from gtk import * from iw import * from language import * from welcome import * from progress import * from package import * from network import * from account import * from auth import * from mouse import * from keyboard import * from format import * from congrats import * from dependencies import * from lilo import * from silo import * from examine import * from bootdisk import * from timezone import * from xconfig import * from fdisk import * from rootpartition import * from confirm import * import iutil from gui import _ import installclass UPGRADE = 0 INSTALL = 1 CUSTOM = 2 WORKSTATION_GNOME = 3 WORKSTATION_KDE = 4 SERVER = 5 class InstallPathWindow (InstallWindow): installTypes = ((WORKSTATION_GNOME, _("GNOME Workstation"), "gnome-workstation.png"), (WORKSTATION_KDE, _("KDE Workstation"), "kde-workstation.png"), (SERVER, _("Server"), "server.png"), (CUSTOM, _("Custom"), "custom.png")) def __init__ (self, ics): if iutil.getArch() == 'sparc': BootloaderWindow = SiloWindow BootloaderSkipname = "silo" else: BootloaderWindow = LiloWindow BootloaderSkipname = "lilo" self.installSteps = [ ( AutoPartitionWindow, "partition" ), FDiskWindow, ( PartitionWindow, "partition" ), ( FormatWindow, "format" ), ( BootloaderWindow, BootloaderSkipname ), ( NetworkWindow, "network" ), ( TimezoneWindow, "timezone" ), ( AccountWindow, "accounts" ), ( AuthWindow, "authentication" ), ( PackageSelectionWindow, "package-selection" ), ( UnresolvedDependenciesWindow, "dependencies" ), ( XConfigWindow, "xconfig" ), ( ConfirmWindow, "confirm" ), InstallProgressWindow, ( BootdiskWindow, "bootdisk" ), ( CongratulationWindow, "complete" ) ] self.upgradeSteps = [ UpgradeExamineWindow, BootloaderWindow, UnresolvedDependenciesWindow, InstallProgressWindow, BootdiskWindow, CongratulationWindow ] InstallWindow.__init__ (self, ics) ics.readHTML ("instpath") self.commonSteps = [ ( LanguageWindow, "language" ), ( KeyboardWindow, "keyboard" ), ( MouseWindow, "mouse" ), ( WelcomeWindow, "welcome" ), ( InstallPathWindow, "installtype" ), ] ics.setTitle (_("Install Type")) ics.setNextEnabled (1) self.ics = ics def getNext(self): if not self.__dict__.has_key("upgradeButton"): return icw = self.ics.getICW () if self.upgradeButton.get_active(): self.todo.upgrade = 1 icw.setStateList (self.commonSteps + self.upgradeSteps, len (self.commonSteps)-1) else: icw.setStateList (self.commonSteps + self.installSteps, len (self.commonSteps)-1) self.todo.upgrade = 0 for (button, type) in self.installClasses: if button.get_active(): break if type == WORKSTATION_GNOME and self.orig != WORKSTATION_GNOME: self.todo.setClass (installclass.GNOMEWorkstation ()) elif type == WORKSTATION_KDE and self.orig != WORKSTATION_KDE: self.todo.setClass (installclass.KDEWorkstation ()) elif type == SERVER and self.orig != SERVER: print "SERVER" self.todo.setClass (installclass.Server ()) elif type == CUSTOM and self.orig != CUSTOM: self.todo.setClass (installclass.CustomInstall ()) def toggled (self, widget, type): if not widget.get_active (): return if type == INSTALL: self.installBox.set_sensitive(1) elif type == UPGRADE: self.installBox.set_sensitive(0) def pixRadioButton (self, group, label, pixmap): im = self.ics.readPixmap (pixmap) if im: im.render () pix = im.make_pixmap () hbox = GtkHBox (FALSE, 5) hbox.pack_start (pix, FALSE, FALSE, 0) label = GtkLabel (label) label.set_alignment (0.0, 0.5) hbox.pack_start (label, TRUE, TRUE, 15) button = GtkRadioButton (group) button.add (hbox) else: button = GtkRadioButton (group, label) return button def getScreen (self): if (self.todo.instClass.installType == "install"): self.ics.getICW ().setStateList (self.commonSteps + self.installSteps, len (self.commonSteps)-1) self.todo.upgrade = 0 return None elif (self.todo.instClass.installType == "upgrade"): self.ics.getICW ().setStateList (self.commonSteps + self.upgradeSteps, len (self.commonSteps)-1) self.todo.upgrade = 1 return None box = GtkVBox (FALSE, 5) installButton = self.pixRadioButton (None, _("Install"), "install.png") installButton.connect ("toggled", self.toggled, INSTALL) self.upgradeButton = self.pixRadioButton (installButton, _("Upgrade"), "upgrade.png") self.upgradeButton.connect ("toggled", self.toggled, UPGRADE) if (self.todo.upgrade): self.upgradeButton.set_active(1) self.toggled (self.upgradeButton, UPGRADE) self.orig = None default = None else: instClass = self.todo.getClass() self.orig = None installButton.set_active(1) if isinstance(instClass, installclass.GNOMEWorkstation): self.orig = WORKSTATION_GNOME elif isinstance(instClass, installclass.KDEWorkstation): self.orig = WORKSTATION_KDE elif isinstance(instClass, installclass.Server): self.orig = SERVER elif isinstance(instClass, installclass.CustomInstall): self.orig = CUSTOM if (self.orig): default = self.orig else: default = WORKSTATION_GNOME self.installBox = GtkVBox (FALSE, 0) group = None self.installClasses = [] for (type, name, pixmap) in self.installTypes: group = self.pixRadioButton (group, name, pixmap) self.installBox.pack_start (group, FALSE) self.installClasses.append ((group, type)) if (type == default): group.set_active (1) spacer = GtkLabel("") spacer.set_usize(60, 1) table = GtkTable(2, 3) table.attach(installButton, 0, 2, 0, 1) table.attach(spacer, 0, 1, 1, 2, xoptions = FALSE) table.attach(self.installBox, 1, 2, 1, 2, xoptions = FILL | EXPAND) table.attach(self.upgradeButton, 0, 2, 2, 3) box.pack_start(table, FALSE) if hbox = GtkHBox (FALSE) if not InstallPathWindow.__dict__.has_key("fdisk"): fdiskState = 0 else: fdiskState = InstallPathWindow.fdisk.get_active() InstallPathWindow.fdisk = GtkCheckButton (_("Use fdisk")) InstallPathWindow.fdisk.set_active(fdiskState) align = GtkAlignment () align.add (InstallPathWindow.fdisk) align.set (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0) hbox.pack_start (box, TRUE) hbox.pack_start (align, FALSE) box = hbox else: InstallPathWindow.fdisk = None self.toggled (installButton, INSTALL) self.toggled (self.upgradeButton, UPGRADE) box.set_border_width (5) return box