# # blpasswidget.py - widget for setting of a boot loader password # # Jeremy Katz # # Copyright 2001-2002 Red Hat, Inc. # # This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU # library public license. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # import gtk import gobject import iutil import gui from rhpl.translate import _, N_ class BootloaderPasswordWidget: def __init__(self, bl, parent, intf): self.parent = parent self.intf = intf if bl.getPassword(): usePass = 1 self.password = bl.getPassword() else: usePass = 0 self.password = None vbox = gtk.VBox(gtk.FALSE, 5) label = gui.WrappingLabel(_("A boot loader password prevents users from changing options passed to the kernel. For greater system security, it is recommended that you set a password.")) label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5) vbox.pack_start(label, gtk.FALSE) # password widgets + callback self.usePassCb = gtk.CheckButton(_("_Use a boot loader password")) self.passButton = gtk.Button("No password") if usePass: self.usePassCb.set_active(gtk.TRUE) self.passButton.set_sensitive(gtk.TRUE) else: self.usePassCb.set_active(gtk.FALSE) self.passButton.set_sensitive(gtk.FALSE) self.usePassCb.connect("toggled", self.passCallback) self.passButton.connect("clicked", self.passButtonCallback) self.setPassLabel() box = gtk.HBox(gtk.FALSE, 5) box.pack_start(self.usePassCb) box.pack_start(self.passButton) vbox.pack_start(box, gtk.FALSE) alignment = gtk.Alignment() alignment.set(0.1, 0, 0, 0) alignment.add(vbox) self.widget = alignment def getWidget(self): return self.widget def getPassword(self): # XXX should we handle the only having a crypted password case? if self.usePassCb.get_active() and self.password: return self.password else: return None # set the label on the button for the bootloader password def setPassLabel(self): self.passButton.set_label(_("Change _password")) if not self.usePassCb.get_active() or not self.password: self.passButton.set_sensitive(gtk.FALSE) else: self.passButton.set_sensitive(gtk.TRUE) # callback for when the password checkbox is clicked def passCallback(self, widget, *args): if not widget.get_active(): self.passButton.set_sensitive(gtk.FALSE) self.setPassLabel() else: if self.passwordWindow() == 2: widget.set_active(0) self.setPassLabel() # callback for when the password button is clicked def passButtonCallback(self, widget, *args): self.passwordWindow() self.setPassLabel() # get the bootloader password def passwordWindow(self, *args): dialog = gtk.Dialog(_("Enter Boot Loader Password"), self.parent) dialog.add_button('gtk-cancel', 2) dialog.add_button('gtk-ok', 1) dialog.set_position(gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER) gui.addFrame(dialog) label = gui.WrappingLabel(_("Enter a boot loader password and then confirm it. (Note that your BIOS keymap may be different than the actual keymap you are used to.)")) label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.0) dialog.vbox.pack_start(label) table = gtk.Table(2, 2) table.set_row_spacings(5) table.set_col_spacings(5) label = gui.MnemonicLabel(_("_Password:")) table.attach(label, 0, 1, 2, 3, gtk.FILL, 0, 10) pwEntry = gtk.Entry (16) pwEntry.set_visibility (gtk.FALSE) label.set_mnemonic_widget(pwEntry) table.attach(pwEntry, 1, 2, 2, 3, gtk.FILL, 0, 10) label = gui.MnemonicLabel(_("Con_firm:")) table.attach(label, 0, 1, 3, 4, gtk.FILL, 0, 10) confirmEntry = gtk.Entry (16) confirmEntry.set_visibility (gtk.FALSE) label.set_mnemonic_widget(confirmEntry) table.attach(confirmEntry, 1, 2, 3, 4, gtk.FILL, 0, 10) dialog.vbox.pack_start(table) # set the default if self.password: pwEntry.set_text(self.password) confirmEntry.set_text(self.password) dialog.show_all() while 1: rc = dialog.run() if rc == 2: break if pwEntry.get_text() != confirmEntry.get_text(): self.intf.messageWindow(_("Passwords don't match"), _("Passwords do not match"), type='warning') continue thePass = pwEntry.get_text() if not thePass: continue if len(thePass) < 6: ret = self.intf.messageWindow(_("Warning"), _("Your boot loader password is less than " "six characters. We recommend a longer " "boot loader password." "\n\n" "Would you like to continue with this " "password?"), type = "yesno") if ret == 0: continue self.password = thePass break dialog.destroy() return rc