from gtk import * from iw_gui import * from isys import * from translate import _, N_ class NetworkWindow (InstallWindow): windowTitle = N_("Network Configuration") htmlTag = "netconf" def __init__ (self, ics): InstallWindow.__init__ (self, ics) self.calcNMHandler = None # XXX # #for dev in ().values (): #if not dev.get('onboot'): #dev.set (("onboot", "yes")) def getNext (self): if not self.__dict__.has_key("gw"): return None = () = self.ns.get_text () = self.ns2.get_text () = self.ns3.get_text () if (self.hostname.get_text () != ""): = self.hostname.get_text () return None def focusInIP (self, widget, event, (ip, nm)): if nm.get_text() == "": self.calcNetmask (None, (ip, nm)) ip.calcNMHandler = ip.connect ("changed", self.calcNetmask, (ip, nm)) def focusOutIP (self, widget, event, ip): if (self.hostname.get_text () == "" and != "localhost.localdomain"): hs = tmp = string.split(hs, ".") self.hostname.set_text (tmp[0]) count = 0 domain = "" for token in tmp: if count == 0: pass elif count == 1: domain = domain + token else: domain = domain + "." + token count = count + 1 self.domainname.set_text (domain) # self.hostname.set_text ( if ip.calcNMHandler != None: ip.disconnect (ip.calcNMHandler) ip.calcNMHandler = None def focusOutNM (self, widget, event, (dev, ip, nm, nw, bc)): try: network, broadcast = inet_calcNetBroad (ip.get_text (), nm.get_text ()) if nw.get_text () == "": nw.set_text (network) dev.set (("network", network)) if bc.get_text () == "": bc.set_text (broadcast) dev.set (("broadcast", broadcast)) except: pass def focusOutBC (self, widget, event, dev): if () == "": try: gw = inet_calcGateway (widget.get_text ()) (gw) except: pass def focusOutNW (self, widget, event, dev): if self.ns.get_text () == "": try: ns = inet_calcNS (widget.get_text ()) self.ns.set_text (ns) except: pass # not currently used def setupTODO (self): if self.devs: if self.DHCPcb.get_active (): (("bootproto", "dhcp")) ("ipaddr", "netmask", "network", "broadcast") else: try: network, broadcast = inet_calcNetBroad (self.ip.get_text (), self.nm.get_text ()) (("bootproto", "static")) (("ipaddr", self.ip.get_text ()), ("netmask", self.nm.get_text ()), ("network", network), ("broadcast", broadcast), ("onboot", "yes")) = () = self.dns1.get_text () except: pass (("onboot", "yes")) def calcNWBC (self, widget, (dev, ip, nm, nw, bc)): for addr in (ip, nm): dots = 0 for ch in addr.get_text (): if ch == '.': dots = dots + 1 if dots != 3: return dev.set (("ipaddr", ip.get_text ())) dev.set (("netmask", nm.get_text ())) def calcNetmask (self, widget, (ip, nm)): ip = ip.get_text () dots = 0 valid_list = [ "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8" , "9", "0", "." ] valid_ip = TRUE for x in ip: if x == '.': dots = dots + 1 if x not in valid_list: #-if there's an invalid char in the widget, don't calculate netmask print "found invalid char" valid_ip = FALSE if dots != 3: return if valid_ip == TRUE: try: new_nm = inet_calcNetmask (ip) if (new_nm != nm.get_text ()): nm.set_text (new_nm) except: pass def DHCPtoggled (self, widget, (dev, table)): active = widget.get_active () table.set_sensitive (not active) self.ipTable.set_sensitive (not active) bootproto = "dhcp" if not active: bootproto = "static" dev.set (("bootproto", bootproto)) def onBootToggled (self, widget, dev): if widget.get_active (): onboot = "yes" else: onboot = "no" dev.set (("onboot", onboot)) # NetworkWindow tag="netconf" def getScreen (self, network): box = GtkVBox () box.set_border_width (5) = network notebook = GtkNotebook () devs = () if not devs: return None devs.keys ().sort () num = 0 for i in devs.keys (): devbox = GtkVBox () align = GtkAlignment () DHCPcb = GtkCheckButton (_("Configure using DHCP")) align.add (DHCPcb) devbox.pack_start (align, FALSE) align = GtkAlignment () bootcb = GtkCheckButton (_("Activate on boot")) onboot = devs[i].get ("onboot") bootcb.set_active ((num == 0 and not onboot) or onboot == "yes") bootcb.connect ("toggled", self.onBootToggled, devs[i]) align.add (bootcb) devbox.pack_start (align, FALSE) devbox.pack_start (GtkHSeparator (), FALSE, padding=3) options = [(_("IP Address"), "ipaddr"), (_("Netmask"), "netmask"), (_("Network"), "network"), (_("Broadcast"), "broadcast") ] ipTable = GtkTable (len (options), 2) self.ipTable = GtkTable (len (options), 2) # this is the iptable used for DNS, et. al DHCPcb.connect ("toggled", self.DHCPtoggled, (devs[i], ipTable)) bootproto = devs[i].get ("bootproto") # go ahead and set up DHCP on the first device DHCPcb.set_active ((num == 0 and not bootproto) or bootproto == "dhcp") num = num + 1 forward = lambda widget, box=box: box.focus (DIR_TAB_FORWARD) for t in range (len (options)): label = GtkLabel ("%s:" % (options[t][0],)) label.set_alignment (0.0, 0.5) ipTable.attach (label, 0, 1, t, t+1, FILL, 0, 10) entry = GtkEntry (15) # entry.set_usize (gdk_char_width (entry.get_style ().font, '0')*15, -1) entry.set_usize (7 * 15, -1) entry.connect ("activate", forward) entry.set_text (devs[i].get (options[t][1])) options[t] = entry ipTable.attach (entry, 1, 2, t, t+1, 0, FILL|EXPAND) for t in range (len (options)): if t == 0 or t == 1: options[t].connect ("changed", self.calcNWBC, (devs[i],) + tuple (options)) options[0].ipCalcNMHandler = None self.focusOutNM (None, None, (devs[i],) + tuple (options)) # add event handlers for the main IP widget to calcuate the netmask options[0].connect ("focus_in_event", self.focusInIP, (options[0], options[1])) options[0].connect ("focus_out_event", self.focusOutIP, options[0]) options[1].connect ("focus_out_event", self.focusOutNM, (devs[i],) + tuple (options)) options[2].connect ("focus_out_event", self.focusOutNW, devs[i]) options[3].connect ("focus_out_event", self.focusOutBC, devs[i]) devbox.pack_start (ipTable, FALSE, FALSE, 5) devbox.show_all () notebook.append_page (devbox, GtkLabel (i)) box.pack_start (notebook, FALSE) box.pack_start (GtkHSeparator (), FALSE, padding=10) options = [_("Hostname"), _("Gateway"), _("Primary DNS"), _("Secondary DNS"), _("Ternary DNS")] for i in range (len (options)): label = GtkLabel ("%s:" % (options[i],)) label.set_alignment (0.0, 0.0) self.ipTable.attach (label, 0, 1, i, i+1, FILL, 0, 10) if i == 0: options[i] = GtkEntry () options[i].set_usize (7 * 30, -1) else: options[i] = GtkEntry (15) options[i].set_usize (7 * 15, -1) options[i].connect ("activate", forward) align = GtkAlignment (0, 0.5) align.add (options[i]) self.ipTable.attach (align, 1, 2, i, i+1, FILL, 0) self.ipTable.set_row_spacing (0, 5) self.hostname = options[0] # bring over the value from the loader if ( != "localhost.localdomain"): self.hostname.set_text ( = options[1] ( self.ns = options[2] self.ns.set_text ( self.ns2 = options[3] self.ns2.set_text ( self.ns3 = options[4] self.ns3.set_text ( box.pack_start (self.ipTable, FALSE, FALSE, 5) return box