# # lvm_dialog_gui.py: dialog for editing a volume group request # # Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Red Hat, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Author(s): Michael Fulbright # import copy import gobject import gtk import datacombo import gui from partition_ui_helpers_gui import * from constants import * from storage.devices import * from storage.deviceaction import * import gettext _ = lambda x: gettext.ldgettext("anaconda", x) P_ = lambda x, y, z: gettext.ldngettext("anaconda", x, y, z) import logging log = logging.getLogger("anaconda") class VolumeGroupEditor: def getTempVG(self): pvs = [copy.deepcopy(pv) for pv in self.pvs] vg = LVMVolumeGroupDevice('tmp-%s' % self.vg.name, parents=pvs, peSize=self.peSize) for lv in self.lvs.values(): LVMLogicalVolumeDevice(lv['name'], vg, format=lv['format'], size=lv['size'], exists=lv['exists']) return vg def numAvailableLVSlots(self): return max(0, lvm.MAX_LV_SLOTS - len(self.lvs)) def computeSpaceValues(self): vg = self.getTempVG() vgsize = vg.size vgfree = vg.freeSpace vgused = vgsize - vgfree return (vgsize, vgused, vgfree) def getPVWastedRatio(self, newpe): """ given a new pe value, return percentage of smallest PV wasted newpe - (int) new value of PE, in KB """ pvlist = self.getSelectedPhysicalVolumes() waste = 0.0 for pv in pvlist: waste = max(waste, (long(pv.size*1024) % newpe)/(pv.size*1024.0)) return waste def getSmallestPVSize(self): """ finds the smallest PV and returns its size in MB """ first = 1 pvlist = self.getSelectedPhysicalVolumes() for pv in pvlist: try: pesize = int(self.peCombo.get_active_value()) / 1024.0 except: pesize = self.vg.peSize # FIXME: move this logic into a property of LVMVolumeGroupDevice pvsize = max(0, lvm.clampSize(pv.size, pesize) - pesize) if first: minpvsize = pvsize first = 0 else: minpvsize = min(pvsize, minpvsize) return minpvsize def reclampLV(self, newpe): """ given a new pe value, set logical volume sizes accordingly newpe - (int) new value of PE, in KB """ pvlist = self.getSelectedPhysicalVolumes() availSpaceMB = self.computeVGSize(pvlist, newpe) # see if total space is enough oldused = 0 used = 0 resize = 0 for lv in self.lvs.values(): osize = lv['size'] oldused = oldused + osize nsize = lvm.clampSize(osize, newpe, roundup=1) if nsize != osize: resize = 1 used = used + nsize if used > availSpaceMB: self.intf.messageWindow(_("Not enough space"), _("The physical extent size cannot be " "changed because otherwise the space " "required by the currently defined " "logical volumes will be increased " "to more than the available space."), custom_icon="error") return 0 if resize: rc = self.intf.messageWindow(_("Confirm Physical Extent Change"), _("This change in the value of the " "physical extent will require the " "sizes of the current logical " "volume requests to be rounded " "up in size to an integer multiple " "of the " "physical extent.\n\nThis change " "will take effect immediately."), type="custom", custom_icon="question", custom_buttons=["gtk-cancel", _("C_ontinue")]) if not rc: return 0 for lv in self.lvs.values(): lv['size'] = lvm.clampSize(lv['size'], newpe, roundup=1) return 1 def peChangeCB(self, widget, *args): """ handle changes in the Physical Extent option menu widget - menu item which was activated peOption - the Option menu containing the items. The data value for "lastval" is the previous PE value. """ curval = int(widget.get_active_value()) # this one's in MB so we can stop with all this dividing by 1024 curpe = curval / 1024.0 lastval = widget.get_data("lastpe") lastidx = widget.get_data("lastidx") # see if PE is too large compared to smallest PV maxpvsize = self.getSmallestPVSize() if curpe > maxpvsize: self.intf.messageWindow(_("Not enough space"), _("The physical extent size cannot be " "changed because the value selected " "(%10.2f MB) is larger than the smallest " "physical volume (%10.2f MB) in the " "volume group.") % (curpe, maxpvsize), custom_icon="error") widget.set_active(lastidx) return 0 # see if new PE will make any PV useless due to overhead if lvm.clampSize(maxpvsize, curpe) < curpe: self.intf.messageWindow(_("Not enough space"), _("The physical extent size cannot be " "changed because the value selected " "(%10.2f MB) is too large compared " "to the size of the " "smallest physical volume " "(%10.2f MB) in the " "volume group.") % (curpe, maxpvsize), custom_icon="error") widget.set_active(lastidx) return 0 if self.getPVWastedRatio(curpe) > 0.10: rc = self.intf.messageWindow(_("Too small"), _("This change in the value of the " "physical extent will