# # account_gui.py: gui root password and crypt algorithm dialog # # Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, Red Hat Inc. # 2006, 2007, 2008 # All rights reserved. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # import gtk import string import gui from iw_gui import * from flags import flags from constants import * import cracklib import _isys import gettext _ = lambda x: gettext.ldgettext("anaconda", x) class AccountWindow (InstallWindow): def getScreen(self, anaconda): self.rootPassword = anaconda.id.rootPassword self.intf = anaconda.intf (self.xml, self.align) = gui.getGladeWidget("account.glade", "account_align") self.icon = self.xml.get_widget("icon") self.capslock = self.xml.get_widget("capslock") self.pwlabel = self.xml.get_widget("pwlabel") self.pw = self.xml.get_widget("pw") self.confirmlabel = self.xml.get_widget("confirmlabel") self.confirm = self.xml.get_widget("confirm") # load the icon gui.readImageFromFile("root-password.png", image=self.icon) # connect hotkeys self.pwlabel.set_text_with_mnemonic(_("Root _Password:")) self.pwlabel.set_mnemonic_widget(self.pw) self.confirmlabel.set_text_with_mnemonic(_("_Confirm:")) self.confirmlabel.set_mnemonic_widget(self.confirm) # watch for Caps Lock so we can warn the user self.intf.icw.window.connect("key-release-event", lambda w, e: self.handleCapsLockRelease(w, e, self.capslock)) # we might have a root password already if not self.rootPassword['isCrypted']: self.pw.set_text(self.rootPassword['password']) self.confirm.set_text(self.rootPassword['password']) # make sure pw has the focus when we enter the screen vbox = self.xml.get_widget("account_box") self.pw.connect("activate", lambda widget, vbox=vbox: vbox.emit("focus", gtk.DIR_TAB_FORWARD)) self.pw.connect("map-event", self.setFocus) # pressing Enter in confirm == clicking Next self.confirm.connect("activate", lambda widget, vbox=vbox: self.ics.setGrabNext(1)) # set initial caps lock label text self.setCapsLockLabel() return self.align def setFocus(self, area, data): self.pw.grab_focus() def passwordError(self): self.pw.set_text("") self.confirm.set_text("") self.pw.grab_focus() raise gui.StayOnScreen def handleCapsLockRelease(self, window, event, label): if event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Caps_Lock and \ event.state & gtk.gdk.LOCK_MASK: self.setCapsLockLabel() def setCapsLockLabel(self): if _isys.isCapsLockEnabled(): self.capslock.set_text("" + _("Caps Lock is on.") + "") self.capslock.set_use_markup(True) else: self.capslock.set_text("") def getNext (self): pw = self.pw.get_text() confirm = self.confirm.get_text() if not pw or not confirm: self.intf.messageWindow(_("Error with Password"), _("You must enter your root password " "and confirm it by typing it a second " "time to continue."), custom_icon="error") self.passwordError() if pw != confirm: self.intf.messageWindow(_("Error with Password"), _("The passwords you entered were " "different. Please try again."), custom_icon="error") self.passwordError() if len(pw) < 6: self.intf.messageWindow(_("Error with Password"), _("The root password must be at least " "six characters long."), custom_icon="error") self.passwordError() msg = cracklib.FascistCheck(pw) if msg is not None: msg = gettext.ldgettext("cracklib", msg) ret = self.intf.messageWindow(_("Weak Password"), _("Weak password provided: %s" "\n\n" "Would you like to continue with " "this password?") % (msg, ), type = "yesno") if ret == 0: self.passwordError() legal = string.digits + string.ascii_letters + string.punctuation + " " for letter in pw: if letter not in legal: self.intf.messageWindow(_("Error with Password"), _("Requested password contains " "non-ASCII characters, which are " "not allowed."), custom_icon="error") self.passwordError() self.rootPassword["password"] = self.pw.get_text() self.rootPassword["isCrypted"] = False return None