/* * urls.c - url handling code * * Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * Author(s): Erik Troan * Matt Wilson * Michael Fulbright * Jeremy Katz */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../isys/dns.h" #include "ftp.h" #include "lang.h" #include "loader.h" #include "loadermisc.h" #include "urls.h" #include "log.h" #include "windows.h" #include "net.h" /* boot flags */ extern uint64_t flags; /* convert a url (ftp or http) to a ui */ int convertURLToUI(char *url, struct iurlinfo *ui) { char *chptr; memset(ui, 0, sizeof(*ui)); if (!strncmp("ftp://", url, 6)) { ui->protocol = URL_METHOD_FTP; url += 6; /* There could be a username/password on here */ if ((chptr = strchr(url, '@'))) { if ((chptr = strchr(url, ':'))) { *chptr = '\0'; ui->login = strdup(url); url = chptr + 1; chptr = strchr(url, '@'); *chptr = '\0'; ui->password = strdup(url); url = chptr + 1; } else { *chptr = '\0'; ui->login = strdup(url); url = chptr + 1; } } } else if (!strncmp("http://", url, 7)) { ui->protocol = URL_METHOD_HTTP; url += 7; } else { logMessage(ERROR, "unknown url protocol '%s'", url); return -1; } /* url is left pointing at the hostname */ chptr = strchr(url, '/'); if (chptr != NULL) { *chptr = '\0'; ui->address = strdup(url); url = chptr; *url = '/'; ui->prefix = strdup(url); } else { ui->address = strdup(url); ui->prefix = strdup("/"); } logMessage(DEBUGLVL, "url address %s", ui->address); logMessage(DEBUGLVL, "url prefix %s", ui->prefix); return 0; } static char * getLoginName(char * login, struct iurlinfo *ui) { int i; i = 0; /* password w/o login isn't useful */ if (ui->login && strlen(ui->login)) { i += strlen(ui->login) + 5; if (strlen(ui->password)) i += 3*strlen(ui->password) + 5; if (ui->login || ui->password) { login = malloc(i); strcpy(login, ui->login); if (ui->password) { char * chptr; char code[4]; strcat(login, ":"); for (chptr = ui->password; *chptr; chptr++) { sprintf(code, "%%%2x", *chptr); strcat(login, code); } strcat(login, "@"); } } } return login; } /* convert a UI to a URL, returns allocated string */ char *convertUIToURL(struct iurlinfo *ui) { char *login, *finalPrefix, *url, *p; if (!strcmp(ui->prefix, "/")) finalPrefix = "/."; else finalPrefix = ui->prefix; login = ""; login = getLoginName(login, ui); url = malloc(strlen(finalPrefix) + 25 + strlen(ui->address) + strlen(login)); /* sanitize url so we dont have problems like bug #101265 */ /* basically avoid duplicate /'s */ if (ui->protocol == URL_METHOD_HTTP) { for (p=finalPrefix; *p == '/'; p++); finalPrefix = p; } sprintf(url, "%s://%s%s/%s", ui->protocol == URL_METHOD_FTP ? "ftp" : "http", login, ui->address, finalPrefix); return url; } /* extraHeaders only applicable for http and used for pulling ks from http */ /* see ftp.c:httpGetFileDesc() for details */ /* set to NULL if not needed */ int urlinstStartTransfer(struct iurlinfo * ui, char * filename, char *extraHeaders) { char * buf; int fd, port; int family = -1; char * finalPrefix; struct in_addr addr; struct in6_addr addr6; char *hostname, *portstr; if (!strcmp(ui->prefix, "/")) finalPrefix = ""; else finalPrefix = ui->prefix; buf = alloca(strlen(finalPrefix) + strlen(filename) + 20); if (*filename == '/') sprintf(buf, "%s%s", finalPrefix, filename); else sprintf(buf, "%s/%s", finalPrefix, filename); logMessage(INFO, "transferring %s://%s%s to a fd", ui->protocol == URL_METHOD_FTP ? "ftp" : "http", ui->address, buf); splitHostname(ui->address, &hostname, &portstr); if (portstr == NULL) port = -1; else port = atoi(portstr); if (portstr) free(portstr); if (inet_pton(AF_INET, hostname, &addr) >= 1) family = AF_INET; else if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, hostname, &addr6) >= 1) family = AF_INET6; else { if (mygethostbyname(hostname, &addr, AF_INET) == 0) { family = AF_INET; } else if (mygethostbyname(hostname, &addr6, AF_INET6) == 0) { family = AF_INET6; } else { logMessage(ERROR, "cannot determine address family of %s", hostname); } } if (ui->protocol == URL_METHOD_FTP) { ui->ftpPort = ftpOpen(hostname, family, ui->login ? ui->login : "anonymous", ui->password ? ui->password : "rhinstall@", NULL, port); if (ui->ftpPort < 0) { if (hostname) free(hostname); return -2; } fd = ftpGetFileDesc(ui->ftpPort, addr6, family, buf); if (fd < 0) { close(ui->ftpPort); if (hostname) free(hostname); return -1; } } else { fd = httpGetFileDesc(hostname, port, buf, extraHeaders); if (fd < 0) { if (portstr) free(portstr); return -1; } } if (!FL_CMDLINE(flags)) winStatus(70, 3, _("Retrieving"), "%s %s...", _("Retrieving"), filename); if (hostname) free(hostname); return fd; } int urlinstFinishTransfer(struct iurlinfo * ui, int fd) { if (ui->protocol == URL_METHOD_FTP) close(ui->ftpPort); close(fd); if (!FL_CMDLINE(flags)) newtPopWindow(); return 0; } char * addrToIp(char * hostname) { struct in_addr ad; struct in6_addr ad6; char *ret; if ((ret = malloc(48)) == NULL) return hostname; if (inet_ntop(AF_INET, &ad, ret, INET_ADDRSTRLEN) != NULL) return ret; else if (inet_ntop(AF_INET6, &ad6, ret, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN) != NULL) return ret; else if (mygethostbyname(hostname, &ad, AF_INET) == 0) return hostname; else if (mygethostbyname(hostname, &ad6, AF_INET6) == 0) return hostname; else return NULL; } int urlMainSetupPanel(struct iurlinfo * ui, char * doSecondarySetup) { newtComponent form, okay, cancel, urlEntry; newtComponent answer, text, proxyCheckbox; char *url = ""; char * reflowedText = NULL; int width, height; newtGrid buttons, grid; char * chptr; char * buf = NULL; int r; if (ui && (ui->login || ui->password || ui->proxy || ui->proxyPort)) *doSecondarySetup = '*'; else *doSecondarySetup = ' '; /* Populate the UI with whatever initial value we've got. */ if (ui && ui->prefix) url = convertUIToURL(ui); buttons = newtButtonBar(_("OK"), &okay, _("Back"), &cancel, NULL); r = asprintf(&buf, _(netServerPrompt), getProductName()); reflowedText = newtReflowText(buf, 47, 5, 5, &width, &height); free(buf); text = newtTextbox(-1, -1, width, height, NEWT_TEXTBOX_WRAP); newtTextboxSetText(text, reflowedText); free(reflowedText); urlEntry = newtEntry(22, 8, url, 60, (const char **) &url, NEWT_ENTRY_SCROLL); proxyCheckbox = newtCheckbox(-1, -1, _("Configure proxy"), *doSecondarySetup, NULL, doSecondarySetup); grid = newtCreateGrid(1, 4); newtGridSetField(grid, 0, 0, NEWT_GRID_COMPONENT, text, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); newtGridSetField(grid, 0, 1, NEWT_GRID_COMPONENT, urlEntry, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); newtGridSetField(grid, 0, 2, NEWT_GRID_COMPONENT, proxyCheckbox, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); newtGridSetField(grid, 