waste " "substantial space on one or more " "of the physical volumes in the " "volume group."), type="custom", custom_icon="error", custom_buttons=["gtk-cancel", _("C_ontinue")]) if not rc: widget.set_active(lastidx) return 0 # now see if we need to fixup effect PV and LV sizes based on PE if curval > lastval: rc = self.reclampLV(curpe) if not rc: widget.set_active(lastidx) return 0 else: self.updateLogVolStore() else: maxlv = lvm.getMaxLVSize() for lv in self.lvs.values(): if lv['size'] > maxlv: self.intf.messageWindow(_("Not enough space"), _("The physical extent size " "cannot be changed because the " "resulting maximum logical " "volume size (%10.2f MB) is " "smaller " "than one or more of the " "currently defined logical " "volumes.") % (maxlv,), custom_icon="error") widget.set_active(lastidx) return 0 widget.set_data("lastpe", curval) widget.set_data("lastidx", widget.get_active()) # now actually set the VG's extent size self.peSize = curpe self.updateAllowedLvmPartitionsList() self.updateVGSpaceLabels() def prettyFormatPESize(self, val): """ Pretty print for PE size in KB """ if val < 1024: return "%s KB" % (val,) elif val < 1024*1024: return "%s MB" % (val/1024,) else: return "%s GB" % (val/1024/1024,) def createPEOptionMenu(self, default=4096): peCombo = datacombo.DataComboBox() actualPE = [] for curpe in lvm.getPossiblePhysicalExtents(floor=1024): # don't show PE over 128M, unless it's the default if curpe > 131072 and curpe != default: continue actualPE.append(curpe) val = self.prettyFormatPESize(curpe) peCombo.append(val, curpe) # First try to set the combo's active value to the default we're # passed. If that doesn't work, just set it to the first one to # prevent TypeErrors everywhere. try: peCombo.set_active(actualPE.index(default)) except ValueError: peCombo.set_active(0) peCombo.set_data("lastidx", peCombo.get_active()) peCombo.connect("changed", self.peChangeCB) peCombo.set_data("lastpe", default) return peCombo def clickCB(self, row, data): model = self.lvmlist.get_model() pvlist = self.getSelectedPhysicalVolumes() # get the selected row iter = model.get_iter((string.atoi(data),)) # we invert val because we get called before checklist # changes the toggle state val = not model.get_value(iter, 0) partname = model.get_value(iter, 1) pv = self.storage.devicetree.getDeviceByName(partname) if val: self.pvs.append(pv) else: self.pvs.remove(pv) try: vg = self.getTempVG() except DeviceError as e: self.intf.messageWindow(_("Not enough space"), _("You cannot remove this physical " "volume because otherwise the " "volume group will be too small to " "hold the currently defined logical " "volumes."), custom_icon="error") self.pvs.append(pv) return False self.updateVGSpaceLabels() return True def createAllowedLvmPartitionsList(self): store = gtk.TreeStore(gobject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING) partlist = WideCheckList(2, store, self.clickCB) sw = gtk.ScrolledWindow() sw.add(partlist) sw.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_NEVER, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) sw.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_IN) origpvs = self.pvs[:] for device in self.availlvmparts: # clip size to current PE pesize = int(self.peCombo.get_active_value()) / 1024.0 size = lvm.clampSize(device.size, pesize) size_string = "%10.2f MB" % size include = True selected = False # now see if the pv is in use either by a vg in the tree or by # the vg we are editing now if device in origpvs: selected = True include = True else: for vg in self.storage.vgs: if vg.name == self.vg.name: continue if device in vg.pvs: include = False break if include and not origpvs: selected = True if include: partlist.append_row((device.name, size_string), selected) if selected and device not in self.pvs: self.pvs.append(device) return (partlist, sw) def updateAllowedLvmPartitionsList(self): """ update sizes in pv list """ row = 0 for part in self.availlvmparts: size = part.size # clip size to current PE pesize = int(self.peCombo.get_active_value()) / 1024.0 size = lvm.clampSize(size, pesize) partsize = "%10.2f MB" % size iter = self.lvmlist.store.get_iter((int(row),)) self.lvmlist.store.set_value(iter, 2, partsize) row = row + 1 def getCurrentLogicalVolume(self): selection = self.logvollist.get_selection() (model, iter) = selection.get_selected() return iter def editLogicalVolume(self, lv, isNew = 0): # Mixing logical code and gtk code is confusing to me. So I am going # to do the logic first and then create all the gtk crap! # # lv -- whatever self.logvolstore.get_value returns #newfstypelabel = None # File system type label & combo #newfstypeCombo = None newfslabellabel = None # File system Label label & combo newfslableCombo = None #lvnamelabel = None # Logical Volume name label & entry #lvnameentry = None #lvsizelabel = None # Logical Volume size label & entry #lvsizeentry = None maxsizelabel = None # Maximum size label #mountCombo = None # Mount Point Combo Box #tstr = None # String that appears on top of the window tempvg = self.getTempVG() # copy of self.vg templv = None cpefsos = None # lambda function that represents # createPreExistFSOptionSection # Define the string if isNew: tstr = _("Make Logical Volume") else: tstr = _("Edit Logical Volume: %s") % lv['name'] # Create the mountCombo. This is the box where the mountpoint will # appear. Note that if the format is swap or Raiddevice, the mount # point is none-sense. templuks = None usedev = None for _lv in tempvg.lvs: if _lv.lvname == lv['name']: templv = _lv usedev = templv if templv.format.type == "luks": templuks = LUKSDevice("luks-%s" % lv['name'], parents=[templv], format=self.luks[lv['name']], exists=templv.format.exists) usedev = templuks break if lv['format'].type == "luks": format = self.luks[lv['name']] else: format = lv['format'] mountCombo = createMountPointCombo(usedev, excludeMountPoints=["/boot"]) # Stuff appears differently when the lv exists and when the lv is new. # here we make that difference. Except for newfslabelCombo, and # maxsizelabel all vars will have a value != None. if not lv['exists']: # File system type lables & combo newfstypelabel = createAlignedLabel(_("_File System Type:")) newfstypeCombo = createFSTypeMenu(format, fstypechangeCB,mountCombo, ignorefs = ["mdmember", "lvmpv", "efi", "prepboot", "appleboot"]) newfstypelabel.set_mnemonic_widget(newfstypeCombo) # Logical Volume name label & entry lvnamelabel = createAlignedLabel(_("_Logical Volume Name:")) lvnameentry = gtk.Entry(32) lvnamelabel.set_mnemonic_widget(lvnameentry) if lv['name']: lvnameentry.set_text(lv['name']) else: lvnameentry.set_text(self.storage.createSuggestedLVName(self.getTempVG())) # Logical Volume size label & entry lvsizelabel = createAlignedLabel(_("_Size (MB):")) lvsizeentry = gtk.Entry(16) lvsizelabel.set_mnemonic_widget(lvsizeentry) lvsizeentry.set_text("%Ld" % lv['size']) # Maximum size label maxsizelabel = createAlignedLabel(_("(Max size is %s MB)") % min(lvm.getMaxLVSize(), lv['size'] + tempvg.freeSpace)) # Encrypt Check Box button. self.lukscb = gtk.CheckButton(_("_Encrypt")) self.lukscb.set_data("formatstate", 1) if lv['format'].type == "luks": self.lukscb.set_active(1) else: self.lukscb.set_active(0) else: # File system type lable & combo newfstypelabel = createAlignedLabel(_("Original File System Type:")) if format.type: newfstypeCombo = gtk.Label(format.name) else: newfstypeCombo = gtk.Label(_("Unknown")) # File system label label & combo if getattr(format, "label", None): newfslabellabel = createAlignedLabel(_("Original File System " "Label:")) newfslableCombo = gtk.Label(format.label) # Logical Volume name label & entry lvnamelabel = createAlignedLabel(_("Logical Volume Name:")) lvnameentry = gtk.Label(lv['name']) # Logical Volume size label & entry lvsizelabel = createAlignedLabel(_("Size (MB):")) lvsizeentry = gtk.Label(str(lv['size'])) # Create the File System Format Section self.fsoptionsDict = {} # We are going to lambda the createPreExistFSOptionSection so we can call # it latter with two arguments, row and mainttable. cpefsos = lambda table, row: createPreExistFSOptionSection(templv, maintable, row, mountCombo, self.storage, ignorefs = ["software RAID", "physical volume (LVM)", "vfat"], luksdev=templuks) # Here is where the gtk crap begins. dialog = gtk.Dialog(tstr, self.parent) gui.addFrame(dialog) dialog.add_button('gtk-cancel', 2) dialog.add_button('gtk-ok', 1) dialog.set_position(gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER) # Initialize main table maintable = gtk.Table() maintable.set_row_spacings(5) maintable.set_col_spacings(5) row = 0 # Add the mountCombo that we previously created lbl = createAlignedLabel(_("_Mount Point:")) maintable.attach(lbl, 0, 1, row,row+1) lbl.set_mnemonic_widget(mountCombo) maintable.attach(mountCombo, 1, 2, row, row + 1) row += 1 # Add the filesystem combo labels. maintable.attach(newfstypelabel, 0, 1, row, row + 1) maintable.attach(newfstypeCombo, 1, 2, row, row + 1) row += 1 # If there is a File system lable, add it. if newfslabellabel is not None and newfslableCombo is not None: maintable.attach(newfslabellabel, 0, 1, row, row + 1) maintable.attach(newfslableCombo, 