import kudzu import string from simpleconfig import SimpleConfigFile from log import log class Keyboard (SimpleConfigFile): # the *first* item in each of these wins conflicts console2xlist = [ ("be-latin1" , ('pc102', 'be')), ("be2-latin1" , ('pc102', 'be')), ("bg" , ('pc102', 'bg')), ("cf" , ('pc102', 'cf')), ("cz-lat2" , ('pc102', 'cs')), ("cz-lat2-prog" , ('pc102', 'cs')), ("de-latin1" , ('pc102', 'de')), ("de" , ('pc102', 'de')), ("de-latin1-nodeadkeys" , ('pc102', 'de')), ("dvorak" , ('pc105', 'dvorak')), ("dk" , ('pc102', 'dk')), ("dk-latin1" , ('pc102', 'dk')), ("es" , ('pc102', 'es')), ("fi" , ('pc102', 'fi')), ("fi-latin1" , ('pc102', 'fi')), ("fr" , ('pc102', 'fr')), ("fr-latin0" , ('pc102', 'fr')), ("fr-latin1" , ('pc102', 'fr')), ("fr-pc" , ('pc102', 'fr')), ("fr_CH" , ('pc102', 'fr_CH')), ("fr_CH-latin1" , ('pc102', 'fr_CH')), ("hu" , ('pc102', 'hu')), ("hu101" , ('pc102', 'hu')), ("is-latin1" , ('pc102', 'is')), ("it" , ('pc102', 'it')), ("it-ibm" , ('pc101', 'it')), ("it2" , ('pc102', 'it')), ("jp106" , ('jp106', 'jp')), ("no-latin1" , ('pc102', 'no')), ("no" , ('pc102', 'no')), ("pl" , ('pc102', 'pl')), ("pt-latin1" , ('pc102', 'pt')), ("ru" , ('pc102', 'ru')), ("ru-cp1251" , ('pc102', 'ru')), ("ru-ms" , ('microsoft', 'ru')), ("ru1" , ('pc102', 'ru')), ("ru2" , ('pc102', 'ru')), ("ru_win" , ('pc105', 'ru')), ("se-latin1" , ('pc102', 'se')), ("uk" , ('pc101', 'gb')), ("us" , ('pc105', 'us')), ] console2xsun = { "sun-pl-altgraph" : 'pl', "sun-pl" : 'pl', "sunt4-es" : 'es', "sunt5-cz-us" : 'cs', "sunt5-de-latin1" : 'de', "sunt5-es" : 'es', "sunt5-fi-latin1" : 'fi', "sunt5-fr-latin1" : 'fr', "sunt5-ru" : 'ru', "sunt5-uk" : 'en_US', "sunt5-us-cz" : 'cs', } console2x = {} for (console, (map, layout)) in console2xlist: console2x[console] = (map, layout) x2console = {} for (console, (map, layout)) in console2xlist: if not x2console.has_key((map, layout)): x2console [(map, layout)] = console xsun2console = {} for (key, value) in console2xsun.items(): xsun2console [value] = key def __init__ (self): self.type = "PC" self.model = None self.layout = None = {} list = kudzu.probe(kudzu.CLASS_KEYBOARD, kudzu.BUS_UNSPEC, kudzu.PROBE_ONE) if list: (device, module, desc) = list[0] if desc[:14] == 'Serial console': self.type = "Serial" elif desc[:8] == 'Sun Type': self.type = "Sun" if desc[8:9] == '4': self.model = 'type4' desc = desc[10:] elif desc[8:14] == '5 Euro': self.model = 'type5_euro' desc = desc[15:] elif desc[8:14] == '5 Unix': self.model = 'type5_unix' desc = desc[15:] else: self.model = 'type5' desc = desc[10:] if desc[:8] == 'Keyboard': self.layout = 'us' else: xx = string.split (desc) if xx[0] == 'fr_BE': self.layout = 'be' elif xx[0] == 'fr_CA': self.layout = 'fr' elif xx[0] == 'nl' or xx[0] == 'ko' or xx[0] == 'tw': self.layout = 'us' else: self.layout = xx[0] if self.type == "Sun":["KEYBOARDTYPE"] = "sun" elif self.type != "Serial":["KEYBOARDTYPE"] = "pc" def available (self): if self.type == "Sun": return [ "sun-pl-altgraph", "sun-pl", "sundvorak", "sunkeymap", "sunt4-es", "sunt4-no-latin1", "sunt5-cz-us", "sunt5-de-latin1", "sunt5-es", "sunt5-fi-latin1", "sunt5-fr-latin1", "sunt5-ru", "sunt5-uk", "sunt5-us-cz", ] if self.type == "Serial": return [ "us" ] return [ "azerty", "be-latin1", "be2-latin1", "fr-latin0", "fr-latin1", "fr-pc", "fr", "wangbe", "ANSI-dvorak", "dvorak-l", "dvorak-r", "dvorak", "pc-dvorak-latin1", "tr_f-latin5", "trf", "bg", "cf", "cz-lat2-prog", "cz-lat2", "defkeymap", "defkeymap_V1.0", "dk-latin1", "dk", "emacs", "emacs2", "es", "fi-latin1", "fi", "gr-pc", "gr", "hebrew", "hu101", "is-latin1", "it-ibm", "it", "it2", "jp106", "la-latin1", "lt", "lt.l4", "nl", "no-latin1", "no", "pc110", "pl", "pt-latin1", "pt-old", "ro", "ru-cp1251", "ru-ms", "ru-yawerty", "ru", "ru1", "ru2", "ru_win", "se-latin1", "sk-prog-qwerty", "sk-prog", "sk-qwerty", "tr_q-latin5", "tralt", "trf", "trq", "ua", "uk", "us", "croat", "cz-us-qwertz", "de-latin1-nodeadkeys", "de-latin1", "de", "fr_CH-latin1", "fr_CH", "hu", "sg-latin1-lk450", "sg-latin1", "sg", "sk-prog-qwertz", "sk-qwertz", "slovene", ] def set (self, keytable): if self.type != "Serial": log ("Inside %s", keytable)["KEYTABLE"] = keytable def setfromx (self, model, layout, variant): # print "Inside setfromx -------", model, layout, variant if self.type == "PC": mapping = Keyboard.x2console else: mapping = Keyboard.xsun2console keys = mapping.keys () fuzzy = None for key in keys: if type(key) == type(()): (mod, lay) = key # print "Inside if", mod, lay else: mod = model lay = key; # print "Inside else", mod, lay if model == mod and layout == lay: #--Check to see if keyboard is German and has deadkeys disabled # print mod, lay if lay == "de" and variant == "nodeadkeys":["KEYTABLE"] = "de-latin1-nodeadkeys" else:["KEYTABLE"] = mapping[key] return if layout == lay: fuzzy = key if fuzzy:["KEYTABLE"] = mapping[fuzzy] else: if self.type == "PC":["KEYTABLE"] = "us" else:["KEYTABLE"] = "sunkeymap" def get (self): if ("KEYTABLE"): return["KEYTABLE"] else: if self.type == "Sun": for map in Keyboard.console2xsun.keys(): if Keyboard.console2xsun[map] == self.layout: return map return "sunkeymap" else: return "us" def getXKB (self): if self.type == "PC": if Keyboard.console2x.has_key (self.get ()): (model, keylayout) = Keyboard.console2x[self.get ()] return ("xfree86", model, keylayout, "", "") else: if Keyboard.console2xsun.has_key (self.get ()): keylayout = Keyboard.console2xsun[self.get ()] return ("sun", self.model, keylayout, "", "")