from gtk import * from iw_gui import * from translate import _ class ConfirmWindow (InstallWindow): def __init__ (self, ics): InstallWindow.__init__ (self, ics) ics.setNextEnabled (1) ics.setPrevEnabled (1) if self.ics.todo.upgrade: ics.setTitle (_("About to Upgrade")) ics.readHTML ("aboutupgrade") else: ics.setTitle (_("About to Install")) ics.readHTML ("aboutinstall") # ConfirmWindow tag="aboutupgrade" or "aboutinstall" def getScreen (self): hbox = GtkHBox (TRUE, 5) box = GtkVBox (FALSE, 5) im = self.ics.readPixmap ("about-to-install.png") if im: im.render () pix = im.make_pixmap () a = GtkAlignment () a.add (pix) a.set (0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0) hbox.pack_start (a, FALSE) if self.ics.todo.upgrade: label = GtkLabel (_("Click next to begin upgrade of Red Hat Linux.")) else: label = GtkLabel (_("Click next to begin installation of Red Hat Linux.")) label.set_line_wrap (TRUE) label.set_usize(190, -1) if self.ics.todo.upgrade: label2 = GtkLabel (_("A complete log of your upgrade will be in " "/tmp/upgrade.log after rebooting your system. You " "may want to keep this file for later reference.")) else: label2 = GtkLabel (_("A complete log of your installation will be in " "/tmp/install.log after rebooting your system. You " "may want to keep this file for later reference.")) label2.set_line_wrap (TRUE) label2.set_usize(190, -1) box.pack_start (label, FALSE) box.pack_start (label2, FALSE) box.set_border_width (5) a = GtkAlignment () a.add (box) a.set (0.5, 0.5, 0.0, 0.0) hbox.pack_start (a) return hbox