1, 2, row, row + 1) row += 1 # Add the logical volume name maintable.attach(lvnamelabel, 0, 1, row, row + 1) maintable.attach(lvnameentry, 1, 2, row, row + 1) row += 1 # Add the logical volume size maintable.attach(lvsizelabel, 0, 1, row, row + 1) maintable.attach(lvsizeentry, 1, 2, row, row + 1) row += 1 # If there is a maxsize, add it. if maxsizelabel is not None: maintable.attach(maxsizelabel, 1, 2, row, row + 1) # If we have the createPreExistFSOptionSection lamda function it means # that we have a preexisting lv and we must call the lambda function # to create the Pre exsisting FS option section. if cpefsos is not None: (row, self.fsoptionsDict) = cpefsos(maintable, row) # checkbutton for encryption using dm-crypt/LUKS # FIXME: Here we could not decouple the gtk stuff from the logic because # of the createPreExistFSOptionSection function call. We must # decouple that function. if not lv['exists']: maintable.attach(self.lukscb, 0, 2, row, row + 1) row = row + 1 else: self.lukscb = self.fsoptionsDict.get("lukscb") dialog.vbox.pack_start(maintable) dialog.show_all() # Here ends the gtk crap while 1: rc = dialog.run() if rc == 2: if isNew: del self.lvs[lv['name']] dialog.destroy() return actions = [] targetSize = None migrate = None format = None newluks = None if templv.format.type == "luks": format = self.luks[lv['name']] else: format = templv.format if not templv.exists: fmt_class = newfstypeCombo.get_active_value() else: # existing lv fmt_class = self.fsoptionsDict["fstypeCombo"].get_active_value() mountpoint = mountCombo.get_children()[0].get_text().strip() # validate logical volume name lvname = lvnameentry.get_text().strip() if not templv.exists: err = sanityCheckLogicalVolumeName(lvname) if err: self.intf.messageWindow(_("Illegal Logical Volume Name"), err, custom_icon="error") continue # check that the name is not already in use used = 0 for _lv in self.lvs.values(): if _lv == lv: continue if _lv['name'] == lvname: used = 1 break if used: self.intf.messageWindow(_("Illegal logical volume name"), _("The logical volume name \"%s\" is " "already in use. Please pick " "another.") % (lvname,), custom_icon="error") continue # test mount point # check in pending logical volume requests # these may not have been put in master list of requests # yet if we have not hit 'OK' for the volume group creation if fmt_class().mountable and mountpoint: used = 0 curmntpt = getattr(format, "mountpoint", None) for _lv in self.lvs.values(): if _lv['format'].type == "luks": _format = self.luks[_lv['name']] else: _format = _lv['format'] if not _format.mountable or curmntpt and \ _format.mountpoint == curmntpt: continue if _format.mountpoint == mountpoint: used = 1 break if used: self.intf.messageWindow(_("Mount point in use"), _("The mount point \"%s\" is in " "use. Please pick another.") % (mountpoint,), custom_icon="error") continue # check that size specification is numeric and positive if not templv.exists: badsize = 0 try: size = long(lvsizeentry.get_text()) except: badsize = 1 if badsize or size <= 0: self.intf.messageWindow(_("Illegal size"), _("The requested size as entered is " "not a valid number greater " "than 0."), custom_icon="error") continue else: size = templv.size # check that size specification is within limits pesize = int(self.peCombo.get_active_value()) / 1024.0 size = lvm.clampSize(size, pesize, roundup=True) maxlv = lvm.getMaxLVSize() if size > maxlv: self.intf.messageWindow(_("Not enough space"), _("The current requested size " "(%10.2f MB) is larger than the maximum " "logical volume size (%10.2f MB). " "To increase this limit you can " "create more Physical Volumes from " "unpartitioned disk space and " "add them to this Volume Group.") %(size, maxlv), custom_icon="error") continue # Ok -- now we've done all the checks to validate the # user-specified parameters. Time to set up the device... origname = templv.lvname if not templv.exists: templv._name = lvname try: templv.size = size except ValueError: self.intf.messageWindow(_("Not enough space"), _("The logical volumes you have " "configured require %d MB, but the " "volume group only has %d MB. Please " "either make the volume group larger " "or make the logical volume(s) smaller.") % (size, tempvg.size), custom_icon="error") continue format = fmt_class(mountpoint=mountpoint) if self.lukscb and self.lukscb.get_active() and \ templv.format.type != "luks": newluks = format format = getFormat("luks", passphrase=self.storage.encryptionPassphrase) templv.format = format else: # existing lv if self.fsoptionsDict.has_key("formatcb") and \ self.fsoptionsDict["formatcb"].get_active(): format = fmt_class(mountpoint=mountpoint) if self.lukscb and self.lukscb.get_active() and \ templv.format.type != "luks": newluks = format format = getFormat("luks", device=templv.path, passphrase=self.storage.encryptionPassphrase) elif self.lukscb and self.lukscb.get_active(): newluks = format format = templv.format templv.format = format elif format.mountable: format.mountpoint = mountpoint if self.fsoptionsDict.has_key("migratecb") and \ self.fsoptionsDict["migratecb"].get_active(): format.migrate = True if self.fsoptionsDict.has_key("resizecb") and self.fsoptionsDict["resizecb"].get_active(): targetSize = self.fsoptionsDict["resizesb"].get_value_as_int() templv.targetSize = targetSize if format.exists and format.mountable and format.mountpoint: tempdev = StorageDevice('tmp', format=format) if self.storage.formatByDefault(tempdev) and \ not queryNoFormatPreExisting(self.intf): continue # everything ok break if templv.format.type == "luks": if newluks: self.luks[templv.lvname] = newluks if self.luks.has_key(origname) and origname != templv.lvname: self.luks[templv.lvname] = self.luks[origname] del self.luks[templv.lvname] elif templv.format.type != "luks" and self.luks.has_key(origname): del self.luks[origname] self.lvs[templv.lvname] = {'name': templv.lvname, 'size': templv.size, 'format': templv.format, 'exists': templv.exists} if self.lvs.has_key(origname) and origname != templv.lvname: del self.lvs[origname] self.updateLogVolStore() self.updateVGSpaceLabels() dialog.destroy() return def editCurrentLogicalVolume(self): iter = self.getCurrentLogicalVolume() if iter is None: return logvolname = self.logvolstore.get_value(iter, 0) lv = self.lvs[logvolname] self.editLogicalVolume(lv) def addLogicalVolumeCB(self, widget): if self.numAvailableLVSlots() < 1: self.intf.messageWindow(_("No free slots"), P_("You cannot create more than %d logical volume " "per volume group.", "You cannot create more than %d logical volumes " "per volume group.", lvm.MAX_LV_SLOTS) % (lvm.MAX_LV_SLOTS,), custom_icon="error") return (total, used, free) = self.computeSpaceValues() if free <= 0: self.intf.messageWindow(_("No free space"), _("There is no room left in the " "volume group to create new logical " "volumes. " "To add a logical volume you must " "reduce the size of one or more of " "the currently existing " "logical volumes"), custom_icon="error") return tempvg = self.getTempVG() name = self.storage.createSuggestedLVName(tempvg) self.lvs[name] = {'name': name, 'size': free, 'format': getFormat(self.storage.defaultFSType), 'exists': False} self.editLogicalVolume(self.lvs[name], isNew = 1) return def editLogicalVolumeCB(self, widget): self.editCurrentLogicalVolume() return def delLogicalVolumeCB(self, widget): iter = self.getCurrentLogicalVolume() if iter is None: return logvolname = self.logvolstore.get_value(iter, 0) if logvolname is None: return rc = self.intf.messageWindow(_("Confirm Delete"), _("Are you sure you want to delete the " "logical volume \"%s\"?") % (logvolname,), type = "custom", custom_buttons=["gtk-cancel", _("_Delete")], custom_icon="warning") if not rc: return del self.lvs[logvolname] self.logvolstore.remove(iter) self.updateVGSpaceLabels() return def logvolActivateCb(self, view, path, col): self.editCurrentLogicalVolume() def getSelectedPhysicalVolumes(self): model = self.lvmlist.get_model() pv = [] next = model.get_iter_first() currow = 0 while next is not None: iter = next val = model.get_value(iter, 0) partname = model.get_value(iter, 1) if val: dev = self.storage.devicetree.getDeviceByName(partname) pv.append(dev) next = model.iter_next(iter) currow = currow + 1 return pv def computeVGSize(self, pvlist, curpe): availSpaceMB = 0L for pv in pvlist: # have to clamp pvsize to multiple of PE # XXX why the subtraction? fudging metadata? pvsize = lvm.clampSize(pv.size, curpe) - (curpe/1024) availSpaceMB = availSpaceMB + pvsize log.info("computeVGSize: vgsize is %s" % (availSpaceMB,)) return availSpaceMB def computeLVSpaceNeeded(self, logreqs): neededSpaceMB = 0 for lv in logreqs: neededSpaceMB = neededSpaceMB + lv.size return neededSpaceMB def updateLogVolStore(self): self.logvolstore.clear() for lv in self.lvs.values(): iter = self.logvolstore.append() if lv['format'].type == "luks": format = self.luks[lv['name']] else: format = lv['format'] mntpt = getattr(format, "mountpoint", "") if lv['name']: self.logvolstore.set_value(iter, 0, lv['name']) if format.type and format.mountable: self.logvolstore.set_value(iter, 1, mntpt) else: self.logvolstore.set_value(iter, 