#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../isys/imount.h" #include "../isys/isys.h" #include "lang.h" #include "loader.h" #include "log.h" #include "modules.h" #include "windows.h" int probe_main (int argc, char ** argv); int cardmgr_main (int argc, char ** argv); int startPcmcia(char * floppyDevice, moduleList modLoaded, moduleDeps modDeps, moduleInfoSet modInfo, char * pcicPtr, int flags) { pid_t child; struct device ** devices, ** device; char * probeArgs[] = { "/sbin/probe", NULL }; char * cardmgrArgs[] = { "/sbin/cardmgr", "-o", "-m", "/modules", "-d", NULL }; int p[2]; char buf[4096]; int i, status; char * pcic = NULL; char * line = NULL; int rc; char * title = _("PC Card"); char * text = _("Initializing PC Card Devices..."); logMessage("in startPcmcia()"); devices = probeDevices(CLASS_SOCKET, BUS_PCI, PROBE_ALL); if (devices) { logMessage("found cardbus pci adapter"); pcic = "yenta_socket"; for (device = devices; *device; device++) freeDevice(*device); free(devices); } else { pipe(p); if (!(child = fork())) { close(p[0]); dup2(p[1], 1); close(p[1]); exit(probe_main(1, probeArgs)); } close(p[1]); waitpid(child, NULL, 0); i = read(p[0], buf, sizeof(buf)); close(p[0]); buf[i] = '\0'; logMessage("pcmcia probe returned: |%s|", buf); /* So this is totally counter-intuitive. Just remember that probe stops printing output once it finds a pcic, so this is actually correct */ line = strtok(buf, "\r\n"); do { if (!strstr(line, "not found")) { if (strstr(line, "TCIC")) pcic = "tcic"; else pcic = "i82365"; } } while((line = strtok(NULL, "\r\n"))); } if (!pcic) { logMessage("no pcic controller found"); return 0; } logMessage("need to load %s", pcic); winStatus(40, 3, title, text); if (mlLoadModule("pcmcia_core", NULL, modLoaded, modDeps, NULL, modInfo, flags)) { logMessage("failed to load pcmcia_core -- ask for pcmciadd"); rc = 1; newtPopWindow(); } else { rc = 0; } while (rc) { rc = newtWinChoice(_("PCMCIA"), _("Ok"), _("Cancel"), _("Please insert your PCMCIA driver disk " "into your floppy drive now.")); if (rc == 2) return LOADER_BACK; devMakeInode(floppyDevice, "/tmp/floppy"); rc = 1; if (doPwMount("/tmp/floppy", "/modules", "ext2", 1, 0, NULL, NULL)) { newtWinMessage(_("Error"), _("Ok"), _("Failed to mount disk.")); } else { int fd; fd = open("/modules/rhdd-6.1", O_RDONLY); if (fd >= 0) { char buf[20]; int i; i = read(fd, buf, 20); buf[9] = '\0'; logMessage("read %s", buf); if (i == 9 && !strcmp(buf, "rhpcmcia\n")) { winStatus(40, 3, title, text); if (mlLoadModule("pcmcia_core", NULL, modLoaded, modDeps, NULL, modInfo, flags)) { newtPopWindow(); newtWinMessage(_("Error"), _("Ok"), _("That floppy does not look like a " "Red Hat PCMCIA driver disk.")); } rc = 0; } close(fd); } if (rc) umount("/modules"); } } if (mlLoadModule(pcic, NULL, modLoaded, modDeps, NULL, modInfo, flags)) { logMessage("failed to load pcic"); umount("/modules"); return LOADER_ERROR; } if (mlLoadModule("ds", NULL, modLoaded, modDeps, NULL, modInfo, flags)) { logMessage("failed to load ds"); umount("/modules"); return LOADER_ERROR; } if (!(child = fork())) { exit(cardmgr_main(5, cardmgrArgs)); } logMessage("cardmgr running as pid %d", child); waitpid(child, &status, 0); logMessage("cardmgr returned 0x%x", status); newtPopWindow(); umount("/modules"); strcpy(pcicPtr, pcic); return 0; }