# lvm.py - lvm probing control # # Jeremy Katz # # Copyright 2002 Red Hat, Inc. # # This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU # general public license. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. import iutil import os,sys import string import math import isys from flags import flags import logging log = logging.getLogger("anaconda") from constants import * MAX_LV_SLOTS=256 output = "/tmp/lvmout" lvmDevicePresent = 0 def has_lvm(): global lvmDevicePresent if not (os.access("/usr/sbin/lvm", os.X_OK) or os.access("/sbin/lvm", os.X_OK)): return f = open("/proc/devices", "r") lines = f.readlines() f.close() for line in lines: try: (dev, name) = line[:-1].split(' ', 2) except: continue if name == "device-mapper": lvmDevicePresent = 1 break return lvmDevicePresent # now check to see if lvm is available has_lvm() def vgscan(): """Runs vgscan.""" global lvmDevicePresent if flags.test or lvmDevicePresent == 0: return rc = iutil.execWithRedirect("lvm", ["vgscan", "-v"], stdout = output, stderr = output, searchPath = 1) if rc: log.error("running vgscan failed: %s" %(rc,)) # lvmDevicePresent = 0 def vgactivate(volgroup = None): """Activate volume groups by running vgchange -ay. volgroup - optional single volume group to activate """ global lvmDevicePresent if flags.test or lvmDevicePresent == 0: return args = ["vgchange", "-ay"] if volgroup: args.append(volgroup) rc = iutil.execWithRedirect("lvm", args, stdout = output, stderr = output, searchPath = 1) if rc: log.error("running vgchange failed: %s" %(rc,)) # lvmDevicePresent = 0 # now make the device nodes args = ["vgmknodes"] if volgroup: args.append(volgroup) rc = iutil.execWithRedirect("lvm", args, stdout = output, stderr = output, searchPath = 1) if rc: log.error("running vgmknodes failed: %s" %(rc,)) # lvmDevicePresent = 0 def vgdeactivate(volgroup = None): """Deactivate volume groups by running vgchange -an. volgroup - optional single volume group to deactivate """ global lvmDevicePresent if flags.test or lvmDevicePresent == 0: return args = ["vgchange", "-an"] if volgroup: args.append(volgroup) rc = iutil.execWithRedirect("lvm", args, stdout = output, stderr = output, searchPath = 1) if rc: log.error("running vgchange failed: %s" %(rc,)) # lvmDevicePresent = 0 def lvremove(lvname, vgname): """Removes a logical volume. lvname - name of logical volume to remove. vgname - name of volume group lv is in. """ global lvmDevicePresent if flags.test or lvmDevicePresent == 0: return args = ["lvremove", "-f"] dev = "/dev/%s/%s" %(vgname, lvname) args.append(dev) rc = iutil.execWithRedirect("lvm", args, stdout = output, stderr = output, searchPath = 1) if rc: raise SystemError, "lvremove failed" def vgremove(vgname): """Removes a volume group. Deactivates the volume group first vgname - name of volume group. """ global lvmDevicePresent if flags.test or lvmDevicePresent == 0: return # find the Physical Volumes which make up this Volume Group, so we # can prune and recreate them. pvs = [] for pv in pvlist(): if pv[1] == vgname: pvs.append(pv[0]) # we'll try to deactivate... if it fails, we'll probably fail on # the removal too... but it's worth a shot try: vgdeactivate(vgname) except: pass args = ["vgremove", vgname] log.info(string.join(args, ' ')) rc = iutil.execWithRedirect("lvm", args, stdout = output, stderr = output, searchPath = 1) if rc: raise SystemError, "vgremove failed" # now iterate all the PVs we've just freed up, so we reclaim the metadata # space. This is an LVM bug, AFAICS. for pvname in pvs: args = ["pvremove", "-ff", "-y", pvname] log.info(string.join(args, ' ')) rc = iutil.execWithRedirect("lvm", args, stdout = output, stderr = output, searchPath = 1) if rc: raise SystemError, "pvremove failed" args = ["pvcreate", "-ff", "-y", "-v", pvname] log.info(string.join(args, ' ')) rc = iutil.execWithRedirect("lvm", args, stdout = output, stderr = output, searchPath = 1) if rc: raise SystemError, "pvcreate failed for %s" % (pvname,) def lvlist(): global lvmDevicePresent if lvmDevicePresent == 0: return [] lvs = [] # field names for "options" are in LVM2.2.01.01/lib/report/columns.h args = ["lvdisplay", "-C", "--noheadings", "--units", "b", "--nosuffix", "--separator", ":", "--options", "vg_name,lv_name,lv_size,origin" ] lvscanout = iutil.execWithCapture("lvm", args, stderr = "/dev/tty6") for line in lvscanout.split("\n"): try: (vg, lv, size, origin) = line.strip().split(':') size = long(math.floor(long(size) / (1024 * 1024))) if origin == '': origin = None except: continue logmsg = "lv is %s/%s, size of %s" % (vg, lv, size) if origin: logmsg += ", snapshot from %s" % (origin,) log.info(logmsg) lvs.append( (vg, lv, size, origin) ) return lvs def pvlist(): global lvmDevicePresent if lvmDevicePresent == 0: return [] pvs = [] args = ["pvdisplay", "-C", "--noheadings", "--units", "b", "--nosuffix", "--separator", ":", "--options", "pv_name,vg_name,dev_size" ] scanout = iutil.execWithCapture("lvm", args, stderr = "/dev/tty6") for line in scanout.split("\n"): try: (dev, vg, size) = line.strip().split(':') size = long(math.floor(long(size) / (1024 * 1024))) except: continue log.info("pv is %s in vg %s, size is %s" %(dev, vg, size)) pvs.append( (dev, vg, size) ) return pvs def vglist(): global lvmDevicePresent if lvmDevicePresent == 0: return [] vgs = [] args = ["vgdisplay", "-C", "--noheadings", "--units", "b", "--nosuffix", "--separator", ":", "--options", "vg_name,vg_size,vg_extent_size" ] scanout = iutil.execWithCapture("lvm", args, stderr = "/dev/tty6") for line in scanout.split("\n"): try: (vg, size, pesize) = line.strip().split(':') size = long(math.floor(long(size) / (1024 * 1024))) pesize = long(pesize)/1024 except: continue log.info("vg %s, size is %s, pesize is %s" %(vg, size, pesize)) vgs.append( (vg, size, pesize) ) return vgs def partialvgs(): global lvmDevicePresent if lvmDevicePresent == 0: return [] vgs = [] args = ["vgdisplay", "-C", "-P", "--noheadings", "--units", "b"] scanout = iutil.execWithCapture("lvm", args, stderr = "/dev/tty6") for line in scanout.split("\n"): try: (vg, numpv, numlv, numsn, attr, size, free) = line.strip()[:-1].split() except: continue if attr.find("p") != -1: log.info("vg %s, attr is %s" %(vg, attr)) vgs.append(vg) return vgs # FIXME: this is a hack. we really need to have a --force option. def unlinkConf(): lvmroot = "/etc/lvm" if os.path.exists("%s/lvm.conf" %(lvmroot,)): os.unlink("%s/lvm.conf" %(lvmroot,)) def writeForceConf(): """Write out an /etc/lvm/lvm.conf that doesn't do much (any?) filtering""" lvmroot = "/etc/lvm" try: os.unlink("/etc/lvm/.cache") except: pass if not os.path.isdir(lvmroot): os.mkdir(lvmroot) unlinkConf() f = open("%s/lvm.conf" %(lvmroot,), "w+") f.write(""" # anaconda hacked lvm.conf to avoid filtering breaking things devices { sysfs_scan = 0 md_component_detection = 1 } """) # FIXME: another hack. we need to wipe the raid metadata since pvcreate # doesn't def wipeOtherMetadataFromPV(node): try: isys.wipeRaidSB(node) except Exception, e: log.critical("error wiping raidsb from %s: %s", node, e) def getPossiblePhysicalExtents(floor=0): """Returns a list of integers representing the possible values for the physical extent of a volume group. Value is in KB. floor - size (in KB) of smallest PE we care about. """ possiblePE = [] curpe = 8 while curpe <= 16384*1024: if curpe >= floor: possiblePE.append(curpe) curpe = curpe * 2 return possiblePE def clampLVSizeRequest(size, pe, roundup=0): """Given a size and a PE, returns the actual size of logical volumne. size - size (in MB) of logical volume request pe - PE size (in KB) roundup - round sizes up or not """ if roundup: func = math.ceil else: func = math.floor return (long(func((size*1024L)/pe))*pe)/1024 def clampPVSize(pvsize, pesize): """Given a PV size and a PE, returns the usable space of the PV. Takes into account both overhead of the physical volume and 'clamping' to the PE size. pvsize - size (in MB) of PV request pesize - PE size (in KB) """ # we want Kbytes as a float for our math pvsize *= 1024.0 return long((math.floor(pvsize / pesize) * pesize) / 1024) def getMaxLVSize(pe): """Given a PE size in KB, returns maximum size (in MB) of a logical volume. pe - PE size in KB """ return pe*64 def createSuggestedVGName(partitions): """Given list of partition requests, come up with a reasonable VG name partitions - list of requests """ i = 0 while 1: tmpname = "VolGroup%02d" % (i,) if not partitions.isVolumeGroupNameInUse(tmpname): break i = i + 1 if i>99: tmpname = "" return tmpname def createSuggestedLVName(logreqs): """Given list of LV requests, come up with a reasonable LV name partitions - list of LV requests for this VG """ i = 0 lnames = [] for lv in logreqs: lnames.append(lv.logicalVolumeName) while 1: tmpname = "LogVol%02d" % (i,) if (logreqs is None) or (tmpname not in lnames): break i = i + 1 if i>99: tmpname = "" return tmpname def getVGUsedSpace(vgreq, requests, diskset): vgused = 0 for request in requests.requests: if request.type == REQUEST_LV and request.volumeGroup == vgreq.uniqueID: size = int(request.getActualSize(requests, diskset)) vgused = vgused + size return vgused def getVGFreeSpace(vgreq, requests, diskset): used = getVGUsedSpace(vgreq, requests, diskset) log.debug("used space is %s" % (used,)) total = vgreq.getActualSize(requests, diskset) log.debug("actual space is %s" % (total,)) return total - used