from gtk import * from iw import * from thread import * import isys from gui import _ import gui from fdisk import * import isys import iutil class ConfirmPartitionWindow (InstallWindow): def __init__ (self, ics): InstallWindow.__init__ (self, ics) self.todo = ics.getToDo () ics.setTitle (_("Confirm Partitioning Selection")) ics.readHTML ("partition") ics.setNextEnabled (TRUE) def getScreen (self): return self.window def getPrev (self): return PartitionWindow class PartitionWindow (InstallWindow): swapon = 0 def __init__ (self, ics): InstallWindow.__init__ (self, ics) self.todo = ics.getToDo () ics.setTitle (_("Disk Druid")) ics.readHTML ("partition") ics.setNextEnabled (FALSE) self.skippedScreen = 0 self.swapon = 0 def checkSwap (self): if PartitionWindow.swapon or (iutil.memInstalled() > 34000): return 1 threads_leave () message = gui.MessageWindow(_("Low Memory"), _("As you don't have much memory in this machine, we " "need to turn on swap space immediately. To do this " "we'll have to write your new partition table to the " "disk immediately. Is that okay?"), "okcancel") if (message.getrc () == 1): threads_enter () return 0 () self.fstab.turnOnSwap(self.intf.waitWindow) self.todo.ddruidAlreadySaved = 1 PartitionWindow.swapon = 1 threads_enter () return 1 def getNext (self): self.todo.fstab.runDruidFinished() if not self.skippedScreen: win = self.todo.ddruid.getConfirm () if win: bin = GtkFrame (None, _obj = win) bin.set_shadow_type (SHADOW_NONE) window = ConfirmPartitionWindow window.window = bin return window bootPartition = None rootPartition = None if not self.checkSwap (): return PartitionWindow return None def enableCallback (self, value): self.ics.setNextEnabled (value) def getScreen (self): if self.todo.getSkipPartitioning(): self.skippedScreen = 1 fstab = self.todo.ddruid.getFstab () self.todo.resetMounts() for (partition, mount, fsystem, size) in fstab: self.todo.addMount(partition, mount, fsystem) if mount == "/": rootPartition = partition elif mount == "/boot": bootPartition = partition if not self.checkSwap (): return AutoPartitionWindow return None return self.todo.fstab.runDruid(self.enableCallback) return self.bin class AutoPartitionWindow(InstallWindow): def __init__ (self, ics): InstallWindow.__init__ (self, ics) self.todo = ics.getToDo () ics.setTitle (_("Automatic Partitioning")) ics.setNextEnabled (TRUE) self.ics = ics def getNext(self): from gnomepyfsedit import fsedit if (self.__dict__.has_key("manuallyPartition") and self.manuallyPartition.get_active()): drives = self.todo.drives.available ().keys () drives.sort (isys.compareDrives) self.todo.ddruid = fsedit(0, drives, self.fstab, self.todo.zeroMbr, self.todo.ddruidReadOnly) self.todo.manuallyPartition() return None def getScreen (self): from gnomepyfsedit import fsedit from installpath import InstallPathWindow if (InstallPathWindow.fdisk and InstallPathWindow.fdisk.get_active ()): self.todo.manuallyPartition() return None # XXX hack if self.todo.instClass.clearType: self.ics.readHTML (self.todo.instClass.clearType) todo = self.todo self.fstab = [] for mntpoint, (dev, fstype, reformat) in todo.mounts.items (): self.fstab.append ((dev, mntpoint)) if not todo.ddruid: drives = todo.drives.available ().keys () drives.sort (isys.compareDrives) todo.ddruid = fsedit(0, drives, self.fstab, self.todo.zeroMbr, self.todo.ddruidReadOnly) if not todo.instClass.finishPartitioning(todo.ddruid): self.todo.log ("Autopartitioning FAILED\n") if not todo.getPartitionWarningText(): return None label = \ GtkLabel(_("%s\n\nIf you don't want to do this, you can continue with " "this install by partitioning manually, or you can go back " "and perform a fully customized installation.") % (_(todo.getPartitionWarningText()), )) label.set_line_wrap(TRUE) label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.0) label.set_usize(400, -1) box = GtkVBox (FALSE) box.pack_start(label, FALSE) box.set_border_width (5) radioBox = GtkVBox (FALSE) self.continueChoice = GtkRadioButton (None, _("Remove data")) radioBox.pack_start(self.continueChoice, FALSE) self.manuallyPartition = GtkRadioButton( self.continueChoice, _("Manually partition")) radioBox.pack_start(self.manuallyPartition, FALSE) align = GtkAlignment() align.add(radioBox) align.set(0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0) box.pack_start(align, TRUE, TRUE) box.set_border_width (5) return box