#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "isys/imount.h" #include "isys/isys.h" #include "lang.h" #include "loader.h" #include "log.h" #include "modules.h" #include "devices.h" struct moduleDependency_s { char * name; char ** deps; }; static int ethCount(void) { int fd; char buf[16384]; int i; char * chptr; int count = 0; fd = open("/proc/net/dev", O_RDONLY); i = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1); buf[i] = '\0'; /* skip first two header lines */ chptr = strchr(buf, '\n') + 1; chptr = strchr(chptr, '\n') + 1; while (chptr) { while (*chptr && isspace(*chptr)) chptr++; if (!strncmp(chptr, "eth", 3)) count++; chptr = strchr(chptr, '\n'); if (chptr) chptr++; } return count; } int mlReadLoadedList(moduleList * mlp) { int fd; char * start; char * end; char buf[4096]; struct stat sb; int i; moduleList ml; if ((fd = open("/proc/modules", O_RDONLY)) < 0) return -1; fstat(fd, &sb); i = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)); buf[i] = '\0'; close(fd); ml = malloc(sizeof(*ml)); ml->numModules = 0; start = buf; while (start && *start) { end = start; while (!isspace(*end) && *end != '\n') end++; *end = '\0'; ml->mods[ml->numModules].name = strdup(start); ml->mods[ml->numModules].args = NULL; ml->mods[ml->numModules].weLoaded = 0; *end = ' '; ml->numModules++; start = strchr(end, '\n'); if (start) start++; } *mlp = ml; return 0; } void mlFreeList(moduleList ml) { int i; int j; for (i = 0; i < ml->numModules; i++) { free(ml->mods[i].name); if (ml->mods[i].args) { for (j = 0; ml->mods[j].args[j]; j++) free(ml->mods[i].args[j]); free(ml->mods[i].args); } } free(ml); } moduleDeps mlNewDeps(void) { moduleDeps md; md = malloc(sizeof(*md)); md->name = NULL; md->deps = NULL; return md; } int mlLoadDeps(moduleDeps * moduleDepListPtr, const char * path) { int fd; char * buf; struct stat sb; char * start, * end, * chptr; int i, numItems; moduleDeps nextDep; moduleDeps moduleDepList = *moduleDepListPtr; fd = open(path, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { return -1; } fstat(fd, &sb); buf = alloca(sb.st_size + 1); read(fd, buf, sb.st_size); buf[sb.st_size] = '\0'; close(fd); start = buf; numItems = 0; while (start) { numItems++; start = strchr(start + 1, '\n'); } for (nextDep = moduleDepList; nextDep->name; nextDep++) numItems++; moduleDepList = realloc(moduleDepList, sizeof(*moduleDepList) * numItems); for (nextDep = moduleDepList; nextDep->name; nextDep++) ; start = buf; while (start < (buf + sb.st_size) && *start) { end = strchr(start, '\n'); *end = '\0'; chptr = strchr(start, ':'); if (!chptr) { start = end + 1; continue; } *chptr++ = '\0'; while (*chptr && isspace(*chptr)) chptr++; if (!*chptr) { start = end + 1; continue; } /* found something */ nextDep->name = strdup(start); nextDep->deps = malloc(sizeof(char *) * (strlen(chptr) + 1)); start = chptr, i = 0; while (start && *start) { chptr = strchr(start, ' '); if (chptr) *chptr = '\0'; nextDep->deps[i++] = strdup(start); if (chptr) start = chptr + 1; else start = NULL; while (start && *start && isspace(*start)) start++; } nextDep->deps[i] = NULL; nextDep->deps = realloc(nextDep->deps, sizeof(char *) * (i + 1)); nextDep++; start = end + 1; } nextDep->name = NULL; nextDep->deps = NULL; moduleDepList = realloc(moduleDepList, sizeof(*moduleDepList) * (nextDep - moduleDepList + 1)); *moduleDepListPtr = moduleDepList; return 0; } static void removeExtractedModule(char * path) { char * fn = alloca(strlen(path) + 20); sprintf(fn, "%s/modules.cgz", path); unlink(fn); rmdir(path); } int mlLoadModule(char * modName, enum miLocationTypes locationType, char * location, moduleList modLoaded, moduleDeps modDeps, char ** args, moduleInfoSet modInfo, int flags) { moduleDeps dep; char ** nextDep, ** argPtr; char fileName[200]; int rc, i; char ** arg, ** newArgs; struct moduleInfo * mi; int ethDevices = -1; pid_t child; int status; char * path = NULL; if (mlModuleInList(modName, modLoaded)) { return 0; } if (modInfo && (mi = isysFindModuleInfo(modInfo, modName))) { if (mi->major == DRIVER_NET && mi->minor == DRIVER_MINOR_ETHERNET) { ethDevices = ethCount(); } } for (dep = modDeps; dep->name && strcmp(dep->name, modName); dep++); if (dep && dep->deps) { nextDep = dep->deps; while (*nextDep) { if (mlLoadModule(*nextDep, locationType, location, modLoaded, modDeps, NULL, modInfo, flags) && location) mlLoadModule(*nextDep, MI_LOCATION_NONE, NULL, modLoaded, modDeps, NULL, modInfo, flags); nextDep++; } } if (locationType == MI_LOCATION_DISKNAME) { path = extractModule(location, modName); if (!path) return 1; } else if (locationType == MI_LOCATION_DIRECTORY) { path = strdup(location); } sprintf(fileName, "%s.o", modName); for (argPtr = args; argPtr && *argPtr; argPtr++) { strcat(fileName, " "); strcat(fileName, *argPtr); } sprintf(fileName, "%s.o", modName); if (FL_TESTING(flags)) { logMessage("would have insmod %s", fileName); rc = 0; } else { logMessage("going to insmod %s (path is %s)", fileName, path ? path : "NULL"); if (!(child = fork())) { int fd = open("/dev/tty3", O_RDWR); dup2(fd, 0); dup2(fd, 1); dup2(fd, 2); close(fd); rc = insmod(fileName, path, args); _exit(rc); } waitpid(child, &status, 0); if (!WIFEXITED(status) || WEXITSTATUS(status)) { rc = 1; } else { rc = 0; } } if (!rc) { modLoaded->mods[modLoaded->numModules].name = strdup(modName); modLoaded->mods[modLoaded->numModules].weLoaded = 1; /* path is malloced by extractModule() */ modLoaded->mods[modLoaded->numModules].path = path; modLoaded->mods[modLoaded->numModules].firstDevNum = -1; modLoaded->mods[modLoaded->numModules].lastDevNum = -1; if (ethDevices >= 0) { modLoaded->mods[modLoaded->numModules].firstDevNum = ethDevices; modLoaded->mods[modLoaded->numModules].lastDevNum = ethCount() - 1; } if (args) { for (i = 0, arg = args; *arg; arg++, i++); newArgs = malloc(sizeof(*newArgs) * (i + 1)); for (i = 0, arg = args; *arg; arg++, i++) newArgs[i] = strdup(*arg); newArgs[i] = NULL; } else { newArgs = NULL; } modLoaded->mods[modLoaded->numModules++].args = newArgs; } else { if (path) removeExtractedModule(path); free(path); } return rc; } char ** mlGetDeps(moduleDeps modDeps, const char * modName) { moduleDeps dep; for (dep = modDeps; dep->name && strcmp(dep->name, modName); dep++); if (dep) return dep->deps; return NULL; } int mlModuleInList(const char * modName, moduleList list) { int i; if (!list) return 0; for (i = 0; i < list->numModules; i++) if (!strcmp(list->mods[i].name, modName)) return 1; return 0; } int mlWriteConfModules(moduleList list, moduleInfoSet modInfo, int fd) { int i; struct loadedModuleInfo * lm; char buf[200], buf2[200]; struct moduleInfo * mi; int scsiNum = 0; int ethNum; int trNum = 0; char ** arg; if (!list) return 0; for (i = 0, lm = list->mods; i < list->numModules; i++, lm++) { if (!lm->weLoaded) continue; if ((mi = isysFindModuleInfo(modInfo, lm->name))) { strcpy(buf, "alias "); switch (mi->major) { case DRIVER_CDROM: strcat(buf, "cdrom "); break; case DRIVER_SCSI: if (scsiNum) sprintf(buf2, "scsi_hostadapter%d ", scsiNum); else strcpy(buf2, "scsi_hostadapter "); scsiNum++; strcat(buf, buf2); break; case DRIVER_NET: switch (mi->minor) { case DRIVER_MINOR_ETHERNET: for (ethNum = lm->firstDevNum; ethNum <= lm->lastDevNum; ethNum++) { sprintf(buf2, "eth%d ", ethNum); if (ethNum != lm->lastDevNum) { strcat(buf2, lm->name); strcat(buf2, "\nalias "); } strcat(buf, buf2); } break; case DRIVER_MINOR_TR: sprintf(buf2, "tr%d ", trNum++); strcat(buf, buf2); break; default: } default: } strcat(buf, lm->name); strcat(buf, "\n"); write(fd, buf, strlen(buf)); } if (lm->args) { strcpy(buf, "options "); strcat(buf, lm->name); for (arg = lm->args; *arg; arg++) { strcat(buf, " "); strcat(buf, *arg); } strcat(buf, "\n"); write(fd, buf, strlen(buf)); } } return 0; }