#ifndef H_NEWT #define H_NEWT #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include #define NEWT_COLORSET_ROOT 2 #define NEWT_COLORSET_BORDER 3 #define NEWT_COLORSET_WINDOW 4 #define NEWT_COLORSET_SHADOW 5 #define NEWT_COLORSET_TITLE 6 #define NEWT_COLORSET_BUTTON 7 #define NEWT_COLORSET_ACTBUTTON 8 #define NEWT_COLORSET_CHECKBOX 9 #define NEWT_COLORSET_ACTCHECKBOX 10 #define NEWT_COLORSET_ENTRY 11 #define NEWT_COLORSET_LABEL 12 #define NEWT_COLORSET_LISTBOX 13 #define NEWT_COLORSET_ACTLISTBOX 14 #define NEWT_COLORSET_TEXTBOX 15 #define NEWT_COLORSET_ACTTEXTBOX 16 #define NEWT_COLORSET_HELPLINE 17 #define NEWT_COLORSET_ROOTTEXT 18 #define NEWT_COLORSET_EMPTYSCALE 19 #define NEWT_COLORSET_FULLSCALE 20 #define NEWT_COLORSET_DISENTRY 21 #define NEWT_COLORSET_COMPACTBUTTON 22 #define NEWT_COLORSET_ACTSELLISTBOX 23 #define NEWT_COLORSET_SELLISTBOX 24 #define NEWT_ARG_LAST -100000 #define NEWT_ARG_APPEND -1 struct newtColors { char * rootFg, * rootBg; char * borderFg, * borderBg; char * windowFg, * windowBg; char * shadowFg, * shadowBg; char * titleFg, * titleBg; char * buttonFg, * buttonBg; char * actButtonFg, * actButtonBg; char * checkboxFg, * checkboxBg; char * actCheckboxFg, * actCheckboxBg; char * entryFg, * entryBg; char * labelFg, * labelBg; char * listboxFg, * listboxBg; char * actListboxFg, * actListboxBg; char * textboxFg, * textboxBg; char * actTextboxFg, * actTextboxBg; char * helpLineFg, * helpLineBg; char * rootTextFg, * rootTextBg; char * emptyScale, * fullScale; char * disabledEntryFg, * disabledEntryBg; char * compactButtonFg, * compactButtonBg; char * actSelListboxFg, * actSelListboxBg; char * selListboxFg, * selListboxBg; }; enum newtFlagsSense { NEWT_FLAGS_SET, NEWT_FLAGS_RESET, NEWT_FLAGS_TOGGLE }; #define NEWT_FLAG_RETURNEXIT (1 << 0) #define NEWT_FLAG_HIDDEN (1 << 1) #define NEWT_FLAG_SCROLL (1 << 2) #define NEWT_FLAG_DISABLED (1 << 3) /* OBSOLETE #define NEWT_FLAG_NOSCROLL (1 << 4) for listboxes */ #define NEWT_FLAG_BORDER (1 << 5) #define NEWT_FLAG_WRAP (1 << 6) #define NEWT_FLAG_NOF12 (1 << 7) #define NEWT_FLAG_MULTIPLE (1 << 8) #define NEWT_FLAG_SELECTED (1 << 9) #define NEWT_FLAG_CHECKBOX (1 << 10) #define NEWT_FLAG_PASSWORD (1 << 11) /* draw '*' of chars in entrybox */ #define NEWT_FLAG_SHOWCURSOR (1 << 12) /* Only applies to listbox for now */ #define NEWT_FD_READ (1 << 0) #define NEWT_FD_WRITE (1 << 1) #define NEWT_FD_EXCEPT (1 << 2) #define NEWT_CHECKBOXTREE_UNSELECTABLE (1 << 12) #define NEWT_CHECKBOXTREE_HIDE_BOX (1 << 13) #define NEWT_CHECKBOXTREE_COLLAPSED '\0' #define NEWT_CHECKBOXTREE_EXPANDED '\1' #define NEWT_CHECKBOXTREE_UNSELECTED ' ' #define NEWT_CHECKBOXTREE_SELECTED '*' /* Backwards compatibility */ #define NEWT_LISTBOX_RETURNEXIT NEWT_FLAG_RETURNEXIT #define NEWT_ENTRY_SCROLL NEWT_FLAG_SCROLL #define NEWT_ENTRY_HIDDEN NEWT_FLAG_HIDDEN #define NEWT_ENTRY_RETURNEXIT NEWT_FLAG_RETURNEXIT #define NEWT_ENTRY_DISABLED NEWT_FLAG_DISABLED #define NEWT_TEXTBOX_WRAP NEWT_FLAG_WRAP #define NEWT_TEXTBOX_SCROLL NEWT_FLAG_SCROLL #define NEWT_FORM_NOF12 NEWT_FLAG_NOF12 #define newtListboxAddEntry newtListboxAppendEntry typedef struct newtComponent_struct * newtComponent; extern const struct newtColors newtDefaultColorPalette; typedef void (*newtCallback)(newtComponent, void *); typedef void (*newtSuspendCallback)(void * data); int newtInit(void); int newtFinished(void); void newtCls(void); void newtResizeScreen(int redraw); void newtWaitForKey(void); void newtClearKeyBuffer(void); void newtDelay(int usecs); /* top, left are *not* counting the border */ int newtOpenWindow(int left, int top, int width, int height, const char * title); int newtCenteredWindow(int width, int height, const char * title); void newtPopWindow(void); void newtSetColors(struct newtColors colors); void newtRefresh(void); void newtSuspend(void); void newtSetSuspendCallback(newtSuspendCallback cb, void * data); void newtSetHelpCallback(newtCallback cb); void newtResume(void); void newtPushHelpLine(const char * text); void newtRedrawHelpLine(void); void newtPopHelpLine(void); void newtDrawRootText(int col, int row, const char * text); void newtBell(void); void newtCursorOff(void); void newtCursorOn(void); /* Components */ newtComponent newtCompactButton(int left, int top, const char * text); newtComponent newtButton(int left, int top, const char * text); newtComponent newtCheckbox(int left, int top, const char * text, char defValue, const char * seq, char * result); char newtCheckboxGetValue(newtComponent co); void newtCheckboxSetValue(newtComponent co, char value); void newtCheckboxSetFlags(newtComponent co, int flags, enum newtFlagsSense sense); newtComponent newtRadiobutton(int left, int top, const char * text, int isDefault, newtComponent prevButton); newtComponent newtRadioGetCurrent(newtComponent setMember); newtComponent newtListitem(int left, int top, const char * text, int isDefault, newtComponent prevItem, const void * data, int flags); void newtListitemSet(newtComponent co, const char * text); void * newtListitemGetData(newtComponent co); void newtGetScreenSize(int * cols, int * rows); newtComponent newtLabel(int left, int top, const char * text); void newtLabelSetText(newtComponent co, const char * text); newtComponent newtVerticalScrollbar(int left, int top, int height, int normalColorset, int thumbColorset); void newtScrollbarSet(newtComponent co, int where, int total); newtComponent newtListbox(int left, int top, int height, int flags); void * newtListboxGetCurrent(newtComponent co); void newtListboxSetCurrent(newtComponent co, int num); void newtListboxSetCurrentByKey(newtComponent co, void * key); void newtListboxSetEntry(newtComponent co, int num, const char * text); void newtListboxSetWidth(newtComponent co, int width); void newtListboxSetData(newtComponent co, int num, void * data); int newtListboxAppendEntry(newtComponent co, const char * text, const void * data); /* Send the key to insert after, or NULL to insert at the top */ int newtListboxInsertEntry(newtComponent co, const char * text, const void * data, void * key); int newtListboxDeleteEntry(newtComponent co, void * data); void newtListboxClear(newtComponent co); /* removes all entries from listbox */ void newtListboxGetEntry(newtComponent co, int num, char **text, void **data); /* Returns an array of data pointers from items, last element is NULL */ void **newtListboxGetSelection(newtComponent co, int *numitems); void newtListboxClearSelection(newtComponent co); void newtListboxSelectItem(newtComponent co, const void * key, enum newtFlagsSense sense); /* Returns number of items currently in listbox. */ int newtListboxItemCount(newtComponent co); newtComponent newtCheckboxTree(int left, int top, int height, int flags); newtComponent newtCheckboxTreeMulti(int left, int top, int height, char *seq, int flags); const void ** newtCheckboxTreeGetSelection(newtComponent co, int *numitems); const void * newtCheckboxTreeGetCurrent(newtComponent co); void newtCheckboxTreeSetCurrent(newtComponent co, void * item); const void ** newtCheckboxTreeGetMultiSelection(newtComponent co, int *numitems, char seqnum); /* last item is NEWT_ARG_LAST for all of these */ int newtCheckboxTreeAddItem(newtComponent co, const char * text, const void * data, int flags, int