1, "N/A") self.logvolstore.set_value(iter, 2, "%Ld" % lv['size']) def updateVGSpaceLabels(self): (total, used, free) = self.computeSpaceValues() self.totalSpaceLabel.set_text("%10.2f MB" % (total,)) self.usedSpaceLabel.set_text("%10.2f MB" % (used,)) if total > 0: usedpercent = (100.0*used)/total else: usedpercent = 0.0 self.usedPercentLabel.set_text("(%4.1f %%)" % (usedpercent,)) self.freeSpaceLabel.set_text("%10.2f MB" % (free,)) if total > 0: freepercent = (100.0*free)/total else: freepercent = 0.0 self.freePercentLabel.set_text("(%4.1f %%)" % (freepercent,)) # # run the VG editor we created # def run(self): if self.dialog is None: return [] while 1: rc = self.dialog.run() if rc == 2: self.destroy() return [] pvlist = self.getSelectedPhysicalVolumes() # check volume name volname = self.volnameEntry.get_text().strip() err = sanityCheckVolumeGroupName(volname) if err: self.intf.messageWindow(_("Invalid Volume Group Name"), err, custom_icon="error") continue origvname = self.vg.name if origvname != volname: # maybe we should see if _any_ device has this name if volname in [vg.name for vg in self.storage.vgs]: self.intf.messageWindow(_("Name in use"), _("The volume group name \"%s\" is " "already in use. Please pick " "another." % (volname,)), custom_icon="error") continue # get physical extent pesize = int(self.peCombo.get_active_value()) / 1024.0 # everything ok break # here we have to figure out what all was done and convert it to # devices and actions # # set up the vg with the right pvs # set up the lvs # set up the lvs' formats # log.debug("finished editing vg") log.debug("pvs: %s" % [p.name for p in self.pvs]) log.debug("luks: %s" % self.luks.keys()) for lv in self.lvs.itervalues(): log.debug("lv %s" % lv) _luks = self.luks.get(lv['name']) if _luks: log.debug(" luks: %s" % _luks) actions = [] origlvs = self.vg.lvs if not self.vg.exists: log.debug("non-existing vg -- setting up lvs, pvs, name, pesize") # remove all of the lvs for lv in self.vg.lvs: self.vg._removeLogVol(lv) # set up the pvs for pv in self.vg.pvs: if pv not in self.pvs: self.vg._removePV(pv) for pv in self.pvs: if pv not in self.vg.pvs: self.vg._addPV(pv) self.vg.name = volname self.vg.peSize = pesize if self.isNew: actions = [ActionCreateDevice(self.vg)] # Schedule destruction of all non-existing lvs, their formats, # luks devices, &c. Also destroy devices that have been removed. for lv in origlvs: log.debug("old lv %s..." % lv.lvname) if not lv.exists or lv.lvname not in self.lvs or \ (not self.lvs[lv.lvname]['exists'] and lv.exists): log.debug("removing lv %s" % lv.lvname) if lv.format.type == "luks": try: _luksdev = self.storage.devicetree.getChildren(lv)[0] except IndexError: pass else: if _luksdev.format.type: actions.append(ActionDestroyFormat(_luksdev)) actions.append(ActionDestroyDevice(_luksdev)) if lv.format.type: actions.append(ActionDestroyFormat(lv)) if lv in self.vg.lvs: self.vg._removeLogVol(lv) actions.append(ActionDestroyDevice(lv)) # schedule creation of all new lvs, their formats, luks devices, &c tempvg = self.getTempVG() for lv in tempvg.lvs: log.debug("new lv %s" % lv) if not lv.exists: log.debug("creating lv %s" % lv.lvname) # create the device newlv = LVMLogicalVolumeDevice(lv.lvname, self.vg, size=lv.size) actions.append(ActionCreateDevice(newlv)) # create the format mountpoint = getattr(lv.format, "mountpoint", None) format = getFormat(lv.format.type, mountpoint=mountpoint, device=newlv.path) actions.append(ActionCreateFormat(newlv, format)) if lv.format.type == "luks": # create the luks device newluks = LUKSDevice("luks-%s" % newlv.name, parents=[newlv]) actions.append(ActionCreateDevice(newluks)) # create the luks format oldfmt = self.luks[lv.lvname] mountpoint = getattr(oldfmt, "mountpoint", None) format = getFormat(oldfmt.type, mountpoint=mountpoint, device=newluks.path) actions.append(ActionCreateFormat(newluks, format)) else: log.debug("lv %s already exists" % lv.lvname) # this lv is preexisting. check for resize and reformat. # first, get the real/original lv origlv = None for _lv in self.vg.lvs: if _lv.lvname == lv.lvname: origlv = _lv break if lv.resizable and lv.targetSize != origlv.size: actions.append(ActionResizeDevice(origlv, lv.targetSize)) if lv.format.exists: log.debug("format already exists") if lv.format.type == "luks": # see if the luks device already exists try: usedev = self.storage.devicetree.getChildren(origlv)[0] except IndexError: # the luks device does not exist, meaning we # do not have a key for it continue format = self.luks[lv.lvname] if not format.exists: actions.append(ActionCreateFormat(usedev, format)) else: usedev = origlv format = lv.format if hasattr(format, "mountpoint"): usedev.format.mountpoint = format.mountpoint if format.migratable and format.migrate and \ not usedev.format.migrate: usedev.format.migrate = format.migrate actions.append(ActionMigrateFormat(usedev)) # check the lv's format also, explicitly, in case it is # encrypted. in this case we must check them both. if format.resizable and lv.format.resizable and \ lv.targetSize != format.currentSize and \ usedev.format.exists: new_size = lv.targetSize actions.append(ActionResizeFormat(usedev, new_size)) elif lv.format.type: log.debug("new format: %s" % lv.format.type) # destroy old format and any associated luks devices if origlv.format.type: if origlv.format.type == "luks": # destroy the luks device and its format try: _luksdev = self.storage.devicetree.getChildren(origlv)[0] except IndexError: pass else: if _luksdev.format.type: # this is probably unnecessary actions.append(ActionDestroyFormat(_luksdev)) actions.append(ActionDestroyDevice(_luksdev)) actions.append(ActionDestroyFormat(origlv)) # create the format mountpoint = getattr(lv.format, "mountpoint", None) format = getFormat(lv.format.type, mountpoint=mountpoint, device=origlv.path) actions.append(ActionCreateFormat(origlv, format)) if lv.format.type == "luks": # create the luks device newluks = LUKSDevice("luks-%s" % origlv.name, parents=[origlv]) actions.append(ActionCreateDevice(newluks)) # create the luks format tmpfmt = self.luks[lv.lvname] mountpoint = getattr(tmpfmt, "mountpoint", None) format = getFormat(tmpfmt.type, mountpoint=mountpoint, device=newluks.path) actions.append(ActionCreateFormat(newluks, format)) else: log.debug("no format!?") return actions def destroy(self): if self.dialog: self.dialog.destroy() self.dialog = None def __init__(self, anaconda, intf, parent, vg, isNew = 0): self.storage = anaconda.id.storage # the vg instance we were passed self.vg = vg self.peSize = vg.peSize self.pvs = self.vg.pvs[:] # a dict of dicts # keys are lv names # values are dicts representing the lvs # name, size, format instance, exists self.lvs = {} # a dict of luks devices # keys are lv names # values are formats of the mapped devices self.luks = {} self.isNew = isNew self.intf = intf self.parent = parent self.actions = [] for lv in self.vg.lvs: self.lvs[lv.lvname] = {"name": lv.lvname, "size": lv.size, "format": copy.copy(lv.format), "exists": lv.exists} if lv.format.type == "luks": try: self.luks[lv.lvname] = self.storage.devicetree.getChildren(lv)[0].format except IndexError: self.luks[lv.lvname] = lv.format self.availlvmparts = self.storage.unusedPVs(vg=vg) # if no PV exist, raise an error message and return if len(self.availlvmparts) < 1: self.intf.messageWindow(_("Not enough physical volumes"), _("At least one unused physical " "volume partition is " "needed to create an LVM Volume Group.\n\n" "Create a partition or RAID array " "of type \"physical volume (LVM)\" and then " "select the \"LVM\" option again."), custom_icon="error") self.dialog = None return if isNew: tstr = _("Make LVM Volume Group") else: try: tstr = _("Edit LVM Volume Group: %s") % (vg.name,) except AttributeError: tstr = _("Edit LVM Volume Group") dialog = gtk.Dialog(tstr, self.parent) gui.addFrame(dialog) dialog.add_button('gtk-cancel', 2) dialog.add_button('gtk-ok', 1) dialog.set_position(gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER) maintable = gtk.Table() maintable.set_row_spacings(5) maintable.set_col_spacings(5) row = 0 # volume group name if not vg.exists: lbl = createAlignedLabel(_("_Volume Group Name:")) self.volnameEntry = gtk.Entry(16) lbl.set_mnemonic_widget(self.volnameEntry) if not self.isNew: self.volnameEntry.set_text(self.vg.name) else: self.volnameEntry.set_text(self.storage.createSuggestedVGName(anaconda.id.network)) else: lbl = createAlignedLabel(_("Volume Group Name:")) self.volnameEntry = gtk.Label(self.vg.name) maintable.attach(lbl, 0, 1, row, row + 1, gtk.EXPAND|gtk.FILL, gtk.SHRINK) maintable.attach(self.volnameEntry, 1, 2, row, row + 1, gtk.EXPAND|gtk.FILL, gtk.SHRINK) row = row + 1 lbl = createAlignedLabel(_("_Physical Extent:")) self.peCombo = self.createPEOptionMenu(self.vg.peSize * 1024) lbl.set_mnemonic_widget(self.peCombo) if vg.exists: self.peCombo.set_sensitive(False) maintable.attach(lbl, 0, 1, row, row + 1, gtk.EXPAND|gtk.FILL, gtk.SHRINK) maintable.attach(self.peCombo, 1, 2, row, row + 1, gtk.EXPAND|gtk.FILL, gtk.SHRINK) row = row + 1 (self.lvmlist, sw) = self.createAllowedLvmPartitionsList() if vg.exists: self.lvmlist.set_sensitive(False) self.lvmlist.set_size_request(275, 80) lbl = createAlignedLabel(_("Physical Volumes to _Use:")) lbl.set_mnemonic_widget(self.lvmlist) maintable.attach(lbl, 0, 1, row, row + 1) maintable.attach(sw, 1, 2, row, row + 1) row = row + 1 maintable.attach(createAlignedLabel(_("Used Space:")), 0, 1, row, row + 1, gtk.EXPAND|gtk.FILL, gtk.SHRINK) lbox = gtk.HBox() self.usedSpaceLabel = gtk.Label("") labelalign = gtk.Alignment() labelalign.set(1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0) labelalign.add(self.usedSpaceLabel) lbox.pack_start(labelalign, False, False) self.usedPercentLabel = gtk.Label("") labelalign = gtk.Alignment() labelalign.set(1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0) labelalign.add(self.usedPercentLabel) lbox.pack_start(labelalign, False, False, padding=10) maintable.attach(lbox, 1, 2, row, row + 1, gtk.EXPAND|gtk.FILL, gtk.SHRINK) maintable.set_row_spacing(row, 0) row = row + 1 maintable.attach(createAlignedLabel(_("Free Space:")), 0, 1, row, row + 1, gtk.EXPAND|gtk.FILL, gtk.SHRINK) lbox = gtk.HBox() self.freeSpaceLabel = gtk.Label("") labelalign = gtk.Alignment() labelalign.set(1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0) labelalign.add(self.freeSpaceLabel) lbox.pack_start(labelalign, False, False) self.freePercentLabel = gtk.Label("") labelalign = gtk.Alignment() labelalign.set(1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0) labelalign.add(self.freePercentLabel) lbox.pack_start(labelalign, False, False, padding=10) maintable.attach(lbox, 1, 2, row, row + 1, gtk.EXPAND|gtk.FILL, gtk.SHRINK) maintable.set_row_spacing(row, 0) row = row + 1 maintable.attach(createAlignedLabel(_("Total Space:")), 0, 1, row, row + 1, gtk.EXPAND|gtk.FILL, gtk.SHRINK) self.totalSpaceLabel = gtk.Label("") labelalign = gtk.Alignment() labelalign.set(0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0) labelalign.add(self.totalSpaceLabel) maintable.attach(labelalign, 1, 2, row, row + 1, gtk.EXPAND|gtk.FILL, gtk.SHRINK) maintable.set_row_spacing(row, 5) row = row + 1 # populate list of logical volumes lvtable = gtk.Table() lvtable.set_row_spacings(5) lvtable.set_col_spacings(5) self.logvolstore = gtk.ListStore(gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING) if self.vg.lvs: for lv in self.vg.lvs: iter = self.logvolstore.append() self.logvolstore.set_value(iter, 0, lv.lvname) if lv.format.type == "luks": try: format = self.storage.devicetree.getChildren(lv)[0].format except IndexError: format = lv.format else: format = lv.format if getattr(format, "mountpoint", None): self.logvolstore.set_value(iter, 1, format.mountpoint) else: self.logvolstore.set_value(iter, 1, "") self.logvolstore.set_value(iter, 2, "%Ld" % lv.size) self.logvollist = gtk.TreeView(self.logvolstore) col = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Logical Volume Name"), gtk.CellRendererText(), text=0) self.logvollist.append_column(col) col = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Mount Point"), gtk.CellRendererText(), text=1) self.logvollist.append_column(col) col = gtk.TreeViewColumn(_("Size (MB)"), gtk.CellRendererText(), text=2) self.logvollist.append_column(col) self.logvollist.connect('row-activated', self.logvolActivateCb) sw = gtk.ScrolledWindow() sw.add(self.logvollist) sw.set_size_request(100, 100) sw.set_policy(gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC) sw.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_IN) lvtable.attach(sw, 0, 1, 0, 1) # button box of options lvbbox = gtk.VBox() add = gtk.Button(_("_Add")) add.connect("clicked", self.addLogicalVolumeCB) lvbbox.pack_start(add) edit = gtk.Button(_("_Edit")) edit.connect("clicked", self.editLogicalVolumeCB) lvbbox.pack_start(edit) delete = gtk.Button(_("_Delete")) delete.connect("clicked", self.delLogicalVolumeCB) lvbbox.pack_start(delete) lvalign = gtk.Alignment() lvalign.set(0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) lvalign.add(lvbbox) lvtable.attach(lvalign, 1, 2, 0, 1, gtk.SHRINK, gtk.SHRINK) # pack all logical volumne stuff in a frame lvtable.set_border_width(12) l = gtk.Label() l.set_markup_with_mnemonic("%s" %(_("_Logical Volumes"),)) l.set_mnemonic_widget(self.logvollist) frame = gtk.Frame() frame.set_label_widget(l) frame.add(lvtable) frame.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_NONE) # dialog.vbox.pack_start(frame) maintable.attach(frame, 0, 2, row, row+1) row = row + 1 dialog.vbox.pack_start(maintable) dialog.set_size_request(550, 450) dialog.show_all() # set space labels to correct values self.updateVGSpaceLabels() self.dialog = dialog