/* * urlinstall.c - code to set up url (ftp/http) installs * * Erik Troan * Matt Wilson * Michael Fulbright * Jeremy Katz * * Copyright 1997 - 2003 Red Hat, Inc. * * This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU * General Public License. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../isys/nl.h" #include "copy.h" #include "kickstart.h" #include "loader.h" #include "loadermisc.h" #include "lang.h" #include "log.h" #include "method.h" #include "net.h" #include "method.h" #include "urlinstall.h" #include "cdinstall.h" #include "urls.h" #include "windows.h" /* boot flags */ extern uint64_t flags; static int loadSingleUrlImage(struct iurlinfo * ui, char * file, char * dest, char * mntpoint, char * device, int silentErrors) { int fd; int rc = 0; char filepath[1024]; char *ehdrs = NULL; snprintf(filepath, sizeof(filepath), "%s", file); if (ui->protocol == URL_METHOD_HTTP) { char *arch = getProductArch(); char *name = getProductName(); int q; q = asprintf(&ehdrs, "User-Agent: anaconda/%s\r\n" "X-Anaconda-Architecture: %s\r\n" "X-Anaconda-System-Release: %s\r\n", VERSION, arch, name); } fd = urlinstStartTransfer(ui, filepath, ehdrs); if (fd == -2) { if (ehdrs) free (ehdrs); return 2; } else if (fd < 0) { if (!silentErrors) { newtWinMessage(_("Error"), _("OK"), _("Unable to retrieve %s://%s/%s/%s."), (ui->protocol == URL_METHOD_FTP ? "ftp" : "http"), ui->address, ui->prefix, filepath); } if (ehdrs) free (ehdrs); return 2; } if (dest != NULL) { rc = copyFileAndLoopbackMount(fd, dest, device, mntpoint); } urlinstFinishTransfer(ui, fd); return rc; } static void copyWarnFn (char *msg) { logMessage(WARNING, msg); } static void copyErrorFn (char *msg) { newtWinMessage(_("Error"), _("OK"), _(msg)); } static int loadUrlImages(struct iurlinfo * ui) { char *stage2img; char tmpstr1[1024], tmpstr2[1024]; int rc; /* setupRamdisk();*/ /* grab the updates.img before netstg1.img so that we minimize our * ramdisk usage */ if (!loadSingleUrlImage(ui, "images/updates.img", "/tmp/updates-disk.img", "/tmp/update-disk", "/dev/loop7", 1)) { copyDirectory("/tmp/update-disk", "/tmp/updates", copyWarnFn, copyErrorFn); umountLoopback("/tmp/update-disk", "/dev/loop7"); unlink("/tmp/updates-disk.img"); unlink("/tmp/update-disk"); } /* grab the product.img before netstg1.img so that we minimize our * ramdisk usage */ if (!loadSingleUrlImage(ui, "images/product.img", "/tmp/product-disk.img", "/tmp/product-disk", "/dev/loop7", 1)) { copyDirectory("/tmp/product-disk", "/tmp/product", copyWarnFn, copyErrorFn); umountLoopback("/tmp/product-disk", "/dev/loop7"); unlink("/tmp/product-disk.img"); unlink("/tmp/product-disk"); } /* require 128MB for use of graphical stage 2 due to size of image */ if (FL_TEXT(flags) || totalMemory() < GUI_STAGE2_RAM) { stage2img = "minstg2.img"; if (totalMemory() < GUI_STAGE2_RAM) logMessage(WARNING, "URLINSTALL falling back to non-GUI stage2 " "due to insufficient RAM"); } else { stage2img = "stage2.img"; } snprintf(tmpstr1, sizeof(tmpstr1), "images/%s", stage2img); snprintf(tmpstr2, sizeof(tmpstr2), "/tmp/%s", stage2img); rc = loadSingleUrlImage(ui, tmpstr1, tmpstr2, "/mnt/runtime", "/dev/loop0", 0); if (rc) { if (rc != 2) newtWinMessage(_("Error"), _("OK"), _("Unable to retrieve the install image.")); return 1; } /* now verify the stamp... */ if (!verifyStamp("/mnt/runtime")) { char * buf; rc = asprintf(&buf, _("The %s installation tree in that directory does " "not seem to match your boot media."), getProductName()); newtWinMessage(_("Error"), _("OK"), buf); umountLoopback("/mnt/runtime", "/dev/loop0"); return 1; } return 0; } char * mountUrlImage(struct installMethod * method, char * location, struct loaderData_s * loaderData, moduleInfoSet modInfo, moduleList modLoaded, moduleDeps * modDeps) { int rc; char * url; struct iurlinfo ui; char needsSecondary = ' '; int dir = 1; char * cdurl; enum { URL_STAGE_MAIN, URL_STAGE_SECOND, URL_STAGE_FETCH, URL_STAGE_DONE } stage = URL_STAGE_MAIN; /* JKFIXME: we used to do another ram check here... keep it? */ memset(&ui, 0, sizeof(ui)); while (stage != URL_STAGE_DONE) { switch(stage) { case URL_STAGE_MAIN: if (loaderData->method == METHOD_URL && loaderData->methodData) { url = ((struct urlInstallData *)loaderData->methodData)->url; logMessage(INFO, "URL_STAGE_MAIN - url is %s", url); if (!url) { logMessage(ERROR, "missing url specification"); loaderData->method = -1; break; } /* explode url into ui struct */ convertURLToUI(url, &ui); /* ks info was adequate, lets skip to fetching image */ stage = URL_STAGE_FETCH; dir = 1; break; } else if (urlMainSetupPanel(&ui, &needsSecondary)) { return NULL; } /* got required information from user, proceed */ stage = (needsSecondary != ' ') ? URL_STAGE_SECOND : URL_STAGE_FETCH; dir = 1; break; case URL_STAGE_SECOND: rc = urlSecondarySetupPanel(&ui); if (rc) { stage = URL_STAGE_MAIN; dir = -1; } else { stage = URL_STAGE_FETCH; dir = 1; } break; case URL_STAGE_FETCH: if (FL_TESTING(flags)) { stage = URL_STAGE_DONE; dir = 1; break; } /* ok messy - see if we have a stage2 on local CD */ /* before trying to pull one over network */ cdurl = findAnacondaCD(location, modInfo, modLoaded, *modDeps, 0); if (cdurl) { /* verify that our URL is specifying the correct tree */ /* we do this by attempting to pull a .discinfo file */ if (loadSingleUrlImage(&ui, ".discinfo", NULL, NULL, NULL, 1)) { umountStage2(); umount(location); unlink("/tmp/cdrom"); stage = URL_STAGE_MAIN; dir = -1; if (loaderData->method >= 0) loaderData->method = -1; break; } logMessage(INFO, "Detected stage 2 image on CD"); winStatus(50, 3, _("Media Detected"), _("Local installation media detected..."), 0); sleep(3); newtPopWindow(); stage = URL_STAGE_DONE; dir = 1; } else { /* need to find stage 2 on remote site */ if (loadUrlImages(&ui)) { stage = URL_STAGE_MAIN; dir = -1; if (loaderData->method >= 0) { loaderData->method = -1; } } else { stage = URL_STAGE_DONE; dir = 1; } } break; case URL_STAGE_DONE: break; } } url = convertUIToURL(&ui); return url; } int getFileFromUrl(char * url, char * dest, struct loaderData_s * loaderData) { int retval = 0; struct iurlinfo ui; enum urlprotocol_t proto = !strncmp(url, "ftp://", 6) ? URL_METHOD_FTP : URL_METHOD_HTTP; char * host = NULL, * file = NULL, * chptr = NULL, *login = NULL, *password = NULL; int fd, rc; struct networkDeviceConfig netCfg; char *ehdrs = NULL, *ip = NULL; if (kickstartNetworkUp(loaderData, &netCfg)) { logMessage(ERROR, "unable to bring up network"); return 1; } memset(&ui, 0, sizeof(ui)); ui.protocol = proto; netlink_init_interfaces_list(); if ((ip = netlink_interfaces_ip2str(loaderData->netDev)) == NULL) { logMessage(ERROR, "getFileFromUrl: no client IP information"); return 1; } getHostPathandLogin((proto == URL_METHOD_FTP ? url + 6 : url + 7), &host, &file, &login, &password, ip); logMessage(INFO, "file location: %s://%s%s", (proto == URL_METHOD_FTP ? "ftp" : "http"), host, file); chptr = strchr(host, '/'); if (chptr == NULL) { ui.address = strdup(host); ui.prefix = strdup("/"); } else { *chptr = '\0'; ui.address = strdup(host); host = chptr; *host = '/'; ui.prefix = strdup(host); } if (password[0] != '\0') ui.password = strdup (password); if (login[0] != '\0') ui.login = strdup (login); if (proto == URL_METHOD_HTTP) { char *arch = getProductArch(); char *name = getProductName(); int q; q = asprintf(&ehdrs, "User-Agent: anaconda/%s\r\n" "X-Anaconda-Architecture: %s\r\n" "X-Anaconda-System-Release: %s\r\n", VERSION, arch, name); } if (proto == URL_METHOD_HTTP && FL_KICKSTART_SEND_MAC(flags)) { /* find all ethernet devices and make a header entry for each one */ int i, q; char *dev, *mac, *tmpstr; struct device **devices; devices = probeDevices(CLASS_NETWORK, BUS_UNSPEC, PROBE_LOADED); for (i = 0; devices && devices[i]; i++) { dev = devices[i]->device; mac = netlink_interfaces_mac2str(dev); if (mac) { q = asprintf(&tmpstr, "X-RHN-Provisioning-MAC-%d: %s %s\r\n", i, dev, mac); if (!ehdrs) { ehdrs = strdup(tmpstr); } else { ehdrs = (char *) realloc(ehdrs, strlen(ehdrs)+strlen(tmpstr)+1); strcat(ehdrs, tmpstr); } free(mac); free(tmpstr); } } } fd = urlinstStartTransfer(&ui, file, ehdrs); if (fd < 0) { logMessage(ERROR, "failed to retrieve http://%s/%s%s", ui.address, ui.prefix, file); retval = 1; goto err; } rc = copyFileFd(fd, dest); if (rc) { unlink (dest); logMessage(ERROR, "failed to copy file to %s", dest); retval = 1; goto err; } urlinstFinishTransfer(&ui, fd); err: if (file) free(file); if (ehdrs) free(ehdrs); if (host) free(host); if (login) free(login); if (password) free(password); return retval; } /* pull kickstart configuration file via http */ int kickstartFromUrl(char * url, struct loaderData_s * loaderData) { return getFileFromUrl(url, "/tmp/ks.cfg", loaderData); } void setKickstartUrl(struct loaderData_s * loaderData, int argc, char ** argv) { char *url = NULL; poptContext optCon; int rc; struct poptOption ksUrlOptions[] = { { "url", '\0', POPT_ARG_STRING, &url, 0, NULL, NULL }, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } }; logMessage(INFO, "kickstartFromUrl"); optCon = poptGetContext(NULL, argc, (const char **) argv, ksUrlOptions, 0); if ((rc = poptGetNextOpt(optCon)) < -1) { startNewt(); newtWinMessage(_("Kickstart Error"), _("OK"), _("Bad argument to Url kickstart method " "command %s: %s"), poptBadOption(optCon, POPT_BADOPTION_NOALIAS), poptStrerror(rc)); return; } if (!url) { newtWinMessage(_("Kickstart Error"), _("OK"), _("Must supply a --url argument to Url kickstart method.")); return; } /* determine install type */ if (strstr(url, "http://") || strstr(url, "ftp://")) loaderData->method = METHOD_URL; else { newtWinMessage(_("Kickstart Error"), _("OK"), _("Unknown Url method %s"), url); return; } loaderData->methodData = calloc(sizeof(struct urlInstallData *), 1); ((struct urlInstallData *)loaderData->methodData)->url = url; logMessage(INFO, "results of url ks, url %s", url); } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */