from gtk import * from iw import * from gui import _ import string import sys import iutil """ _("Video Card") _("Monitor") _("Video Ram") _("Horizontal Frequency Range") _("Vertical Frequency Range") _("Test failed") """ class XCustomWindow (InstallWindow): def __init__ (self, ics): InstallWindow.__init__ (self, ics) self.todo = ics.getToDo () ics.setTitle (_("Customize X Configuration")) ics.setHTML ("This is the configuration customization screen<") self.ics.setNextEnabled (TRUE) self.didTest = 0 def getNext (self): newmodes = {} for depth in self.toggles.keys (): newmodes[depth] = [] for (res, button) in self.toggles[depth]: if button.get_active (): newmodes[depth].append (res) self.todo.x.modes = newmodes def testPressed (self, widget, *args): newmodes = {} for depth in self.toggles.keys (): newmodes[depth] = [] for (res, button) in self.toggles[depth]: if button.get_active (): newmodes[depth].append (res) self.todo.x.modes = newmodes try: self.todo.x.test () except RuntimeError: ### test failed window pass else: self.didTest = 1 def numCompare (self, first, second): first = string.atoi (first) second = string.atoi (second) if first > second: return 1 elif first < second: return -1 return 0 def getScreen (self): box = GtkVBox (FALSE, 5) box.set_border_width (5) hbox = GtkHBox (FALSE, 5) # I'm not sure what monitors handle this wide aspect resolution, so better play safe monName = self.todo.x.monName if (self.todo.x.vidRam and self.todo.x.vidRam >= 4096 and ((monName and len (monName) >= 11 and monName[:11] == 'Sun 24-inch') or self.todo.x.monName == 'Sony GDM-W900')): self.todo.x.modes["8"].append("1920x1200") depths = self.todo.x.modes.keys () depths.sort (self.numCompare) self.toggles = {} for depth in depths: self.toggles[depth] = [] vbox = GtkVBox (FALSE, 5) vbox.pack_start (GtkLabel (depth + _("Bits per Pixel")), FALSE) for res in self.todo.x.modes[depth]: button = GtkCheckButton (res) self.toggles[depth].append (res, button) vbox.pack_start (button, FALSE) hbox.pack_start (vbox) test = GtkAlignment () button = GtkButton (_("Test this configuration")) button.connect ("clicked", self.testPressed) test.add (button) box.pack_start (hbox, FALSE) box.pack_start (test, FALSE) return box def getPrev (self): return XConfigWindow class MonitorWindow (InstallWindow): def __init__ (self, ics): InstallWindow.__init__ (self, ics) self.ics.setNextEnabled (FALSE) ics.setTitle (_("Monitor Configuration")) ics.readHTML ("monitor") self.monitor = None def selectCb (self, tree, node, column): monitor = tree.node_get_row_data (node) if not monitor: self.ics.setNextEnabled (FALSE) if self.hEntry and self.vEntry: self.hEntry.set_text ("") self.vEntry.set_text ("") self.hEntry.set_editable (FALSE) self.vEntry.set_editable (FALSE) else: self.ics.setNextEnabled (TRUE) self.hEntry.set_text (monitor[2]) self.vEntry.set_text (monitor[3]) self.hEntry.set_editable (TRUE) self.vEntry.set_editable (TRUE) self.monitor = monitor def getNext (self): if self.skipme: return None if self.monitor: self.todo.x.setMonitor ((self.monitor[0], (self.hEntry.get_text (), self.vEntry.get_text ()))) return None def moveto (self, ctree, area, node): ctree.node_moveto (node, 0, 0.5, 0.0) def getScreen (self): # Don't configure X in reconfig mode. # in regular install, check to see if the XFree86 package is # installed. If it isn't return None. if (self.todo.reconfigOnly or (not self.todo.hdList.packages.has_key('XFree86') or not self.todo.hdList.packages['XFree86'].selected or self.todo.serial)): self.skipme = TRUE return None else: self.skipme = FALSE self.todo.x.probe () box = GtkVBox (FALSE, 5) monitors = self.todo.x.monitors () keys = monitors.keys () keys.sort () # Monitor selection tree ctree = GtkCTree () ctree.set_selection_mode (SELECTION_BROWSE) ctree.connect ("tree_select_row", self.selectCb) arch = iutil.getArch() self.hEntry = GtkEntry () self.vEntry = GtkEntry () select = None for man in keys: parent = ctree.insert_node (None, None, (man,), 2, is_leaf = FALSE) for monitor in monitors[man]: node = ctree.insert_node (parent, None, (monitor[0],), 2) ctree.node_set_row_data (node, monitor) if monitor[0] == self.todo.x.monID: select = node selParent = parent # Add a category for a DDC probed monitor that isn't in MonitorDB if not select and self.todo.x.monID != "Generic Monitor": parent = ctree.insert_node (None, None, ("DDC Probed Monitor",), 2, is_leaf = FALSE) node = ctree.insert_node (parent, None, (self.todo.x.monID,), 2) monitor = (self.todo.x.monID, self.todo.x.monID, self.todo.x.monHoriz, self.todo.x.monVert) ctree.node_set_row_data (node, monitor) select = node selParent = parent if select: (select) ctree.expand (selParent) ctree.connect ("draw", self.moveto, select) self.hEntry.set_text (self.todo.x.monHoriz) self.vEntry.set_text (self.todo.x.monVert) sw = GtkScrolledWindow () sw.add (ctree) sw.set_policy (POLICY_NEVER, POLICY_AUTOMATIC) box.pack_start (sw, TRUE, TRUE) # Sync adjustments syncbox = GtkHBox (FALSE, 5) syncbox.set_border_width (2) frame = GtkFrame (_("Horizontal Sync")) hbox = GtkHBox (FALSE, 5) hbox.set_border_width (2) self.hEntry.set_usize (20, -1) hbox.pack_start (self.hEntry) hbox.pack_start (GtkLabel ("kHz"), FALSE, FALSE) frame.add (hbox) syncbox.pack_start (frame) frame = GtkFrame (_("Vertical Sync")) hbox = GtkHBox (FALSE, 5) hbox.set_border_width (2) self.vEntry.set_usize (20, -1) hbox.pack_start (self.vEntry) hbox.pack_start (GtkLabel ("Hz"), FALSE, FALSE) frame.add (hbox) syncbox.pack_start (frame) box.pack_start (syncbox, FALSE, FALSE) return box class XConfigWindow (InstallWindow): def __init__ (self, ics): InstallWindow.__init__ (self, ics) self.ics.setNextEnabled (TRUE) self.todo = ics.getToDo () self.sunServer = 0 if self.todo.x.server and len (self.todo.x.server) >= 3 and self.todo.x.server[0:3] == 'Sun': self.sunServer = 1 else: self.sunServer = 0 ics.setTitle (_("X Configuration")) ics.readHTML ("xconf") self.didTest = 0 def getNext (self): if self.skipme: return None if not self.skip.get_active (): if self.xdm.get_active (): self.todo.initlevel = 5 else: self.todo.initlevel = 3 else: self.todo.initlevel = 3 if not self.sunServer: if self.custom.get_active () and not self.skip.get_active (): return XCustomWindow return None def customToggled (self, widget, *args): pass def skipToggled (self, widget, *args): self.configbox.set_sensitive (not widget.get_active ()) self.todo.x.skip = widget.get_active () def testPressed (self, widget, *args): try: self.todo.x.test () except RuntimeError: ### test failed window pass else: self.didTest = 1 def memory_cb (self, widget, size): self.todo.x.vidRam = size[:-1] self.todo.x.filterModesByMemory () def getScreen (self): # Don't configure X in reconfig mode. # in regular install, check to see if the XFree86 package is # installed. If it isn't return None. if (self.todo.reconfigOnly or (not self.todo.hdList.packages.has_key('XFree86') or not self.todo.hdList.packages['XFree86'].selected or self.todo.serial)): self.skipme = TRUE return None else: self.skipme = FALSE self.todo.x.probe () self.todo.x.filterModesByMemory () box = GtkVBox (FALSE, 5) box.set_border_width (5) self.autoBox = GtkVBox (FALSE, 5) if iutil.getArch() == "alpha": label = GtkLabel (_("You video ram size can not be autodetected. " "Choose your video ram size from the choices below:")) label.set_justify (JUSTIFY_LEFT) label.set_line_wrap (TRUE) label.set_alignment (0.0, 0.5) label.set_usize (400, -1) box.pack_start (label, FALSE) else: # but we can on everything else self.autoBox = GtkVBox (FALSE, 5) label = GtkLabel (_("In most cases your video hardware can " "be probed to automatically determine the " "best settings for your display.")) label.set_justify (JUSTIFY_LEFT) label.set_line_wrap (TRUE) label.set_alignment (0.0, 0.5) label.set_usize (400, -1) self.autoBox.pack_start (label, FALSE) label = GtkLabel (_("Autoprobe results:")) label.set_alignment (0.0, 0.5) self.autoBox.pack_start (label, FALSE) report = self.todo.x.probeReport () report = string.replace (report, '\t', ' ') result = GtkLabel (report) result.set_alignment (0.2, 0.5) result.set_justify (JUSTIFY_LEFT) self.autoBox.pack_start (result, FALSE) box.pack_start (self.autoBox, FALSE) label = GtkLabel (_("If the probed settings do not match your hardware " "select the correct setting below:")) label.set_justify (JUSTIFY_LEFT) label.set_line_wrap (TRUE) label.set_alignment (0.0, 0.5) label.set_usize (400, -1) self.autoBox.pack_start (label, FALSE) # Memory configuration table table = GtkTable() group = None count = 0 for size in ("256k", "512k", "1024k", "2048k", "4096k", "8192k", "16384k"): button = GtkRadioButton (group, size) button.connect ('clicked', self.memory_cb, size) if size[:-1] == self.todo.x.vidRam: button.set_active (1) if not group: group = button table.attach (button, count % 3, (count % 3) + 1, count / 3, (count / 3) + 1) count = count + 1 box.pack_start (table, FALSE) if not self.sunServer: test = GtkAlignment () button = GtkButton (_("Test this configuration")) button.connect ("clicked", self.testPressed) test.add (button) self.custom = GtkCheckButton (_("Customize X Configuration")) self.custom.connect ("toggled", self.customToggled) box.pack_start (test, FALSE) box.pack_start (self.custom, FALSE) self.xdm = GtkCheckButton (_("Use Graphical Login")) self.skip = GtkCheckButton (_("Skip X Configuration")) self.skip.connect ("toggled", self.skipToggled) box.pack_start (self.xdm, FALSE) self.topbox = GtkVBox (FALSE, 5) self.topbox.pack_start (box, TRUE, TRUE) self.topbox.pack_start (self.skip, FALSE) self.configbox = box self.skip.set_active (self.todo.x.skip) return self.topbox