.hostname and self.overrideDHCPhostname): f.write("DHCP_HOSTNAME=%s\n" %(self.hostname,)) if dev.get('DHCPCLASS'): f.write("DHCP_CLASSID=%s\n" % dev.get('dhcpclass')) if dev.get('MTU') and dev.get('MTU') != 0: f.write("MTU=%s\n" % dev.get('MTU')) if self.domains != ['localdomain'] and self.domains: searchLine = string.joinfields(self.domains, ' ') f.write("SEARCH=\"%s\"\n" % (searchLine,)) f.write("NM_CONTROLLED=\n") f.close() if dev.get("KEY"): fn = "%s/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/keys-%s" % (instPath, device) f = open(fn, "w") os.chmod(fn, 0600) f.write("KEY=%s\n" % dev.get('key')) f.close() # /etc/sysconfig/network f = open(instPath + "/etc/sysconfig/network", "w") f.write("NETWORKING=yes\n") f.write("HOSTNAME=") # use instclass hostname if set(kickstart) to override if self.hostname: f.write(self.hostname + "\n") else: f.write("localhost.localdomain\n") if dev.get('GATEWAY'): f.write("GATEWAY=%s\n" % (dev.get('GATEWAY'),)) if dev.get('IPV6_DEFAULTGW'): f.write("IPV6_DEFAULTGW=%s\n" % (dev.get('IPV6_DEFAULTGW'),)) f.close() # /etc/hosts f = open(instPath + "/etc/hosts", "w") log.info("self.hostname = %s", self.hostname) # IP address ip = self.lookupHostname() if ip in [ "", "::1" ]: ip = None # fqdn and hostname if "." in hostname: fqdn = self.hostname hostname = hostname.split('.', 1)[0] else: fqdn = socket.getfqdn(self.hostname) hostname = self.hostname if fqdn in [ "localhost.localdomain", "localhost", "localhost6.localdomain6", "localhost6" ]: fqdn = None # domainname domainname = fqdn[(fqdn.find('.') + 1):] if domainname in [ "localdomain", "localdomain6" ]: domainname = None localline = "localhost.localdomain localhost" if not ip or not fqdn: # There is no ip or no fqdn, tie it to if fqdn: # add fqdn to localline += " " + fqdn if hostname and hostname != "localhost": # add short hostname to localline += " " + hostname f.write("# Do not remove the following line, or various programs\n") f.write("# that require network functionality will fail.\n") f.write("\t\t" + localline + "\n") f.write("::1\t\tlocalhost6.localdomain6 localhost6\n") if ip and fqdn: # Add an extra entry for ip, fqdn and hostname f.write("%s\t\t%s %s\n" % (ip, fqdn, hostname)) f.close() # If the hostname was not looked up, but typed in by the user, # domain might not be computed, so do it now. if self.domains == ["localdomain"] or not self.domains: if domainname: self.domains = [domainname] # /etc/resolv.conf f = open(instPath + "/etc/resolv.conf", "w") if self.domains != ['localdomain'] and self.domains: f.write("search %s\n" % (string.joinfields(self.domains, ' '),)) for key in dev.info.keys(): if key.upper().startswith('DNS'): f.write("nameserver %s\n" % (dev.get(key),)) f.close() # /lib/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules if not instPath == '': if not os.path.isdir("%s/lib/udev/rules.d" %(instPath,)): iutil.mkdirChain("%s/lib/udev/rules.d" %(instPath,)) f = open(instPath + "/lib/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules", "w") f.write(""" # This file was automatically generated by the /lib/udev/write_net_rules # program run by the persistent-net-generator.rules rules file. # # You can modify it, as long as you keep each rule on a single line. """) for dev in self.netdevices.values(): addr = dev.get("HWADDR") if not addr: continue devname = dev.get("DEVICE") basename = devname while basename is not "" and basename[-1] in string.digits: basename = basename[:-1] # rules are case senstive for address. Lame. addr = addr.lower() s = "" if len(dev.get("DESC")) > 0: s = "# %s (rule written by anaconda)\n" % (dev.get("DESC"),) else: s = "# %s (rule written by anaconda)\n" % (devname,) s = s + 'SUBSYSTEM==\"net\", ACTION==\"add\", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="%s", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="%s*", NAME="%s"\n' % (addr, basename, devname) f.write(s) f.close() # write out current configuration state and wait for NetworkManager # to bring the device up, watch NM state and return to the caller # once we have a state def bringUp(self): self.write() bus = dbus.SystemBus() nm = bus.get_object(isys.NM_SERVICE, isys.NM_MANAGER_PATH) props = dbus.Interface(nm, isys.DBUS_PROPS_IFACE) i = 0 while i < 45: state = props.Get(isys.NM_SERVICE, "State") if int(state) == isys.NM_STATE_CONNECTED: isys.resetResolv() return True i += 1 time.sleep(1) state = props.Get(isys.NM_SERVICE, "State") if int(state) == isys.NM_STATE_CONNECTED: isys.resetResolv() return True return False