# # progress_gui.py: install/upgrade progress window setup. # # Copyright 2000-2003 Red Hat, Inc. # # This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU # library public license. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # import string import rpm import os import gui import sys import time import timer import gobject import gtk import locale import math from flags import flags from iw_gui import * from rhpl.translate import _, N_ from constants import * from gui import processEvents, takeScreenShot import logging log = logging.getLogger("anaconda") # FIXME: from redhat-config-packages. perhaps move to common location def size_string (size): def number_format(s): return locale.format("%s", s, 1) if size > 1024 * 1024: size = size / (1024*1024) return _("%s MB") %(number_format(size),) elif size > 1024: size = size / 1024 return _("%s KB") %(number_format(size),) else: if size == 1: return _("%s Byte") %(number_format(size),) else: return _("%s Bytes") %(number_format(size),) class InstallProgressWindow_NEW (InstallWindow): windowTitle = N_("Installing Packages") htmlTag = "installing" def __init__ (self, ics): InstallWindow.__init__ (self, ics) ics.setPrevEnabled (False) ics.setNextEnabled (False) ics.setHelpButtonEnabled (False) self.numComplete = 0 self.sizeComplete = 0 self.filesComplete = 0 def processEvents(self): gui.processEvents() def setPackageScale (self, amount, total): # only update widget if we've changed by 5%, otherwise # we update widget hundreds of times a seconds because RPM # calls us back ALOT curval = self.progress.get_fraction() newval = float (amount) / total if newval < 0.998: if (newval - curval) < 0.05 and newval > curval: return self.progress.set_fraction (newval) self.processEvents() def completePackage(self, header, timer): def formatTime(amt): hours = amt / 60 / 60 amt = amt % (60 * 60) min = amt / 60 amt = amt % 60 secs = amt return "%01d:%02d:%02d" % (int(hours) ,int(min), int(secs)) self.numComplete = self.numComplete + 1 self.sizeComplete = self.sizeComplete + (header[rpm.RPMTAG_SIZE]/1024) self.filesComplete = self.filesComplete + (len(header[rpm.RPMTAG_BASENAMES])) # check to see if we've started yet elapsedTime = timer.elapsed() if not elapsedTime: elapsedTime = 1 if self.sizeComplete != 0: finishTime1 = (float (self.totalSize) / self.sizeComplete) * elapsedTime else: finishTime1 = (float (self.totalSize)) * elapsedTime if self.numComplete != 0: finishTime2 = (float (self.numTotal) / self.numComplete) * elapsedTime else: finishTime2 = (float (self.numTotal)) * elapsedTime if self.filesComplete != 0: finishTime3 = (float (self.totalFiles) / self.filesComplete) * elapsedTime else: finishTime3 = (float (self.totalFiles)) * elapsedTime finishTime = finishTime1 # another alternate suggestion # finishTime = math.sqrt(finishTime1 * finishTime2) remainingTime = finishTime - elapsedTime fractionComplete = float(self.sizeComplete)/float(self.totalSize) timeest = 1.4*remainingTime/60.0 # average last 10 estimates self.estimateHistory.append(timeest) if len(self.estimateHistory) > 10: del self.estimateHistory[0] tavg = 0.0 for testimate in self.estimateHistory: tavg += testimate timeest = tavg/float(len(self.estimateHistory)) # here is strategy for time estimate # # 1) First 100 or so packages give us misleading estimates as things # are not settled down. So no estimate until past 100 packages # # 2) Time estimate based on % of bytes installed is on about 30% too # low overall. So we just bump our estimate to compensate # # 3) Lets only report time on 5 minute boundaries, and round up. # # self.timeLog.write("%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s\n" % (elapsedTime/60.0, (finishTime1-elapsedTime)/60.0, (finishTime2-elapsedTime)/60.0, (finishTime3-elapsedTime)/60.0, (finishTime-elapsedTime)/60.0, timeest, self.sizeComplete, self.totalSize, self.numComplete, self.numTotal, self.filesComplete, self.totalFiles, )) # self.timeLog.flush() # if (fractionComplete > 0.10): if self.numComplete > 100: if self.initialTimeEstimate is None: self.initialTimeEstimate = timeest log.info("Initial install time estimate = %s", timeest) # log.info("elapsed time, time est, remaining time = %s %s", int(elapsedTime/60), timeest) if timeest < 10: timefactor = 2 else: timefactor = 5 str = _("Remaining time: %s minutes") % ((int(timeest/timefactor)+1)*timefactor,) self.remainingTimeLabel.set_text(str) if (fractionComplete >= 1): log.info("Actual install time = %s", elapsedTime/60.0) self.remainingTimeLabel.set_text("") self.totalProgress.set_fraction(fractionComplete) return def setPackageStatus(self, state, amount): if self.pkgstatus is None: return if state == "downloading": msgstr = _("Downloading %s") % (amount,) else: msgstr = state self.pkgstatus.set_text(msgstr) self.processEvents() def setPackage(self, header): if len(self.pixmaps): # set to switch every N seconds if self.pixtimer is None or self.pixtimer.elapsed() > 30: if self.pixtimer is None: self.pixtimer = timer.Timer() num = self.pixcurnum if num >= len(self.pixmaps): num = 0 self.wrappedpixlist = 1 pix = gui.readImageFromFile (self.pixmaps[num], 500, 325) if pix: if self.adpix: self.adbox.remove (self.adpix) pix.set_alignment (0.5, 0.5) self.adbox.add (pix) self.adpix = pix else: log.warning("couldn't get a pix") self.adbox.show_all() self.pixcurnum = num + 1 # take screenshot if desired if flags.autoscreenshot and not self.wrappedpixlist: # let things settle down graphically?? processEvents() time.sleep(5) takeScreenShot() self.pixtimer.reset() size = size_string(header[rpm.RPMTAG_SIZE]) pkgstr = _("Installing %s-%s-%s.%s (%s)") %(header[rpm.RPMTAG_NAME], header[rpm.RPMTAG_VERSION], header[rpm.RPMTAG_RELEASE], header[rpm.RPMTAG_ARCH], size) self.curPackage["package"].set_text ("%.70s" %(pkgstr,)) summary = header[rpm.RPMTAG_SUMMARY] if (summary == None): summary = "(none)" else: summary = "%.70s" %(summary,) self.curPackage["summary"].set_text (summary) def setSizes (self, total, totalSize, totalFiles): self.numTotal = total self.totalFiles = totalFiles self.totalSize = totalSize self.timeStarted = -1 def renderCallback(self): self.intf.icw.nextClicked() def allocate (self, widget, *args): if self.sizingprogview: return self.sizingprogview = 1 width = widget.get_allocation ()[2] - 50 # InstallProgressWindow tag="installing" def getScreen (self, dir, intf, id): import glob self.intf = intf if dir == DISPATCH_BACK: intf.icw.prevClicked() return files = [] # XXX this ought to search the lang path like everything else if (os.environ.has_key('LANG')): try: shortlang = string.split(os.environ['LANG'], '_')[0] longlang = string.split(os.environ['LANG'], '.')[0] except: shortlang = '' longlang = os.environ['LANG'] else: shortlang = '' longlang = '' paths = ("/tmp/product/pixmaps/rnotes/%s/*.png" %(shortlang,), "/tmp/product/pixmaps/rnotes/%s/*.png" %(longlang,), "/tmp/product/pixmaps/rnotes/*.png", "/usr/share/anaconda/pixmaps/rnotes/%s/*.png" %(shortlang,), "/usr/share/anaconda/pixmaps/rnotes/%s/*.png" %(longlang,), "/usr/share/anaconda/pixmaps/rnotes/*.png") for path in paths: pixmaps = glob.glob(path) if len(pixmaps) > 0: break if len(pixmaps) > 0: files = pixmaps else: files = ["progress_first.png"] #--Need to merge with if statement above...don't show ads in lowres if intf.runres != '800x600': files = ["progress_first-375.png"] # sort the list of filenames files.sort() pixmaps = [] for pixmap in files: if string.find (pixmap, "progress_first.png") < 0: pixmaps.append(pixmap[string.find(pixmap, "rnotes/"):]) self.pixmaps = pixmaps self.pixtimer = None self.pixcurnum = 0 self.wrappedpixlist = 0 self.lastTimeEstimate = None self.initialTimeEstimate = None self.estimateHistory = [] # self.timeLog = open("/tmp/timelog", "w") # Create vbox to contain components of UI vbox = gtk.VBox (False, 10) # Create rnote area pix = gui.readImageFromFile ("progress_first.png") if pix: frame = gtk.Frame() frame.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_NONE) box = gtk.EventBox() self.adpix = pix box.add(self.adpix) self.adbox = box frame.add (box) vbox.pack_start(frame); # Create progress bars for package and total progress self.progress = gtk.ProgressBar () self.totalProgress = gtk.ProgressBar () progressTable = gtk.Table (2, 2, False) progressTable.attach (self.totalProgress, 1, 2, 0, 1, xpadding=0, ypadding=2) # label = gtk.Label (_("Package Progress: ")) # label.set_alignment (1.0, 0.5) # progressTable.attach (label, 0, 1, 1, 2, gtk.SHRINK) # progressTable.attach (self.progress, 1, 2, 1, 2, ypadding=2) vbox.pack_start (progressTable, False) # total time remaining self.remainingTimeLabel = gtk.Label("") self.remainingTimeLabel.set_alignment(0.5, 0.5) vbox.pack_start(self.remainingTimeLabel, False, False) # Create table for current package info table = gtk.Table (3, 1) vbox.pack_start (table, False, False) self.curPackage = { "package" : _("Package"), "summary" : _("Summary") } i = 0 # for key in ("package", "size", "summary"): for key in ("package", "summary"): label = gtk.Label ("") label.set_alignment (0, 0) label.set_line_wrap (True) if key == "summary": label.set_text ("\n\n") label.set_size_request(450, 35) fillopts = gtk.EXPAND|gtk.FILL else: fillopts = gtk.FILL self.curPackage[key] = label table.attach (label, 0, 1, i, i+1, gtk.FILL, fillopts) i = i + 1 statusflag = 0 for m in ['http://', 'ftp://']: if id.methodstr.startswith(m): statusflag = 1 break if statusflag: statusTable = gtk.Table (2, 2, False) self.pkgstatus = gtk.Label("") statusTable.attach (gtk.Label(_("Status: ")), 0, 1, 0, 1, gtk.SHRINK) statusTable.attach (self.pkgstatus, 1, 2, 0, 1, gtk.FILL, gtk.FILL, ypadding=2) vbox.pack_start (statusTable, False, False) else: self.pkgstatus = None # All done with creating components of UI intf.setPackageProgressWindow (self) id.setInstallProgressClass(self) vbox.set_border_width (5) return vbox