index, ...); int newtCheckboxTreeAddArray(newtComponent co, const char * text, const void * data, int flags, int * indexes); int * newtCheckboxTreeFindItem(newtComponent co, void * data); void newtCheckboxTreeSetEntry(newtComponent co, const void * data, const char * text); void newtCheckboxTreeSetWidth(newtComponent co, int width); char newtCheckboxTreeGetEntryValue(newtComponent co, const void * data); void newtCheckboxTreeSetEntryValue(newtComponent co, const void * data, char value); newtComponent newtTextboxReflowed(int left, int top, char * text, int width, int flexDown, int flexUp, int flags); newtComponent newtTextbox(int left, int top, int width, int height, int flags); void newtTextboxSetText(newtComponent co, const char * text); void newtTextboxSetHeight(newtComponent co, int height); int newtTextboxGetNumLines(newtComponent co); char * newtReflowText(char * text, int width, int flexDown, int flexUp, int * actualWidth, int * actualHeight); struct newtExitStruct { enum { NEWT_EXIT_HOTKEY, NEWT_EXIT_COMPONENT, NEWT_EXIT_FDREADY, NEWT_EXIT_TIMER } reason; union { int watch; int key; newtComponent co; } u; } ; newtComponent newtForm(newtComponent vertBar, void * helpTag, int flags); void newtFormSetTimer(newtComponent form, int millisecs); void newtFormWatchFd(newtComponent form, int fd, int fdFlags); void newtFormSetSize(newtComponent co); newtComponent newtFormGetCurrent(newtComponent co); void newtFormSetBackground(newtComponent co, int color); void newtFormSetCurrent(newtComponent co, newtComponent subco); void newtFormAddComponent(newtComponent form, newtComponent co); void newtFormAddComponents(newtComponent form, ...); void newtFormSetHeight(newtComponent co, int height); void newtFormSetWidth(newtComponent co, int width); newtComponent newtRunForm(newtComponent form); /* obsolete */ void newtFormRun(newtComponent co, struct newtExitStruct * es); void newtDrawForm(newtComponent form); void newtFormAddHotKey(newtComponent co, int key); typedef int (*newtEntryFilter)(newtComponent entry, void * data, int ch, int cursor); newtComponent newtEntry(int left, int top, const char * initialValue, int width, char ** resultPtr, int flags); void newtEntrySet(newtComponent co, const char * value, int cursorAtEnd); void newtEntrySetFilter(newtComponent co, newtEntryFilter filter, void * data); char * newtEntryGetValue(newtComponent co); void newtEntrySetFlags(newtComponent co, int flags, enum newtFlagsSense sense); newtComponent newtScale(int left, int top, int width, long long fullValue); void newtScaleSet(newtComponent co, unsigned long long amount); void newtComponentAddCallback(newtComponent co, newtCallback f, void * data); void newtComponentTakesFocus(newtComponent co, int val); /* this also destroys all of the components (including other forms) on the form */ void newtFormDestroy(newtComponent form); /* Key codes */ #define NEWT_KEY_TAB '\t' #define NEWT_KEY_ENTER '\r' #define NEWT_KEY_SUSPEND '\032' /* ctrl - z*/ #define NEWT_KEY_ESCAPE '' #define NEWT_KEY_RETURN NEWT_KEY_ENTER #define NEWT_KEY_EXTRA_BASE 0x8000 #define NEWT_KEY_UP NEWT_KEY_EXTRA_BASE + 1 #define NEWT_KEY_DOWN NEWT_KEY_EXTRA_BASE + 2 #define NEWT_KEY_LEFT NEWT_KEY_EXTRA_BASE + 4 #define NEWT_KEY_RIGHT NEWT_KEY_EXTRA_BASE + 5 #define NEWT_KEY_BKSPC NEWT_KEY_EXTRA_BASE + 6 #define NEWT_KEY_DELETE NEWT_KEY_EXTRA_BASE + 7 #define NEWT_KEY_HOME NEWT_KEY_EXTRA_BASE + 8 #define NEWT_KEY_END NEWT_KEY_EXTRA_BASE + 9 #define NEWT_KEY_UNTAB NEWT_KEY_EXTRA_BASE + 10 #define NEWT_KEY_PGUP NEWT_KEY_EXTRA_BASE + 11 #define NEWT_KEY_PGDN NEWT_KEY_EXTRA_BASE + 12 #define NEWT_KEY_INSERT NEWT_KEY_EXTRA_BASE + 13 #define