# # Copyright (C) 2009 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # import gettext _ = lambda x: gettext.ldgettext("anaconda", x) # UI methods for supporting adding advanced storage devices. import gobject import gtk import gtk.glade import gui import iutil import network import storage.fcoe import storage.iscsi from netconfig_dialog import NetworkConfigurator def addFcoeDrive(anaconda): (dxml, dialog) = gui.getGladeWidget("fcoe-config.glade", "fcoeDialog") combo = dxml.get_widget("fcoeNicCombo") dcb_cb = dxml.get_widget("dcbCheckbutton") # Populate the combo cell = gtk.CellRendererText() combo.pack_start(cell, True) combo.set_attributes(cell, text = 0) cell.set_property("wrap-width", 525) combo.set_size_request(480, -1) store = gtk.TreeStore(gobject.TYPE_STRING, gobject.TYPE_STRING) combo.set_model(store) netdevs = anaconda.network.available() keys = netdevs.keys() keys.sort() selected_interface = None for dev in keys: # Skip NICs which are connected (iow in use for a net install) if dev in network.getActiveNetDevs(): continue i = store.append(None) desc = netdevs[dev].get("DESC") if desc: desc = "%s - %s" %(dev, desc) else: desc = "%s" %(dev,) mac = netdevs[dev].get("HWADDR") if mac: desc = "%s - %s" %(desc, mac) if selected_interface is None: selected_interface = i store[i] = (desc, dev) if selected_interface: combo.set_active_iter(selected_interface) else: combo.set_active(0) # Show the dialog gui.addFrame(dialog) dialog.show_all() sg = gtk.SizeGroup(gtk.SIZE_GROUP_HORIZONTAL) sg.add_widget(dxml.get_widget("fcoeNicCombo")) while True: rc = dialog.run() if rc in [gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_DELETE_EVENT]: break iter = combo.get_active_iter() if iter is None: anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Error"), _("You must select a NIC to use."), type="warning", custom_icon="error") continue try: anaconda.storage.fcoe.addSan(store.get_value(iter, 1), dcb=dcb_cb.get_active(), intf=anaconda.intf) except IOError as e: anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Error"), str(e)) rc = gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL break dialog.destroy() return rc def addIscsiDrive(anaconda): if not network.hasActiveNetDev(): net = NetworkConfigurator(anaconda.network) ret = net.run() net.destroy() if ret != gtk.RESPONSE_OK: return ret (dxml, dialog) = gui.getGladeWidget("iscsi-config.glade", "iscsiDialog") gui.addFrame(dialog) dialog.show_all() sg = gtk.SizeGroup(gtk.SIZE_GROUP_HORIZONTAL) for w in ["iscsiAddrEntry", "iscsiInitiatorEntry", "userEntry", "passEntry", "userinEntry", "passinEntry"]: sg.add_widget(dxml.get_widget(w)) # get the initiator name if it exists and don't allow changing # once set e = dxml.get_widget("iscsiInitiatorEntry") e.set_text(anaconda.storage.iscsi.initiator) if anaconda.storage.iscsi.initiatorSet: e.set_sensitive(False) while True: rc = dialog.run() if rc in [gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_DELETE_EVENT]: break initiator = e.get_text().strip() if len(initiator) == 0: anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Invalid Initiator Name"), _("You must provide an initiator name.")) continue anaconda.storage.iscsi.initiator = initiator target = dxml.get_widget("iscsiAddrEntry").get_text().strip() user = dxml.get_widget("userEntry").get_text().strip() pw = dxml.get_widget("passEntry").get_text().strip() user_in = dxml.get_widget("userinEntry").get_text().strip() pw_in = dxml.get_widget("passinEntry").get_text().strip() try: count = len(target.split(":")) idx = target.rfind("]:") # Check for IPV6 [IPV6-ip]:port if idx != -1: ip = target[1:idx] port = target[idx+2:] # Check for IPV4 aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd:port elif count == 2: idx = target.rfind(":") ip = target[:idx] port = target[idx+1:] else: ip = target port = "3260" network.sanityCheckIPString(ip) except (network.IPMissing, network.IPError) as msg: anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Error with Data"), msg) continue try: anaconda.storage.iscsi.addTarget(ip, port, user, pw, user_in, pw_in, anaconda.intf) except ValueError as e: anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Error"), str(e)) continue except IOError as e: anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Error"), str(e)) rc = gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL break dialog.destroy() return rc def addZfcpDrive(anaconda): (dxml, dialog) = gui.getGladeWidget("zfcp-config.glade", "zfcpDialog") gui.addFrame(dialog) dialog.show_all() sg = gtk.SizeGroup(gtk.SIZE_GROUP_HORIZONTAL) for w in ["devnumEntry", "wwpnEntry", "fcplunEntry"]: sg.add_widget(dxml.get_widget(w)) while True: rc = dialog.run() if rc != gtk.RESPONSE_APPLY: break devnum = dxml.get_widget("devnumEntry").get_text().strip() wwpn = dxml.get_widget("wwpnEntry").get_text().strip() fcplun = dxml.get_widget("fcplunEntry").get_text().strip() try: anaconda.storage.zfcp.addFCP(devnum, wwpn, fcplun) except ValueError as e: anaconda.intf.messageWindow(_("Error"), str(e)) continue break dialog.destroy() return rc def addDrive(anaconda): (dxml, dialog) = gui.getGladeWidget("adddrive.glade", "addDriveDialog") gui.addFrame(dialog) dialog.show_all() if not iutil.isS390(): dxml.get_widget("zfcpRadio").hide() dxml.get_widget("zfcpRadio").set_group(None) if not storage.iscsi.has_iscsi(): dxml.get_widget("iscsiRadio").set_sensitive(False) dxml.get_widget("iscsiRadio").set_active(False) if not storage.fcoe.has_fcoe(): dxml.get_widget("fcoeRadio").set_sensitive(False) dxml.get_widget("fcoeRadio").set_active(False) #figure out what advanced devices we have available and set sensible default group = dxml.get_widget("iscsiRadio").get_group() for button in group: if button is not None and button.get_property("sensitive"): button.set_active(True) break rc = dialog.run() dialog.hide() if rc in [gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_DELETE_EVENT]: return False if dxml.get_widget("iscsiRadio").get_active() and storage.iscsi.has_iscsi(): rc = addIscsiDrive(anaconda) elif dxml.get_widget("fcoeRadio").get_active() and storage.fcoe.has_fcoe(): rc = addFcoeDrive(anaconda) elif dxml.get_widget("zfcpRadio") is not None and dxml.get_widget("zfcpRadio").get_active(): rc = addZfcpDrive(anaconda) dialog.destroy() if rc in [gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL, gtk.RESPONSE_DELETE_EVENT]: return False else: return True