# # lilo.py: LILO config file class # # Erik Troan # Matt Wilson # Adrian Likins # # Copyright 1999-2001 Red Hat, Inc. # # This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU # library public license. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # import string import os from UserDict import UserDict class UserDictCase(UserDict): """A dictionary with case insensitive keys""" def __init__(self, data = {}): UserDict.__init__(self) # if we are passed a dictionary transfer it over... for k in data.keys(): kl = string.lower(k) self.data[kl] = data[k] # some methods used to make the class work as a dictionary def __setitem__(self, key, value): key = string.lower(key) self.data[key] = value def __getitem__(self, key): key = string.lower(key) if not self.data.has_key(key): return None return self.data[key] get = __getitem__ def __delitem__(self, key): key = string.lower(key) del self.data[key] def has_key(self, key): key = string.lower(key) return self.data.has_key(key) # return this data as a real hash def get_hash(self): return self.data # return the data for marshalling def __getstate__(self): return self.data # we need a setstate because of the __getstate__ presence screws up deepcopy def __setstate__(self, state): self.__init__(state) # get a dictionary out of this instance ({}.update doesn't get instances) def dict(self): return self.data def needsEnterpriseKernel(): rc = 0 try: f = open("/proc/e820info", "r") except IOError: return 0 for l in f.readlines(): l = string.split(l) if l[3] == '(reserved)': continue regionEnd = (string.atol(l[0], 16) - 1) + string.atol(l[2], 16) if regionEnd > 0xffffffffL: rc = 1 return rc class LiloConfigFile: def __repr__ (self, tab = 0): s = "" for n in self.order: if (tab): s = s + '\t' if n[0] == '#': s = s + n[1:] else: s = s + n if self.items[n]: s = s + "=" + self.items[n] s = s + '\n' for cl in self.images: s = s + "\n%s=%s\n" % (cl.imageType, cl.path) s = s + cl.__repr__(1) return s def addEntry(self, item, val = None, replace = 1): if not self.items.has_key(item): self.order.append(item) elif not replace: return if (val): self.items[item] = str(val) else: self.items[item] = None def getEntry(self, item): if self.items.has_key(item): return self.items[item] else: return None def delEntry(self, item): newOrder = [] for i in self.order: if item != i: newOrder.append(i) self.order = newOrder del self.items[item] def testEntry(self, item): if self.items.has_key(item): return 1 else: return 0 def getImage(self, label): for config in self.images: if string.lower(config.getEntry('label')) == string.lower(label): return (config.imageType, config) if config.getEntry('alias'): if string.lower(config.getEntry('alias')) == string.lower(label): return (config.imageType, config) raise IndexError, "unknown image %s" % (label) def addImage (self, config): # make sure the config has a valid label config.getEntry('label') if not config.path or not config.imageType: raise ValueError, "subconfig missing path or image type" self.images.append(config) def delImage (self, label): for config in self.images: if string.lower(config.getEntry('label')) == string.lower(label): self.images.remove (config) return raise IndexError, "unknown image %s" % (label,) def listImages (self): l = [] for config in self.images: l.append(config.getEntry('label')) return l def getPath (self): return self.path def write(self, file, perms = 0644): f = open(file, "w") f.write(self.__repr__()) f.close() os.chmod(file, perms) def read (self, file): f = open(file, "r") image = None for l in f.readlines(): l = l[:-1] orig = l while (l and (l[0] == ' ' or l[0] == '\t')): l = l[1:] if not l: continue if l[0] == '#': self.order.append('#' + orig) continue fields = string.split(l, '=', 1) if (len(fields) == 2): f0 = string.strip (fields [0]) f1 = string.strip (fields [1]) if (f0 != "append"): # people are silly and put quotes brokenly in their # lilo.conf but you have to use them for append. ARGH! f1 = string.replace(f1, '"', '') f1 = string.replace(f1, "'", "") if (f0 == "image" or f0 == "other"): if image: self.addImage(image) image = LiloConfigFile(imageType = f0, path = f1) args = None else: args = (f0, f1) else: args = (string.strip (l),) if (args and image): apply(image.addEntry, args) elif args: apply(self.addEntry, args) if image: self.addImage(image) f.close() def __init__(self, imageType = None, path = None): self.imageType = imageType self.path = path self.order = [] self.images = [] self.items = UserDictCase()