# # account_gui.py: gui root password and user creation dialog # # Copyright 2000-2007 Red Hat, Inc. # # This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU # library public license. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # import gtk import gobject import re import string import gui from iw_gui import * from rhpl.translate import _, N_ from flags import flags def handleCapsLockRelease(window, event, label): if event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Caps_Lock and event.state & gtk.gdk.LOCK_MASK: if label.get_text() == "": label.set_text(_("Caps Lock is on.")) label.set_use_markup(True) else: label.set_text("") class AccountWindow (InstallWindow): windowTitle = N_("Set Root Password") def getNext (self): def passwordError(): self.pw.set_text("") self.confirm.set_text("") self.pw.grab_focus() raise gui.StayOnScreen if not self.__dict__.has_key("pw"): return None pw = self.pw.get_text() confirm = self.confirm.get_text() if not pw or not confirm: self.intf.messageWindow(_("Error with Password"), _("You must enter your root password " "and confirm it by typing it a second " "time to continue."), custom_icon="error") passwordError() if pw != confirm: self.intf.messageWindow(_("Error with Password"), _("The passwords you entered were " "different. Please try again."), custom_icon="error") passwordError() if len(pw) < 6: self.intf.messageWindow(_("Error with Password"), _("The root password must be at least " "six characters long."), custom_icon="error") passwordError() allowed = string.digits + string.ascii_letters + string.punctuation + " " for letter in pw: if letter not in allowed: self.intf.messageWindow(_("Error with Password"), _("Requested password contains " "non-ASCII characters, which are " "not allowed."), custom_icon="error") passwordError() self.rootPassword["password"] = self.pw.get_text() self.rootPassword["isCrypted"] = False return None def setFocus (self, area, data): self.pw.grab_focus () # AccountWindow tag="accts" def getScreen (self, anaconda): self.rootPassword = anaconda.id.rootPassword self.intf = anaconda.intf self.capsLabel = gtk.Label() self.capsLabel.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5) self.intf.icw.window.connect("key-release-event", lambda w, e: handleCapsLockRelease(w, e, self.capsLabel)) self.passwords = {} box = gtk.VBox () box.set_border_width(5) hbox = gtk.HBox() pix = gui.readImageFromFile ("root-password.png") if pix: hbox.pack_start (pix, False) label = gui.WrappingLabel (_("The root account is used for " "administering the system. Enter " "a password for the root user.")) label.set_line_wrap(True) label.set_size_request(350, -1) label.set_alignment(0.0, 0.5) hbox.pack_start(label, False) box.pack_start(hbox, False) table = gtk.Table (3, 2) table.set_size_request(365, -1) table.set_row_spacings (5) table.set_col_spacings (5) pass1 = gui.MnemonicLabel (_("Root _Password: ")) pass1.set_alignment (0.0, 0.5) table.attach (pass1, 0, 1, 0, 1, gtk.FILL, 0, 10) pass2 = gui.MnemonicLabel (_("_Confirm: ")) pass2.set_alignment (0.0, 0.5) table.attach (pass2, 0, 1, 1, 2, gtk.FILL, 0, 10) self.pw = gtk.Entry (128) pass1.set_mnemonic_widget(self.pw) self.pw.connect ("activate", lambda widget, box=box: box.emit("focus", gtk.DIR_TAB_FORWARD)) self.pw.connect ("map-event", self.setFocus) self.pw.set_visibility (False) self.confirm = gtk.Entry (128) pass2.set_mnemonic_widget(self.confirm) self.confirm.connect ("activate", lambda widget, box=box: self.ics.setGrabNext(1)) self.confirm.set_visibility (False) table.attach (self.pw, 1, 2, 0, 1, gtk.FILL|gtk.EXPAND, 5) table.attach (self.confirm, 1, 2, 1, 2, gtk.FILL|gtk.EXPAND, 5) table.attach (self.capsLabel, 1, 2, 2, 3, gtk.FILL|gtk.EXPAND, 5) hbox = gtk.HBox() hbox.pack_start(table, False) box.pack_start (hbox, False) # root password statusbar self.rootStatus = gtk.Label ("") wrapper = gtk.HBox(0, False) wrapper.pack_start (self.rootStatus) box.pack_start (wrapper, False) if not self.rootPassword["isCrypted"]: self.pw.set_text(self.rootPassword["password"]) self.confirm.set_text(self.rootPassword["password"]) return box