# # bootloader_main_gui.py: gui bootloader configuration dialog # # Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # Author(s): Jeremy Katz # import gtk import gobject import gui from iw_gui import * from constants import * import gettext _ = lambda x: gettext.ldgettext("anaconda", x) from osbootwidget import OSBootWidget from blpasswidget import BootloaderPasswordWidget class MainBootloaderWindow(InstallWindow): windowTitle = N_("Boot Loader Configuration") def __init__(self, ics): InstallWindow.__init__(self, ics) self.parent = ics.getICW().window def getPrev(self): pass def getNext(self): # go ahead and set the device even if we already knew it # since that won't change anything self.bl.setDevice(self.bldev) self.bl.drivelist = self.driveorder if not self.grubCB.get_active(): # if we're not installing a boot loader, don't show the second # screen and don't worry about other options self.dispatch.skipStep("instbootloader", skip = 1) # kind of a hack... self.bl.defaultDevice = None return else: self.dispatch.skipStep("instbootloader", skip = 0) self.bl.setUseGrub(1) # set the password self.bl.setPassword(self.blpass.getPassword(), isCrypted = 0) # set the bootloader images based on what's in our list self.oslist.setBootloaderImages() def bootloaderChanged(self, *args): active = self.grubCB.get_active() for widget in [ self.oslist.getWidget(), self.blpass.getWidget(), self.deviceButton ]: widget.set_sensitive(active) def _deviceChange(self, b, anaconda, *args): def __driveChange(combo, dxml, choices): if not choices.has_key("mbr"): return iter = combo.get_active_iter() if not iter: return first = combo.get_model()[iter][1] desc = choices["mbr"][1] dxml.get_widget("mbrRadio").set_label("%s - /dev/%s" %(desc, first)) dxml.get_widget("mbrRadio").set_data("bootDevice", first) def __genStore(combo, disks, active): model = gtk.TreeStore(gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING) combo.set_model(model) cell = gtk.CellRendererText() combo.pack_start(cell, True) combo.set_attributes(cell, text = 0) for disk in disks: size = disk.size m = disk.description i = model.append(None) model[i] = ("%s %8.0f MB %s" %(disk.name, size, m), "%s" %(disk.name,)) if disk.name == active: combo.set_active_iter(i) return model (dxml, dialog) = gui.getGladeWidget("blwhere.glade", "blwhereDialog") gui.addFrame(dialog) dialog.set_transient_for(self.parent) dialog.show() choices = anaconda.platform.bootloaderChoices(self.bl) for t in ("mbr", "boot"): if not choices.has_key(t): continue (device, desc) = choices[t] w = dxml.get_widget("%sRadio" %(t,)) w.set_label("%s - /dev/%s" %(desc, device)) w.show() if self.bldev == device: w.set_active(True) else: w.set_active(False) w.set_data("bootDevice", device) for i in range(1, 5): if len(self.driveorder) < i: break combo = dxml.get_widget("bd%dCombo" %(i,)) lbl = dxml.get_widget("bd%dLabel" %(i,)) combo.show() lbl.show() m = __genStore(combo, anaconda.id.storage.disks, self.driveorder[i - 1]) dxml.get_widget("bd1Combo").connect("changed", __driveChange, dxml, choices) __driveChange(dxml.get_widget("bd1Combo"), dxml, choices) while 1: rc = dialog.run() if rc in [gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_DELETE_EVENT]: break # set the boot device based on what they chose if dxml.get_widget("bootRadio").get_active(): self.bldev = dxml.get_widget("bootRadio").get_data("bootDevice") elif dxml.get_widget("mbrRadio").get_active(): self.bldev = dxml.get_widget("mbrRadio").get_data("bootDevice") else: raise RuntimeError, "No radio button selected!" # and adjust the boot order neworder = [] for i in range(1, 5): if len(self.driveorder) < i: break combo = dxml.get_widget("bd%dCombo" %(i,)) iter = combo.get_active_iter() if not iter: continue act = combo.get_model()[iter][1] if act not in neworder: neworder.append(act) for d in self.driveorder: if d not in neworder: neworder.append(d) self.driveorder = neworder break dialog.destroy() self.grubCB.set_label(_("_Install boot loader on /dev/%s.") % (self.bldev,)) return rc def _setBLCBText(self): self.grubCB.set_label(_("_Install boot loader on /dev/%s.") % (self.bldev,)) def getScreen(self, anaconda): self.dispatch = anaconda.dispatch self.bl = anaconda.id.bootloader self.intf = anaconda.intf disks = anaconda.id.storage.disks self.driveorder = self.bl.drivelist if len(self.driveorder) == 0: self.driveorder = [d.name for d in disks] if self.bl.getPassword(): self.usePass = 1 self.password = self.bl.getPassword() else: self.usePass = 0 self.password = None thebox = gtk.VBox (False, 12) thebox.set_border_width(18) # make sure we get a valid device to say we're installing to if self.bl.getDevice() is not None: self.bldev = self.bl.getDevice() else: # we don't know what it is yet... if mbr is possible, we want # it, else we want the boot dev choices = anaconda.platform.bootloaderChoices(self.bl) if choices.has_key('mbr'): self.bldev = choices['mbr'][0] else: self.bldev = choices['boot'][0] hb = gtk.HBox(False, 12) self.grubCB = gtk.CheckButton(_("_Install boot loader on /dev/%s.") % (self.bldev,)) self.grubCB.set_active(not self.dispatch.stepInSkipList("instbootloader")) self.grubCB.connect("toggled", self.bootloaderChanged) hb.pack_start(self.grubCB, False) self.deviceButton = gtk.Button(_("_Change device")) self.deviceButton.connect("clicked", self._deviceChange, anaconda) hb.pack_start(self.deviceButton, False) thebox.pack_start(hb, False) # control whether or not there's a boot loader password and what it is self.blpass = BootloaderPasswordWidget(anaconda, self.parent) thebox.pack_start(self.blpass.getWidget(), False) # configure the systems available to boot from the boot loader self.oslist = OSBootWidget(anaconda, self.parent) thebox.pack_end(self.oslist.getWidget(), True) self.bootloaderChanged() return thebox