NEWT_KEY_F1 NEWT_KEY_EXTRA_BASE + 101 #define NEWT_KEY_F2 NEWT_KEY_EXTRA_BASE + 102 #define NEWT_KEY_F3 NEWT_KEY_EXTRA_BASE + 103 #define NEWT_KEY_F4 NEWT_KEY_EXTRA_BASE + 104 #define NEWT_KEY_F5 NEWT_KEY_EXTRA_BASE + 105 #define NEWT_KEY_F6 NEWT_KEY_EXTRA_BASE + 106 #define NEWT_KEY_F7 NEWT_KEY_EXTRA_BASE + 107 #define NEWT_KEY_F8 NEWT_KEY_EXTRA_BASE + 108 #define NEWT_KEY_F9 NEWT_KEY_EXTRA_BASE + 109 #define NEWT_KEY_F10 NEWT_KEY_EXTRA_BASE + 110 #define NEWT_KEY_F11 NEWT_KEY_EXTRA_BASE + 111 #define NEWT_KEY_F12 NEWT_KEY_EXTRA_BASE + 112 /* not really a key, but newtGetKey returns it */ #define NEWT_KEY_RESIZE NEWT_KEY_EXTRA_BASE + 113 #define NEWT_ANCHOR_LEFT (1 << 0) #define NEWT_ANCHOR_RIGHT (1 << 1) #define NEWT_ANCHOR_TOP (1 << 2) #define NEWT_ANCHOR_BOTTOM (1 << 3) #define NEWT_GRID_FLAG_GROWX (1 << 0) #define NEWT_GRID_FLAG_GROWY (1 << 1) typedef struct grid_s * newtGrid; enum newtGridElement { NEWT_GRID_EMPTY = 0, NEWT_GRID_COMPONENT, NEWT_GRID_SUBGRID }; newtGrid newtCreateGrid(int cols, int rows); /* TYPE, what, TYPE, what, ..., NULL */ newtGrid newtGridVStacked(enum newtGridElement type, void * what, ...); newtGrid newtGridVCloseStacked(enum newtGridElement type, void * what, ...); newtGrid newtGridHStacked(enum newtGridElement type1, void * what1, ...); newtGrid newtGridHCloseStacked(enum newtGridElement type1, void * what1, ...); newtGrid newtGridBasicWindow(newtComponent text, newtGrid middle, newtGrid buttons); newtGrid newtGridSimpleWindow(newtComponent text, newtComponent middle, newtGrid buttons); void newtGridSetField(newtGrid grid, int col, int row, enum newtGridElement type, void * val, int padLeft, int padTop, int padRight, int padBottom, int anchor, int flags); void newtGridPlace(newtGrid grid, int left, int top); #define newtGridDestroy newtGridFree void newtGridFree(newtGrid grid, int recurse); void newtGridGetSize(newtGrid grid, int * width, int * height); void newtGridWrappedWindow(newtGrid grid, char * title); void newtGridWrappedWindowAt(newtGrid grid, char * title, int left, int top); void newtGridAddComponentsToForm(newtGrid grid, newtComponent form, int recurse); /* convienve */ newtGrid newtButtonBarv(char * button1, newtComponent * b1comp, va_list args); newtGrid newtButtonBar(char * button1, newtComponent * b1comp, ...); /* automatically centered and shrink wrapped */ void newtWinMessage(char * title, char * buttonText, char * text, ...); void newtWinMessagev(char * title, char * buttonText, char * text, va_list argv); /* having separate calls for these two seems silly, but having two separate variable length-arg lists seems like a bad idea as well */ /* Returns 0 if F12 was pressed, 1 for button1, 2 for button2 */ int newtWinChoice(char * title, char * button1, char * button2, char * text, ...); /* Returns 0 if F12 was pressed, 1 for button1, 2 for button2, 3 for button3 */ int newtWinTernary(char * title, char * button1, char * button2, char * button3, char * message, ...); /* Returns the button number pressed, 0 on F12 */ int newtWinMenu(char * title, char * text, int suggestedWidth, int flexDown, int flexUp, int maxListHeight, char ** items, int * listItem, char * button1, ...); struct newtWinEntry { char * text; char ** value; /* may be initialized to set default */ int flags; }; /* Returns the button number pressed, 0 on F12. The final values are dynamically allocated, and need to be freed. */ int newtWinEntries(char * title, char * text, int suggestedWidth, int flexDown, int flexUp, int dataWidth, struct newtWinEntry * items, char * button1, ...); #ifdef __cplusplus } /* End of extern "C" { */ #endif #endif /* H_NEWT */