0, 3, NEWT_GRID_SUBGRID, buttons, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NEWT_GRID_FLAG_GROWX); form = newtForm(NULL, NULL, 0); newtGridAddComponentsToForm(grid, form, 1); newtGridWrappedWindow(grid, _("URL Setup")); newtGridFree(grid, 1); do { answer = newtRunForm(form); if (answer != cancel) { if (!strlen(url)) { newtWinMessage(_("Error"), _("OK"), _("You must enter a URL.")); continue; } /* Now split up the URL we were given into its components for * ease of checking. */ convertURLToUI(url, ui); if (!addrToIp(ui->address)) { newtWinMessage(_("Unknown Host"), _("OK"), _("%s is not a valid hostname."), ui->address); continue; } } break; } while (1); if (answer == cancel) { newtFormDestroy(form); newtPopWindow(); return LOADER_BACK; } /* Get rid of trailing /'s */ chptr = ui->prefix + strlen(ui->prefix) - 1; while (chptr > ui->prefix && *chptr == '/') chptr--; chptr++; *chptr = '\0'; if (*doSecondarySetup != '*') { if (ui->proxy) free(ui->proxy); if (ui->proxyPort) free(ui->proxyPort); ui->proxy = ui->proxyPort = NULL; } newtFormDestroy(form); newtPopWindow(); return 0; } int urlSecondarySetupPanel(struct iurlinfo * ui) { newtComponent form, okay, cancel, answer, text; newtComponent proxyEntry = NULL; newtComponent proxyPortEntry = NULL; char * proxy, * proxyPort; newtGrid buttons, entryGrid, grid; char * reflowedText = NULL; int width, height; reflowedText = newtReflowText( _("If you are using a HTTP proxy server " "enter the name of the HTTP proxy server to use."), 47, 5, 5, &width, &height); text = newtTextbox(-1, -1, width, height, NEWT_TEXTBOX_WRAP); newtTextboxSetText(text, reflowedText); free(reflowedText); proxyEntry = newtEntry(-1, -1, ui->proxy, 24, (const char **) &proxy, NEWT_ENTRY_SCROLL); proxyPortEntry = newtEntry(-1, -1, ui->proxyPort, 6, (const char **) &proxyPort, NEWT_FLAG_SCROLL); entryGrid = newtCreateGrid(2, 2); newtGridSetField(entryGrid, 0, 0, NEWT_GRID_COMPONENT, newtLabel(-1, -1, _("Proxy Name:")), 0, 0, 2, 0, NEWT_ANCHOR_LEFT, 0); newtGridSetField(entryGrid, 1, 0, NEWT_GRID_COMPONENT, proxyEntry, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); newtGridSetField(entryGrid, 0, 1, NEWT_GRID_COMPONENT, newtLabel(-1, -1, _("Proxy Port:")), 0, 0, 2, 0, NEWT_ANCHOR_LEFT, 0); newtGridSetField(entryGrid, 1, 1, NEWT_GRID_COMPONENT, proxyPortEntry, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); buttons = newtButtonBar(_("OK"), &okay, _("Back"), &cancel, NULL); grid = newtCreateGrid(1, 3); newtGridSetField(grid, 0, 0, NEWT_GRID_COMPONENT, text, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); newtGridSetField(grid, 0, 1, NEWT_GRID_SUBGRID, entryGrid, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); newtGridSetField(grid, 0, 2, NEWT_GRID_SUBGRID, buttons, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, NEWT_GRID_FLAG_GROWX); form = newtForm(NULL, NULL, 0); newtGridAddComponentsToForm(grid, form, 1); newtGridWrappedWindow(grid, _("Further Setup")); newtGridFree(grid, 1); answer = newtRunForm(form); if (answer == cancel) { newtFormDestroy(form); newtPopWindow(); return LOADER_BACK; } if (strlen(proxy)) ui->proxy = strdup(proxy); if (strlen(proxyPort)) ui->proxyPort = strdup(proxyPort); newtFormDestroy(form); newtPopWindow(); return 0; } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */